Will the Arctic Cold Front Cause Severe Weather and Damage to Crops?

In summary, the weather is gradually changing from cold to warmer temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow predicts that there will be winds between 20 and 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. This will create significant blowing and drifting of snow with near blizzard conditions possible at times. Visibilities will be reduced to below one half mile, making roads near impossible to travel on. The cold wind chill values will be widespread, ranging from 20 to 30 below zero. There is a potential for life-threatening situations due to the dangerously cold temperatures. Additionally, my aunt and uncle own a large strawberry farm and citrus orchard near Tampa, FL and stand to lose the entire crop due to the hard long freeze.
  • #1,121
Yes, snow. Predicted high for Saturday is 19 C = 66 F. At the last place I worked, Tim Hortons was a 90-second indoor walk from my office. Life is tough now; Tim Hortons is a 3-minute indoor walk from my office.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #1,122
George Jones said:
Yes, snow. Predicted high for Saturday is 19 C = 66 F. At the last place I worked, Tim Hortons was a 90-second indoor walk from my office. Life is tough now; Tim Hortons is a 3-minute indoor walk from my office.

I was introduced to Tim Horton coffee a few years ago. My older daughter asked me to stay at her place and kitten sit while she was out of town. She had Tim Horton ground coffee. I couldn't believe how good it was.
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  • #1,123
/sigh. The snow was almost all gone yesterday. Woke up to this. 8" overnight.

  • #1,124
Nice picture though. :smile:
  • #1,125
Wow Kris. It is a beautiful picture.
  • #1,126
Hahah, the beauty must only be seen from an outsiders perspective... After you're about to enter your 8th month with snow on the ground, it becomes less beautiful. Thanks though :)
  • #1,127
You could have made similar pics in Spain this week.

I'm covering my plants for frostbite tonite.

Somehow I get associations with the Nenana ice classic. But the bets are closed to when the tripod starts to drift, stopping the clock. My bet is May 10th 5:15 pm. It looks like the http://www.nenanaakiceclassic.com/ice.htm# this year is not exactly the least of the records
  • #1,128
KrisOhn said:
/sigh. The snow was almost all gone yesterday. Woke up to this. 8" overnight.


would be nice to see auckland covered like this... for a day
  • #1,129
It stopped snowing overnight, ended up getting about 16" in total. 2 years ago the same thing happened to us (early spring dump of almost 2' of snow) and our area had extreme flooding, we're well on our way to having the same thing happen this year.
  • #1,130
Andre said:
...Somehow I get associations with the Nenana ice classic. But the bets are closed to when the tripod starts to drift, stopping the clock. My bet is May 10th 5:15 pm...

Doesn't look like I'm going to hit the jackpot

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  • #1,131
The Weather Channel here has just gone beyond absurd. Now they are calling the cold front pushing through
Winter Storm Achilles

Ok, first, it's not winter, it's Spring.

Second, we don't name isolated storms. Ok, well, the Weather Channel has started to in order to drum up needless fear about weather storms that may or may not develop.

This is absurd. It's not winter. This is not a winter storm.

I can't wait to see what they're planning to name summer thunderstorms.

  • #1,132
Evo said:
That would be the name of the ninth storm. :-p
  • #1,134
How hot place I am living in you can't imagine
  • #1,135
We got about 5 inches of snow and it's still coming down here in Upper Michigan also lots of flooding, the woods are now lakes, and little streams are raging rivers.



Those were from yesterday and it looks like this today.

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  • #1,136
It's snowing here now. 34F

Wow SAS, that looks bad.
  • #1,137
Yah, I am thinking about getting a boat and going fishing "in the woods".
  • #1,138
sas3 said:
Yah, I am thinking about getting a boat and going fishing "in the woods".
  • #1,139
Wow, you people have snow?

Today it's 90 degrees. Oh, sorry, wrong thread.
  • #1,140
I didn't think the snow would stick since it had been raining last night, but I was wrong. They're also predicting an accumulation of 5-8 inches before the snow ends Saturday. With a high predicted of 51F, it should all melt quickly. I'm glad that I went to the pharmacy yesterday.
  • #1,141
Really i am getting fried here in my place and you are freezing?
  • #1,142
adjacent said:
Really i am getting fried here in my place and you are freezing?
Half the country is having snow and freezing weather.
  • #1,143
I would really be happy to have snow.I have never experienced it here.
  • #1,144
Cold can be a headache for home owners

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  • #1,145
^ I've never seen or heard of anything like this! A "galloping" ground glacier in a flat region? Does this qualify as a true glacier? Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? It seems to be either a very fast glacier or a very slow avalanche if the ground has some slope to it.
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  • #1,146
I saw something similar back in the winter of 1963 (though no houses involved) when the river Humber in the UK froze. When the ice broke up, a combination of wind and tide pushed a layer of broken ice across a road running along the river bank.

That was a bit more exciting to watch, because there were "mini ice floes" 10 feet across being forced up on end and then collapsing and breaking up. You could hear the noise from several miles away.

In that case there was no property to damage - though ironically the ice took out all the marker posts showing the road position and water depth when the road flooded at high tides, which happened a few times every year.
  • #1,147
Talking of ice, I think we just had summer in the UK. There were couple of days of temperatures into the low 20s (C) and now the forecast is heading back below 10.

Still, think positive - It's too cold for the grass to grow, so it doesn't need cutting!
  • #1,148
AlephZero said:
I saw something similar back in the winter of 1963 (though no houses involved) when the river Humber in the UK froze. When the ice broke up, a combination of wind and tide pushed a layer of broken ice across a road running along the river bank.

That was a bit more exciting to watch, because there were "mini ice floes" 10 feet across being forced up on end and then collapsing and breaking up. You could hear the noise from several miles away.

In that case there was no property to damage - though ironically the ice took out all the marker posts showing the road position and water depth when the road flooded at high tides, which happened a few times every year.

Yeah. This could be wind driven ice and snow off a nearby lake, especially if the lake level is elevated. I got hung up on the word "glacier". There haven't been any glaciers in Minnesota (US) for over 12-14,000 years. They don't form in a single season or move at that speed.
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  • #1,149
Temperatures last night dropped into the 30sF. I sure hope that we have a spring and it doesn't just go into searing heat.
  • #1,150
In the NE US, we've had days up to the mid 80s F (~30 C), and I been mowing the grass since mid April. The blueberries have flowered. However, this coming week, we have frost warnings.
  • #1,151
Andre said:
Cold can be a headache for home owners

That's pretty freaky if you don't know any better. It looks like a frozen Tsunami >.>
  • #1,152
Andre said:
Somehow I get associations with the Nenana ice classic. But the bets are closed to when the tripod starts to drift, stopping the clock. My bet is May 10th 5:15 pm. It looks like the http://www.nenanaakiceclassic.com/ice.htm# this year is not exactly the least of the records

It's still there.

Obviously I lost. Meanwhile, http://www.ktva.com/news/local/Breakup-Watch-Nenana-Ice-Classic-Clock-Gets-Hooked-Up-this-Weekend-207050251.html . It appears that http://www.nenanaakiceclassic.com/2013%20Side%20B.pdf latest breakups on the 14th of May. The record of 20 May in 1964 doesn't look likely to be met, yet

"I don't know if it's going to make it another 10 days or not," Forness said on Friday. "It might hang in there.

"It would be cool it if it did," she said.

Excellent pun.
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  • #1,153
We have had heavy frosts the last two night in a row. Fortunately, we anticipated May frosts and only planted frost-resistant stuff outside like sweet peas and broccoli.
  • #1,154
I'm loving this cold front, highs in the 70's lows in the 50's! High predicted for Monday is only 72F! low tonight 56F. It's been a fairly cool summer, no complaints.
  • #1,155
High yesterday and Wednesday was 29 C (84). Predicted high for tomorrow is 17 C (63 F).

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