What Makes the Tiki Bar the Favorite Lounge for Members?

  • Thread starter SOS2008
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In summary: Ummm, I love chicken enchiladas. When do you think it'll be ready? :tongue2:About an hour, come on over. Bring drinks. :tongue2:The Entertainment has a pretty good rack.Welcome to one of the favorite PF lounges--the Tiki Bar (moved from Philosophy to the new location in General Discussion). At the Tiki Bar members can enjoy exotic drinks and great entertainment. The Tiki Bar also offers fine dining or simply relax on the veranda and enjoy the view. Of course the favorite activity of all at the Tiki Bar is the comment box. We like to hear what members are thinking, so
  • #386
Evo said:
Moonies' having a triple..put that sugarcube that burns blue on her drink. :smile:
Wait... just what kind of sugarcubes are we talkin about here? Maybe I should just serve up some absinthe.

Evo said:
That is why I am desgning protective roll bars for them to wear.
My ex was quite upset when one of her kittens was stepped on. Fortunately it was probably a pretty quick end, and fortunately it wasn't me either.
I still have a cat constantly underfoot though. At least this one can take a kick or two without getting damaged.
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  • #387
You know what, make me another triple! I'm just remembering that my neighbor's dog ate a baby bird today. :frown: One of the robins. We were out in the yard talking and the dog was running around doing his usual dog stuff, and I look over and see him being dive-bombed by robins and then realize he has a bird in his mouth. :cry: My neighbor was really mad at the dog for that too. Poor birdie. Then I got to wondering, what is it like to be a bird parent? The parent robin sat up on the fence near the baby for a while, still squawking, and then just flew away to another tree. :cry:

This dog is a real handful too. He's a rescue dog and apparently spent the first 6 months of his life locked in a bathroom. He's only a little over a year now, so still acts like a puppy too, but has a lot more learning to do (but he is a smart dog...I was out in the yard last week and was talking with my neighbor's brother who now lives behind me and was dog-sitting, and the dog was getting really rambunctious, and in just a few minutes of gently prompting him to sit in between talking with the other neighbor, the dog was learning to sit by hand-signals (though he kept wanting to chew on my work gloves...he has some sort of shepherd markings...apparently the shelter told them it's Australian shepherd, but it looks like German shepherd to me...either way, they tend to be heel biters and chewers until properly trained). Apparently he needs to learn the command "Drop!" very soon.
  • #388
I wasn't sure how to feel about it... the other day my neighbors cat walked over into their yard carrying a bird in it's mouth. I thought "Darn Cat". After a bit I realized though that it was sitting on the porch over there with the bird still in it's mouth trying to get attention. It started pawing at the bird, in it's mouth, and kept trying to get attention. It dawned on me that the poor thing had the bird stuck in it's mouth and couldn't get it out. Well maybe "poor thing" maybe not. That's the part I wasn't sure how to feel about but I still felt sorry for the little guy. I wanted to go over and help it but I wasn't sure how the neighbors would feel since they don't know me.
  • #389
TheStatutoryApe said:
I wasn't sure how to feel about it... the other day my neighbors cat walked over into their yard carrying a bird in it's mouth. I thought "Darn Cat". After a bit I realized though that it was sitting on the porch over there with the bird still in it's mouth trying to get attention. It started pawing at the bird, in it's mouth, and kept trying to get attention. It dawned on me that the poor thing had the bird stuck in it's mouth and couldn't get it out. Well maybe "poor thing" maybe not. That's the part I wasn't sure how to feel about but I still felt sorry for the little guy. I wanted to go over and help it but I wasn't sure how the neighbors would feel since they don't know me.

I'd think poor cat, stupid owners. The cat was just doing what cats do, but it was the owners who let it roam outside to do that.

If either of us had noticed the baby bird in the yard before the dog did, the dog would have been put inside until the bird was gone. I don't blame the dog, that's just what dogs do too, but it's still sad, because we just didn't see that bird out there. Grown birds can get away just fine, but the baby bird didn't have a chance. :frown:
  • #390
Dogs and cats are natural hunters of small animals.

We have a female, Misty, who is a natural hunter. She brings us mice from the garage occassionally, and she knows exactly where to go to find them. Our dog, Sassy, a Yorkshire terrier, goes after birds, mice, voles, moles, ground squirels (chipmunks), so we watch her.

We have to be careful in our yard. The dog is tethered, and our cats stay indoors - we live on a very busy street.

Artic Fox!

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  • #391
Thought I was having a heart attack, but it seems my new bra is too tight. :smile: :smile: :redface:

Darn, the stress from job negotiations has killed me. I was supposed to get a written offer yesterday, but still haven't received it, but just got a call apologizing that they've been having system trouble and will be sending it shortly.

Still something could go wrong. I WORRY A LOT. And it's too early to start drinking.

My older daughter told me that I could come live with her if I end up homeless (if I cook and clean). :rolleyes:

I guess I should take this bra off.
  • #392
Evo said:
I guess I should take this bra off.

You're asking for it, and you deserve everything that's coming to you!
  • #393
Evo said:
I guess I should take this bra off.
As brewnog has deminstrated, you are going to get a number of replies to this in a similar manor. Which manor it is I do not know but I hope they are all good for you. :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #394
The Bob meant to say manner not manor... hehe... its ok, its his birthday... guess he's had too much fun at the bar and his abilities to spell properly have failed him... heh

Oh yes, evo, hubba hubba *growl*... oh wait, maybe you'd like to be hit on by the other pf hotties.. like... the male ones... heh, or the adults... darn...
  • #395
Gale17 said:
The Bob meant to say manner not manor... hehe... its ok, its his birthday... guess he's had too much fun at the bar and his abilities to spell properly have failed him... heh

Oh yes, evo, hubba hubba *growl*... oh wait, maybe you'd like to be hit on by the other pf hotties.. like... the male ones... heh, or the adults... darn...

I guess I should have known better. I guess it was also cutting off circulation to my brain.
  • #396
Evo said:

I guess I should have known better. I guess it was also cutting off circulation to my brain.

Cutting off circulation to your brain? Does gravity work in the opposite direction where you live or something? You're not supposed to wear those things as earmuffs you know...you do know this, right? :rolleyes: :smile:

Oh, wait, it must be the triple moonbeasts with flaming umbrellas you were ordering left and right last night! It does take a while for the effects to wear off.
  • #397
Moonbear said:
Oh, wait, it must be the triple moonbeasts with flaming umbrellas you were ordering left and right last night! It does take a while for the effects to wear off.

Whoah nelly, I just had to do a horrific double-take! With bras on my mind, I kept reading it as "triple moonbreasts"! :bugeye:
  • #398
Moonbear said:
Cutting off circulation to your brain? Does gravity work in the opposite direction where you live or something? You're not supposed to wear those things as earmuffs you know...you do know this, right? :rolleyes: :smile:
:smile: It's funny because I was feeling this pain and tightness in my chest and pain and numbness in my left shoulder and arm. Then noticed that it was being caused by this new bra.

Oh, wait, it must be the triple moonbeasts with flaming umbrellas you were ordering left and right last night! It does take a while for the effects to wear off.
I woke up this morning and had no eyebrows. I must remember to wait for the flames to die down before drinking them. :redface:
  • #399
brewnog said:
Whoah nelly, I just had to do a horrific double-take! With bras on my mind, I kept reading it as "triple moonbreasts"! :bugeye:
I can assure you that moonbears come with just the standard two.
  • #400
Evo said:
I guess I should take this bra off.


*eyes gloss over, starts daydreaming of the fun in the 60s and 70s...*

*...and the 50s...*

*...there was that time in '44...*

*... the roaring twenties :devil: *

*...and my first kiss in 1914...*

  • #401
Moonbear said:
I can assure you that moonbears come with just the standard two.


I've heard that Moonbears had six! :smile:
  • #402
brewnog said:

I've heard that Moonbears had six! :smile:
That's the special sports package, two are standard. :-p
  • #403

I'm not even going to go down the road of asking what sports you'd need six nipples for. This is getting just a titchy bit weird.

Urrrmm, topic change, topic change, think quickly man...

So Moonbear! How about green olives stuffed with garlic and breadcrumbs?
  • #404
brewnog said:

I'm not even going to go down the road of asking what sports you'd need six nipples for. This is getting just a titchy bit weird.

:smile: I was thinking like cars come with standard equipment or a sports package, which is all the accessories. I really hadn't given it thought beyond that.

Urrrmm, topic change, topic change, think quickly man...

So Moonbear! How about green olives stuffed with garlic and breadcrumbs?

I've never tried those. I've been tempted a few times to buy a jar, but then if I don't like them, I've got a whole jar of olives stuffed with garlic just sitting around in my fridge for eternity. Though, I suppose if I stick them in a martini and drink the rest of the martini first, then the olive will taste fine no matter what's stuffed in it. :bugeye:
  • #405
Now I want some olives. I love the garlic stuffed ones.
  • #406
Oh my... So this is what happens when I get off line is it? :wink:

Evo, "too early to drink" is all in your head. All you have to do is realize that you are a responsable adult and not an alcoholic. Having a beer or cocktail midafternoon to relax is just fine. As long as you don't have any responsabilities to take care of that it may hinder ofcourse.
  • #407
TheStatutoryApe said:
Evo, "too early to drink" is all in your head. All you have to do is realize that you are a responsable adult and not an alcoholic. Having a beer or cocktail midafternoon to relax is just fine. As long as you don't have any responsabilities to take care of that it may hinder ofcourse.
It's weird, if I drink at night, I'm fine, if I drink earlier in the day, I feel sick. :frown:

Also, I can't drink red wine, it turns my nose bright red and gives me a headache...only hard liquor for this girl. :-p
  • #408
Good things to know if I ever get out to have a drink with the Sisterhood. It's too bad red wine effects you badly. It's so very good.
  • #409
TheStatutoryApe said:
Why is this thread dying? And why is SOS not here to help keep it going?

. . . _ _ _ . . . !
Though it's good to know I was missed, it appears the thread did not die. I've been replacing hardware--my wireless equipment, and now my modem. And I'm back like a bad dream. :devil: But...alas, I'm trying to get ready to leave for the weekend. I'll try to make some obnoxious remarks when I get back home (Marshmallows? Big feet? Flying kittens?). Oh, and Moonbear has a different avatar, and TheStatutoryApe is GOLD! :biggrin:
  • #410
Gold for all of 10 minutes now lol. I was about to messege you too, to figure out where you went.
Hope you have a good weekend!
  • #411
SOS2008 said:
Oh, and Moonbear has a different avatar, and TheStatutoryApe is GOLD! :biggrin:
Glad you're back boss.

Yeah - Moonbear's avatar has to do with defending jellitivity.

I just noticed TSA in gold - way to go! Haven't seen him in the Crushed Velvet Lounge yet.

And SOS - your avatar is looking different.

So I've been meaning to ask - Is this establishment under one of the enterprises in the PF Sisterhood syndicate? :biggrin:
  • #412
TheStatutoryApe said:
Gold for all of 10 minutes now lol. I was about to messege you too, to figure out where you went.
Hope you have a good weekend!
:smile: I was wondering if I was that oblivious that I hadn't noticed until she mentioned you had turned gold. Welcome to the club! :biggrin: All your drinks are on the house tonight.
  • #413
Astronuc said:
And SOS - your avatar is looking different.
For some reason, I keep thinking she's Cronxeh with that avatar; similar shade of blue or something.

So I've been meaning to ask - Is this establishment under one of the enterprises in the PF Sisterhood syndicate? :biggrin:
Yes, though we're negotiating a merger with the Genco Company (they've really diversified since the old olive oil days).
  • #414
Moonbear said:
:smile: I was wondering if I was that oblivious that I hadn't noticed until she mentioned you had turned gold. Welcome to the club! :biggrin: All your drinks are on the house tonight.
Lol.. Thank you!
I think I'll have to look for this crushed velvet lounge that Astronuc mentioned.
I have an Avatar now too. The same one I use most places but I think it goes well with the name.
I actually received that monkey as a gift because of this screen name.
  • #415
TheStatutoryApe-You're GOLD! :approve: Alrighty then!

Welcome to the fold. :smile:

Drinks for TSA for tomorrow are on me (since Moonbear already gave you free drinks tonight). Just watch out for those flaming umbrellas. :frown:
  • #416
TheStatutoryApe said:
Gold for all of 10 minutes now lol. I was about to messege you too, to figure out where you went.
Hope you have a good weekend!
Aww...and it's a cute monkey too. Just don't let us catch you spanking it around here! :-p
  • #417
Moonbear said:
Aww...and it's a cute monkey too. Just don't let us catch you spanking it around here! :-p
Don't worry, I'm not into that plushy business. o:)
  • #418
Looks like the Galenog has come and taken off with all of the Tiki Bar regulars.
  • #419
TheStatutoryApe said:
Looks like the Galenog has come and taken off with all of the Tiki Bar regulars.
Well, since she made me walk the plank, I'll return here for a drink. I'll have a Gone Ape, extra bananas please. :biggrin:
  • #420
There you go Moonie. :smile:
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