What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #1,121
Evo said:
OMG, a skunk just sprayed outside my bedroom window and my windows are open because it's cool outside. I just finished vomiting. :H I was planning on being asleep.
Well, you chose to live in a quiet, eco-friendly area! This is what it looks like, so be grateful :-p

If I were you, I'd take a selfie of me doing yoga (womitimg in downward facing dog) with the skunk behind me. There's too many boring sunset /sunrise on the beach yoga selfies on instagram. You could start a new trend.
It would be called "Living in harmony with Nature: The true story".
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #1,122
I eat a bag of microwave popcorn almost every day.
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  • #1,123
Just zipped TV channels. One had a baking competition. Someone tried to figure out ##900 : 8##.
Comment from the off: " ... while she's struggling with the trouble of higher mathematics ... " :headbang:

As long as there are people around, telling others that ##900 : 8## is higher mathematics, how in hell will we ever improve as a species?
  • #1,124
Linux, linux, linux. I'm trying my best to make myself feel comfortable with you, but you are making things harder than they should.
I suppose there is no option then. I'll have to implement my own Data Structures. I mean, a warning is not really the end of the world, but I don't know if I should think that I received the warning because of something important or for no particular reason. There's no info on replacement or on when it was deprecated. Probably a bug. It's a good thing that I learned well on data structures :book:. Otherwise I'd be lost.
  • #1,125
Once you've seen a compilation (plus links and bind) command line on Linux, there will be nothing left that may surprise you.
  • #1,126
fresh_42 said:
Just zipped TV channels. One had a baking competition. Someone tried to figure out ##900 : 8##.
Comment from the off: " ... while she's struggling with the trouble of higher mathematics ... " :headbang:

As long as there are people around, telling others that ##900 : 8## is higher mathematics, how in hell will we ever improve as a species?

Well, for many people, anything involving numbers larger than 100 is higher mathematics :woot:

Psinter said:
Linux, linux, linux. I'm trying my best to make myself feel comfortable with you, but you are making things harder than they should.

Linux can be frustrating because sometimes it makes simple things so difficult. I guess it's not a problem of linux itself, but we are so used to solving things in MS way that it's hard to think differently. But the good news is that once you get it, it will work reliably. Reading news this morning and I had to laugh. We have a new political party! You know, we need it desperately because there are only 100 registered parties and only 24 of them competed in the elections. So you see, there's a need for this one called NAJ (=BEST) because they want law and order, double pensions, higher minimal wages and investigation of old political scandals. No one else has promised this before.
  • #1,127
Sophia said:
We have a new political party! You know, we need it desperately because there are only 100 registered parties and only 24 of them competed in the elections. So you see, there's a need for this one called NAJ (=BEST) because they want law and order, double pensions, higher minimal wages and investigation of old political scandals. No one else has promised this before.
Fascinating, isn't it. I think I'm going to start a party that stands for traditional values in our society - street violence, fraud, and the right of the rich and powerful to use the poor and vulnerable in any way they see fit. None of the other parties stand for that so I feel there's an untapped pool of voters there. And if all the opposition parties' rhetoric is correct it's an expanding pool...
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  • #1,128
Ibix said:
Fascinating, isn't it. I think I'm going to start a party that stands for traditional values in our society - street violence, fraud, and the right of the rich and powerful to use the poor and vulnerable in any way they see fit. None of the other parties stand for that so I feel there's an untapped pool of voters there. And if all the opposition parties' rhetoric is correct it's an expanding pool...
Yes! you can definitely try. I suppose many would vote for you, both asocials and normal frustrated people out of rebellion. And you'd have your 15 minutes of fame, speaking on TV and becoming a celebrity. Sure, Mr. lbix, you don't have to pay fine for driving too fast!
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  • #1,129
I just went out to get a sandwich. On the way there I passed an older guy in heavy boots, biker's leather trousers and a denim jacket, somewhat incongruously standing at a bus stop. On my way back I approached him from behind. Big skull and crossbones painted on the back of the jacket and REAPER written below it. Across his shoulders, in one of those complicated gothic fonts, it said "Angles from Hell".

I triple checked that because it's such a classic typo, and that is definitely what it said. Some band of bad-boy geometers maybe? They get into fights and stab each other with compasses? Or maybe it's a fishing in-joke?

I wanted to ask him, but I didn't want to be the one to bring it to his attention if it was just a spelling mistake...
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  • #1,130
Ibix said:
start a party that stands for traditional values in our society - street violence, fraud, and the right of the rich and powerful to use the poor and vulnerable in any way they see fit. None of the other parties stand for that

Great thought there - worthy of Jon Stewart !

Got 1984 ?

  • #1,131
jim hardy said:
Great thought there - worthy of Jon Stewart !

Got 1984 ?

View attachment 107700https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four

Guys, I've got news for you!
There's yet another new party announced this week! It's called TOSKA which means Traditions, Professionality, Service, Communication and Ambitions.
Reporters immediately started making fun of it by finding a similarity with the opera Tosca where the main protagonist is executed and his lover commits suicide. When they asked him if this could be a forecast for the life of his party, he replied that similarity is coincidental and the name came to him in a dream :DDD

Maybe I should have posted this into lame Jokes thread.

So my dear lbix and Jim, if you want to experiment with political parties, come here, each one of you can have his own party in no time.

Now I'm wondering... why haven't I founded one yet?
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  • #1,132
Sophia said:
Now I'm wondering... why haven't I founded one yet?
I've experienced that scientists aren't even a bit better when it comes to politics: same childish and non-logic behaviour than the rest of the pack.
  • #1,133
Ibix said:
"Angles from Hell"
Not so far fetched. Have you ever tried to construct a heptadecagon by compass and straightedge?
I once tried when in school. The last edge has been several mm from where it ought to end.
Or received a letter from a trisectionist?

This man knew what he wrote about! :cool:
  • #1,134
I couldn't resist!


In an Oval Office ceremony on Wednesday morning, President Barack Obama signed an executive order requiring the loser of the 2016 Presidential election to leave the country forever.

“This will help the healing begin,” the President said.

The executive order calls for the loser of the November 8th election to depart the country on the morning of November 9th and never return.

“Whoever that turns out to be,” the President said.

Obama acknowledged that the executive order marked a departure from American electoral tradition, but added, “A lot of good will come of this.”

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  • #1,135
Evo said:
You mean what works for this Canadian singer, who must not be named, may work for either of them, too?
As long as you keep them outside of Europe, o.k. We have far too many own idiots, propagandists and liars, although we yet managed to keep it above the Banana Republic level. However, someone in Bosnia also recently started to blab about rigged elections ... but at least he waited until afterwards.

They always arrive in waves, if you analyze history.
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  • #1,136
Mom Packs Extra Lunch for Son's Needy Classmate After He Was Seen Eating Only a Fruit Cup

A student asked his mom to pack him an extra snack in his school lunch. She asked why, and he explained that it was for a classmate.
Dylan had asked on behalf of a classmate he noticed during his first week of school who was sitting alone and eating only a fruit cup during lunch.

Josette Duran didn’t question the student's situation and she kindly sent Dylan to school with a duplicate lunch for three months straight.

After learning the student’s mother recently lost her job, the 37-year-old mother would do a weekly shopping routine to provide lunches for both Dylan and his classmate.

At about the same time Josette met with the student’s mother, her volleyball team had raised about $400 to cover the cost of the extra lunches.

Although the kindhearted coach appreciated the gesture, she would not take the money, instead donating it to the school’s PTA to benefit students who are in need of food.
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  • #1,137
What is really annoying with these documentations, which are here on PF usually referred to as pop-science, is the fact that I haven't heard a single time a speaker, who pronounced "Kuiper belt" correctly. Meanwhile I counted three different pronunciations - all wrong. O.k. it probably has been translated from English, but I KNOW that our tongue has absolutely no problem with the correct pronunciation. (I don't care that he became an American. As he didn't change his name, I expect the correct version.)
  • #1,138
fresh_42 said:
I expect the correct version.)

And that is...?
  • #1,141
Sometimes I like to imagine how PF might look like to people who's profession it is to search the internet for suspect content.
I mean, what does "gluon saturation", "interconnected by a universal joint" or "compensation doping" mean to them? And these are only some currently unanswered threads. And if this thought is funny here, on how many websites occur similar "cryptic" phrases? I mean, e.g. if people were talking about Egyptian archaeology in Farsi? This must be a scientific field of research on its own right. Data mining 4.0. I can't help, but I find this interesting.
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  • #1,142
fresh_42 said:
Sometimes I like to imagine how PF might look like to people who's profession it is to search the internet for suspect content.
I mean, what does "gluon saturation", "interconnected by a universal joint" or "compensation doping" mean to them? And these are only some currently unanswered threads. And if this thought is funny here, on how many websites occur similar "cryptic" phrases? I mean, e.g. if people were talking about Egyptian archaeology in Farsi? This must be a scientific field of research on its own right. Data mining 4.0. I can't help, but I find this interesting.

It sounds like Klingons discussing their new project about creating a new life form in a parallel universe.
  • #1,143
There is one creamy chocolate bar that is very tasty. But it is too expensive for the amount :frown:. I could eat it in 1 minute. Each bar is sold at stores at almost $2 USD. And if you buy them wholesale from whole-sellers, each is sold at almost $1 USD. I haven't eaten one in ages. I just remember that they are very tasty.
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  • #1,144
Psinter said:
There is one creamy chocolate bar that is very tasty. But it is too expensive for the amount :frown:. I could eat it in 1 minute. Each bar is sold at stores at almost $2 USD. And if you buy them wholesale from whole-sellers, each is sold at almost $1 USD. I haven't eaten one in ages. I just remember that they are very tasty.
Yes, some brands of sweets are expensive.
When I was little it was special to get Kinder surprise because it used to cost maybe 4-5x more then other sweets Most popular wafer used to be 5Sk, Kinder around 20-25Sk. At that time, you could have bought 1kg of bread and 1l of milk for that price and something would still remain. I remember that well because my mum used to send me to the shop with 20 Sk note from time to time.
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  • #1,145
Sophia said:
Yes, some brands of sweets are expensive.
When I was little it was special to get Kinder surprise because it used to cost maybe 4-5x more then other sweets Most popular wafer used to be 5Sk, Kinder around 20-25Sk. At that time, you could have bought 1kg of bread and 1l of milk for that price and something would still remain. I remember that well because my mum used to send me to the shop with 20 Sk note from time to time.
That's very true. Kinder appears to be expensive in every space and time :oldlaugh:. I was reading about chocolates and learned a new word today: confectionery.

Confectionery. My favorite part of stores :approve:.
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  • #1,146
You know the TV program is boring, if you catch yourself watching a cooking show only to see how it looks when it comes out of the oven again ... and the entire show is in Dutch.
  • #1,147
Public health announcement - On Sept. 11, Michael Funk was cleaning crab pots at his bayside condominium; four days later he was dead, the victim of a Vibrio vulnificus infection in his bloodstream.
Those who contract the more severe vibrosis from the Vibrio vulnificus bacterium number fewer than 200, according to CDC reports since 2007, when the agency started to require nationwide reporting.
. . . .
A cut or tear in the skin can become infected and skin rapidly breaks down, becoming ulcerated. If the infection invades the bloodstream, the survival rate is about 50%, according to the Florida Department of Health, where 168 Vibrio cases were diagnosed in 2014. Thirty-two were the vulnificus strain, and seven of those victims died.
. . . .
Most infections occur in the warmer months between May and October. Avoid cloudy or murky, warm water, don't swim in areas where it has rained within 48 hours and always cook seafood, including crab and fish thoroughly.

The ocean's saltiness keeps the bacteria at bay. But bays and lagoons where rivers and oceans meet lessen the salinity of the water and allow the bacteria to thrive.
So any cuts in brackish water or backwaters on the coast should be treated immediately. Folks with severe lacerations or deep wounds should see a doctor, especially if one notices inflammation, or if one feels ill.
  • #1,148
Psinter said:
That's very true. Kinder appears to be expensive in every space and time :oldlaugh:. I was reading about chocolates and learned a new word today: confectionery.

Confectionery. My favorite part of stores :approve:.
BTW what's your favourite type of chocolate? This question is for everyone.
I like milk and dark. Don't like those with nuts because the nuts "disturb" me and I can't enjoy the taste of chocolate.
Those with fruit filling and x varieties of aromas tend to be too sweet and artificial for my taste.
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  • #1,149
Astronuc said:
Public health announcement - On Sept. 11, Michael Funk was cleaning crab pots at his bayside condominium; four days later he was dead, the victim of a Vibrio vulnificus infection in his bloodstream.

wow i guess that's why the old-timers around Miami said "don't eat shellfish in the hot months" .
  • #1,150
Sophia said:
BTW what's your favourite type of chocolate? This question is for everyone.
i used to know of a sweets shop with white fudge that melts in the mouth... it was in downtown Montreal so my memory might be affected by exuberance of that happy time.
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  • #1,151
Sophia said:
Don't like those with nuts because the nuts "disturb" me and I can't enjoy the taste of chocolate.
So it has been you, who gave the neighbor these nuts? </duck and cover ...>
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  • #1,152
fresh_42 said:
So it has been you, who gave the neighbor these nuts? </duck and cover ...>
Yeah :-) but I was kidding in that joke.
it wasn't a neighbour, it was a certain person from my previous job...
Revenge is sweet :-)
  • #1,153
Sophia said:
BTW what's your favourite type of chocolate? This question is for everyone.
I like milk and dark. Don't like those with nuts because the nuts "disturb" me and I can't enjoy the taste of chocolate.
Those with fruit filling and x varieties of aromas tend to be too sweet and artificial for my taste.
Pretty much same as you, dark and milk. If they have hazelnut in the form of cream, better. Hazelnut in solid form I don't like. But when on cream form to make chocolate, that's the best. Needless to say nutella. I never understood why the put a bread with it in the picture. I have never eaten it like that. I just take spoon and dig in. Two very related nutella images:
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  • #1,154
Yeah, I love Nutella! But I don't know why, when I ate it years ago, it was more solid, like butter, but when I bought it after a longer pause last year it was more liquid, as if melted. I guess they made it to help the spreadability (great word, isn't it). I preferred the original version more.
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  • #1,155
Nutella in the US has been runnier over the last several years. I think that they changed their formula for the worse.
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