What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #10,746
It seems recently, every time I tell someone of some insight I've had, they all tell me " Of course".
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #10,747
WWGD said:
It seems recently, every time I tell someone of some insight I've had, they all tell me " Of course".
Well, sure they do...
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Likes Swamp Thing, BillTre, WWGD and 1 other person
  • #10,748
It's 102°F here right now here in my town in Kansas with a heat index of 120°F
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Likes collinsmark, pinball1970, BillTre and 1 other person
  • #10,749
dlgoff said:
It's 102°F here right now here in my town in Kansas with a heat index of 120°F
The opposite of your/our issues February this year.
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  • #10,750
WWGD said:
The opposite of your/our issues February this year.
I don't remember what the temperature was then, but I'm sure it was cooler than today. The temp is now 103°F and is forecast to be this hot all this week and next week.
  • #10,751
dlgoff said:
I don't remember what the temperature was then, but I'm sure it was cooler than today. The temp is now 103°F and is forecast to be this hot all this week and next week.
I meant we were all complaining about the too-cold weather back then.
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Likes BillTre and dlgoff
  • #10,752
Despite having complained about it myself at times, it seems anyone with a smart phone complaining of boredom likely lacks in imagination.
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  • #10,753
How (un)charming when Google maps chooses to randomly switch from feet to miles when I was lost. Otherwise, a great _ free_ app.
  • #10,754
Rive said:
... when you start shifting some TB of old data stuck on an old USB2 external drive is the time you'll start to wholeheartedly appreciate USB3 and e-SATA :headbang:
... these times are also great to start appreciating regular and rigorous maintenance of archives.

That ' some TB' of data is ~ 15 years worth of rushed saves during reinstalls of PCs, without any merge or maintenance: some files are already duplicates of duplicates of duplicates.
Of duplicates.

I caught files with ten (?:)) copies:headbang:

... and around a million file to process 😰

Ps.: old filenames with some windows-like, newer are with unix-like character encoding...
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  • #10,755
I'm about yo embark in similar, at a much smaller scale, with my own PC. I have done a bit of maintenance over time, though.

I was thinking of a scheme to transfer, move programs as well, possibly by exporting the registry.
  • #10,756
Another hot day here. 103°F right now.
  • #10,757
dlgoff said:
Another hot day here. 103°F right now.
Thermometer temp, or "feels like"? Hot as hell either way...
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  • #10,759
Roofers just now finishing; expect severe weather (hail again) for the Boulder/Longmont area.
  • #10,760
Bystander said:
Roofers just now finishing; expect severe weather (hail again) for the Boulder/Longmont area.
Lordy! I've seen thunderstorms in the Boulder/Longmont area, and they are no joke. I hope those folks have the good sense to get off the roof when they see the clouds forming...

I've told this story already on PF, but when I first moved to the Boulder Colorado area after graduate school to work for Bell Labs in Northglen, I kept hearing on the radio in the middle of the summer that folks should be careful because thunderstorms were forming. I kept thinking, "What's the big deal, a little rain so we get wet. Why are they so concerned around here?" And then one day I saw a small thundercloud marching over an open field just hammering it with lightning bolts every few seconds, and I understood...

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Likes pinball1970 and dlgoff
  • #10,761
My concern was because the letters of the sign were not kept together. Warby Parker, instead of War by Parker.
  • #10,762
berkeman said:
Thermometer temp, or "feels like"? Hot as hell either way...
I really dislike this "feels like" thing. I'd rather they report the temp, RH, and wind. I can take it from there.
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Likes russ_watters and jack action
  • #10,763
gmax137 said:
I really dislike this "feels like" thing.
from: https://www.acurite.com/learn/gloss..." temperature is,conditions feel to bare skin.
The "feels like" temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold it really feels like outside. The “Feels Like” temperature relies on environmental data including the ambient air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed to determine how weather conditions feel to bare skin.
  • #10,764
gmax137 said:
I really dislike this "feels like" thing. I'd rather they report the temp, RH, and wind. I can take it from there.
That's because you have lots of experience factoring humidity into the expected temperature, so you know already how you will "feel" at that temperature.

I'm from Northern California, I have never developed that skill. After a couple wonderful trips to Hawaii on vacation, I learned what it "feels" like there with their mildly warm temperatures but island humidity. And when I flew back to New Jersey for an interview in the early summer near the end of undergrad, hoo-boy, I learned that moderately warm/hot temperatures feel a *whole* lot different there compared to Cali. :wink:
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  • #10,765
Thinking this over. When I'm in the Nevada high desert, RH about 10%, I don't care how hot it is, it will never "feel like" Virginia summer 90% RH, no matter the temp. It is silly to me, to try and boil it down to a single "value."
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  • #10,766
So funny, I have this HUGE sense of relief. For some reason it was a personal need for the truth to come out. And now the cat is out of the bag and there is no going back. The world changed on Wednesday. The voices of reason are finally winning.
  • #10,768
It's so hot that the cacti are dying.
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Likes BillTre
  • #10,770
gmax137 said:
I really dislike this "feels like" thing.

Ivan Seeking said:
It's so hot that the cacti are dying.

Cactus : "Feels like" I'm not long for this world.
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  • #10,771
gmax137 said:
I really dislike this "feels like" thing. I'd rather they report the temp, RH, and wind. I can take it from there.
I don't mind it wrt temperature and humidity. That is a quantifiable value. What I hate is this language of "I feel like" when it comes to facts. For example, a person using this expression might say "I feel like physics is usually wrong". Well son, what you feel like doesn't really matter! Since when did your feelings determine the facts? It is an excuse to make a false claim in a debate or discussion without actually making a false claim. It is a common tactic with people who don't bother to get any facts.
  • #10,772
Ivan Seeking said:
What I hate is this language of "I feel like" when it comes to facts.
I hate the phrase "the hottest ... since ..." It sounds like someone climbing a mountain and telling the world about his new height with every step he takes. So incredibly empty of any information in times of constant global warming.
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  • #10,773
Let alone that people experience temperature differently. " Feels like " is not general-enough.
  • #10,774
There is this local diver who attempted a 20-25 m dive from a helicopter (Got canceled due to bad weather).

It was supposed to be a new world record for a woman diver; the actual record being 14 m. The current world record held by a man is 40 m.

Is the male-female distinction that important when considering how high they can jump from? I wouldn't even think it matters at all.

Don't get me wrong: 25 m is impressive on its own. Even 14 m for that matter. But why create a special category "Woman" just to say "I'm number one!" I would understand if you were considering a child doing it, but at one point women should realize they are not THAT limited compared to men. Having the category "Woman" sounds as irrelevant as the "blue eyes with brown hair" category.

I wish we would stop emphasizing so much how women cannot reach what men accomplish. It's like saying to every little girl that they are limited just because they are female: "Try doing the best a woman can do and don't expect more from us; we don't think you can do it anyway."
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  • #10,775
jack action said:
There is this local diver who attempted a 20-25 m dive from a helicopter (Got canceled due to bad weather).

It was supposed to be a new world record for a woman diver; the actual record being 14 m. The current world record held by a man is 40 m.

Is the male-female distinction that important when considering how high they can jump from? I wouldn't even think it matters at all.

Don't get me wrong: 25 m is impressive on its own. Even 14 m for that matter. But why create a special category "Woman" just to say "I'm number one!" I would understand if you were considering a child doing it, but at one point women should realize they are not THAT limited compared to men. Having the category "Woman" sounds as irrelevant as the "blue eyes with brown hair" category.

I wish we would stop emphasizing so much how women cannot reach what men accomplish. It's like saying to every little girl that they are limited just because they are female: "Try doing the best a woman can do and don't expect more from us; we don't think you can do it anyway."
In something like this, your alternative would mean women don't get mentioned at all. And why is there such a difference? That's an interesting question. 14m is a long way from 40m.
  • #10,776
Ivan Seeking said:
In something like this, your alternative would mean women don't get mentioned at all.
That seems to mean women can never excel at anything unless someone lowers the bar.

I really hate that we reduce excellence to some competition, or group of competitions, with some arbitrary rules (usually preferring quantity over quality and short-term results over long-term results).
  • #10,777
In some sports like Soccer/Football, men have an advantage. A team of 15-year-old male teens beat the US national Women's team by a good margin.
  • #10,778
jack action said:
That seems to mean women can never excel at anything unless someone lowers the bar.

You are acting like the difference is contrived. I don't know why the record for women is so much lower but it isn't due to personal bias. So I guess I don't understand your point.
jack action said:
I really hate that we reduce excellence to some competition, or group of competitions, with some arbitrary rules (usually preferring quantity over quality and short-term results over long-term results).
How would you like to see people recognized, specifically; who and how?
  • #10,779
Maybe Women are too smart to think jumping 40 meters out of a helicopter is a worthy passtime.
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  • #10,780
gmax137 said:
Maybe Women are too smart to think jumping 40 meters out of a helicopter is a worthy passtime.
I thought of that! Do men tend to be risk takers as compared to women? Could it be due to the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex in young men?

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