Capacity Definition and 664 Threads

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. S

    Rotating a 5m Cylinder: Calculating Initial Torque for Motor Capacity

    Sir, I stuck with a project. It is a bearing supported 5 Meter long cylinder with 1.5 meter diameter and weighs approximately 8 tons. At first stage I need to rotate this cylinder from 0-200 RPM within 1 minute and keep that RPM for 10 minutes and again from 200-1200 within 1 minute and keep...
  2. F

    Specific heat capacity

    can anybody tell me how the specific heat capacity varies with pressure and temperature for superheated vapors thanks
  3. A

    Cost of high capacity compressors ($/kW)

    Hello - I was looking at costs of compressors online and could find a couple of links that provided me $ for the power I was looking at. As the power increases, $/kW decreased. The range of kW that these websites could give me cost for was well below what I was looking at. Can someone help...
  4. K

    Why is my computer showing inconsistent free disk space readings?

    I just picked up an older computer (Dell with XP) to substitute for and eventually augment a machine that has turned boat-anchor on me (I'll get to that one at a later date). The main problem is the readings I get from "my computer" of the remaining "free space". Sometimes it reads as low as a...
  5. N

    What Is the Heat Capacity of the Alloy in This Experiment?

    Homework Statement to determine the specific heat of a metal alloy, a 0.150 kg of the substance is heated to 400 degrees C ad then placed in a 0.20 kg aluminum calorimeter containing 0.40 kg of water. if a 14 g of ice is placed on it and the mixture reached the temperature of 30.5 degrees C...
  6. N

    What Is the Specific Heat Capacity of Different Types of Bronze?

    what is the spec heat capacity of bronze?? pls tell me..i can't find on the net and it's the only thing i need to solve my homewrk problem..
  7. G

    I-Beam load capacity question, what beam for 70 tons?

    Hi, I'm sorry if there have been loads of posts about this, but I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm making a pit to service a locomotive, this pit needs to be 10 feet wide (width along the rails), inorder to support the weight of the locomotive we have decided to run I-Beams under...
  8. S

    Find the heat capacity of the system

    Homework Statement A system posesses three energy levels E1=ε, E2=2ε, E3=3ε with degeneracies g(E1)=g(E3)=1 , g(E2)=2 Find the heat capacity of the system. Homework Equations Z=e-βε+e-2βε+e-3βε d2lnZ/dβ2=kT2C The Attempt at a Solution i got the partition function and then...
  9. R

    How Do You Calculate the Power of a Heater in a Vending Machine?

    Just revising for my practical physics exam tomorrow and got stuck on this! not sure if its correct, just annpyed me that i was unsure! Homework Statement A vending machine for serving hot drinks has a tank of capacity 7.5 litres, and the manufactuurers say that 45 cups of hot water (at 99o...
  10. N

    Anharmonic Oscillator Heat Capacity

    Homework Statement Consider the anharmonic potential U(x)=cx2-gx3-fx4 and show that the approximate heat capacity of the classical unharmonic oscillator in one dimension is C=kb[1+(3f/2c2+15g2/8c3)kbT] Homework Equations U(x)=cx2-gx3-fx4 and heat capacity is C=dU/dT The...
  11. J

    Medical Maximizing Brain Capacity: The Role of Cerebral Cortex Folds

    Why does the cerebral cortex require a large surface area (demonstrated by the large number of folds and creases in it)? Surely the brain simply requires as big a volume as possible, to fit in more cells, as there is nothing outside the brain it needs to interact with.
  12. M

    What is negative heat capacity ?

    what is" negative heat capacity"? what is "negative heat capacity"? what is the example of it?
  13. M

    Floating Ice Block: Height & Penguin Capacity

    A rectangular block of ice 5 m on each side and 0.5 m thick floats in seawater. The density of the seawater is 1025 kg/m3. The density of ice is 917 kg/m3. a) How high does the top of the ice block float above the water level? b) How many penguins of mass 19 kg each can stand on the ice...
  14. S

    Calculate the specific heat capacity of this metal

    When a 35 gram piece of some metal at 100°C is placed in water, it loses 775 calories of heat while cooling to 30°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of this metal. Q = mc(DELTA)T T = 70 degrees C m = 35 g Q = 775 cal ?? When i plugged it in i got 0.34 but the program said it...
  15. Z

    How much Storage capacity could an Alien Device have?

    Lets assume an Alien race that's 1.2 billion years ahead of human civilization in terms of technology. Do you think they'd be able to store the entire internet in one of their single device? If not, then how much storage do you think they'd have? Discuss..
  16. S

    Sound isolation capacity of an idealized wall construction

    I'm looking to understand how to estimate the sound isolation capacity of a wall structure. With rising degree of detail will probably come an exponantial increase in complexity. I'm looking to start of, euhm,... gently. :shy: What I've gathered so far: -The impedance of the wall seems to take...
  17. E

    Carrying capacity of a channel

    Homework Statement A drainage channel is to be made so that its cross section is an isosceles trapezoid. If the sides and bottom are all 1m in length, what angle, theta, will maximize the carrying capacity? Homework Equations Implicit differentation The Attempt at a Solution I...
  18. G

    Solve Heat Capacity Question: 12kg Water, 15.4°C to 93°C

    Homework Statement hey guys I've got a question. 'calculate the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperture of 12kg of water from 15.4degrees to 93 degrees. My working= h=mCdelatT m=12000 C? Delta T=77.6K just wondering how i find C? (heat capacity) thansk for any help...
  19. C

    Specific Heat Capacity Question

    Homework Statement How much milk at 11 degrees Celcius was added to 0.16 kg of coffee at 91 degrees Celcius if the final temperature is 76.8 degrees Celcius? Homework Equations Well my teacher explained how to rearrange cm∆T = cm∆T to somehow come up with an equation to solve for the...
  20. L

    How does the Einstein model explain the low heat capacity of diamond? In the third last paragraph of p36, we are told that the Einstein model discussed in this lecture succesfully explains the low heat capacity of diamond - i can't however see how it does, or at least find an explanation...
  21. C

    How Much Ice Was Added to Cool the Lemonade?

    Homework Statement How much ice was added to a 0.75 kg jug of lemonade at 15 degrees celcius if the final temperature of the jug is 8 degrees celcius? (Assume the lemonade has the specific heat capacity of water.) Homework Equations Q = cm∆T The Attempt at a Solution Well I think I...
  22. T

    Relation between heat capacity and internal energy

    The task is to derive an expression for the heat capacity of a system at constant volume and show that at high temperatures it is inversely proportional to the square of temperature. As far as I'm concerned the relation between internal energy and heat capacity is: Cv=dE/dT However with...
  23. G

    What is the Total Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter?

    Homework Statement 50ml of water at 49.6 C were mixed with 50ml of water at 25.1 C in a calorimeter also at 25.1 C. The final temperature was 30.1 C Assuming that neither the density of water nor its specific heat capacity change with temperature, calculate the total heat capacity of the...
  24. M

    Flow Network Capacity Augmentation

    Suppose that you have a" with integer edge capacities, and n dollars. You may spend one dollar to increase the capacity of an existing edge by one. The question is, how can you spend your dollars so that the maximum flow through the resulting network...
  25. D

    Specific Heat Capacity? Calorimeter

    im doing a calorimeter experiment and need to find the specific heat capacity of the calorimeter, but always gets a negative answer. Initial temp = 23 C Final temp = 60 C Change in temp = 37 C Mass of calorimeter = 0.027645kg Mass of water = 0.1kg Specific heat capacity water = 4200...
  26. M

    Relating the Minimizing Integral to the Capacity of a Cube

    Homework Statement The capacity C of an object is the integral over its surface -\int_S \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial n} dA, where the potential φ(x) satisfies Laplace’s equation in the volume outside the object, \phi = 1 on S and \phi \to 0 at \infty . Show that the capacity of a...
  27. D

    Acids/Bases Specific Heat Capacity: 4.18J?

    if I am doing a reaction of acids and bases, do i just use the specific heat capacity of 4.18J, or is there a different one for different solutions?!?
  28. P

    What is the effect on water temperature when pasta is added to boiling water?

    Homework Statement The specific heat capacity of Albertsons pasta is approximately 1.8 J/g*C degrees. Suppose you toss 340 g of this pasta (at 25 degrees celsuis) into 1.5 liters of boiling water. What effect does this have on the temperature of water. (before there is time for stove to...
  29. V

    Specific heat capacity at constant pressure

    I've read that: specific heat capacity at constant pressure = dU-W / m. dT dU = change in internal energy W = work done m = mass of gas dT = change in temperature ----------------------------------- However, shouldn't the right hand side equate to specific heat capacity at...
  30. W

    Medical How Much Brain Capacity Does Each Person Have?

    Is is possible to quantify how much "space" a human brain has? Kind of like in terms of hard-drive space? I am sure this depends on the person.
  31. T

    Derive heat capacity at constant pressure

    Homework Statement For temperatures T >> T_C (critical temperature) derive the heat capacity at constant pressure C_P from van der Waals equation. Homework Equations Critical temperature: T_C = \frac{2N(V - Nb)^2}{kV^2} T_C is derived from the fact that it exist at the point in which...
  32. A

    What is the heat capacity of the tires of the car?

    1. Assume that a car who has a mass of 1000kg (including driver) is initially rolling freely (without using the engine) down a 30° slope at a speed of 5m/s. The brakes are used causing the car to stop after 10 m. Find the HEAT CAPACITY of the brakes if they rise in temperature by 10 K...
  33. S

    Heat Capacity/ Density/ Conductivity

    Hi guys, Just like to check with you: How does heat capacity, density and conductivity plays a part in the melting of a certain material. I mean, if a material has a lower heat capacity, while other factors are the same, does that mean it will melt faster compared to one with a higher...
  34. F

    What is the Average Pushing Force a Human Can Exert?

    Homework Statement Does anyone know the average pushing force a human being can exert? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I did some research online but didn't find anything.
  35. F

    Pushing capacity of a human being

    Homework Statement What is the average pushing force a human can exert? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I did some research online but didn't come up with anything.
  36. H

    What is the Specific Heat Capacity of Air at 300K and 1 atm?

    Homework Statement What is the the specific heat capacity at constant volume of Air?, with temperature 300k and pressure = 1 atm. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Do I assume that this is a diatomic ideal gas and thus Cv = 5/2 ? Thanks.
  37. M

    Physics: Specific heat capacity of a solid

    Homework Statement The diagram below shows a one-dimensional row of 5 microscopic objects each of mass 410-26 kg, connected by forces that can be modeled by springs of stiffness 26 N/m (so each object can be modeled as if it were connected to a single spring of effective stiffness 4ks = 104 N/m...
  38. J

    Thermodyanmics, specific heat capacity

    Homework Statement a 4kg iron hammer is initally 700 degree celcius is droppped into a bucket containing 20kg of water at 25degree celcius. what is the final temperture Homework Equations q=mc(delta)T The Attempt at a Solution m1=4kg m2=20kg T1=700=973K T2=25=298 i know...
  39. E

    Specific heat capacity of steel?

    Does anyone know where I might be able to find the specific heat capacity of steel (in English units)? Thank you!
  40. A

    Heat and Internal Energy and Heat and Temperature Change: Specific Heat Capacity

    Homework Statement When you take a bath, how many kilograms of hot water (49°C) must you mix with cold water (12°C) so that the temperature of the bath is 36°C? The total mass of water (hot plus cold) is 191 kg. Ignore any heat flow between the water and its external surroundings. Temperature...
  41. M

    Rotational contribution to heat capacity

    Hi all, I have to determine the contribution from rotational partition function. I have determined the rotational partition function as q_{rot} = \frac{T}{\omega}*(1+\frac{1}{3}(\frac{\omega}{T}+\frac{1}{15}(\frac{\omega}{T})^2+...) where T >> omega and the expansion is...
  42. M

    Understanding the Relationship between Heat Capacity and Internal Energy

    Hi all, I have to show that the heat capacity can be expressed as Cv = Nk(1+1/45(Om/T)^2 + ...) where the internal energy is given as E = NkT*(1-(Om/(3T)-1/45(Om/T)^2) Normally I would just differentiate but if I do this I get something completely different - how to proceed any...
  43. F

    Entropy (Shannon) - Channel Capacity

    Hi, I am not sure how to count the channel capacity. If a symbol represents 10 bits of information, and a channel can transmit 10 symbols per second, what is the capacity of the channel in bits per second? C = 1 - H[x] How to go from there? Thanks!
  44. D

    Specific Heat Capacity and final temperature

    I am stuck on my Physics work. I have already completed the first 10 questions but I do not understand these, can someone please help me with a method of how to find out. 1. When 0.25kg or water at 70C is mixed with water at 20C the final temperature of the mixture is 30C. find the mass of...
  45. G

    Specific heat capacity for a monocromatic gas

    is there another way of considering the specific heat capaciaty of a material (many gas) other than with respect to the number of degrees of freedom with gives a constant out put for all monocrmatic gases for all temperature and pressure. For a monocromatic gas c=(3/2)*n*R*m where m = mass...
  46. C

    Specific Heat Capacity & Temperature

    This is not a homework question, just a question about physics that seems too basic to post in the main physics discussion forum. Please let me know if it is misplaced. Temperature is average molecular kinetic energy. Is it therefore correct to say that a material's specific heat capacity...
  47. M

    Chemistry/physics-molar heat capacity?

    Chemistry/physics--molar heat capacity? Homework Statement When 5.00 J of heat are added to 1.50 g of cobalt, its temperature rises by 3.42 degree celsius. What is the molar heat capacity o cobalt in J mol-1 K-1? A) 0.710 B) 0.875 C) 2.30 D) 57.4 P.S. if your answer is A, please...
  48. S

    Specific Heat Capacity question

    Homework Statement If 100 mL test of water at 60°C is added to 100 mL of water at 20°C, then the final temperature of the water will be? Homework Equations c=Specific Heat Capacity Specific Heat Capacity of water = 4186 Quantity of Heat Energy=mass * Specific Heat Capacity of...
  49. A

    Which Liquid to Choose Based on Heat Capacity for Safety?

    Suppose there were two containers on a table, each containing a liquid with equal temperature (relatively high), density, viscosity, and volume (1-5 L). One liquid, however, has a much higher heat capacity than the other. If forced to choose a liquid and have it poured over you, which one...