What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #7,176
If ever you need a 1.3 x 10^6 character password generator, here is your Source
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #7,177
  • #7,178
BWV said:
If ever you need a 1.3 x 10^6 character password generator, here is your Source.
Where did you get my last C compiler call under UNIX from?
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  • #7,179
fresh_42 said:
Where did you get my last C compiler call under UNIX from?
It's a list of birthdays in Poland.
  • #7,180
I finally figured out how to stop Windows 10 from updating to feature build 2004 whose "security enhancements" include things like lots of in-your-face options to save your data to Microsoft's OneDrive and new abilities to blog from your Outlook email. Since when does an OS security enhancement have to go into desktop applications, completely redesign them (updated Office 2019 to Office 365), change all of the layouts and add new security holes? :headbang:

Here's the link for anyone who's interested in stopping the 2004 feature build from installing:
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  • #7,181
Unless there is something very unusual with my phone, neither charging nor energy use are linear. Don't know why I assumed they would be.
  • #7,182
Not even the power supply is linear.
  • #7,183
I meant charging time or battery time, but maybe charging time is more accurate since I am not using the phone for any else. Battery time otoh may depend on what I use the phone for.
  • #7,184
fresh_42 said:
Not even the power supply is linear.
You mean power output, e.g., KWatts, I guess per unit of time?
  • #7,185
WWGD said:
You mean power output, e.g., KWatts, I guess per unit of time?
I remember that we built a clock at school in physics. We used the power supply as a pulse generator. I know ever since that what comes out of the wall is more a random number generator than anything stable.
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  • #7,186
Borg said:
I finally figured out how to stop Windows 10 from updating to feature build 2004 whose "security enhancements" include things like lots of in-your-face options to save your data to Microsoft's OneDrive and new abilities to blog from your Outlook email. Since when does an OS security enhancement have to go into desktop applications, completely redesign them (updated Office 2019 to Office 365), change all of the layouts and add new security holes? :headbang:

Here's the link for anyone who's interested in stopping the 2004 feature build from installing:
I'm still running windows 7 and have been using this to keep windows 10 from doing it's thing:
GWX Control Panel
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  • #7,187
dlgoff said:
I'm still running windows 7 and have been using this to keep windows 10 from doing it's thing:
GWX Control Panel
How do you do without the security patches/updates?
  • #7,188
If he had said " an outlier" , instead of " a outlier", he would have avoided the a-a " vowel movement".
  • #7,189
dlgoff said:
I'm still running windows 7 and have been using this to keep windows 10 from doing it's thing
I upgraded a W7 laptop to W10 and my old scanner still worked fine. Then had to get a new W10 laptop. According to everything I could find, there is no way to get that scanner to work with W10.
  • #7,190
WWGD said:
How do you do without the security patches/updates?
I use windows update every once in a while.
  • #7,191
New trick for sandwiches. Leave them out for 30 minutes after making them so they reach room temperature.
  • #7,192
dlgoff said:
I use windows update every once in a while.
Does that update security patches?
  • #7,193
WWGD said:
Does that update security patches?
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  • #7,194
dlgoff said:
Still, I assume win 7 will not be supported indefinitely. What do you do then?
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  • #7,195
WWGD said:
Still, I assume win 7 will not be supported indefinitely. What do you do then?
Sometimes, switching backward works surprisingly well.
Nobody writes new viruses for win98 for ages already.
( :wink: )
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  • #7,196
WWGD said:
Still, I assume win 7 will not be supported indefinitely. What do you do then?
I'm not even using it now. I'm using Google Chrome.
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  • #7,197
dlgoff said:
I'm not even using it now. I'm using Google Chrome.
Sorry, did not mean to hound you, just curious. So you're using chrome as your OS and not just a browser?
  • #7,198
No, my mistake. I'm actually using windows 7 as my operating system. Now I feel really dumb. :cry:
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  • #7,199
dlgoff said:
No, my mistake. I'm actually using windows 7 as my operating system. Now I feel really dumb. :cry:
Don't worry, you're still pretty far from asking for the latest version of the interwebs. Or heiling a cab and asking : " Quick, take me to the internet!" ;).
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  • #7,200
I've had decent results with using Google weather (I just search my zip and weather). However, the past two weeks or so have been horrendous.

Constantly says it's going to rain every day and it's never been right except once (been sunny and dry). And it constantly says it's relatively low wind (low single digits to maybe as high as 12 mph). However, it feels more like it's been 15 to even close to 20 mph lately.

Be better Google weather!
  • #7,201
I think the saying, supposedly by Einstein, needs rethinking: " Insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results".
What if I roll a die or flip a coin twice?
  • #7,202
@dlgoff : I am sort on the same boat you are with Windows: SQL Server keeps prompting me to " upgrade"( update). I am comfortable with the present version and doing my best to avoid updating.
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  • #7,203
WWGD said:
@dlgoff : I am sort on the same boat you are with Windows: SQL Server keeps prompting me to " upgrade"( update). I am comfortable with the present version and doing my best to avoid updating.
Give GWX Control Panel a try. That will probably stop that server from asking all the time. There are lots of options built into the program.

Check out my notification area:

I'm never asked.
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  • #7,204
I just realized that i am always confusing these names, and it makes me stressed:
Lagrange, Laguerre, Laplace, Legendre.
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Likes Klystron
  • #7,205
Rant of the Day:

Ebay delivery sucks. I average about 10 days for getting stuff (from date of purchase to delivered). Fastest, I think has been 6 days. The longer ones are fully 14 days (two weeks).

I only go with them, b/c they sell stuff you can't find on Amazon. Rare stuff. Although, I am opposed to Amazon's treatment of warehouse workers, so there's that too. Wish I could combine Amazon's speed with Ebay's hard-to-find stuff and have happy workers.
  • #7,206
kyphysics said:
Rant of the Day:

Ebay delivery sucks. I average about 10 days for getting stuff (from date of purchase to delivered). Fastest, I think has been 6 days. The longer ones are fully 14 days (two weeks).

I only go with them, b/c they sell stuff you can't find on Amazon. Rare stuff. Although, I am opposed to Amazon's treatment of warehouse workers, so there's that too. Wish I could combine Amazon's speed with Ebay's hard-to-find stuff and have happy workers.
I gave up on them at first because of this:
But bit the bullet and went back because of "hard-to-find stuff".
  • #7,207
My new book: " Peanuts,in a nutshell".
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  • #7,208
I was loading music on a flash drive for my car to listen to during an upcoming trip. Just for the heck of it, I loaded a movie on it also. Surprisingly, it works great and displays perfectly on the center console. It will be for my wife's entertainment when I'm driving though (I've seen the movie many times and will be paying attention to the road). :smile:
  • #7,209
Needless to say :
  • #7,210
Amazing tutorial on Tensor Flow. Finally,enough theory without being overwhelming and enough practice, going back and forth.
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