What's the Etymology of your PF Name?

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
  • Start date
In summary, the names given to players' personal flight forms in Pokémon seem to be based on people or things with meanings that the player might find confusing or unpleasant. Some of the names (like Boulderhead) are not very creative, while others (like Les) are based on personal experiences. Franznietzsche is a combination of two famous authors who may not be popular with the player.
  • #36
tribdog said:
lol, evo has shrines. I'd like a shrine.
It's kind of creepy. This was years ago, we were all video conferencing, I found out people were capturing my image and making websites about me and posting pictures they had captured. I'm happy to say that I never showed more than my face and was always very proper.

Those were good times though, the internet was in it's infancy and I met some of the people that shaped what it is now. Like one of the guys involved with developing ICQ. He kept telling us about this new thing they were doing to "instant message" and kept asking us to go set up an account. I didn't see the point. He was a good guy, so I finally signed up, I have a three digit member number.
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  • #37
Evo said:
It's kind of creepy. This was years ago, we were all video conferencing, I found out people were capturing my image and making websites about me and posting pictures they had captured. I'm happy to say that I never showed more than my face and was always very proper.

Those were good times though, the internet was in it's infancy and I met some of the people that shaped what it is now. Like one of the guys involved with developing ICQ. He kept telling us about this new thing they were doing to "instant message" and kept asking us to go set up an account. I didn't see the point. He was a good guy, so I finally signed up, I have a three digit member number.

LOL! And wow! I don't think I have any shrines. My pest wasn't idolizing me in that sort of way, just didn't understand that a PhD in a field of biology does not make me an expert on solving all his personal problems. I'd love to tell stories, but since he is a member here, I won't.
  • #38
Moonbear said:
LOL! And wow! I don't think I have any shrines. My pest wasn't idolizing me in that sort of way, just didn't understand that a PhD in a field of biology does not make me an expert on solving all his personal problems. I'd love to tell stories, but since he is a member here, I won't.
You're going to have to pm your sisters with the details, you vixen, you! You may have shrines out there that you just don't know about. If someone hadn't tipped me off, I would not have known.
  • #39
3 digit ICQ? wow. I am impressed. ICQ used to be my favorite thing in the world. Especially after I changed all the "uh-oh"s to "I want you" in the voices of the person calling. Aahhhh the good ol days.
  • #40
I think I don't get shrines cause I'm more of a stalker than a stalkee. Wouldn't you say moonbear? What? I can't understand you with that tape over your mouth, just nod.
  • #41
tribdog said:
I think I don't get shrines cause I'm more of a stalker than a stalkee. Wouldn't you say moonbear? What? I can't understand you with that tape over your mouth, just nod.

*nods* Mmmph mmm phmph.

  • #42
Well, i was in high school famous by being the 1st rebel against the principle who I DO HATE TO THE MAX, i was usually critisize him so badly by putting some articels in the school magazines about the Pharoah of our school which i mean him abvously. Once I was having a goaty and all the 10th grade students as a joke "attacked" me, tied my up and shave it [the embarrising thingy that some girls share in the attack :cry: ...no comment] I get really pissed off [and laughing in the same moment] and tell them that Moses does not deserve from his clan this reward for standing against the Pharoah... a peace process happened and i forgot about it.

Friends jokes by calling me Moses, and they remember that event, haha
And the name stuck with me after wards

[BTW: I have my goaty back :biggrin:]
  • #43
tribdog said:
am I that old? I didn't realize Calvin and Hobbes was pre www. I remember when it was new.
C&H definitely predates WWW. Started all the way back in 1985. I still read it every day online. I don't know how many times I've read each strip, but they still crack me up.
  • #44
No offense, but I had assumed that 'Hurkyl' was some sort of tribute to Steve Urkel. Also, I thought tribdog had been a reporter for the Mesa Tribune, going by one of his early posts. I believe 'Chroot' was explained as having something to do with 'change root,' though that doesn't help me much.
  • #45
Janitor said:
No offense, but I had assumed that 'Hurkyl' was some sort of tribute to Steve Urkel. Also, I thought tribdog had been a reporter for the Mesa Tribune, going by one of his early posts. I believe 'Chroot' was explained as having something to do with 'change root,' though that doesn't help me much.

What about Janitor? :smile:
  • #46
Moses said:
Friends jokes by calling me Moses, and they remember that event, haha And the name stuck with me after wards [BTW: I have my goaty back :biggrin:]

You and Tribdog should collaborate on a book with such stories. :smile:
  • #47
I was getting ready to get offended by that comment for some reason then I remembered my principal. Actually it is a little bit funny.
You have to understand that I came from a really small town. There was one nice neighborhood, the cul-de-sac I lived on. Right across the street from me lived the principal of the high school. One Fourth of July me and a couple of kids were outside playing with fireworks. we had been busted a few days earlier and all our illegal firecrackers and bottle rockets had been confiscated. All we had were stupid snakes and flowers. You know flowers right? they spin around and look pretty. They aren't the most satisfying firework on the market. In order to get a little bit more enjoyment out of them we started holding them as the fuse burned, then throwing them as high as we could. It was a complete accident, but I threw one up in the air. It wasn't my best throw ever, a little shy of vertical. We all watched it fly across the street and land on top of principal's car, bounce once onto the street and get lodged under the tire. No longer able to spin it simply blew a flame which either 1: went out naturally or 2: was extinguished by the sudden blast of air from the previously un-punctured tire. I'm not exactly sure because by then I had already run to my backyard, hopped the fence, and was halfway to my buddy's house. The crazy thing is I couldn't do it again if I tried.
but I tried any way, we threw flowers at every car, bike, truck you name it. the only tire ever popped was the principals
  • #48
tribdog said:
I was getting ready to get offended by that comment for some reason then I remembered my principal. Actually it is a little bit funny.

LOL! You don't understand. I really meant it. I wasn't talking about writing a novel, but a biography. You two guys have great stories. :smile:
  • #49
great stories to you maybe. traumatic and painful experiences on my part. glad my pain and suffering are amusing. Hey, earlier I got my testicle caught in my zipper. I'm thinking about testing this stapler to see if really could go all the way to the bone. I'll let you know how it turns out. Should be good for a giggle.
Last edited:
  • #50
tribdog said:
great stories to you maybe. traumatic and painful experiences on my part. glad my pain and suffering are amusing.

I assumed you are now a happy person able to look back on things with humor. I was just appreciating your story in total sincerity. I could tell you some majorly painful stuff about my life too, but I wouldn't put it in thread that is dedicated to being silly!
  • #51
lol, don't be so serious. Hey! this one is for you. *slamming mouse against left ear*
  • #52
tribdog said:
lol, don't be so serious. Hey! this one is for you. *slamming mouse against left ear*

LMAO! So you got me, eh? I'll remember that. :cool:
  • #53
Sure you will? for how long.
Hi, my name's tribdog.
  • #54
In quantum physics observables are represneted by self-adjoint operators as they have real eigenvalues.

jcsd is the name of a rain God worshipped by nude ethnic people in the rainforest, however I called myself jcsd because it is the intials of my first, middle and last names.
  • #55
tribdog said:
Sure you will? for how long.
Hi, my name's tribdog.

Work for the Arizona Tribune, right? In the pet section, surrepticiously selling puppies to Chinese restaurants, right? I was shot in the had in Viet Nam, so occasionally I get things mixed up, but I always get my revenge. You are on my list dogboy. :biggrin:
  • #56
damn! I got to quit making all these lists. Stop me before I say anything else stupid. If you can remember. lol, damn did it again.
  • #57
Les Sleeth said:
I assumed you are now a happy person able to look back on things with humor. I was just appreciating your story in total sincerity. I could tell you some majorly painful stuff about my life too, but I wouldn't put it in thread that is dedicated to being silly!

I think he could look back on these things are more humorous if he was actually looking BACK, and not still doing them! :smile: I think he needs a more attentive keeper. :-p
  • #58
"Loren" as in the laurel wreath of champions. My parents found that, my given name, in a phone book.

"Booda" evolved from Bode, as in Bode's law. Our original German surname was "Americanized" (but sounding more Chinese) when my ancestors emigrated from Europe in the mid-1800's.
  • #59
Mk is a tribute to Michio Kaku.
  • #60
I'm still waiting for Les to tell me more about that bear mooning episode. That night is all such a blur now. Last thing I recall was sitting out by the campsite, and someone mentioned having a bottle of tequila. Nobody had a shot glass, so we were just swigging from the bottle...I think...it's such a haze. I just know they were all looking at me really funny the next day and laughing and not telling me what was so funny.

  • #61
Moonbear said:
:smile: I just know they were all looking at me really funny the next day and laughing and not telling me what was so funny.

who was? The bears? :biggrin:
  • #62
Math Is Hard said:
who was? The bears? :biggrin:

I don't even know. I was sooo hungover. :smile:
  • #63
Moonbear said:
I don't even know. I was sooo hungover. :smile:
I remember the one time I got totally blitzed. I was out with a few friends and my best friend Cindy had recently broken up with my brother (her fiance) and she was in a rotten mood, so she kept challenging me to chugging contests. The problem was I was drinking scotch - neat, she was drinking beer. Not really a fair chugging contest. :devil:

I got really drunk, really fast. I ended up putting too much perfume on. Everyone said it was too much.

That's it. I am so boring that even having imbibed enough scotch to put a blue whale into a coma, the worst thing I've ever done is go too heavy on perfume. I remember every moment of that night.
  • #64
Yeah evo, that's pretty bad.

If it makes you feel any better the worst thing I've ever done was throw up, and I've never forgotten anything either.
  • #65
Evo said:
I remember the one time I got totally blitzed. I was out with a few friends and my best friend Cindy had recently broken up with my brother (her fiance) and she was in a rotten mood, so she kept challenging me to chugging contests. The problem was I was drinking scotch - neat, she was drinking beer. Not really a fair chugging contest. :devil:

I got really drunk, really fast. I ended up putting too much perfume on. Everyone said it was too much.

That's it. I am so boring that even having imbibed enough scotch to put a blue whale into a coma, the worst thing I've ever done is go too heavy on perfume. I remember every moment of that night.

Oh, don't feel too bad about that. In reality, I've never done anything bad while drunk. For me, there's just too fine of a line between complete coherence and passed out for me to really do anything stupid. I just lose the ability to thermoregulate while drunk, so I spend the night putting clothes on and taking them back off because I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot...
  • #66
franznietzsche said:
Yeah evo, that's pretty bad.

If it makes you feel any better the worst thing I've ever done was throw up, and I've never forgotten anything either.
Perhaps it's because we both like Kafka.

When I was 14, I had not read "The Castle", I think I had read everything else. I went once a week to an "artsy" theatre that played some off the wall movies and one week they were playing "The Castle". It was pretty interesting, the land surveyor comes to this village that has a hold on it by this mysterious, foreboding Castle. He is just about to go to the castle and discover what this dark secret is when (wait, I don't want to ruin this for anyone that doesn't know). franznietzsche, don't say anything. Let them all get ticked off like I did.
  • #67
Moonbear said:
Oh, don't feel too bad about that. In reality, I've never done anything bad while drunk. For me, there's just too fine of a line between complete coherence and passed out for me to really do anything stupid. I just lose the ability to thermoregulate while drunk, so I spend the night putting clothes on and taking them back off because I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot...
Oh, we'd be a great pair. I'll be wallowing in a cloud of perfume and you'll be getting dressed and undressed all night. :smile: I think the guys will find you more interesting. :biggrin:
  • #68
This thread has evolved into a Cafe (sans coffee)...

I thought it was all about ME ! :bugeye:
Aye was at the top of the list !
Eye had interest expressed to me ! :!) :!) :!)
I changed my mind, carry on. :biggrin:
  • #69
Evo said:
Perhaps it's because we both like Kafka.

When I was 14, I had not read "The Castle", I think I had read everything else. I went once a week to an "artsy" theatre that played some off the wall movies and one week they were playing "The Castle". It was pretty interesting, the land surveyor comes to this village that has a hold on it by this mysterious, foreboding Castle. He is just about to go to the castle and discover what this dark secret is when (wait, I don't want to ruin this for anyone that doesn't know). franznietzsche, don't say anything. Let them all get ticked off like I did.

I actually haven't read the The Castle either. I've read The Judgement, The Metamorphosis and Conversation with the Supplicant. Great stuff all of it. I have In the penal colony, and A Hunger Artist (its a one volume collection), but i haven't read them yet.
  • #70
Evo said:
Oh, we'd be a great pair. I'll be wallowing in a cloud of perfume and you'll be getting dressed and undressed all night. :smile: I think the guys will find you more interesting. :biggrin:

Yeah, because around her we won't be choking on the fumes.

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