What are some recipes for avocado and lime soup?

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
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In summary, the conversation revolves around Evo's upcoming surgery and everyone is wishing her well and hoping for a speedy recovery. There is also some humorous banter about her potentially getting a boob job or chakra realignment during the surgery. Overall, the group is sending their best wishes and positive thoughts for a successful operation and quick recovery.
  • #141
Welcome home, Evo! It sounds like an adventurous hospital visit, even though short and compressed. I'm assuming you have someone staying with you, yes? To keep an eye on you and whatnot? (I know that the "whatnot" is the most important stuff.)

Your throat is concerning. However, as with everything else, I trust your judgment to figure out when to press for more help.

I'm glad you came through all intact.
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  • #142
Evo said:
I called my surgeon's "back up" since he is off and asked her why no one was concerned about why I was progressivley having more pain and more difficulty swallowing. She said she didn't know. When the nurse reported that i could no longer swallow pills, she's the one that changed me to liquid pain killers. I asked her if it was normal for these blisters to develop and she said no, so I asked her what I should do and she said she didn't know.

Is it just me, or does it sound as though they didn't care one bit about your throat slowyly closing off? To me that's more serious than the surgery you just had!

Otherwise, glad to hear you came out OK Evo.

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  • #143
I guess I'm late on the welcome back bandwagon.

I can't give any medical advice but you should make a racket about them not giving you more attention for that throat of yours.
  • #144
Evo said:
I think the throat thing is getting serious, my throat is covered with red blisters, my fever is going up, and I have a red rash on my face. I called my surgeon's "back up" since he is off and asked her why no one was concerned about why I was progressivley having more pain and more difficulty swallowing. She said she didn't know. When the nurse reported that i could no longer swallow pills, she's the one that changed me to liquid pain killers. I asked her if it was normal for these blisters to develop and she said no, so I asked her what I should do and she said she didn't know. If I'm not better in the morning, I'm going to the emergency room.
Fever and red rash is not a good sign. I hope Evo Child will check on you in the morning. I'd be concerned about a staph infection, which could be very serious if it gets in the blood system. Does the doctor or hospital staff know about the fever AND red rash. If the fever is anything around 102 or over, that's serious.

I assume you're on antibiotics - I hope.
  • #145
Sweetie, I'd just go to the ER now. You just had major surgery and are now presenting some form of infection! I'm so glad you're okay from the surgery itself, but don't take any chances with your recovery! Get to the ER stat!

- Warren
  • #146
YES! What Warren said! GO to the ER NOW! :smile: Please? Post Op fevers are not to be messed around with.
  • #147
Do you think that Evo is going to follow reasonable guidelines? Her super-being mentality will let her ignore her own best self-interest. I wish I lived near, so I could kick her butt back to the hospital!
  • #148
I hope she went---my first thought was it could be something like MRSA--its prevalent in hospitals and its quick acting
  • #149
Evo said:
That wasn't a nurse, that was the SURGEON!

I have had similar experiences with doctors, where their "expertise" was painfully lacking. Give them hell Evo! You/your medical aid is paying these people disgusting salaries, let them earn it.
  • #150
Glad to know you are back Evo, I have missed you by about half an hour (time zones thing). But it looks like we can be back to pacing :frown:
  • #151
Get better, and keep us updated.
  • #152
Aww glad to hear you're ok Evo but worried about that fever & rash. I can't understand how the doctor doesn't "know" what is going on. You have to do something and not be a sitting duck.

Take care and keep us updated.
  • #153
Oh Evo, I was so happy to hear you made it home. Hope you went back to the ER, post-op infections can be really bad, and nothing to mess around with.
I better start pacing again...
  • #154
Please go back to the ER now, if you haven't already! I had an infection after I had my appendix out and it was pretty bad. Luckily antibiotics were enough to fix the problem. My point is, from personal experience I can say, if you think you have an infection from the operation, get it checked out as soon as possible because they are nothing to mess around with.
  • #155
When it was just blisters that the doctor dismissed, I thought maybe it was from them poking around in there, or that they literally rubbed you the wrong way when giving you a trach. tube for the surgery, but this sounds like much more now.

The fever and rash are VERY concerning. If for some reason you haven't listened to everybody else yet, get to the ER NOW!

Just undergoing anesthesia can be enough stress on your body for an infection to flourish. And since they were poking around with your stomach and esophagus, you have open places for bugs to really sneak in and get where they don't belong. And, just so you take this seriously enough if you haven't yet, I AM going to scare you...infections in the throat, especially if they have places to get out to the other side as they would following surgery, have a pretty clear path to get all the way down into your chest to cause infection around the heart, or up to your brain to develop meningitis. Don't mess around waiting. It could be anything from serious post-op infection, an opportunistic bug that has just taken advantage of a weakened immune system due to stress, or an allergic reaction to medication you're on. Those are all potentially life threatening if you wait, so get to the ER and have them figure out what's wrong.
  • #156
Surely the Evo child dragged her to the ER.
  • #157
Since we haven't heard anything I'm sure we can assume she's done the sensible thing.
  • #158
But that was the plan all the time anyway.

Evo said:
... If I'm not better in the morning, I'm going to the emergency room.

Crossing fingers.
  • #159
Pacing faster...
  • #160
I think it's safe to assume that she's back in the hospital. Let's just think some good thoughts. We'll hear something soon (I hope).
  • #161
I will assume that, she is resting comfortably in a room with a very nice and quiet{Mrs Cleaver} room mate.
  • #162
Another scenario: her roommate is another evangelical and a non-stop talker to boot. "Honey, if y'all need me to be quiet why jest holler. Now as I wuz sayin, in Luke 10:20 the Lord sayeth unto the..."

Meanwhile, those throat sores prevent our friend from uttering a sound.

(All kidding aside, am hoping for the best.)
  • #163
Is Harper Lee in the room? :rolleyes:
  • #164
If Evo did go back to ER, I just wish she'd done it last night.

At any rate, back on watch, and I'll keep checking back and sending positive energies.
  • #165
It's nerve-wracking...
  • #166
Redbelly98 said:
Another scenario: her roommate is another evangelical and a non-stop talker to boot. "Honey, if y'all need me to be quiet why jest holler. Now as I wuz sayin, in Luke 10:20 the Lord sayeth unto the..."

Meanwhile, those throat sores prevent our friend from uttering a sound.

(All kidding aside, am hoping for the best.)

...with the TV on Fox News REALLY LOUD...!
  • #167
lisab said:
...with the TV on Fox News REALLY LOUD...!
Could be worse...they could have a cable channel with back-to-back Dr. Phil. I HATE that pompous windbag. Oprah should crawl under a rock for giving him her show for a venue.
  • #168
I was imagining banjos.
  • #169
Oh, no! The Darling family visits Charlene in Evo's semi-private room and Evo never gets to hear "Slimy River Bottom" because that song makes Charlene cry.
  • #170
Math Is Hard said:
I was imagining banjos.

Dueling ones?
  • #171
someone's handing Evo an empty jug about now and saying, "just jump in where you can, little lady, and try to hang on."
  • #172
Evo said:
Ok, everyone has to get some kind of instant messaging. I NEED TO CHAT!

Welcome back, hope you get well soon. Might I suggest an IRC server? Then everyone culd just get a messenger like Trillian, or an IRC specific one, and then we could all meet on there, whenever. Hell, isn't the chat here an IRC? We could just use it without the built in interface.
  • #173
binzing said:
Welcome back, hope you get well soon. Might I suggest an IRC server? Then everyone culd just get a messenger like Trillian, or an IRC specific one, and then we could all meet on there, whenever. Hell, isn't the chat here an IRC? We could just use it without the built in interface.
Pretty sure that the PF chat is a Java-driven feature...
  • #174
Math Is Hard said:
someone's handing Evo an empty jug about now and saying, "just jump in where you can, little lady, and try to hang on."
  • #175
Math Is Hard said:
someone's handing Evo an empty jug about now and saying, "just jump in where you can, little lady, and try to hang on."
Actually, it's pretty darned hard to tune a jug properly when it's empty. Of course, it could be pretty tough to tune a jug properly if it's real full, unless you have a lot of helpers to take some of the load.

BTW, my little brother bought a nice larger boat with a center console and and electric-start motor, bilge pump, etc, so I have taken possession of my father's old WTGrant light-weight aluminum boat AND (ta-daa!) his ~1960 Evinrude Lightwin 3. A friend of mine is performing a re-build on the motor, and I hope to have it back soon. What a sweet set-up! I've been pretty much concentrating on pond-fishing with canoes, but this outfit will get me back onto rivers, lakes and larger ponds. If my wife had this combo, I'd have to marry her all over again.

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