What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #6,931
WWGD said:
Is it reasonably under control?
685 × 688
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #6,932
Keith_McClary said:
Seems to have somewhat stabilized since 2004, but it did seem pretty bad back then.
  • #6,933
WWGD said:
Seems to have somewhat stabilized since 2004, but it did seem pretty bad back then.
IIRC The testing we did was in 2009
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  • #6,934
dlgoff said:
IIRC The testing we did was in 2009
How about a massive BBQ, with one of those on a spit? Should be able to feed like 50 people?
  • #6,935
WWGD said:
How about a massive BBQ, with one of those on a spit? Should be able to feed like 50 people?
I think I'll pass. :oldruck:
  • #6,936
WWGD said:
How about a massive BBQ, with one of those on a spit? Should be able to feed like 50 people?
One thing is for sure: we cannot speak of spare ribs anymore in that case.
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  • #6,938
Is this behavior unique to Pigs/Boars? I have heard of feral cats, but AFAIK, it is a minor, local thing, not packs of wild cats traveling along whole countries?
  • #6,939
WWGD said:
Is this behavior unique to Pigs/Boars?
Nope. It is called Columbian exchange.
  • #6,940
fresh_42 said:
Nope. It is called Columbian exchange.
Pablo Escobars roaming wildly?
  • #6,941
WWGD said:
Pablo Escobars roaming wildly?
Rather fruits and bees, and potatoes on the other side of the pond.

Edit: Is it Columbus exchange? I mean Columbus didn't exchange. Not even his incapabilty to navigate.
  • #6,942
fresh_42 said:
Rather fruits and bees, and potatoes on the other side of the pond.
I was thinking more of packs of wild animals running around. Sort of like those in spring break ;).
  • #6,943
At any rate, one of my dreams was to have an animal made out of spare ribs you could eat and each time you took one, another rib would grow to replace it.
  • #6,944
  • #6,945
  • #6,946
Still brutal , the quarantine, for coffee-shop hangers like myself. Seems Starbucks has become a take out-only chain.
  • #6,947
Re random, just learned the accents on Czech letters are called diacritics. But I am too lazy to find out the name of the slashed lines in some Polish words.
  • #6,948
Site for filling surveys for pay seemed like a fun way of making money until I computed it came down to around $2.50 per hour on average. I think I will pass.
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  • #6,949
Interviews... :oldruck:
  • #6,950
Borg said:
Interviews... :oldruck:
I sympathise. The only thing worse than having a job interview is running one, IMO.
  • #6,951
No, I believe it's spelled subdued, not subdude. A subdude is someone not good-enough to be a dude, I believe.
  • #6,952
Clearly, every dude is its own subdude o0)
Last edited:
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  • #6,953
nuuskur said:
Clearly, every dude is its own subdude o0)
I am often overdude. :confused:
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  • #6,954
nuuskur said:
Clearly, every dude is its own subdude o0)
Depends on the choice of embedding.
  • #6,955
Will out my goid clothes ob and go shower now that Belinda is free and worth $65 billion.
  • #6,956
People who's names give them a head start in IT: Dev ( India) and Wotech ( Poland).
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  • #6,957
" Why are vectors used in Physics"

Because new ones are not available?
  • #6,958
WWGD said:
" Why are vectors used in Physics"

Because new ones are not available?
The new ones go into the video game industry for their vector graphics. They pay better.
  • #6,959
So I was, out of curiosity, looking into what particle physicists do and right out the gate, where or how the hell do they (have the time to) acquire all the necessary math to understand things like tensors, vector fields, covariant derivative and yadayada.. How?! HOW?!

Here's the next wonder of the world - a grad student studying particle physics!
  • #6,960
nuuskur said:
So I was, out of curiosity, looking into what particle physicists do and right out the gate, where or how the hell do they (have the time to) acquire all the necessary math to understand things like tensors, vector fields, covariant derivative and yadayada.. How?! HOW?!

Here's the next wonder of the world - a grad student studying particle physics!
I knew a physics grad student in HEPTH.
  • #6,961
I'm getting paranoid about someone reading all my notifications; bottom of my notifications always says " Mark read". Is that Mark44 reading them all?
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  • #6,962
WWGD said:
I'm getting paranoid about someone reading all my notifications; bottom of my notifications always says " Mark read". Is that Mark44 reading them all?
Principally, yes. However, it is not Mark but Mach. Also not 44, but 2. Furthermore, there was a typo and it had to be ready, not read. Moreover, it's not the notifications, rather than the projected speed at which they are planned to be deleted.
  • #6,963
fresh_42 said:
Principally, yes. However, it is not Mark but Mach. Also not 44, but 2. Furthermore, there was a typo and it had to be ready, not read. Moreover, it's not the notifications, rather than the projected speed at which they are planned to be deleted.
Mark McMach? Or Marky Mark?
  • #6,964
fresh_42 said:
Principally, yes. However, it is not Mark but Mach. Also not 44, but 2. Furthermore, there was a typo and it had to be ready, not read. Moreover, it's not the notifications, rather than the projected speed at which they are planned to be deleted.
I always wondered if people who had theorems or other names would refer to them. Would Cauchy refer to " We conclude by my Theorem"? Would Mach say he flew at " Me 2"( Mach 2)?
  • #6,965
WWGD said:
I always wondered if people who had theorems or other names would refer to them. Would Cauchy refer to " We conclude by my Theorem"? Would Mach say he flew at " Me 2"( Mach 2)?
Rindler referred to a space using Rindler coordinates as "the uniformly accelerated lattice" or "rocket coordinates", although he did acknowledge that the space "is occasionally referred to as Rindler space".
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