What kind of stunt would instantly impress a female?

  • Thread starter Alex_Sanders
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of impressing women. Several individuals share their experiences and opinions on what impresses women, ranging from small acts of kindness to extravagant displays. One individual narrates a story from their teenage years where they impressed a girl with a clever response to a limousine driver. Another individual shares their strange encounter with a man who attempted to impress them by putting a lit cigarette through their dress. The conversation also delves into gender stereotypes and the pressure to impress women. However, the overall consensus is that genuine kindness and confidence are the most impressive qualities to women."
  • #36
cepheid said:
She did admit to me later that she did have a bit of a crush on me at the time

How immodest! This is but just a forum you know... no need to prove anything...
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  • #37
Alex_Sanders said:
How immodest! This is but just a forum you know... no need to prove anything...

I can't tell if you're kidding or not. I admitted to being a physically weak person who lacks self-confidence and who utterly failed to get with a girl in spite of the fact that she actually liked me. What part of that, exactly, was boastful, or constituted an attempt to try to prove something? I would say no part.

The statement of mine that you quoted and labelled as "immodest" was intended to be nothing more than a matter-of-fact recounting of an event that occurred.
  • #38
cepheid said:
I can't tell if you're kidding or not. I admitted to being a physically weak person who lacks self-confidence and who utterly failed to get with a girl in spite of the fact that she actually liked me. What part of that, exactly, was boastful, or constituted an attempt to try to prove something? I would say no part.

The statement of mine that you quoted and labelled as "immodest" was intended to be nothing more than a matter-of-fact recounting of an event that occurred.

Of course I'm joking! :-p And you still refuse to be humble...

Oooh, I'm so weak, oooh, I'm delicate yet girls still like me, ooooh, I think I'm going to be an abercrombie model...
  • #39
Alex_Sanders said:
Of course I'm joking! :-p And you still refuse to be humble...

Oooh, I'm so weak, oooh, I'm delicate yet girls still like me, ooooh, I think I'm going to be an abercrombie model...

You're a jerk.

This thread is about "stunts" that one could pull to try to impress a woman. The only point of my post (and the only reason I posted it) was to point out that sometimes maybe you don't have to try so hard and jump through hoops, and maybe a better approach is just to be yourself. At the end of the day, she'll either be impressed by who you are, or she won't. But giving her a chance to see what you're all about might work better than changing the way you behave in an obviously fake (and totally transparent) way.

The point of including the stuff in the "disclaimer" was to indicate that, in my case, things didn't really turn out in my favour, and, as it turns out, I've got absolutely no game whatsoever. So the point of being honest and sharing with you guys how it turned out was so as NOT to appear to be too superior in offering the above advice, as though I knew better than anyone else. But now, thanks to you, I'm sorry I even bothered.
  • #40
If you're looking for something generic to break the ice, I would recommend learning a really awesome magic trick. All you need is one, but you need to really know it well, like do it in your sleep well.

I found that if you can pull one off very well in front of a group of women, it's pretty easy to make smalltalk after that and see if there's any chemistry with the cute one ... you know which one I'm talking about, haha. Make sure you talk to her friends too. Granted this is more for if you're meeting random women at a bar or something. Don't forget to dress nicely, groom, etc... that always helps too.
  • #41
Ryan_m_b said:
In order to contribute productively to this thread I have found a list of 30 ways females of different species can be impressed. As the OP specified "females" rather than "women" I assume this is what he desired.

WHOA! Did anyone check out the moonwalking bird?
  • #42
  • #43
mathwonk said:
Lots of guys would consider that a stunt. "Gee, how to I pretend to be thoughtful?" :biggrin:
  • #44
mathwonk said:

Hmmm. I must be a stuntman and didn't even realize it then...cuz I keep crashing and burning...:biggrin:

But really, I don't think there is a good answer to this thread. "Stunts" aren't one size fits all.
  • #45
crazy idea: listen to the woman talk for a while. get to know what she likes and does not like. think of something she would enjoy and do it for her. Take pleasure in her enjoyment of it, independently of what you may gain from it. Sit back, sip a drink and be satisfied.
  • #46
mathwonk said:
crazy idea: listen to the woman talk for a while. get to know what she likes and does not like. think of something she would enjoy and do it for her. Take pleasure in her enjoyment of it, independently of what you may gain from it. Sit back, sip a drink and be satisfied.
Yep! What a crazy idea! How could that possibly work?
  • #47
turbo said:
Yep! What a crazy idea! How could that possibly work?

This must explain why a very good friend of mine adores me and tells me I'm not like other guys. I actually listen to her.
  • #48
Pretend to like what she does and go with her and enjoy it. Or pretend to, it will win her over
  • #49
mcknia07 said:
Pretend to like what she does and go with her and enjoy it. Or pretend to, it will win her over

If you don't enjoy it simply be honest. If you didn't enjoy the activity but enjoyed being with her, then say so.
  • #50
I just talk to them!
  • #51
Learn to dance.
  • #52
Roy Blount Jr.'s favorite country song: "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

and his version:"If I said 'you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?', would you hold it against me?"
  • #53
Perhaps, I think of it in a different light.

I do my "stunts" because I like to do my "stunts", my "stunts" being more a behavior than a stunt. If it happens to instantly impress a female, well then maybe there's a action-reaction attraction going on and I'll look into it.

Some of my typical "stunts" might be:
1. going out dancing all night.
2. walk up to the prettiest girl in the room and ask her to dance.
3. taking charge on a mountain bike ride.
4. throw out non-sequiturs at a party.
5. wearing camo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt (a la M*A*S*H) to the pub.
6. walk into a room with a flare of confidance and perhaps a tad of arrogance
  • #54
the greatest way to impress a woman is by not trying to impress her.
  • #55
jduster said:
the greatest way to impress a woman is by not trying to impress her.

I've been trying that one for 20 years...

Needless to say I don't think it works.
  • #56
Bungee jump. Naked. While coated in ether, which you set afire just as you leap.

Challenge a platoon of drunken marines to hand-to-hand combat, and beat them all. I've impressed the heck out of every chick I've performed this stunt in front of.

It sounds trite and stereotypical, but earning a hundred million on the stock market is a stunt sure to impress most women.
  • #57
Pasha582 said:
Bungee jump. Naked. While coated in ether, which you set afire just as you leap.

I think this one would impress most guys, too!

By the way, how do you keep the rope from burning up before you reach the bottom?
  • #58
BobG said:
I think this one would impress most guys, too!

By the way, how do you keep the rope from burning up before you reach the bottom?

The rope is a steel cable.
  • #59
Drakkith said:
The rope is a steel cable.

Attached to steel ankles, I hope.

Sounds like an instant rafting guide.

"Oh, shoot, and there I was, footloose and panty free in the back of a raft full of girl scouts, with a set of class 6 rapids immediately in front of us..."
  • #60
bobg said:
attached to steel ankles, i hope.

Sounds like an instant rafting guide.

"oh, shoot, and there i was, footloose and panty free in the back of a raft full of girl scouts, with a set of class 6 rapids immediately in front of us..."

  • #61
Be witty.
  • #62
Drakkith said:
This must explain why a very good friend of mine adores me and tells me I'm not like other guys. I actually listen to her.

Yup, that's a great way to get all of the female friends that you want. Unfortunately, once they are satisfied with talking to you, they take off and bed down with some moron in a cowboy hat or with a fat wallet. That's why I find it much more efficient to have married girlfriends.
  • #63
Definitely not a growth stunt.

Trust me, I know.
  • #64
Alex_Sanders said:
Successful stories? Anyone?

I have one, but kinda an accident:

When I was young in high school, there was this limosine slowed down near me and the front-side window were rolled down. The chauffeur lowered his head and yelled, eh kid, know where *** street is?

I smiled back to him and said: I just moved here with my parents.

Then a girl in my neighboring class showed up right beside me, and she found me smiling. So she was like: what are you so happy about? What did you say to that guy in the limo?

I smiled at her evenly and said: I told him I'd rather walk.

Other primates like to display their goods to pick up the ladies. You could try getting yourself a nice trenchcoat and doing that. Would probably work better if you're into chimpanzee girls, though...
  • #65
Viracocha said:
Other primates like to display their goods to pick up the ladies. You could try getting yourself a nice trenchcoat and doing that. Would probably work better if you're into chimpanzee girls, though...

And if you want to live through the experience, don't try it near a playground.
  • #66
Heh. "Do you want to see my tekken video?" is what worked on me. I guess it wasn't a stunt, but he say that I played so her made a video and got his friends to comment on his "awesome skillz". It was pretty gutsy, considering I can still beat him.

I'm not entirely sure, but I may be an outlier. I sort of feel that it's hard to impress females. Not that the acts themselves are hard, but the line is so thin. It's very easy to cross it and become creepy, dorky, rude, egotistical, yadayada.
  • #67
You probably wouldn't like my personal pick-up line, then:
"Is there any chance that your stand on meaningless recreational sex is compatible with mine?"

To my utter astonishment, that actually worked a couple of times.
  • #68
flying, walking through walls and stuff like that.

however, be warned that it would also impress males.
  • #69
Sing "Blackbird" by the Beatles quietly on your own and "get caught" by her. If she recognizes the song, it means you can sing alright and she knows some culture.
  • #70
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. Maybe not all that impressive, but still...

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