What kind of stunt would instantly impress a female?

  • Thread starter Alex_Sanders
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of impressing women. Several individuals share their experiences and opinions on what impresses women, ranging from small acts of kindness to extravagant displays. One individual narrates a story from their teenage years where they impressed a girl with a clever response to a limousine driver. Another individual shares their strange encounter with a man who attempted to impress them by putting a lit cigarette through their dress. The conversation also delves into gender stereotypes and the pressure to impress women. However, the overall consensus is that genuine kindness and confidence are the most impressive qualities to women."
  • #71
Maybe if you could rub your eyebrow with your tongue...hmm, now that would make you popular.
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  • #72
Best trick I ever saw was tipping a barmaid $100. Guaranteed fabulous service on the next visit, even if you can barely lick your lips.
  • #73
Chronos said:
Best trick I ever saw was tipping a barmaid $100. Guaranteed fabulous service on the next visit, even if you can barely lick your lips.

That's setting the bar too high if you plan to revisit. Anything less than $100 is a disappointment. One thing I've noticed in life is don't have people expect things of you that you can't, or don't want to, do consistently.
  • #74
lendav_rott said:
Maybe if you could rub your eyebrow with your tongue...hmm, now that would make you popular.

Unless you were doing it by lowering your eyebrow down to your mouth.
  • #75
Chronos said:
Best trick I ever saw was tipping a barmaid $100. Guaranteed fabulous service on the next visit, even if you can barely lick your lips.

lol NO. This is a horrible idea. Just like buying random girls drinks all night long...

Girls will gladly let ANYONE buy them drinks or throw money at them...and then they'll go home with the guy that convinced her to buy HIM a drink, not the beta dork who thinks a girl is into him just because she graciously accepted the drink he bought her or the $100 he flashed.

Many "bar/club" girls will be impressed by money & prestige, but this isn't the way to go about it...
  • #76
Change her flat tire and don't 'hit' on her immediately after.
  • #77
by "stunt" you prolly mean line (judging by your example). something that i always say when picking up a girl on a date is "yea, you see that nice porshe over there? mine's the POS right next to it"

hahahaha love the limo...hilarious
  • #78
Rick21383 said:
lol NO. This is a horrible idea. Just like buying random girls drinks all night long...

Girls will gladly let ANYONE buy them drinks or throw money at them...and then they'll go home with the guy that convinced her to buy HIM a drink, not the beta dork who thinks a girl is into him just because she graciously accepted the drink he bought her or the $100 he flashed.

Many "bar/club" girls will be impressed by money & prestige, but this isn't the way to go about it...

1. I instantly disliked this post after reading the reference to "beta" vs "alpha".

2. I think the idea was to tip the barmaid at a place you frequent so that next time (and subsequent times) she'll remember you and give you great service. This will up your confidence since you won't have to worry about looking like a begging idiot waving your twenty in the air for fifteen minutes while you wait for your drink order (whether or not you buy a girl a drink). That will also make you appear more confident. And the fact that the bar tender is giving you lots of attention (for no apparent reason) could potentially translate to the girl you are chatting with thinking she should be doing the same.
  • #79
Travis_King said:
1. I instantly disliked this post after reading the reference to "beta" vs "alpha".

Sorry, but that's how it works in the real world. Being alpha isn't a bad thing, my friend. It doesn't mean being a jerk. It means being confident, charismatic, and likeable. It means having the ability to walk into a room and have people gravitate towards you. To cause people to have a desire to interact with you.

You seem to be offended by the word "beta". Obviously I don't know you... but if you're offended by that term because you feel you exhibit the qualities of one who would be considered "beta", those can always be changed. Being beta isn't "bad" per se but it certainly won't help you gain companionship with females. To be beta is to be unsure of oneself. Not projecting confidence or charisma, therefore causing others to talk over you...or simply ignore you because, in there mind, you're boring and they'd rather talk to the person projecting confidence.

Travis_King said:
2. I think the idea was to tip the barmaid at a place you frequent so that next time (and subsequent times) she'll remember you and give you great service. This will up your confidence since you won't have to worry about looking like a begging idiot waving your twenty in the air for fifteen minutes while you wait for your drink order (whether or not you buy a girl a drink). That will also make you appear more confident. And the fact that the bar tender is giving you lots of attention (for no apparent reason) could potentially translate to the girl you are chatting with thinking she should be doing the same.

Tipping well at the bar is absolutely a good idea for better service. Tipping $100 is dumb and will only lead to girls taking advantage of him. You'll get better results by tipping WELL, making eye contact, smiling, and being confident to get good service and draw in the other women.
  • #80
Rick21383 said:
Sorry, but that's how it works in the real world. Being alpha isn't a bad thing, my friend. It doesn't mean being a jerk. It means being confident, charismatic, and likeable. It means having the ability to walk into a room and have people gravitate towards you. To cause people to have a desire to interact with you.

You seem to be offended by the word "beta". Obviously I don't know you... but if you're offended by that term because you feel you exhibit the qualities of one who would be considered "beta", those can always be changed. Being beta isn't "bad" per se but it certainly won't help you gain companionship with females. To be beta is to be unsure of oneself. Not projecting confidence or charisma, therefore causing others to talk over you...or simply ignore you because, in there mind, you're boring and they'd rather talk to the person projecting confidence.

Ugh...I understand that there are real traits which a person can posess (or feign) in order to better his social presence. I'm even fine with the idea of describing them on a scale (for instance, alpha to beta) as it makes things easier when discussing.

What I find...not offensive but...annoying is this idea that I hear all the time that if you're not this "you're probably beta, man", or "look at that guy, what an alpha". Maybe it comes from the pick-up artist connotations, but it just seems a bit "bro-y" to me. Especially when it's used like
beta dork
Doesn't dork accurately capture the traits you were looking to convey?

And this:
gain companionship with females

Are you really just saying "getting laid" in a more elegant way? In which case sure, a confident expressive guy will score more than a "beta", but if you are talking about meaningful relationships, surely you know that this isn't the case...

I don't know. I'm just ranting now. I am not denying that there exists a distinction between so-called alpha and beta men. I'm just saying that there seems to be a widespread abuse/misuse of the idea.

Tipping well at the bar is absolutely a good idea for better service. Tipping $100 is dumb and will only lead to girls taking advantage of him. You'll get better results by tipping WELL, making eye contact, smiling, and being confident to get good service and draw in the other women.

Again though, I don't think the idea is to be showy with it. I think the idea was to discretely leave a big tip (doesn't have to be $100, I sure wouldn't tip that, but something big) so that the bar tender remembers you and may even point you out to other tenders. This way, the next few times you come in (or more if you continue to tip_smaller_but well) you'll have great service regardless of the crowd.

I also think the idea was to be used at a crowded bar where the bar tender doesn't care if you are "making eye contact and smiling". I don't think you're necessarily wrong, this method is a) costly, and b) not for every type of place and situation (don't do this at a Fridays across town which has 30 bartenders on a rotating shift, for instance). But a version of it could certainly help in some situations.
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  • #81
Chronos said:
Best trick I ever saw was tipping a barmaid $100. Guaranteed fabulous service on the next visit, even if you can barely lick your lips.

As long as you can lick hers...
  • #82
"fabulous service" subject to interpretation?
  • #83
Let us not be too hard on barmaids here ...
  • #84
This whole thread is absolutely ludicrous, because the assumption being made is that to impress a female the male needs to perform a "stunt". As if somehow all women are the exact same! :rolleyes:

That's not how real life works. In the real world each woman (and each man) is a unique individual with her/his own unique personality. The best way to impress someone is to show confidence, be outgoing, and talk to that someone!
  • #85
It's amazing how so many people can make this simple idea of talking to someone so bloody complicated. There's nothing to it, just talk to them :/
  • #86
lendav_rott said:
It's amazing how so many people can make this simple idea of talking to someone so bloody complicated. There's nothing to it, just talk to them :/
I as a female, agree with you. Confidence is always better then doing/saying something you're not comfortable doing.

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