Will the Arctic Cold Front Cause Severe Weather and Damage to Crops?

In summary, the weather is gradually changing from cold to warmer temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow predicts that there will be winds between 20 and 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. This will create significant blowing and drifting of snow with near blizzard conditions possible at times. Visibilities will be reduced to below one half mile, making roads near impossible to travel on. The cold wind chill values will be widespread, ranging from 20 to 30 below zero. There is a potential for life-threatening situations due to the dangerously cold temperatures. Additionally, my aunt and uncle own a large strawberry farm and citrus orchard near Tampa, FL and stand to lose the entire crop due to the hard long freeze.
  • #701
Emm... how does she lay eggs?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #702
Borek said:
Emm... how does she lay eggs?
  • #703
Bad storm! The skies have opened.
  • #704
I heard a news item today that this summer was the hottest on record. Maybe in Texas and the central US, but in the NE, it's been rather mild and relatively cool, and certainly not the hottest we've had. We've had one of the wettest periods, and that's not been good for farmers. Too much flooding!
  • #705
Yeah, here it's around 76°F here and clear skies:smile:
  • #706
We never broke 70 deg here today, which was nice, since I got the chance to grill nice rib-eyes for my wife, father and brother, along with steaming corn on the cob. My wife made a nice potato salad, spruced up with my bread-and-butter pickles and she baked a nice batch of baked beans. Combined with cucumbers, carrots, and dip, and a fresh salsa that was 100% from our garden, we had a feast on the deck. I love fresh salsa with corn chips. Tomatoes, green peppers, onions, chilies, cilantro, etc, all from 75 feet away in the garden. Can't get much fresher than that.

Summer has been 'way too sunny, hot, humid, or wet for us to spend much time out there this year. I could stand a whole year of this weather!

BTW, Maine has frost advisories in low-lying areas for tonight. I hope this hill-side garden allows at least some of my hottest chilies to ripen so that I can make relishes.
  • #707
turbo said:
We never broke 70 deg here today, which was nice, since I got the chance to grill nice rib-eyes for my wife, father and brother, along with steaming corn on the cob. My wife made a nice potato salad, spruced up with my bread-and-butter pickles and she baked a nice batch of baked beans. Combined with cucumbers, carrots, and dip, and a fresh salsa that was 100% from our garden, we had a feast on the deck. I love fresh salsa with corn chips. Tomatoes, green peppers, onions, chilies, cilantro, etc, all from 75 feet away in the garden. Can't get much fresher than that.

Sounds delicious:!)
  • #708
BloodyFrozen said:
Sounds delicious:!)
When we have a cookout, it's time to reset some bars. It's just nice that it is cool and dry enough now for me to function outside, so I can grill steaks, visit, chat, etc. The last month or so, the air has felt like mud - very heavy and wet. We are getting very wet weather while parts of the south (Texas, most notably) are suffering drought, parched crops and the threat of wildfires.

We may someday yearn for a return to the days when "Baby it's cold outside". :frown:
  • #709
turbo said:
When we have a cookout, it's time to reset some bars. It's just nice that it is cool and dry enough now for me to function outside, so I can grill steaks, visit, chat, etc. The last month or so, the air has felt like mud - very heavy and wet. We are getting very wet weather while parts of the south (Texas, most notably) are suffering drought, parched crops and the threat of wildfires.

We may someday yearn for a return to the days when "Baby it's cold outside". :frown:

Agreed. We don't have nearly enough space to grow the amount you do.
  • #710
Dang. It was 35°F this morning here. I hope this isn't a sign for an early winter.
  • #711
It's been in 40's or 50's at night, and 60's or low 70's during the day - and mostly rain. We've had more flooding in low lying areas. There are folks in town still without electricity because of flooding. It was probably a bad idea to build homes with basements, when the homes are along side a creek.
  • #712
Astronuc said:
It's been in 40's or 50's at night, and 60's or low 70's during the day - and mostly rain.
Same here. Fall is usually beautiful here, but this summer's drought turned many leaves brown and many have already fallen.
  • #713
Here in the UK, it's definitely not cold. England is having the hottest October day since records began, with temperatures up to 29.9C (85.8F), and Wales has also had its hottest October day on record.

BBC news report: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15137832"

Where I am, near the south coast, it's not quite that hot, but it's still over 75F in the shade.
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  • #714
dlgoff said:
Dang. It was 35°F this morning here. I hope this isn't a sign for an early winter.
I remembered at the last minute to bring my peppers in.
  • #715
I woke up this morning to a 1/2 inch of snow on my car.
  • #716
Dembadon said:
I woke up this morning to a 1/2 inch of snow on my car.
I always love the first snow. Then not so much.

When I lived in upstate NY, the local tv station would have their annual "guess which day we'll have our first 6" snow. Of course the first snow in Sept could be 18".

Evo Child was born in a blizzard on Oct 3rd there.
  • #717
Evo said:
I always love the first snow. Then not so much.

When I lived in upstate NY, the local tv station would have their annual "guess which day we'll have our first 6" snow. Of course the first snow in Sept could be 18".

Evo Child was born in a blizzard on Oct 3rd there.

I usually don't mind it. I think this time it was just the fact that I wasn't expecting it. Additionally, I had a dresser in the back of my truck that I found on the side of the road with a "free" sign on it. It was in decent shape, so I was going to refinish it for my younger sister who needs a new dresser, but it got wet and will probably warp when it dries. :frown:
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  • #718
An arctic high is pushing in, and the temperature is probably going to be in the 40s before the afternoon is over. Clear and cold tonight, with frosts expected. I doubt that the frost will be severe, so I'm going to leave my chilies on the plants hoping to get a bit more ripening in the milder weather expected for the end of the week.
  • #719
I just got back inside after spending the afternoon reading in the sun. I guess it was about 72 degrees give or take. Perfect weather for being outside.
  • #720
Yesterday, it was -2 (28F) when I got up, but the temperature rose to 15 (59 F) in the afternoon.

Normal current: overnight low = 0 (32F); afternoon high = 12 (54F).
  • #721
Jimmy Snyder said:
I just got back inside after spending the afternoon reading in the sun. I guess it was about 72 degrees give or take. Perfect weather for being outside.

Cute, Jimmy.

But the beach boys' thread is that way -------------->

  • #722
I'd heard Colorado's evenings were always cool, but this summer I ran the A/C quite a bit, even in the evenings.

I'd heard winter starts creeping in late September, but here we are in October and I'm finally able to open the windows at night for a cool breeze! It's 64 out, now.

I'd heard last winter was arctic. I wonder what this winter will be like?
  • #723
45 deg F outside, cold inside. I am thinking about starting a fire in the fireplace.
  • #724
The forecast is for snow along the I-95 corridor. I-95 is 3 miles from here so I'm expecting sunny weather.
  • #726
This thread violates PF rules, please keep your opinions about the weather to yourself.

  • #727
Pythagorean said:
This thread violates PF rules, please keep your opinions about the weather to yourself.

Yeah and "local weather forecasts" fall under "predicting the future" and obviously should be posted in Skepticism & Debunking.
  • #728
Either such reports are overly speculative, or I have to shovel 3 inches of rain off my walk.
  • #729
My generator is all fueled up and ready to go. Heavy, wet snow will take out lots of trees that were weakened by the summer's microbursts and twisters. Might not be able to make it to chat tomorrow.
  • #730
turbo said:
My generator is all fueled up and ready to go. Heavy, wet snow will take out lots of trees that were weakened by the summer's microbursts and twisters. Might not be able to make it to chat tomorrow.

My trees haven't really turned yet - still about 50% green. A 3" accumulation will do great damage if the leaves hold the weight. Do you have a similar situation?
  • #731
No, the drought took many of the leaves before fall arrived. Most trees are bare.
  • #732
turbo said:
No, the drought took many of the leaves before fall arrived. Most trees are bare.

Almost a good thing - are you expecting freezing rain with snow?
  • #733
WhoWee said:
Almost a good thing - are you expecting freezing rain with snow?
We never can tell here. This is a tricky place to forecast weather, with arctic highs to the north, the Atlantic to the south and east, and storm-systems that tend to sweep up the east cost. Sometimes just a few miles' displacement or a change in elevation can make all the difference. It's sunny and about 40 degrees outside, and I have a fire going in the wood-stove (first of the year). Later this afternoon, I'll fill the woodbox so at least we'll have heat if all the power goes out.

I have been using the furnace on the colder days, just to burn up the old oil before it gets sludgy. We moved in here 6 years ago, and filled the oil tank then. There is still over 1/3 of a tank left. Even with the addition of fuel stabilizer a couple of times over that period, I don't trust that old oil to keep well and not clog my furnace's gun. Oil prices are very high right now, so I don't want to fill the tank until that situation changes.
  • #734
Right now it's in between freezing rain and snow. I'm sure the Eskimos have a word for it. My leaves haven't even turned brown yet.
  • #735
Jimmy Snyder said:
... My leaves haven't even turned brown yet.

Oh dear :eek: does that hurt?

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