What is Capacity: Definition and 664 Discussions

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. M

    Questioning My Declining Mental Capacity as an Undergrad Math Student

    I am undergrad math student, aged 20 In the last 3-4 years, I feel that my intellectual capacity has waned and don't feel as smart as when I was a kid. I seem to be fine at handling abstract concepts, but I feel slow and clumsy. My problem isn't lacking ideas, its more about concentration...
  2. U

    What are the Constants β and γ in the Molar Heat Capacity Equation for Copper?

    Homework Statement We are looking at the molar heat capacity, Cv, of copper over temperatures from 1-300K After plotting the numbers and looking at T from 1-15K, then fitting that to a curve. We have to find what the constants \beta and \gamma are in ... Cv=\gammaT + \betaT_{3} Where...
  3. A

    Evaluating terminal current capacity.

    Hi! Just wondered if someone could help me. I'm trying to see if the following terminal can handle a higher than stated current at a lower than stated voltage. http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=4458964" It's rated to I think 24A at 500V. What...
  4. B

    Calculating Specific Heat Capacity & Heat Measurement of HCl

    What is the specific heat capacity of HCl when given the following information: Volume: 50mL Initial Temp: 20 *C Final Temp: 26* C What is the heat measurement in Joules as well? What is the specific heat capacity of HCl when given the following information: Volume: 100mL Initial Temp...
  5. I

    Substituting NaOH for Ca(OH)2 in Buffering Capacity Experiment: Will it Work?

    Homework Statement We are doing a experiement where we are testing the buffering capacity of soils. The text says to use Ca(OH)2, but we only have NaOH, which i plan to substitute. I just wanted to check that the solution i make up will have the equivalent OH. Homework Equations making...
  6. D

    Calculating Maximum Lead Shot Capacity of Tin Can

    Homework Statement A tin can has a total volume of 1200 cm^3 and a mass of 130g. How many grams of lead shot of density 11.4 g/cm^3 could it carry without sinking in water? Homework Equations Bouyancy force= mass of displaced fluid*g The Attempt at a Solution no idea!
  7. B

    Lifting Solutions - 100 lbs Capacity

    Lift anyone! Hii Everybody, I am involved in a project and I need some guidance for my design. Design Purpose: I am trying to create/find a mechanism that will provide me with up-down motion. For example think of a match-box type rectangular box that needs to be moved up-down in...
  8. F

    Heat Capacity and First Thermodynamic Law

    I have a question about the deduction of First Thermodynamic Law. The book that I have is written by Paul A. Tipler and Gene Mosca and it is called Physics: For Scientists and Engineers. The way to deduct it is given here: @constant volume, Qv=Cv(T2-T1) Because W=0, E2-E1=Cv(T2-T1)...
  9. F

    Maxwell relations with heat capacity.

    Maxwell relations with heat capacity. Solved. 1. Homework Statement Use the Maxwell relations and the Euler chain relation to express (ds/dt)p in terms of the heat capacity Cv = (du/dt)v. The expansion coefficient alpha = 1/v (dv/dt)p, and the isothermal compressibility Kt = -1/v (dV/dp)T...
  10. F

    Maxwell relations with heat capacity

    Homework Statement Use the Maxwell relations and the Euler chain relation to express (ds/dt)p in terms of the heat capacity Cv = (du/dt)v. The expansion coefficient alpha = 1/v (dv/dt)p, and the isothermal compressibility Kt = -1/v (dV/dp)T. Hint. Assume that S= S(p,V) Homework Equations...
  11. P

    Heat exchanger capacity (condenser and evaporator)

    Window-type Aircon how to get this in an actual experiment? is it just (mass flow rate of the refrigerant X specific heat X Change in temp of the refrigerant) or (mass flow rate of the air passing thru the heat exchanger X specific heat X Change in temp of the air) or (mass flow rate of the...
  12. C

    The heat capacity of an ideal gas.

    The question states: For an ideal gas ∂U/∂V=0. Show that this implies the heat capacity _{}CV of an ideal gas is independent of volume. I can't wrap my mind around how I could answer this question besides just stating the obvious. The expression for heat capacity is: _{}CV=∂U/∂T (with v...
  13. B

    Medical Can i increase my vital capacity and peak flow

    hi, I am 21 years old 180cm tall and 73kg, I'm an ex smoker. I'm in the process of an army application but need to improve my peak flow. will increasing my vo2 max help and are there any other ways to increase peak flow.
  14. L

    Specific heat capacity (Calorimetry)

    [SOLVED] Specific heat capacity (Calorimetry) Homework Statement When a driver brakes an automobile, friction between the brake disks and the brake pads converts part of the car's translational kinetic energy to internal energy. If a 1500 kg automobile traveling at 32 m/s comes to a halt...
  15. B

    Calculating Watts in a Day/Second for Lamp with 60W Capacity

    Hello, I'm having problems with this question. I'm not exactly sure how to determine how much watts in a day, or in a second the lamp takes. Homework Statement Theres a lamp that absorbs 60 W when connected to a 120-V source. Q: Find the cost of operating the lamp for 24 hrs when...
  16. H

    What is the specific heat capacity of the petroleum?

    Homework Statement A copper calorimeter with the heatcapacity of 75 J/K has 300 g of petrolium in it. The starttemp. is 17.8 C. A kobberweight of 100 g. is 100Celcius. It is being put in the petroleum, where the temperature ends up being 22 C. The specifik heatcapacity of coppe ris 387J(kg/K)...
  17. P

    Understanding Aircon Heat Exchanger Capacity: Calculation Methods Explained"

    is there such thing as condenser/evaporator capacity of an aircon? how to compute for that? thanks!
  18. A

    Memory Capacity of the Mind: Is There a Limit?

    can we only remember a certain amount of information, after that we can't remember more no matter what? is the capacity of mind limited?
  19. M

    Carrying Capacity of 1000 SQ. MM 3&1/2 Core Aluminium Cable

    What is the current carrying capacity of a 1000 sq. mm. 3&1/2 core alluminium cable laid in air [in case of single run, in case of double run...]??
  20. S

    Heat Capacity of Air at Constant Volume

    Hi I have an ongoing dispute with my mate on this one, please help to clarify this before I open up a can of whoop ass on that sorry mo-fo. 300 litres of air are compressed into a 3 litre tank. What is the heat capacity of this air? Thanks in advance.
  21. S

    Specific Heat capacity of solid NaOH?

    Hello, I'm really having trouble figuring out the specific heat capacity of solid NaOH. Any help is apprieciated. Thanks
  22. S

    Medical How to increase the vital capacity of my lung?

    I know working out will certainly help...as well as meditation. But what else? Is there a certain yoga, tai chi,etc. or exercise which will benefit the most?
  23. Z

    Capacity vs Bandwidth: Exploring Data Transfer Rates

    hi, 1.please tel me in detail why do we say that for higher capacity we require more bandwidth? higher capacity means more data rate, meaning more bits per seconds(and i know BW is bps) but tell me in terms of frequencies availble in a band..coz we transmit our signal on 1 freq then what it...
  24. B

    Insulation affecting the current carrying capacity

    HI... i wanted to do an extensive project on electricity and i thought of something. When i take a normal conduucting wire with a plastic insulation on it, and connect it in a circuit, does the insulation affect the current carrying capacity of the wire? i mean to say in one case if i apply a...
  25. N

    Specific Heat Capacity and Change in Internal Energy

    Homework Statement I'm having trouble with the following two problems: 1. A jar of tea is placed in the sunlight until it reaches an equilibrium temperature of 32*C. In an attempt to cool the liquid, which has a mass of .180kg, .112 kg of ice at 0*C is added. At the time at which the...
  26. I

    Heat capacity at constant volume explanation

    Homework Statement Explain what is meant by the heat capacity at constant volume, CV, and the heat capacity at constant pressure, CP. How are these two properties related for an ideal gas? Why is CP generally greater than CV Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  27. G

    Molar Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure Understanding

    If I apply 200 J of energy as heat to 4 moles of an ideal gas at constant pressure and the temperature rises by 4 K, then the molar heat capacity at constant pressure will be Cp = Q / (n * deltaT) = 200 / (4 x 4) = 12.5 J K mol Am I on the right lines here?
  28. G

    .Verifying Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure and Volume

    Can someone confirm if my understanding of heat capacity is correct - particulary at constant volume and pressure? My understanding is that for a system to experience a rise in temperature either its pressure or its volume must remain constant. If either of these is allowed to expand...
  29. W

    Max Capacity of a Cone-Shape Cup from Paper

    Homework Statement A cone-shape drinking cup is made from a circular piece of paper of radius R by cutting out a sector and joining the edges CA and CB. Find the maximum capacityof such a cup. This is page#312 In James stewarts Calc book, 3rd edition by the way. Homework Equations...
  30. D

    Binary symmetric channel capacity

    Hi to our nice community. I want to learn why in a binary symetric channel the channel is calculated as C=1+plogp+(1-p)log(1-p) I only know that the channel is denoted as C=maxI(X;Y) btw what ; means in X;Y? Unfortunately my book doesn't mention these things so if u can reply me or...
  31. S

    How Can You Calculate the Temperature-Dependent Heat Capacity of Ethyl Acetate?

    I need the heat capacity Ethyl Acetate as a function of temperature. I've seen books that give heat capacity as a function of functional group, but the problem is they are only at one temperature. What I basically need is some coefficients that would fit into the equation Cp= A +BT+CT^2+DT^-2...
  32. J

    Specific Heat Capacity of Aluminium

    Hi all, I am currently in the process of writing up my AS coursework investigation of finding the specific heat capacity of Aluminium, and am a bit stuck at explaining some of my results. My results for the SHC of Aluminium are lower than the published values. My value: 700.93 JKgC...
  33. T

    Finding Literature Heat Capacity Values

    I need to find the heat capacities of CO2 (g), CH4 (g), C3H8 (g) , HCl (g) Al (s) , Ag (s) , Ti (s) if anyone can post a link or let me know what the heat capacities of these substances are I'd greatly appreciate it
  34. G

    Assumption true on specific heat capacity?

    Is my assumption here true? Does having a higher specific heat capacity mean that the object will be a better conductor of heat?
  35. G

    Specific Heat Capacity Answer Wrong, yet no error to be found

    Homework Statement My teacher instructed my class to conduct an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of Brass, Copper, Aluminium, and Steel. The following setup was used: http://mypage.bluewin.ch/gutter/diagram1.JPG The following method was used: 1.) The electric heater...
  36. G

    Specific Heat Capacity of a brass cylinder

    Homework Statement The temperature of a brass cylinder of mass 100g was raised to 100 degree celsius and then transferred to a thin aluminium can of negligible heat capacity. The aluminium can contained 150g of paraffin at 11 degree celcius. If the final steady temperature after stirring was...
  37. M

    Specific heat capacity and latent heat of fusion

    help! need help here because my answers are different from the answer on the book. just wanted to make sure that i am right. these are the problems: 1. How much heat is needed tor aise the temperature by 10 deg celsius of 5 kg og a substance of specific heat capacity 300J/kg deg celsius? what...
  38. C

    Evaluating furnace heating capacity.

    Hi, I would like some help/orientation about heating furnaces. The issue is around the heating of steel billets (continuous cast billets). The furnace needs to heat a load of 104 billets placed face to face along its longitudinal axis from ambient temperature to ± 1,150°C. Each billet has...
  39. N

    Specific Heat Capacity - high pressure gas

    I am designing a cracking furnace to crack Ethylene Dichloride. the furnace is at around 500 C and 2 M Pa. To perform an energy balance I need the specific heat capacity of the EDC at the aforementioned temperature and pressure. I can only find it at standard conditions and can find no way of...
  40. H

    Battery Capacity: 9Ahr 12V Power Supply

    I am desinging some experiment using a 9Ahr, 12 V as the power supply. I am not sure how many percents of the energy the battery can supply. For example if my experiment consumes a current of 0.1A, then how many hours the battery can be used?
  41. J

    Relation between Heat Capacity and Polarizability?

    My thinking is, when a fairly non-periodic, non-polar compound is subjected to an electric field, dipoles emerge, and although they're all in the same direction, since the arangement of atoms in the substance isn't that regular, then the electric field inside will be non-uniform (on the...
  42. I

    The Conceptual Side of Specific Heat Capacity

    I am a beginner in thermodynamics; all I know is how heat is transferred, rotational/translational/vibrational/internal energy, and the law of conservation of energy. I recently learned about specific heat capacity, and I was wondering: why is it that different substances convert varying ratios...
  43. V

    Fuse Wire Length and Capacity: A Discussion

    Homework Statement does the length of the fuse wire influence its cpacity? why? Homework Equations R=pL/a The Attempt at a Solution My teacher said no. I think it should because R depends on L Thanks for your time.
  44. P

    CDR Capacity: What's the Difference Between a 74min and 80min CD?

    What is the difference between a 74min and 80min CD? I was just recording to my scratch CD and noticed that it had passed the 645Mb limit of a 74min CD, therefore it must be 80min. I base a CD's capacity on how wide the unwritten stripe is, but I wondered how the CD Writer knows the...
  45. F

    Specific Heat Capacity of metals

    Hi. Was wondering if anyone knew where i could find a list of the metals and their specific heat capacities. All i have found is this one: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/specific-heat-metals-d_152.html but i would like one that deals with all the metals Thanks
  46. N

    Heat Capacity and Energy supplied

    I'm stuck on some basic physics... I'm using the formula E=mc (delta T/delta t) where E is energy, m is mass, c is specific heat, T is temperature and t is time, to calculate the energy used in heating a volume of air to a certain temperature. Assuming that pressure is of that at sea...
  47. G01

    Heat Engine with Finite Heat Capacity- Is my answer correct?

    1. A heat engine is run with a large block of metal as a reservoir with initial temperature T_i and constant heat capacitance C. The ocean is used as a cold reservoir, with constant temperature T_0. What is the maximum work that could be done by the engine in terms of T_i T_0 and C 2. C =...
  48. L

    Ford-MIT Alliance: Solving Capacity Problems with Ultracapacitors

    The problem of being competitiev with batteries for sorage capacity may be licked! The Ford-MIT Alliance has deveoped a http://web.mit.edu/erc/spotlights/ultracapacitor.html" tat might be a viable replacement for batteries. It should be ready for market in five to ten years, and Hybrid vehicle...
  49. U

    Deriving heat capacity using thermodynamics identity

    Homework Statement Use the thermodynamic identity to derive the heat capacity formula C_V=T\frac{\partial{S}}{\partial{T}}_VHomework Equations C_V=\frac{\partial{U}}{\partial{T}} T=\frac{\partial{U}}{\partial{S}} dU=TdS-PdV+\mudN The Attempt at a Solution I used...
  50. D

    Heat capacity problem-wher am i going wrong?

    Homework Statement Hi,so iv tried the following question and think my general methodology is correct but the final answer i am getting is wrong.ne ideas? Homework Equations Question:a styrofoam cup contains 200g of water at 20 degrees celsius.What will be the equilibrium temp of the...