What's the Etymology of your PF Name?

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
  • Start date
In summary, the names given to players' personal flight forms in Pokémon seem to be based on people or things with meanings that the player might find confusing or unpleasant. Some of the names (like Boulderhead) are not very creative, while others (like Les) are based on personal experiences. Franznietzsche is a combination of two famous authors who may not be popular with the player.
  • #176
Les Sleeth said:
That'd be lez bo
Okay, if you say so, lez bo. :-p
You know Honest Babe, you and Gokul are not showing very much respect to the Philosophy Guru. Aren't you supposed to be genuflecting, or kissing my butt, or something similar? :cry:
We tease because we love (to tease you). Sorry, I can't help it. I'll start genuflecting as soon as I look it up.
What do you want from me anyway? I'm a horse with big cojones. That's not something a girl likes to hear more than once.

I think it's time to tease someone else. Preferably a mentor.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #177
honestrosewater said:
I'm a horse with big cojones.
Oh, but what lovely cojones they must be! :!)
  • #178
I'm going to delete that horrible horrible image from my brain now, thank you.
  • #179
Les Sleeth said:
At least you made words out of it. My mind kept seeing hones -trosewater . . . I was thinking "is it a guy or gal?" (BTW, I think when people register Greg should REQUIRE people state their gender so straight guys don't mistakenly think Saint is cute.)

Naaahhh... straight guys hitting on Saint would be funny... though slightly IMMORAL. :wink:
  • #180
Math Is Hard said:
Naaahhh... straight guys hitting on Saint would be funny... though slightly IMMORAL. :wink:

Well, I hate to confess that for a long time his avatar combined with his name had me believing he was a she. I felt more fatherly and understanding when he was a she. :blushing:
  • #181
I hope you will feel "fatherly" towards me, Les. The major I am going into is philosophy-intensive, so I will probably be seeking your advice a great deal over the next couple of years.

oh, the etymology of my name has to do with my junkie-like calculator/spreadsheet-dependence. (I am getting much better at figuring by hand, though.)
  • #182
Math Is Hard said:
I hope you will feel "fatherly" towards me, Les. The major I am going into is philosophy-intensive, so I will probably be seeking your advice a great deal over the next couple of years.

oh, the etymology of my name has to do with my junkie-like calculator/spreadsheet-dependence. (I am getting much better at figuring by hand, though.)

Absolutely. Any time I can be of assistance don't hesitate to ask. :smile:

Speaking of calculators, when I was in college I used a slide rule. In my sophmore year, the first calculator came out, and I remember someone who paid $120 for what banks give away for free today!
  • #183
Wow, two subjects near and dear to my heart back to back: finger counting and slide rules.

Math Is Hard said:
(I am getting much better at figuring by hand, though.)
Les Sleeth said:
Speaking of calculators, when I was in college I used a slide rule. In my sophmore year, the first calculator came out, and I remember someone who paid $120 for what banks give away for free today!
One of my favorite slide rules:
http://www.sphere.bc.ca/test/ted/p-1460versalogvariant2 back.jpg
  • #184
BobG said:

That's a nice one . . . so that's what a Hemmi is, I thought maybe you were talking about a Dodge engine. :smile: I still have a very cool little Pickett slide rule. I recently gave my big one away to a young man impressed with it.
  • #185
Les Sleeth said:
Was that you?
That was not me but I will ask my otehr personality...(walks off to ask his otehr persaonlity (that half a banana again)).....(returns)... he says that it was not him either so sorry, it was neither of us.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #186
Why did I pick 'enigma'?

It is one of the coolest words ever created by man. Describes me perfectly. All my life people have either thought I was a complete idiot or have been terrified of me until they actually spoke to me. I actually perpetuated the image because I generally like to be left alone. Can you blame them though?

Picture if you will, an 18 year old enigma: Dressed entirely in black. Big hippie stomping boots, black jeans (progressed to black slacks in my early 20s), black band shirt (progressed to dark sweaters/button down shirts), big black leather motorcycle jacket, long dirty blonde hair w/ undercuts (for those that don't know, they look like http://thadoomlord.home.att.net/undercut_copy.gif ), earring... oh yeah. And I knew how to do calculus in my head. Not a big accomplishment in this group, but caused most of the general populace to do a doubletake. Only a little has changed since then. Still have the hair. Still have the boots. Still have the jacket. Don't wear black quite as often. Oh. And I know how do design and size rockets now. Yeh. I'm an enigma unless you know me.


Right... remembered that there's evidence of me (in my more polished state) on the web:

Joking around after we won a competition

Only looking a little sunburned... avert your eyes ladies... this one's from the front
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  • #187
I must have missed your pictures before Enigma! You're a cutie! How could anyone be afraid of you? You look exactly how I pictured a rocket scientist would look. :biggrin:
  • #188
So what's the avatar enigma? In your present environment (I assume some leading astronautic company or university dept), do you still utterly perplex folk by being able to do calculus in your head?
  • #190
The ability to do calculus in my head has dwindled a bit with time (plus the difficulty of the problems requires pen and paper now). The avatar is left over from PF2.0. It was the only one which truly fit me. Businessman with bat wings.

Jerry Seinfeld?
  • #192
It's probably obvious, but Astronuc = Astronuclear.

It's based on probably the most interesting work that I have done - nuclear propulsion for spacecraft - particularly for manned missions to Mars. I thought we'd be there by now. Oh, well - may be someday. :wink:

Still keep my foot in the door. :cool:
  • #193
I wanted to extend a belated welcome to General Discussion Astronuc. You're an asset to PF!
  • #196
Clausius2 said:
Which of them? There are many of them that look sunburned...I bet for the second on the left, right?

Enigma is the guy with
enigma said:
long dirty blonde hair w/ undercuts

Les' Seinfeld look-alike is on your left.
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  • #197
She (standing on my left as I was in the picture) certainly doesn't look like Seinfeld.

He (on the left looking at the picture) doesn't look like Seinfeld, does he? Well... maybe a little.
  • #198
enigma said:
She (standing on my left as I was in the picture) certainly doesn't look like Seinfeld.

He (on the left looking at the picture) doesn't look like Seinfeld, does he? Well... maybe a little.

A little, but just his smile really. It sure wasn't a striking resemblance.

You, on the other hand, are the cutest of the bunch! Is it too late to accept that marriage proposal? :biggrin: I'm baking cookies tonight, lots of cookies.
  • #199
Moonbear said:
A little, but just his smile really. It sure wasn't a striking resemblance.

You, on the other hand, are the cutest of the bunch! Is it too late to accept that marriage proposal? :biggrin: I'm baking cookies tonight, lots of cookies.

Mmmmm cookies. :cool:
  • #200
franznietzsche said:
Mmmmm cookies. :cool:

Yep, one of my friends is having a "cookie exchange" party tomorrow afternoon. She asked everyone to bring a dozen cookies. I warned her I can't stop at just a dozen. I think I have at least 5 dozen cookies! I have snickerdoodles, pepper-spice cookies (also known as pfefferneussen...if I spelled that at all close to correctly), almond crescents, and kifli. I have to turn my office upside down...I've lost my favorite recipe and I know it's somewhere in there! I have one for mocha cookies that I then dip in semisweet chocolate and roll in hazelnuts...yum! They're pretty quick to bake, so if I can find the recipe by morning, I'll bring those too (everyone always requests them once they've had them, so I know they are hoping for them again).

I have plenty of extras! *sends cookies to everyone* Enjoy!
  • #201
wow, many posts to this topic so fast!

my real name is skorpiano, but i use kerrie as an alias...
  • #202
Kerrie said:
my real name is skorpiano, but i use kerrie as an alias...

Is that really true, or are you just doing a bit of horoscope humor? :smile:
  • #203
actually les, when i first joined PF, my user name was skorpiano. i got tired of everyone asking me what my name meant...
  • #204
Kerrie said:
actually les, when i first joined PF, my user name was skorpiano. i got tired of everyone asking me what my name meant...

I guess you didn't have the Scorpio avatar at the time to clue them in? :wink:
  • #205
Moonbear said:
I guess you didn't have the Scorpio avatar at the time to clue them in? :wink:

i did actually :-p but many don't know what the glyphs mean.
  • #206
I was kind of disappointed that the number 42 didn't explain his PF name. He's obviously a Lewis Carroll fan, but that still doesn't provide an answer.

Is his name for the King's Rule 42, "the oldest rule in the book", or Rule 42 of the Naval Code (as regards Snark hunting), or the amount of time it takes an underground gravity train to complete one of its trips (at least, according to Lewis Carroll).

Or does his name refer to when the Mad Hatter invited the March Hare to Tea for Two and Two for Tea, and then became annoyed when Alice showed up For Tea Too.
  • #207
The number 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, according to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

The problem of course is you don't know what the question was.
  • #208
Moonbear said:
You, on the other hand, are the cutest of the bunch! Is it too late to accept that marriage proposal? :biggrin: I'm baking cookies tonight, lots of cookies.

Hrmm... so you like long haired dorks, do you?


  • #209
enigma said:
The number 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, according to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

The problem of course is you don't know what the question was.
Wasn't the question in the "Restaraunt at the end of the Universe"? (although I probably butchered the title).

That just proves Douglas Adams is as big a Lewis Carroll fan as the number 42.
  • #210
enigma said:
Hrmm... so you like long haired dorks, do you?



doesn't everyone? :!)

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