Capacity Definition and 664 Threads

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. A

    Calculating Aircraft Lift Capacity: Understanding the Equation

    This is a simple question hopefully. The equation for determining lift produced by an aircraft is the following if I am correct: L = (1/2) d v2 s CL If I was designing an aircraft that would maintain flight at standard air pressure at 1000 feet .002308 ISA at 130 MPH with a wing area of...
  2. J

    How to transfer designed capacity to estimate production ?

    Hi, Today I was reading news about Poland investing into nuclear energy where they estimate the first reactor to start generating in 2023 with capacity of 3MWe. How can we estimate yearly production of the actual output send to the customer ? (I'm more into PV technology but I think...
  3. T

    Question About Measuring Specific Heat Capacity

    Recently, I did a physics lab experiment to find the specific heat capacity of an unknown sample material. The lab instructions kept insisting that the sample had to be kept in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. My question is why? Could I have found the specific heat capacity if the sample...
  4. W

    Why the heat capacity of water is high?

    which material has the highest heat capacity?
  5. A

    Calculating Torsional Capacity of Square HSS

    I have having dificulty in determining the torsional capacity of a square HSS section. I am designing a shaft for 9.5 cubic yard mixer powered by a 80hp drive at 6 rpm output. I have calculated the applied torque to be 70,000 ft-lbs (95 kNm). I would like to determine the size of HSS...
  6. C

    What determines specific heat capacity of a solid?

    Homework Statement Have to do a write up of an experiment on specific heat capacity of metals. Tested 50g of nickel and lead, each heated to 90C and then put into 50g of water and measuring the change in its temperature. Found that lead has a lower specific heat capacity. Homework Equations...
  7. L

    Calculating Earth's Capacity as a Conductor

    1. Homework Statement : Taking Earth to be a spherical conductor of diameter 12.8x10^3 km.its capacity will be? 3. The Attempt at a Solution : if Earth is to be taken as a conductor than i think following formula shall be used C=Aeo/d where A=pie r^2 but how i'll calculate...
  8. C

    Heat capacity and its relation with internal energy

    hi everyone, in thermodynamics, when we calculate the heat capacity in constant volume, we assume Cv=dQ/dT.. well, but at isothermal condition suddenly they came up with Cv=dU/dT... so i am getting stuck with this concept how they replace dQ with dU? i know U= internal energy is only a...
  9. C

    Diagram to represent heat capacity?

    1. How do I draw a diagram to demonstrate why motor oil has a higher specific heat capacity than water?
  10. K

    Entropy and Heat Capacity have the same units. Connection? Redundancy?

    Given that heat capacity is a ratio of change of energy over change of temperature, while entropy is a change of energy over absolute temperature... I was wondering if there is any basis for the idea that energy will tend to flow from media having low heat capacity to media having high heat...
  11. B

    Newton's Law of Cooling & Specific Heat Capacity

    Newton's Law of Cooling basically states (I believe): TObj = (TInital-TEnv)ekt + TEnv where k is a property of the material. In the equation: Q=mCΔT Specific heat capacity, C, is also a material property. So here's my question: Is there a relation between Newton's Law's k and the...
  12. W

    Heat Capacity and Entropy Textbook Definition - Quick Question

    Just a quick question of something I found in my textbook but can't get how they produced it. C_p =(∂Q/∂T)_p that is the definition of heat capacity at a constant pressure p. Q is heat and T is temperature. This equation is fine and I know how to derive it. Now it is the next line which...
  13. C

    Condenser capacity inversely proportional to source voltage - why?

    Hello everyone. I indeed like to understand the things I am learning, and for the love of me, I cannot understand why, according to the formula, capacity of a condenser in a circuit consisted of said condenser and a power source is inversely proportional to the power source's voltage. Could you...
  14. J

    Year 12: Cambridge Physics (Calculus in Specific heat capacity)

    Below 20K, The specific heat capacity c of silver varies with temperature according to the equationc/\text{J /kg /K} = 1.5x10^{-4}(T/K)^3 + 6.0x10^{-3} T/K. If a small silver sphere of diameter 4am and at 20K is placed in 25g of liquid helium at 4K, what fraction of the liquid will evaporate...
  15. A

    Heat Capacity and Temperature change

    I know how to do heat capacity problems but i am unsure of how to do them when two materials are combined together. Here is the question. Any help would be great, thanks. A 5 kg pieces of low carbon steel at room temperature 25°C is placed into contact with a 300g piece of polyethylene at 180°C...
  16. M

    Radioactivity & Specific Heat Capacity Question

    Homework Statement 0.2g of a radium salt was separated from a ton of uranium ore. The radioactive radium nuclide Ra-226 decays by alpha-particle emission with a half-life of 1600 years. 1 year = 3.16x107s. The curie is defined as the number of disintegrations per second from 1.0g of Ra...
  17. B

    Solving for Heat Capacity and Ideal Gas Type in Thermodynamics

    Homework Statement The temperature of one mole of ideal gas is 360K. The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to the double volume. Then it is compressed isothermally to original volume. The specified amount of heat is measured at 1304J. Determine C_p / C_v, and specify the type of ideal gas...
  18. E

    Why does ice have a lower specific heat capacity ?

    Throughout my time doing physics I have noticed that ice has a lower specific heat capacity than water. I don't understand why. To me it seems that the bonds between water molecules in a solid are stronger and hence require a greater deal of thermal energy to break. Hence, the PE of the...
  19. S

    Heat capacity, expansion while heating and cooking

    When we deal with heat capacity or specific heat capacity Q=mc(delta temperature) why don't we take into consideration about the expansion of the thing? Since expansion (should) increase the potential energy of the item since potential energy is the bond strength which is related to the particle...
  20. M

    Thermo heat capacity proof: cp - cv

    Homework Statement Show that for a general (but simple) substance, c_{p}-c_{v}=-T(\frac{∂v*}{∂T})_{p}(\frac{∂p}{∂v*})_{T} where v* is the specific volume p is the pressure c_{p} is the heat capacity when p is const c_{v} is the heat capacity when v is const Q is heat T is temperature in...
  21. I

    Molar heat capacity in metals and ionic solids

    I am doing my revision and noticed that metals all have a molar heat capacity ~25 J/mol/K = 3R. Ionic solids such as NaCl and CaF2 however have different molar heat capacities. (~51 and 72 respectively) Why is this? there is no explination that my lecturer gave and I can't find it online but...
  22. J

    Measuring specific heat capacity

    I completed high school 9 years ago... please bare with me :) My problem is with how they calculate the actual answer - this is from an example problem in my textbook. Homework Statement A calorimeter cup is made from 0.15kg of Alu and contains 0.20 kg of water. Initially the water and...
  23. M

    Specific Heat Capacity and Energy

    Homework Statement Q15b Answers: I am confused on how the answer is reached, specifically how the formula energy...
  24. P

    Why does Ammonia have such a high specific heat capacity?

    I am quite confused by this, because I have not yet found a compound that has a higher one. My understanding is that specific heat capacity of a molecule is based on a combination of the number of degrees of freedom the molecule has and the number of vibrational modes. As for the second factor...
  25. A

    At what phase is the heat capacity the greatest?

    At what phase is the heat capacity the greatest? Is it when the substance is a solid, liquid or gas? Please also explain why. I believe that the heat capacity is the greatest when the subastance is a solid.
  26. R

    How Much Energy Is Needed to Heat a Saucepan and Water?

    Homework Statement A saucepan of thermal capacity 500J/degC contains 5kg water at 20 degrees celcius. How much energy is required to raise the temperature of the saucepan and water: a) to 60 degrees b) by 60 degreesHomework Equations Q = mcΔt mcΔt = mcΔt The Attempt at a Solution First I just...
  27. L

    How Long Until Bath Water Cools to 45C?

    A bath contains 100kg of water at 60C. Hot and cold taps are then turned on to deliver 20kg per minute each at temperatures of 70C and 10C respectively. How long will it be before the temperature in the bath has dropped to 45C? Assume complete mixing of the water and ignore heat losses. I've...
  28. M

    Chemistry Problem involving specific heat capacity and energy change

    Homework Statement A cube of gold is heated to a temperature of 94.2 degrees celsius, and then submerged in 31.3 mL of water at an initial temperature of 28.7 degrees celsius. If the final temperature of the water is 45.6 degrees celsius, calculate the volume of the cube of gold (s=0.130...
  29. K

    Calculating Entropy of a Star using Heat Capacity

    Homework Statement Using the viral theorem, the heat capacity of a star is given as C=-3*k/2. Using this, I need to calculate the entropy of a star in terms of the average temperature T, then in terms of U (total energy). Homework Equations dS=C*dT/T The Attempt at a Solution To...
  30. M

    How Does Heat Capacity Change with Volume and Pressure?

    Homework Statement Let C_{X}=T(\partial S/\partial T)_{X} with X=p~or~V. Show that C_{p}-C_{V}=T(\partial S/\partial V)_{T}(\partial V/\partial T)_{p}. Homework Equations C_{p}-C_{V}=T[(\partial S/\partial T)_{p}-(\partial S/\partial T)_{V}] The Attempt at a Solution I honestly don't know...
  31. R

    Specific heat capacity and changing temperature of water

    Homework Statement there is a bath of 160L of water at 41oc (shc 4000). A rock of 15kg is dropped into the bath at 250oc with shc of 2000 What temperature does the water end up at? Homework Equations Q=cmT The Attempt at a Solution Very sorry but I don't have a clue. Not...
  32. L

    Calculating Heat Capacity & Water Flow to Melt Honey Barrels

    Hi there, I am not an engineer but i do have scientific background. It is just a long time since i did any calculations! I am trying to design myself a new way of melting barrels of honey. I have 200L, 300kg barrels of crystalized honey that I need to melt. One method I envisage is to make an...
  33. H

    How Do You Calculate the Final Temperature of Ice Tea Mixing Hot Water and Ice?

    Homework Statement 215 cm3 of hot tea at 95°C are poured into a very thin paper cup with 40 g of crushed ice at 0°C. Calculate the final temperature of the "ice tea". (Hint: think about two processes: melting the ice into liquid and, maybe, warming the liquid.) Homework Equations 0 =...
  34. A

    Yearly US Manufacturing Capacity 1946-Now

    does anybody have these numbers? it could be manufacturing SECTOR in $ of output. not looking for numbers of people employed in manufacturing or number of companies small and large. i think capacity is best. Have A Nice Day!
  35. S

    Calculate capacity and selectivity factors

    Homework Statement The figure below shows a portion of a GC chromatogram for a mixture of two aromatic compounds labelled A and B. The separation employed a 2.20 meter packed column under isothermal conditions (90 C) and a flow rate of 12 mL/min. The figure shows the chromatogram in the...
  36. G

    Specific heat (I'm not sure if it's capacity or latent)

    Homework Statement Part a. A 500 W kettle contains 300g of water at 20°C. Calculate the time it would take to raise the temperature of the water to boiling point. Part b. The kettle is allowed to boil for 2 minutes. Calculate the mass of water that would remain in the kettle. State any...
  37. K

    Relationship between specific heat capacity and power

    What is the the relationship between the specific heat capacity and power (e/t) required to raise the objects temperature? Of course the energy required increases, but does the time it takes change also?
  38. K

    Mastering Heat Capacity Equations for Accurate Temperature Control

    I have a problem with heat capacity of different materials. i know that heat capacity is the mount of energy needed in order to rise the temperature of a material by 1 degree, but i also know that different amount of energy is needed to rise the temperature from 0 to 1 degree and different...
  39. F

    How Much Air Can Be Heated with the Same Energy Used to Warm Water in a Kettle?

    You warm 1.00 kg of water at a constant volume of 1.00 L from 20.0 degrees C to 30.0 degrees C in a kettle. For the same amount of heat, how many kilo grams of 20.0 degree C air would you be able to warm to 30.0 degree C? What volume would this air occupy at 20.0 degrees C and a pressure of 1.00...
  40. L

    I from a physics brain: thermal capacity, conduction, cooling

    I am doing a zainy experiment at home. I need to devise a way of applying a cooling intensity factor (CIF) of around 70 mW/cm2. I need to cool material that is roughly 30 degrees Celsius down to around 2 degrees Celsius. The cooling has to last for a period of one hour or more. The surface...
  41. Y

    Debye's Assumptions For Heat Capacity

    What are the Debye model`s assumptions for heat capacity or density of states? According to the einstein model we assume that N oscillators of the same frequency [ω][/o] and in one dimention. In three dimention N is replaced by 3N, there being three modes per oscillator.
  42. S

    Can Specific Heat Capacity Be Negative? - Physical Meaning Explained

    Can the specific heat capacity be negative? Is there any substance for which i have to add heat to decrease its temperature? By the way,why specific heat capacity has the word "capacity" in it? Is there any physical significance to it or it is simply traditional(historical)?
  43. F

    How can i determine Specific heat capacity of Water cpv if i know all variables

    How can i determine Specific heat capacity of Water cpv if i know all variables If i use this equation: [(mi1 + mi2 +mv)cpv + mg*cpg]dT/dt = H mi1 = mass 1 dT/dt = 0.05 cpg = 890 J/(kg*K) mi2 = mass 2 mv = mass 3 H = 300 W masses are arbitrary numbers Its cpv that...
  44. T

    Thermodynamic derivation of heat capacity

    Homework Statement cp=cv+TV?^2/? Homework Equations cp=T/N(\partialS/\partialT)p The Attempt at a Solution I have the equation, just not sure how to apply it? Any help would be appreciated
  45. C

    Grade 11 Heat Capacity question

    Homework Statement a 0.20kg lead shot is heated to 90 degrees celsius and dropped into an ideal calorimeter containing 0.50kg of water initially at 20 degrees celsius. What is the final equilibrium temperature of the lead shot? The specific heat capacity of lead is 128 Joules/(kg degrees...
  46. M

    What Is the Heat Capacity in an Isothermal Process?

    Homework Statement The question is presented as picture. Homework Equations What is the expression of this 'heat capacity C'? The x-process is isothermal then C=nCΔT=0? Please give me some ideas. The Attempt at a Solution set V1=V2, V3=V4, T1=T4, T2=T3, p1+p0=p2, p3-p0=p4...
  47. J

    Specific Heat Capacity of metal in water

    Homework Statement An unknown metal with C=3.6 Mass=150g Temp=160c is added to copper container(85g) filled with water(105g) both with an initial temp of 20c I have to find the final temp of water,container and metal Homework Equations none given but I assume it will be E=Cm(t1-t2)...
  48. N

    Specific heat capacity varies with temperature.

    Homework Statement Heating a .8 kg disk of iron from 20 C to 400 C, but the specific heat capacity changes from 456 at 20 C, to 615 at 400 C. It hints that I'm supposed to find the average to solve the equation. Homework Equations E = mC(dT) The Attempt at a Solution I have a...
  49. I

    Specific heat capacity question

    Homework Statement When a car brakes, an amount of thermal energy equal to 112500J is generated in the brake drums. If the mass of the brake drums is 28 kg and their specific heat capacity is 460.5 Jkg^-1K^-1? A piece of iron of mass 200g and temperature 300°C is dropped into 1.00kg of water...
  50. A

    Difference between isobar and isochor heat capacity

    Hello, I want to show: C_p - C_v = -T \big( \frac {\partial V}{\partial p} \big)_{T,n} \big( \frac {\partial p}{\partial T} \big)_{V,n}^2 I started by doing this: C_p - C_v= \big( \frac {\partial H}{\partial T} \big)_{p,N} - \big( \frac {\partial U}{\partial T} \big)_{V,n}...