Will the Arctic Cold Front Cause Severe Weather and Damage to Crops?

In summary, the weather is gradually changing from cold to warmer temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow predicts that there will be winds between 20 and 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. This will create significant blowing and drifting of snow with near blizzard conditions possible at times. Visibilities will be reduced to below one half mile, making roads near impossible to travel on. The cold wind chill values will be widespread, ranging from 20 to 30 below zero. There is a potential for life-threatening situations due to the dangerously cold temperatures. Additionally, my aunt and uncle own a large strawberry farm and citrus orchard near Tampa, FL and stand to lose the entire crop due to the hard long freeze.
  • #561
Sorry to hear hypatia. It looks like we may be getting another round of snow later this week.

After the 75°F day yesterday, 33°F this afternoon is really shocking my old bones.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #562
Lovely-looking sunny day outside. However, I just got back from taking Duke for a walk and the 17 deg temp is deceptive when you figure in the 20-30 mph winds. I can bundle up for that, but Duke has to tough it out. Still, it beats the hell out of getting more snow and/or freezing rain. Canada is sending us some pretty frosty weather.
  • #563
It is back to warm here, but not after killing a lot of plants. There are brown palm trees all over and all the subtropicals have taken a enormous hit. In addition, many trees lost their leaves -- our neighborhood looks like somewhere up north in the winter.
  • #564
I woke up to 3 inches of unpredicted snow on the ground this morning.
  • #565
Jimmy Snyder said:
I woke up to 3 inches of unpredicted snow on the ground this morning.

I guess digging for slippers barefoot must have been painful.
  • #566
It is so sunnny and lovely here... cold yes, but nothing terrible. Ahhh, I love the crisp air.
  • #567
It's sunny here too, it feels like daggers in eyes. I've closed the blinds. Who are you people that need this thing called *light*?
  • #568
Evo said:
It's sunny here too, it feels like daggers in eyes. I've closed the blinds. Who are you people that need this thing called *light*?

Mammals... :wink:


  • #569
nismaratwork said:
I remember having to drive downtown for meetings (I worked at home) and they had a large room with desks for those of us that only came down for meetings. The whole room was windows, so it was very bright, I'd go in, turn off the lights, shut the blinds and set up my laptop. Then someone else would walk in and turn on the lights and start opening blinds and I'd have to put my sunglasses on.

People are always doing that to me, even at home, I'll be sitting there reading, and someone will walk into the room and turn the lights on saying "you can't read in the dark". AAARRGGH
  • #570
Evo said:
I remember having to drive downtown for meetings (I worked at home) and they had a large room with desks for those of us that only came down for meetings. The whole room was windows, so it was very bright, I'd go in, turn off the lights, shut the blinds and set up my laptop. Then someone else would walk in and turn on the lights and start opening blinds and I'd have to put my sunglasses on.

People are always doing that to me, even at home, I'll be sitting there reading, and someone will walk into the room and turn the lights on saying "you can't read in the dark". AAARRGGH



Come unholy creature, face my emoticon!
  • #571
nismaratwork said:


Come unholy creature, face my emoticon!
Ha! Your sword won't work on me.
  • #572
Evo said:
Ha! Your sword won't work on me.

Fair enough...

[URL]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/fighting/fighting0066.gif[/URL] Evo [URL]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/fighting/fighting0070.gif[/URL]
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  • #573
nismaratwork said:
Fair enough...

[URL]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/fighting/fighting0066.gif[/URL] Evo [PLAIN]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/fighting/fighting0070.gif[/QUOTE]
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  • #574
Evo said:

Sorry... I'm just intoxicated with this wealth of emoticons. Oh DA... you good fellow!

You know I'd never use a flame-throwr or... zappy... thingy... on you right? :biggrin:


  • #575
Evo said:
It's sunny here too, it feels like daggers in eyes. I've closed the blinds. Who are you people that need this thing called *light*?
Have you ever considered filter implants? Or maybe a set of gray scale contacts?


Just trying to help.
  • #576
I need those light blocking shades, my next door neighbor has them.
  • #577
Evo said:
I need those light blocking shades, my next door neighbor has them.

Kidding aside... I find it more than interesting that someone with a major sleeping disorder is so historically photosensitive. I'd pay good money to know which came first...
  • #578
Well great. It's sleeting and we're suppose get a coupe of inches here.

Evo must love this type of day; sleep in then open eyes fully.
  • #579
dlgoff said:
Well great. It's sleeting and we're suppose get a coupe of inches here.

Evo must love this type of day; sleep in then open eyes fully.

Heh... sorry man, stay safe out there!
  • #580
We had a lot of snow early, then it changed to rain, but it's 32F, trees are icing up, then it's supposed to change to snow again later this afternoon with over an inch per hour accumulation. Not a good day to be out.

Wow, you can actually watch the icicles forming on the trees now. Every time I glance over, they're a bit longer. I hope this doesn't end up with a lot of tree breakage.
  • #581
That storm is coming this way and is expected to combine with another one sliding up the coast. Tonight and tomorrow could be a real mixed-bag. The last heavy, wet one was exactly a week ago, requiring me to spend over an hour on my tractor or in a snow-bank in freezing rain extracting my wife's car from a deep snow-filled ditch after she spun out on a steep hill. I have no desire to repeat that.
  • #582
Anyone have problems with winter parking rules? http://www.slate.com/id/2286175]If you shovel your car out of a snowdrift, does that give you the right to reserve the space for days? With a specially designed parking chair? Or a parking ironing board?


I have the opposite problem. When I pull into a parking lot, I look for the spaces where the snow has been piled up - even going so far as to park way far away from the store because some ignorant snow plow driver thought piling the snow in the far outer reaches of the lot was a good idea. Somehow, my parking choices fail to make a good impression on first dates.

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  • #583
BobG said:
Anyone have problems with winter parking rules? http://www.slate.com/id/2286175]If you shovel your car out of a snowdrift, does that give you the right to reserve the space for days? With a specially designed parking chair? Or a parking ironing board?


I have the opposite problem. When I pull into a parking lot, I look for the spaces where the snow has been piled up - even going so far as to park way far away from the store because some ignorant snow plow driver thought piling the snow in the far outer reaches of the lot was a good idea. Somehow, my parking choices fail to make a good impression on first dates.


re bolding mine: :smile:

Good stuff!
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  • #584
BobG said:
When I pull into a parking lot, I look for the spaces where the snow has been piled up - even going so far as to park way far away from the store because some ignorant snow plow driver thought piling the snow in the far outer reaches of the lot was a good idea. Somehow, my parking choices fail to make a good impression on first dates.


I'm impressed but ...

I wish I had a picture of what I saw a couple of days age. Maybe this is a common way to advertise, but I had never seen it before.

We have a car dealer plaza in Lawrence, KS and since we've had tons of snow this winter, their lots have huge piles of snow. And on the corner of one of these lots was a pile (had to be at least 15 feet high with a 60 feet base) that had a car directly on top. Now I would be impressed if it was a 4 wheel drive and had managed to drive up there, but it was just a small (maybe 8 inch bottom clearance) sedan. What impressed me was how they got it up there and I'm wondering how are they going to handle securing it as the pile melts (we've forecast for some 50 to 60 degree days this coming week).
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  • #585
dlgoff said:
I'm impressed but ...

I wish I had a picture of what I saw a couple of days age. Maybe this is a common way to advertise, but I had never seen it before.

We have a car dealer plaza in Lawrence, KS and since we've had tons of snow this winter, their lots have huge piles of snow. And on the corner of one of these lots was a pile (had to be at least 15 feet high with a 60 feet base) that had a car directly on top. Now I would be impressed if it was a 4 wheel drive and had managed to drive up there, but it was just a small (maybe 8 inch bottom clearance) sedan. What impressed me was how they got it up there and I'm wondering how are they going to handle securing it as the pile melts (we've forecast for some 50 to 60 degree days this coming week).

I had the joy of being in such a lot, for a filling no less! I have pictures, and tomorrow (remind me if I forget!) I'll upload them, and shrink them down to place here. I think it would be similar to what you're describing... a snow maze from hell! :wink:
  • #586
After a couple of weeks of warm weather, we woke up to snow in Tucson this weekend. My daughter and I had a snow ball fight which is a rare treat for her.
  • #587
Having a lovely thunderstorm, looks like the damaging hail storm will pass just south of me, like 2 miles.
  • #588
I stayed up late last night feeding the wood stove. -15 F is pretty cold for even a small log house with no additional insulation (just the logs). Now for the whip-saw. This Sunday, it appears that we are in line for mid-forties and a possibility of torrential rain. Heavy rain with frozen ground is not good. Luckily, we have so much snow cover that it can soak up a lot of rain and we might not get flooding except in susceptible locales.
  • #589
Evo said:
Having a lovely thunderstorm, looks like the damaging hail storm will pass just south of me, like 2 miles.

I don't believe in luck, good or bad... but you're starting to strain my skepticism. Back, falls, sleep, damaging hail...

...Do you live on the Island from Lost or something?!
  • #590
turbo-1 said:
I stayed up late last night feeding the wood stove. -15 F is pretty cold for even a small log house with no additional insulation (just the logs). Now for the whip-saw. This Sunday, it appears that we are in line for mid-forties and a possibility of torrential rain. Heavy rain with frozen ground is not good. Luckily, we have so much snow cover that it can soak up a lot of rain and we might not get flooding except in susceptible locales.

Oooooh, I love wood stoves, and fireplaces... not the easiest thing in the world, but worth it in my view. Reading a book in front of a crackling fire is king.
  • #591
nismaratwork said:
Oooooh, I love wood stoves, and fireplaces... not the easiest thing in the world, but worth it in my view. Reading a book in front of a crackling fire is king.
Duke loves "his" wood stove. When I get it fired up, he'll often give up his super-comfy bed to toast his bones beside the stove. Splitting and stacking wood takes a couple of weeks or so each spring/summer, but it sure beats paying the Saudis. When my wife and I bought this place in 2005, I filled the oil tank. Last time I checked, we still have about 1/2 tank of oil. I run the furnace periodically to check it, or when it is bitterly cold.
  • #592
turbo-1 said:
Duke loves "his" wood stove. When I get it fired up, he'll often give up his super-comfy bed to toast his bones beside the stove. Splitting and stacking wood takes a couple of weeks or so each spring/summer, but it sure beats paying the Saudis. When my wife and I bought this place in 2005, I filled the oil tank. Last time I checked, we still have about 1/2 tank of oil. I run the furnace periodically to check it, or when it is bitterly cold.

Truly, a lucky dog. :smile:
  • #593
nismaratwork said:
I don't believe in luck, good or bad... but you're starting to strain my skepticism. Back, falls, sleep, damaging hail...

...Do you live on the Island from Lost or something?!
One guy I dated said my house must be built over a cursed Indian burial ground. I've had fires, hit by lightning, baseball size hail, flooding, you name it. And it was always centralized over my house. My co-workers wouldn't believe me when I would tell them about the weather I was having because it would be sunny and clear on their side of town. Then it would be on the news that night "freak microburst" was what they always called them. My older daughter was so convinced the house was cursed, she moved in with her dad and wouldn't enter the house, she'd come to the front door and ask me if all of the weird stuff was still happening.
  • #594
nismaratwork said:
Oooooh, I love wood stoves, and fireplaces... not the easiest thing in the world, but worth it in my view. Reading a book in front of a crackling fire is king.

Don't forget a glass in the other hand.
  • #595
Borek said:
Don't forget a glass in the other hand.

I would, but I'm that guy who would have a mug of cocoa, or tea. Still... maybe a nice rich Hefeweisen... good idea!

@Evo: :bugeye: I'm not sure if you're absurdly lucky to be alive, or if you're incredibly unlucky! Follow the Blessingway... call on First Man, and First Woman... cleanse your home. :wink:

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