Capacity Definition and 664 Threads

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. P

    Correct mathematical notation for Volumetric Heat Capacity

    What is the correct notation for Volumetric Heat Capacity? I see it written both ways (Wiki for example). I'm pretty sure one is more correct but which is it? (1) Btu/ft³·°F or (2) Btu/(ft³·°F)
  2. M

    Specific Heat Capacity for Gas

    So I have a question regarding the specific heat capacities in thermodynamics. In general the specific heat capacities for a gas (or gas mixture in thermo-chemical equilibrium) can be expressed as, ## c_p = \left(\frac{\partial h}{\partial T}\right)_p \qquad \text{and} \qquad c_v=...
  3. M

    Adding 2 and 3 digit capacity for assembly program

    I have the following program. I cannot figure out how to Add two-digit input and three-digit output capacity to it though. ; This program is designed to demonstrate the use of subroutines in ; programming. ; This file is phase 3 and introduces a multiply subroutine. ; Current support...
  4. U

    What is the maximum amount of light that can fit inside a mirrored sphere?

    I just joined to ask this question... I was imagining a sphere made of mirrors inside it and shooting a light to the inside (assuming none of it would escape back through the same hole). Once light enters, it will forever bounce inside the sphere. So my question is, will there be a limit of...
  5. T

    How to find the specific heat capacity of a mixture?

    Homework Statement For my physics IA, I am finding the specific heat capacity of water-solute mixtures and finding how the specific heat differs from that of just water alone. I have the mass of the mixture, for example baking soda and water was 914.75g and changed 175.8 degrees Fahrenheit in...
  6. M

    What is the relationship between heat capacity and temperature?

    Hello, I'm reposting this 'cause I think it's more relevant here than where it was posted before. Not sure how to delete the other one... I'm trying to plot the heat capacity as a function of the temperature from some small temperature to Debye's using numerical summation over the energy (shown...
  7. J

    How do you calculate total heat capacity for a house/wall?

    I was wondering how I might be able to calculate the total heat capacity for a house given the individual heat capacities of the components. For example, if I take a given wall and break it down into its components for a lumped parameter model, I'll have some thermal capacitances in in...
  8. M

    Maximum current carrying capacity of Bus Bar

    If I have to transfer 250 MWh through 3 phase aluminium tubular busbar what is the maximum current carrying capacity under normal condition at 80c temperature and voltage is 132kv at busbar from each 60mw 04 transformers 50hz 132/11kv stepup transformers connected on that busbar, this is not...
  9. rthrbe

    Specific heat capacity of water

    I had an experiment to find the specific heat capacity of water. Materials are electric kettle, logger pro, 1 kg water, and set up the time to 240 seconds. The experiment value i got is 4.33 kJ/(kg.K) which is closed to the waters specific heat capacity 4,18 kJ/(kg.K). I wonder what could be...
  10. J

    How Can I Test the Cooling Capacity of My Liquid Cooler?

    I've created a small liquid cooler and would like to test for it's cooling capacity. The only way I know of doing it is to circulate the coolant into a small reservoir with a heating element and apply power adding heat till the cooling unit is maxed out holding at a predetermined temperature...
  11. T

    How Do You Integrate the Electron Heat Capacity Integral by Hand?

    1. The answer to this problem is easy when plugged into mathematica it's (pi^2)/3. I am trying to integrate it by hand however and can't figure out how to start it. I also can't find any other attempts of it online (our professor says we can just look it up if we can find it). [(x^2*E^x)/(E^x...
  12. B

    Creating a 10ft x 3ft Racking System: Load Capacity

    I have posted a couple times about this but i keep changing my mind on my racking. Now i am thinking a taller rather than wider racking system. It would be a rectangular prism about 10ft tall and 3ft wide. There will also be a shelf about every 28 inches. Now in order to solve the capacity of...
  13. B

    Calculating Weight Capacity of Steel Storage Shelf

    I am trying to determine the weight capacity of a steel storage shelf i am making. The shelf will be 119in long with a 10in upright every 37in. The shelf will be made out of 2x2x1/4 HSS. In order tod etermine how much it can hold, do i determine how much each 10in column can support with a force...
  14. K

    Heat Capacity of NaCl: 500K-1074K & 1074K-1500K

    Homework Statement The heat capacity of the solid NaCl from 500 K to 1074 K is given by [52.996 J*K-1*mol-1 – (7.86*10-3J*K-2*mol-1)*T + (1.97*10-5J*K-3*mol-1)*T2 ] and that of liquid NaCl from 1074 K to 1500 K is given by [125.637 J*K-1mol-1 – (8.187*10-2 J*K-2*mol-1)*T + (2.85*10-5...
  15. B

    Max Load Capacity of Rack Built from 2x2x.25 Steel Tubing

    I am trying to determine the capacity of this shelf i am building out of 2x2x.25 steel tubing. My only real question as of now, is let's say its 4ft wide and 8ft long, if i put a support every 1ft, does that mean when determining the max capacity i could treat it as several sections? guess what...
  16. G

    Does the heat capacity change for a metallic system?

    In class we derived the relationship between temperature and heat capacity for the Debye model. We found that in 3D the heat capacity is proportional to temperature cubed. My question is, would this relationship change in a metallic system?
  17. MDM

    Calculating the Heat Capacity of Diamond

    Homework Statement Heat capacity is the ability of the material to store energy internally. If I completely insulated diamond and I put heat into it, It would have the ability to store 6.57 (Joules/mole) per degree Kelvin. Use this formula q=Cp (ΔT/ Δt) where q is heat in Watts, ΔT is...
  18. K

    Specific heat capacity coursework

    Homework Statement earlier today i was doing some coursework to find the specific heat capacity of an unknown metal by submersing 100g / 0.1kg of the metal in boiling water above 75°C and record the temperature after 30 seconds (θm). we then had to transfer the the metal from the boiling water...
  19. J

    Why is the nominal capacity of power plants given in terms of power, not energy?

    Why is the nominal capacity of power plants given in terms of power and not in terms of energy?
  20. C

    Specific heat capacity (the very basics)

    The specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 kg of a substance by 1 °C. Q. So the specific heat capacity of water is 4.184kJ (given that 1 Cal (large calorie aka the kg calorie aka the food calorie) is required to do the same, ie, raise the temperature of 1 kg of...
  21. Pouyan

    Specific heat capacity of calorimeter

    I've got a problem: A piece of copper with mass m1 = 800 g and temperature t1 = 80 ° C is placed in a container with good thermal insulation. The vessel initially contains water with mass m2 = 500 g temperature t2 = 20 C. What is the calorimeter (including thermo meter) heat capacity if the end...
  22. V

    Specific heat capacity of metal

    Homework Statement I have 1.5 kgs of silicon with temperature 40 degrees celsius. It is dropped into 3 kgs of water holding temperature 25 degrees celsius. The system is heat isolated from the environment and the final temperature of the system is 26.2 degrees celsius. I need to find the...
  23. Viking89

    Trying to calculate barge capacity and displacement

    I am trying to calculate the capacity of Gabro (3g/cm3) in a barge that is 86.1 meters long, 21.6 meters wide, and 5.2 meters in depth. Additionally, the draft is 3.65 meters without any material. My cal is 3,187.8 tons. Is that correct and if so, how do I calculate the adds depth contributed...
  24. M

    Battery Capacity: 3800 mAh vs 5800 mAh

    I have two batteries, both 1.5 volts one is 3800 mAh and 5800 mAh, does it mean that the 5800 mAh store more electrons?
  25. Integral

    Current capacity of capacitors?

    Recently I have obtained and have been maintain several pinball machines. On one of them, the 6v winding on the transformer is producing 7.3V. I am also having dificlty keeping lamps in this machine, they burn out faster (a week or so) then I think they should. My idea is that the 20% over...
  26. R

    Do Refrigerants have more heat capacity than water?

    I was reading this report prepared by PNNL which says (page 16): "Using refrigerant to deliver heating and cooling requires less energy because of the larger heat capacity of the refrigerant relative to air and even water. Less mass flow is needed to deliver the same amount of heating or...
  27. W

    Best optimal buffer, highest buffering capacity against naoh

    Homework Statement Group#1: Buffer pH = 4.00 Group#2: Buffer pH = 4.35 Group#3: Buffer pH = 4.70 Group#4: Buffer pH = 5.00 Group#5: Buffer pH = 5.30 Group#6: Buffer pH = 5.60 1. Explain which group should havethe BEST OPTIMAL BUFFER (see choices above). 2. Explain which group has a buffer...
  28. shrutiphysics

    Molar Heat Capacity: Find Value of k

    Homework Statement A diatomic ideal gas is heated at constant volume until its pressure is doubled. It is again heated at constant pressure until its volume is doubled. The molar heat capacity for the whole process is kR. Find the value of k. Homework Equations ans is k=19/6. p/t=constant...
  29. J

    Burst/Rupture Disk Capacity - Experimental vs. Theoretical

    We have built a cold gas cannon that utilizes burst disks as the means to quickly release the built up pressure with maximum flow. The bore for the burst disk is 2" and the material is Brass 260 H02 (1/2 Hard). The disks are solid and flat (i.e. no scoring or features to promote a certain type...
  30. B

    Heat Transfer and Capacity: Understanding Specific Heat and Latent Heat

    Homework Statement Is my approach correct? Thanks all :) a)The specific heat capacity of water is 4200Jkg-1K-1 while the specific latent heat of steam is 2.26x106Jkg-1. Explain what is meant by the statement in italics. b) Explain, in terms of molecular motion, the large difference between...
  31. L

    Specific heat capacity of gases

    Homework Statement Figure shows two rigid vessels A and B, each of volume 200 cm3 containing an ideal gas (Cv = 12.5 J/mol-K). The vessels are connected to a manometer tube containing mercury. The pressure in both the vessels is 75 cm of mercury and the temperature is 300 . (b) 5.0 J of heat...
  32. G

    Generator Capacity for Hybrid Truck Conversion

    I am working on a project to convert my truck into a hybrid while not losing performance. The plan is to use the 350ci engine to run a generator to charge the batteries and to provide power to the two electric motors. I'm looking for a system similar to the Fisker Karma, where it can be run on...
  33. fish keeper

    Ratio of water pump capacity to static header height

    Homework Statement 800L/h rated pump 12.6mm outflow pipe. Static head height 1.10m There seem to be no undue turbulence in the flow. Environmental pressure is just atmospheric (1bar) 2. Homework Equations Unknown The Attempt at a Solution I have done the physical experiments which is how...
  34. Pouyan

    Problem with heat capacity of thermal system

    Homework Statement a) a styrofoam cup contains 200g of water at 20 C.What will be the equilibrium temp of the system after 100g of silver,initially at 300 C,has been added?you may assume that the heat capacity of the cup is negligible and that no heat is lost to the surroundings. (b) a further...
  35. D

    Specific heat capacity and changing volume

    Hello everyone, I just need some help understanding some thermodynamics. So I have 0.25 kg of helium which is compressed from an initial state in a polytropic process with n = 1.3. So its given the change in volume and the initial pressure. I need to find the change in internal energy. I am...
  36. R

    Specific heat capacity ; voltage ; heating water

    Hi, I am doing an experiment on the factors affecting the time to heat water from a set temperature to another, eg 20 to 35 deg C. 1. First, I have insulated the beaker properly, to minimise heat loss. I have connected a heating element to heat the water. Connected multimeter, give the voltage...
  37. H

    How Do You Calculate the Final Temperature of a Glass Pot and Oil?

    I recently encountered this problem in class "A glass pot of mass 0.6kg contains 1.2kg of oil at 15 degrees Celsius. If 214kJ of energy is supplied to it, what is the final temperature of the pot and oil? ( The specific heat capacity of glass is 700 J kg-1 °C-1, and the specific heat capacity of...
  38. D

    Human capacity for G-forces, Energy calculation, and thrust

    I hope this is the right place for this... Question #1. How much can the human body stand multiple rapid G-force changes. Like let's say I made a vehicle that you could make sure all your body parts were 100% secured and it could move freely in space in any direction what would be the result of...
  39. S

    Heat capacity of water -- experimental determination

    Homework Statement A quantity of water in a beaker of negligible thermal capacity is cooled to a few degrees below freezing point. The beaker is then placed in a warm room, and the times recorded at which it is at various temperatures as it gradually warms. The observations were...
  40. Muhammad Nauman

    Specific heat capacity of Gd5Si3 and GdSi

    Hello alll. I am Muhammad Nauman, Research Associate in COMSATS university islamabad pakistan and new in this group. I need Specific heat capacities of Gd5Si3 and GdSi. Can someone help me??
  41. P

    MHB How to Model Capacity for Training 5000 Trainees Annually?

    Hi All, Thanks MHB, for allowing me to introduce myelf and my problem. I'm a business consultant and mainly work on HR related projects. I'm definitely not a math guy, but my work involves creating simple simulations on excel from time to time. I am presently working on an assignment wherein...
  42. W

    Need clarification on adiabatic process and heat capacity

    In class we're currently learning about reversible and irreversible adiabatic processes. For reversible process, we got dq=0, so dU = dw = -P*dV = Cv*dT. What I don't get is where did the Cv*dT come from? I remember q=C*dT, but dq = 0 so I'm not sure what that means? Also, where does Cv*dT...
  43. T

    Einstein's heat capacity model .and law of corresponding

    Homework Statement B/c the textbook mentions that Einstein's heat capacity equation obeys a law of corresponding states...but, I don't really understand how this can be...I've tried to figure out, to no, any help would be welcome! Homework Equations Cv/NkB =...
  44. D

    Specific Heat Capacity of water in a kettle

    Homework Statement mass, m, of water in kettle 1.5 kg power rating, P, of kettle 2.1 kW time interval, t, for heating 322 seconds starting temperature 4 °C = 277 K finishing temperature 100 °C = 373 K temperature change, ΔT 96 K electrical energy supplied, E = P × t...
  45. M

    Lift capacity of a spring loaded arm

    Hello all, Yet another problem on engineering mechanics. This time I have a spring loaded; counterpoised arm: Something like this- What it...
  46. L

    Molar heat capacity at constant volume

    Hi everyone, If you know the temperature rise of 2 moles of an ideal gas when a known amount of energy is transferred to it as heat, (hence are able to calculate cv by dU/dT); is the molar heat capacity simply half this value as it is half the number of moles?
  47. A

    Why Must a Calorimeter Be Saturated with Water Vapor?

    Homework Statement A bomb calorimeter is used to measure the overall heat output. It is calibrated by burning 1.00g of methanol (Change in enthalpy of combustion- 715 kJ mol–1) in O2 which produces a temperature rise of 8.40 K. Use this information to determine the heat capacity of the...
  48. U

    Heat capacity ratio yields inconsistent results

    Homework Statement A Gas is in a Volume V0 = 1 Liter at Pressure p0 = 3 bar. Isochoric Heating using the Heat Q1 = 182 J, the pressure raises to p1 = 6.34 bar. Gas is reset to inital state. Isobaric Heating using the Heat Q2 = 546 J, the Volume increases to V2 = 3 Liter. Calculate Cp/CV...
  49. P

    Thermal conductivity and heat capacity

    Using kinetic theory, we can derive an expression for the thermal conductivity of a gas to be κ=nCmoleculeλ<v>/3 where n is the number density of the molecules in the gas, Cmolecule is the heat capacity of a single molcule (i.e the heat that must be given to each molecule to raise the...
  50. S

    Calculating Mass Increase of Coffee Using Specific Heat Capacity

    Homework Statement Using coffee (specific heat capacity of 3.98 x 10^3 J/kg °C) calculate the increase in mass if you raised the temperature of a 353 g cup of coffee from 34° C to 97°C. Homework Equations Q=mcΔt The Attempt at a Solution I believe I just need to solve for m. However I have...