What is Capacity: Definition and 664 Discussions

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. A

    What is R in the Debye Heat Capacity Equation?

    I am currently re-reading an old textbook on thermal physics and they have listed the final result for calculating the Debye Heat Capacity as C =9R(T/ThetaD)^3*Integral((z^4*e^z dz)/(e^z-1)^2, 0-->ThetaD/T) But they fail to mention what the R in this equation is, Could some one please tell...
  2. S

    Determine the capacity of a boiler

    i want to know how can i determine the capacity of a boiler needed to generate steam which will be used in order to heat water. take into consedration that i know the flow rate of the water and the inlet and aoutlet temprature to and from the exchanger.
  3. D

    Specific heat capacity of cyclohexanone

    I'm in a situation where I need to adjust for heat loss, and am at a loss because my "comprehensive" data booklet isn't comprehensive enough. Could anyone please look up the specific molar heat capacity of cyclohexanone for me? Thanks in advance.
  4. A

    Calculating Automotive Engine Power: Load Capacity vs Dry Weight

    Hi veryone this is my first post... i am given with 2 datas-they r load capacity=250 kg; Dry wt of vehicle=150kg...I have a doubt...when we r calculating the power of an automotive engine, which wt. shud be taken for calculation...or should we takje the sum of them?:confused:
  5. M

    Specific Heat Capacity of solids liquid or Gas, which is largest?

    This questions puzzles me: Which has a larger specific heat capacity (shc) : solid, liquid or gas. We can assume that it is of the same matter. Why? I have checked the numbers. Only water has it on all three states. Liq water has the highest, while that of ice and steam is about the same...
  6. S

    Applications of Specific Heat Capacity

    I have to write about the applications/uses of specific heat capacity. I know what SHC is- the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of substance by 1°C/ 1K. But I have no idea how that can be applied anywhere or anything.. I've searched the entire internet for the...
  7. wolram

    50-Man Rowing Crew Speed & Capacity: A 12th Century Ship Analysis

    I have tried to work out how fast and how long a 50 man rowing crew could go, i think it not only depends on muscle bulk but also lung capacity, this is in relation to a 12 century ship, i have little idea of the ship design but i thought if i knew the rowing capabilities of the said crew i...
  8. D

    Lower Specific Heat Capacity: Why Does It Transfer Heat Faster?

    Hey. Here is the question i was given: "When you hold your hand in the air in a hot oven, it takes a while before it starts to burn, but if you touch a cake tin in the oven, it burns almost instantly. Why?" It has to do with the lower specific heat capacity of the tin, which apparently...
  9. D

    Why Does a Cake Tin Burn You Faster Than Air in a Hot Oven?

    Hey. Here is the question i was given: "When you hold your hand in the air in a hot oven, it takes a while before it starts to burn, but if you touch a cake tin in the oven, it burns almost instantly. Why?" It has to do with the lower specific heat capacity of the tin, which apparently...
  10. E

    Quick question: Grade 12 stuff (Heat capacity)

    Chemistry question: Grade 12 stuff (Heat energy) So we're going to have a lab soon, and its goal is to find the heat energy value (Q). We're going to take a beaker filled with water, record its mass and initial temprature, and then bring a really hot iron washer inside and record its final...
  11. S

    Specific Heat Capacity Problem.(Please check.)

    This is CALORIMETRY PROBLEM. A 0.050kg metal bolt is heated to an unknown initial temperature. It is then dropped into a beaker containing 0.15kg of water with an initial temperature of 21.0 C. The bolt and metal then reach a final temperature of 25.0 C. If the metal has a specific heat...
  12. G

    Finding Heat Capacity of Metal: Experiments & Ideas

    :confused: Hey ya, I need to design 3 different experiments to find the specific heat capacity of a metal block. I have got 2 but am just stuck for a third. The two i have are: Method of mixtures Heat up metal block in a water math, transfer to a cold water bath and observe the temperature...
  13. G

    Table of specific heat capacity values?

    Hey ya. I need some help with specific heat capacity. :cry: Does anyone know where i can find a table of specific heat capacity values? :redface: Also what are the units of specific heat capacity? do you have to measure the temperature in kelvin or degrees? Plz help, o:) Thanx
  14. A

    Determining Minimum NaOH Amount for 0.4M Acetic Acid Buffer Capacity

    What is the smallest amount of solid NaOH that will exceed the buffer capacity 500mL of a buffer that is 0.4M in acetic acid and 0.15M in NaOAc? a)5.69 b)5.16 c) 4.74 d) 4.31 e)3.00 grams Since this is a strong base, we only need to deal with the 0.4M of acetic acid. so 0.4M *.5L =...
  15. L

    Specific Heat Capacity of Sodium Acetate

    :confused: Hello I am a high school student and I am doing a Science Fair project on... something... anyways, I really need to know the Specific Heat Capacity of Sodium Acetate please, if anyone knows can you help me, or at least show me some websites, I have searched on Google and in textbooks...
  16. J

    Calculating Capacitance from Voltage-Time Data

    This is for a lab I have done and I am stuck on this, Question : Plot a curve of In (1 - V/Vo) vs time and calculate C from the slope of the line. Initial equation = V = Vo(1-e^-t/RC) Calculated Linear Equation : In (1 - V/Vo) = -t/RC Therefore from y = mx + b = m = -t/RC (i think)...
  17. G

    Specific Heat Capacity and Resistance Coursework

    Hi, I have decided for my advanced level coursework to investigate whether the specific heat capacity of a few metals affects their resistivity in any way. (prob in a circuit) I am at the stage of planning and i have less than a week to complete this stage. I have a few ideas about measuring...
  18. G

    What Does Capacity Mean for Concentric Conductors?

    Hello guys, well its that time of the week when I am busy working on my homework again! One of this weeks questions is that there are 2 hollow concentric conducting spheres which hold charges Q1 (inner shell, radius R1), and Q2 (outer shell, Radius R2 ) 1) Find the potential difference...
  19. B

    Heat capacity (statistical physics)

    Hi. I've just started a course on statistical physics and the first assignment is this: A system possesses 3 energy levels, E_1 = \epsilon, E_2 = 2\epsilon and E_3 = 3\epsilon. The degeneracy of the levels are g(E1) = g(E3) = 1, g(E2) = 2. Find the heat capacity of the system. I've...
  20. T

    What is the Relationship Between Heat Capacity and Temperature Change in a Room?

    I have a room that is V m3. If I heat up the room a certain temp, then let it cool, and I measure the temp drop rate to be i.e. 10K in 2 hours. Then I use the following equation: \dot Q = C_P \cdot V \cdot \rho \cdot \dot T This gives me Watt value, but I'm not excactly sure what it...
  21. K

    Heat Capacity of Solid Material: Plank's Constant Implications

    What could happened to heat capacity of solid material if Plank's constant value could be 10 times greater. If Some one knows please help me.
  22. S

    Is the Heat Capacity of Thermal Radiation at Constant Pressure Infinite?

    we need to show that the heat capacity of thermal radiation at constant pressure is infinity. I have an argument, but am not sure if it works. we know that Cp = dQ/dT at constant p, but we also know that p is a function of T only, and therefore that T is a function of P only, therefore if...
  23. Pengwuino

    How Do You Measure a Battery's Capacity?

    I need a bit of help here guys :D I have a something here that's effectively a battery that can supply around 1.5V I believe at a few micro-amps to a few milli-amps for an unknown amount of time. The problem is... they are all infact unknown quantities and I want to figure out what this...
  24. S

    What is the difference between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas?

    I'm just checking that it's okay to use Cv all the time as a heat capacity of an ideal gas, even when the volume's not constant. This is because the average energy per molecule is 3/2*Kb*T from kinetic theory, therefore the average energy per mole is equal to 3RT/2 = CvT etc. I'm currently...
  25. N

    How Do You Calculate the Energy Required to Heat Water in Different Scenarios?

    I'm having a hard time getting my hear around this question. Help would be appreciated as my revision books are not helping. I'm not looking for answers (would be helpful) - just help that will actually be of use to me if I get this question in the real exam. Two physics teachers are getting...
  26. Pengwuino

    Test circuit for power capacity

    Hey guys, I need to figure out how to make a simple test circuit so I can test how much energy is stored inside various power sources (probably 1-10V, ~10mA range). I figured all I need to do to get a rough estimate of how much power these sources (they're like batteries, not continuous...
  27. S

    Calculate Heat Required for 28.5g Lead Increase from 15 to 37°C

    The heat capacity of lead is 0.130 J/g C. How many joules of heat are required to raise the temperature of 28.5 grams of lead from 15 to 37? For this problem the formula that must be used is q = m*C*deltaT, where mass is expressed in g? q = m*C*deltaT q = (0.130 J/g*C)*(28.5 g Pb)*(37 -...
  28. B

    The Astonishing Heat Capacity of Snow: Explained

    Explain how it is possible for a 30,000 kg of snow at 0 deg C to contain more heat energy than 1 mL of liquid water at 100 deg C. (Assume a pressure of one atmosphere.) I am unsure of where to start this? Help Is there a formula?
  29. S

    Calculating Ocean Heat Capacity to Raise Temp 1°C

    Hi, If a heat flux of of 3W/ meter squared covered the 3.6 X 10^14 meters squared ocean surface and contributed only to a change in temp, how many years to raise average temp of ocean 1 degree C? I calculated the specific heat of seawater which is 4,000 joules. I am stuck!
  30. A

    Constructing an Engine with Adjustable Capacity: Is it Possible?

    Hi friends, Can we construct an engine that can shift its engine capacity i.e. CC. Means if we are looking for power , we can go for option with higher capacity & when we demand for better milage we can go for engine with lower capacity.Is there any such engine available? Any help...
  31. S

    Heat Capacity of Snow vs Water

    Explain how it is possible for a 30,000 kg of snow at 0 deg C to contain more heat energy than 1 mL of liquid water at 100 deg C. (Assuming a pressure of one atmosphere.)
  32. E

    Max Charge Capacity on a Spherical Body: Calculating the Limit

    Me again. Is there a formula for the maximum amount of charge may be stored on a body (assume spherical) of radius r? I assume radius is the only factor, though mass is known also. I just don't remember seeing anything for this and can't find it in all my books for the life of me. Thanks.
  33. C

    Windows XP Pro Hard Drive Space Limit: 250GB?

    Does anyone know if Windows XP Professional has a cap on how much hard drive space it can see? I'm planning on getting a 250 GB hard drive and putting it on there.
  34. P

    How Does Specific Heat Capacity Influence Energy Transfer Rates?

    Does the specific heat capacity of an object affect the rate of transfer of energy from an object to another? For instance, alcohol has a lower specific heat capacity than water. If they are both at 50 degree Celsius and poured into a beaker containing water of 20 degree Celsius respectively...
  35. C

    Energy is the capacity to do work

    Energy is the capacity to do work. Work is the result when a force moves an object by a distance. So Energy is the capacity to move an object by a distance by applying a force. Now kinetic energy is what? and what is potential energy. Suppose i am sitting on the surface of Earth what...
  36. D

    Specific heat capacity of the final temp

    Hi, could someone help me get started on this problem, I am having a lot of difficulty comprehending these types of problems. THanks for your help guys. A cup is made of an experimental material that can hold hot liquids without significantly increasing its own temperature. THe .79 kg cup...
  37. R

    Whats the heat capacity of NaOH I can't find it anywhere?

    Whats the heat capacity of NaOH I can't find it anywhere?
  38. W

    Cooling capacity of an aircon compressor

    how does the cooling capacity of an aircon compressor exceed that of the power supplied to it? from what i understand, energy cannot be created or destroyed. so when we put in 500W of electrical energy into a compressor, why do we expect the cooling capacity to be 1500W. does that mean that...
  39. Y

    Heat Capacity of Tin Near Fusion Point

    I had a lab about tin's heat of fusion. I need to know tin' specific heat near fusion point. Can anybody advice any useful resourse? I have two books, in which are opposite data. I suppose that liquid tin must have higher heat capacity as solid ("liquid" molecules have more "freedom"). Help me...
  40. Q

    Battery capacity and time to full discharge

    A certain car batter with a 12.0 V emf has an initial charge of 120 A*h. Assuming that the potential across the terminals stays constant until the battery is completely discharged, for how many hours can it deliver energy at the rate of 100 W? I am not sure how to get time into the...
  41. N

    What is the Coefficient of Performance (COP) for this refigeration unit?

    I don't know how to get started on this question, what equations should I be using? A freezer unit has a 1kW compressor, and can maintain the refigerated space at -10 C while the ambient temperature is 20 C. It is claimed that the unit has a refigeration capacity of 2 kW. Is this claim...
  42. B

    Heat Capacity iron heating water

    This is what I've got: Iron mass: 81.9g Initial iron temp.: 92'C Water volume: 100mL Initial water temp.: 25'C Final water temp.: 29'C What the the experimental heat capacity of iron? Thanks :) Bjorn
  43. L

    Heat capacity and viscosity in real life

    Hello again. My friend is also doing his science fair project and he has trouble thinking of ways that we can apply "relationship of heat capacity and viscosity" to everyday life. His experiment is basically just to examine how much the temperature of fluids with different viscosities are...
  44. Arctic Fox

    Bandwidth Capacity & Frequency: A Graphical Representation

    Is there a graph or chart somewhere that would show how much bandwidth can be handled at certain frequencies?
  45. N

    Formula for allocation of server capacity

    Can anyone help? I have an interesting issue. I've chosen to study maths and computer science and one of the problems I've been asked to solve, potentially using a 3D Modeling formula is: In a Shared Server environment, where total capacity of a server is measured by total CPU capacity, total...
  46. N

    Allocated capacity calculation

    :shy: Can anyone help? I have an interesting issue. I've chosen to study maths and computer science and one of the problems I've been asked to solve, potentially using a 3D Modeling formula is: In a Shared Server environment, where total capacity of a server is measured by total CPU capacity...
  47. S

    In terms of Einstein's theory of heat capacity

    A) What temperature will the energy per mole of a solid achieve one third its classical value of 3RT. Express in terms of einstein temperature Einstein Temperature T_{e} = \frac {h \nu}{k} where h is Plancks constant k = boltzmann's constant Not really sure on how to do this? Do i...
  48. D

    Calculate the heat capacity of this calorimeter

    When using a different calorimeter, and mixing 50 ml of hot water at 65 C with 60 ml of water in the calorimeter at 25 C, the temperture of the calorimeter increased by 5.5 C. Calculate the heat capacity of this calorimeter. Is this a better or worse calorimeter than the one used in the sample...
  49. P

    Molar Heat Capacity of Monoatomic Ideal Gas in Constant Gravitational Field

    Find the molar heat capacity of the monoatomic ideal gas in the constant gravitational field. (clue: find the average potential energy as a function of temperature using the barometric formula.) could someone please help me out?