What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #5,356
Wonder if there is any protocol for repeatedly seeing, coinciding/with, a person you don't know: " You look like some I've never met?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #5,357
  • #5,358
Wow, VMWare is running chkdsk, a check on a ...virtual disk. Can a virtual disk in a VM be damaged?
  • #5,359
WWGD said:
Wow, VMWare is running chkdsk, a check on a ...virtual disk. Can a virtual disk in a VM be damaged?
Yes, afterwards.
  • #5,360
fresh_42 said:
Yes, afterwards.
After what? Damaged what, the source mimicking the disk?
  • #5,362
I was absent -minded in my suggestion to reboot when the keyboard wasnt working. But to make it worse, she left before i could suggest she use the OSK.
  • #5,363
Just submitted my paper, hope it will be accepted. "Cloud Storage: Why would anyone want to store a @$%! cloud?".
  • #5,364
I hope you listed all positive answers! I can imagine a few dozens of applications in meteorology, aerodynamics, etc. And not to forget the thousands of cloud chambers we already have! How would you equip them? By a just-in-time production of clouds? Not every company can afford its own cloud production machinery.
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Likes Klystron and BillTre
  • #5,365
Free the clouds!
Enhance global albedo!
Fight global warming!
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Likes Klystron and fresh_42
  • #5,366
BillTre said:
Free the clouds!
Enhance global albedo!
Fight global warming!
Reminds me of what I demanded when at school:

Free Greenland!
Away with the pack ice!

However, I didn't really think I would be successful one day. What once was a joke ...
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  • #5,367
WWGD said:
"Cloud Storage: Why would anyone want to store a @$%! cloud?".
For a rainy day, of course.
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  • #5,368
Ibix said:
For a rainy day, of course.
So not likely needed in the UK, I hear.
  • #5,369
WWGD said:
So not likely needed in the UK, I hear.
It depends whether I mean storing it so that I can have a rainy day, or for use on a rainy day.
  • #5,370
Ibix said:
For a rainy day, of course.
Which one is your favorite one according to Rob McKenna's numbering system? I prefer the long lasting ones which we call "land rain" here. IIRC it is number 51.
And as he drove on, the rainclouds dragged down the sky after him, for, though he did not know it, Rob McKenna was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him, and to water him.
  • #5,372
Ibix said:
I don't have a favourite rain. I always like listening to it. Although I'll admit a preference for "not too heavy" if I have to be out in it.

Rob McKenna and his numbering system.
How about the colo(u)r: do you mind if it is, say,...Purple?
  • #5,373
WWGD said:
How about the colo(u)r: do you mind if it is, say,...Purple?
Only if it makes Deep puddles.
  • #5,374
Ibix said:
Only if it makes Deep puddles.
I assume it will, as doves will cry purple tears, -- from the way I stretch this analogy beyond reason.
  • #5,375
Wow, NFL (National Football League) player retires to pursue PHD degree in Mathematics at MIT. The guy was playing full time and going to school for his PHD full time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Urschel

And he has co-written 6 peer-reviewed papers.

EDIT: And it seems he retired from the NFL because MIT did not allow him to work while studying full time, not because he could not handle both.
Last edited:
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Likes BillTre
  • #5,376
WWGD said:
Wow, NFL (National Football League) player retires to pursue PHD degree in Mathematics at MIT. The guy was playing full time and going to school for his PHD full time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Urschel

And he has co-written 6 peer-reviewed papers.
Yes, but the important thing is, that the Ravens got worse as he left.
  • #5,377
I never got into the game but I envy those who follow it with so much interest. For them, a party is just having some snacks, a beer and a TV at game time. Simple enjoyment, no fuss, nothing fancy needed.
  • #5,378
There may be some dumb guys in sports, but there are a lot of smart ones too!
The smarter ones often do well by exceeding their mere physical endowments.
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Likes WWGD
  • #5,379
BillTre said:
There may be some dumb guys in sports, but there are a lot of smart ones too!
The smarter ones often do well by exceeding their mere physical endowments.
I used t obe an academic snob until I listened to some of these guys ( baseball, basketball) analyzing their opponents. They were pretty sharp. Maybe not traditionally book-smart, but pretty smart n0netheless.
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Likes BillTre
  • #5,380
WWGD said:
I used t obe an academic snob until I listened to some of these guys ( baseball, basketball) analyzing their opponents. They were pretty sharp. Maybe not traditionally book-smart, but pretty smart n0netheless.
Check out Sabermetrics. Saber = Society for American Baseball Research. They do analysis.
Currently, there is a developmental (developing talent) approach which uses analysis plus high speed video, radar, and physics to determine how to best throw a pitch or hit a ball.
I believe the Astros are currently considered the best at this approach, but they have competition.
Here is a book I am currently reading on this.

Not all players like this approach, but those that do can make good use of it to further advance their careers.
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  • #5,381
BillTre said:
Check out Sabermetrics. Saber = Society for American Baseball Research. They do analysis.
Currently, there is a developmental (developing talent) approach which uses analysis plus high speed video, radar, and physics to determine how to best throw a pitch or hit a ball.
I believe the Astro are currently considered the best at this approach, but they have competition.
Here is a book I am currently reading on this.

Not all players like this approach, but those that do can make good use of it to further advance their careers.
Interesting links, thanks!Yes, raw talent alone is no guarantee anymore. But I hear the home run surge is a result of the use of saber-metrics. Pitchers know hitters too well , so the batter's best strategy, it seems, is to try to knock it out of the park. I don't know enough about it to vouch for it, but that is what I have read.
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  • #5,382
Both the batters and pitchers are beneficiaries.
Its one of those arms races.

Pitchers are getting more ball movement and less arm strain among other things.
Batters are getting better swing mechanics for more contact and power.
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Likes WWGD
  • #5,383
BillTre said:
Both the batters and pitchers are beneficiaries.
Its one of those arms races.

Pitchers are getting more ball movement and less arm strain among other things.
Batters are getting better swing mechanics for more contact and power.
I am torn between feeling excited towards the new game and nostalgic for the old one. Nostalgia is not what it used to be...(sigh). Wonder if we will hit a sort of "Minimax" game, as in game theory.
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Likes BillTre
  • #5,384
Now (having read about them) I am wanting an Edgertronic high speed video camera.
Much cheaper (~5.5 k$'s) then previous cams for high speed. Comparable products are 3-4x as much I think.
I have wanted to make high speed videos for quite a while.

Somebody start a Go-Fund-Me for me!
  • #5,385
Nerds in Paradise: World Almanac and Book of Facts 2020 is out.
  • #5,386
WWGD said:
Nerds in Paradise: World Almanac and Book of Facts 2020 is out.
You Americans are obsessed with sports statistics!
  • #5,387
fresh_42 said:
You Americans are obsessed with sports statistics!
It's general world stats, not just sports. A fun book to browse, but getting to be expensive at $15.19 ( Around E13.50).
  • #5,388
fresh_42 said:
You Americans are obsessed with sports statistics!
What's kind of absurd is some team names, like Santa Barbara Penguins, etc., a beach team named after penguins.
  • #5,389
WWGD said:
What's kind of absurd is some team names, like Santa Barbara Penguins, etc., a beach team named after penguins.
Dangerous territory this is. Some names not pc are.
  • #5,390
fresh_42 said:
Dangerous territory this is. Some names not pc are.
Talking about PC, I almost got into a major argument because I referred to a female common acquaintance as a colleague and the other person heard instead "Collie", a dog, as if I was saying she is (ugly like) a dog. Surreal, let alone the fact that I could barely keep myself from laughing because of the absurdity of the situation. I sometimes laugh when I am both tired and stressed out. I guess my way of relieving stress.

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