What is Capacity: Definition and 664 Discussions

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. Raerin

    MHB Heat Capacity: Mixing 100g Water @2C & 50g Ice @-4C

    If 100g of water at 2 degrees Celsius is mixed with 50g of ice a -4 degrees Celsius, what is the final temperature of water? It also says that I need the heat of fusion of the ice to solve it, which I have found to be 334 kj/kg. I don't know what to do with the heat of fusion. Also, how do I...
  2. B

    Finding specific heat capacity of a non-monatomic (ideal gas)

    Homework Statement Suppose that 31.4 J of heat is added to an ideal gas. The gas expands at a constant pressure of 1.40x104 Pa while changing its volume from 3.00x104 to 8.00x104 m3. The gas is not monatomic, so the relation CP = 5/2R does not apply. (a) Determine the change in the internal...
  3. Rugile

    Thermodynamics. Finding specific heat capacity

    Homework Statement Ideal gas of point particles is expanding so that its molar heat capacity Cx is constant and the work done by gas is W = 156J. Then the gas is isochorically heated to the initial temperature by receiving the quantity of heat which is Q = 125 J. Find Cx. Homework...
  4. S

    Low capacity, battery driven, explosion proof blower

    Hello I am in a bit of an engineering bind. I need to evacuate a small room of a flammable, explosive gas that is at a nominal pressure of 3 mbar by pushing it from room to another room (both at equal pressure). The environment is Class 1 Div 1. The rooms have valved piping that enable me to...
  5. Q

    Heat Capacity and Temperature Change

    Homework Statement Two metals of identical masses and initial temperatures are dropped into water which has a lower temperature than the metals. Both the water and the metals have the same mass. One metal has a higher heat capacity than the other metal. Which metal will change the...
  6. W

    Thermal intake of melting ice as compared to thermal capacity of earth

    Though this topic mentions climate change, I don't think it really is about it that, strongly anyway. I've just joined and noticed a ban on climate change discussions before posing this one, I don't think this is one, but if it is, I suppose the beast must have one of it's many heads chopped...
  7. O

    Calculate the capacitor capacity

    Homework Statement Consider a simple defibrillator consisting of a capacitor which discharges across the two associated with the patient's chest electrodes in a period of 150 ms to about 5% of the fully charged voltage of the capacitor. The resistance of the chest between the electrodes...
  8. alane1994

    MHB Finding Salt Concentration in a Tank with Limited Capacity

    A tank with a capacity of 500 gal originally contains 200 gal of water with 100 lb of salt in solution. Water containing 1lb of salt per gallon is entering at a rat of 3 gal/min, and the mixture is allowed to flow out of the tank at a rate of 2 gal/min. Find the amount of salt in the tank...
  9. T

    Specific heat capacity and heat capacity?

    A spark does not cause injury when it strikes the skin of a child. If you touch the burning stem, it can cause severe burn on your fingers? WHY? What's the difference between specific heat capacity and heat capacity?
  10. andyrk

    Specific Heat Capacity of a body

    How does the amount of heat absorbed by a body depend on the mass of the body and surrounding conditions such as pressure?
  11. T

    What is the capacity of the capacitor?

    Homework Statement The space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is filled consecutively with two dielectric layers of thickness d1 and d2 respectively.If A is the area of each plate,what is the capacity of the capacitor? Homework Equations C=\frac{εA}{d} (for parallel...
  12. Saitama

    Thermodynamics: Finding the molar heat capacity

    Homework Statement An ideal gas has a molar heat capacity ##C_V## at constant volume. Find the molar heat capacity of this gas as a function of its volume ##V##, if the gas undergoes the following process: ##T=T_0e^{\alpha V}## here ##T_0## and ##\alpha## are constants.Homework Equations The...
  13. A

    What is the significance of heat capacity at extreme temperatures?

    So heat capacity is the change in the mean value of the internal energy when the temperature is changed: C = d<E>/dt But I would like a little more intuition than that. T^(-1) = dS/d<E>, so going back to the intuition that the inverse of the temperature is a measure of how disordered the system...
  14. C

    Ideal Gas Heat Capacity Regression Coefficients

    I'm trying to find a comprehensive list of the empirical coefficients to be used in the following equation for calculating ideal gas constant pressure heat capacities: \frac{c^{IG}_P}{R}=A+BT+CT^{2}+DT^{-2}+ET^{3}(Eqn. 1) cPIG is the ideal gas constant pressure specific heat capacity; R is...
  15. R

    At what pressure / capacity does co-generation become viable?

    We have a boiler (industrial) that produces steam at ~20 bar but our process requirements all need less than 10 bars. I was wondering if at these relatively low pressures a back pressure turbine is viable at all? To use the 10 bar drop in pressure to generate some electricity. Our boiler size...
  16. P

    Water and copper heat capacity difference due to potential energy?

    I was looking at this page and it explains the heat capacity difference between copper and water in terms of a difference in potential energy change as the molecules are heated. What does that mean? I know water has polar bonding so is it due to the water molecules having much stronger...
  17. Y

    Higher Specific Heat Capacity: Explained

    Now consider two objects,A and B. A has a higher specific heat capacity that B. When both object is subjected to same amount of thermal or heat energy, rise in temperature in A is lower as our common reason(A has a higher specific heat capacity) But what stated by First law of thermodynamics...
  18. chemisttree

    News High Capacity Magazine Legislation Fail

    Diana DeGette, the author of legislation limiting high cap magazines in CO, doesn't know the difference between a bullet, clip and a magazine yet she authored legislation banning hi cap magazines... or was that clips... or was that bullets...
  19. P

    Thermodynamics - monotomic/diatomig gas heat capacity question

    Thermodynamics -- monotomic/diatomig gas heat capacity question Homework Statement GRADE 12 CHEMISTRY: Why would a monotomic gas like Helium require less heat than a diatomic gas like hydrogen to undergo the same temperature increase? Homework Equations q=mcΔT The Attempt at a...
  20. iVenky

    Why Did My Calculation of Discrete Channel Capacity Differ?

    Well I was reading this " A Mathematical Theory of Communication" paper by Claude Shannon. He says that the capacity of a discrete channel is given by [ tex ] C= \ \lim_{T \to +\infty} \ \frac{\log ( N(T) )} {T} [ \tex ] Here N(T) is the number of possible sequences in a duration of T...
  21. tsuwal

    Eletrostatics in conductors: Find the capacity

    Homework Statement Consider two conductors with capacity C1 and C2, separated by a distance d sufficiently large, so that each conductor can be considered as pontual, when observed by the other. Find the capacity coeficients and the capacity of the capacitor thereby formed.Homework Equations...
  22. R

    Specific Heat Capacity, Heat Energy, Thermodynamics Physics

    Homework Statement A block of ice has a mass of 150g and a temperature of -4°. The ice is melted by supplying 60KJ heat energy. Determine the final temperature of the melted water. Homework Equations Equations i think can be used: Q = ml and H = mcΔθ The Attempt at a Solution...
  23. D

    Calculating Moment Capacity of A36 steel plate

    I am using an 8" steel plate as a beam that will undergo moment forces and deflections. I am not sure how to calculate the maximum moment capacity of a plate like this. I think that the deflection would = Fb*L^3/(48*E*I). Does this look correct? I know how to calculate the max moment in the...
  24. F

    Batteries: capacity, charging and discharing rate meaning

    Hello Forum, Battery chargers are devices to put energy into a secondary (rechargable) bttery by forcing an electric current through it. The charge current depends on the technology and capacity of the battery being charged. The capacity of a battery represent the amount of electric charge...
  25. Y

    How to Estimate the Constant Eps for Real Materials from Experimental C(T)?

    Homework Statement I am working on a problem for my Thermal Physics course. In short, its a numerical problem. I had to go through some Excel calculations and end up with two columns of numbers. One, C/Nk, where C-heat capacity, k-boltzmann constant, N-number of particles and the other is...
  26. F

    Photon energy and specific heat capacity

    If I use the answer given in the book for part a, I can get the correct answers for b and c. However, I do not know what I have done wrong in part a? My best guess would be that assuming the blood evaporates at 100 degrees is incorrect? The answer given in the book is 5.1*10^{-3}J
  27. T

    Diethyl Phthalate Specific Heat Capacity

    Does anyone know where I can find the specific heat capacity of Diethyl Phthalate? I tried google but couldn't find it. Any help would be appreciated.
  28. J

    Specific heat capacity of Argon dependence on temperature

    Hi boys and girls. I am looking for Specific heat capacity of Argon dependence on temperature but i can't seem to find it anywhere. Do you have some source where I could get it from?. I need it for temperatures up to 1300K since i need to evaluate enthalpy of fumes at the exit from a gas...
  29. Saxby

    The specific heat capacity of solids

    Why is the specific heat capacity of most solids around 25JK-1mol-1? I remember being told ages ago that is was something to do with the theory of equipartition but I'm not really sure how that theory affects it or why it's around 25JK-1mol-1
  30. A

    Automotive What is the optimal pump capacity for a 3-liter diesel engine?

    criteria to find oil pump capacity for engine , do anyone knows for diesel engine 3lits.
  31. C

    Is entropy the same as heat capacity?

    A formula for entropy: dS=dQ/dT This is a formula that represents the rate of change of heat with respect to temperature. Q=mcdT This is another formula that states how the temperature changes as heat is added. from this can we say that entropy is just specific heat capacity * Mass...
  32. S

    Heat Capacity of a classical ideal gas and SHO

    Homework Statement Ideal gas. In an ideal-gas model. N molecules move almost indepdently with very weak interactions between, in a three-dimensional box of volume V. Find the heat capacity of the system. SHO. Consider N independent SHOs in a system. each osciallating about a fixed point...
  33. P

    Calculating molar specific heat capacity - not a monatomic gas

    1. Suppose that 25 J of heat is added to one mole of an ideal gas. The gas expands at a constant pressure of 2.62 x 10^4 pascals while changing its volume rom 4.97 x 10^-4 m^3 to 7.02 x 10^-4 m^3. Calculate C_p and express in Joule / (mole * Celsius) 2. Relevant equations Q =...
  34. S

    Differences between heat capacity and thermal conductivity/convection

    Homework Statement I learned that the heat capacity is the amount of energy absorbed to raise the temperature of a body by 1 degrees. While conduction is the process of heat transfer by vibrations. That being said, when I supply 1000N of heat to 2 rods of different material but same mass the...
  35. L

    Calculating Boiler Capacity and Steam Properties

    Homework Statement An electric generating plant boils water to produce high pressure steam. The steam spins a turbine that is connected to the generator. a) how many liters of water must be boiled to fill a 5.0 m^3 boiler with steam at 50 atm and 400 degrees Celsius. b) The steam has...
  36. Jalo

    Thermodynamics - Calorific Capacity

    Homework Statement Consider a system with a constant number of particles. Write the total differential dS in terms of the derivarives \frac{∂S}{∂T} and \frac{∂S}{∂V}. Introduce CV (calorific capacity at constant volume). Next write the total differential of the volume dV in terms of the...
  37. Z

    How Much Light Can Fiber Optic Cables Carry?

    I am trying to design a system that will carry light for illumination along a fiber optic cable. I see that there are many thicknesses of fiber optic cable - however I am unsure of the purpose of this. I've never heard of a 'density' of light that you can put into a cable - is there such a...
  38. S

    Finding the specific heat capacity of water using the gradient of a graph

    Homework Statement Hi. I have an assignment to find the specific heat capacity of water. We did an experiment in class where we used an electric kettle with power output of 1850W-2200W to heat up 1,400g of water (we actually used 1,400 mL of tap water but we were told to assume that the tap...
  39. S

    Metal Low Specific Heat: Why Is It Useful?

    Metals have the low specific heat capacity.why is the low specific heat capacity useful?
  40. M

    Specific heat capacity for adiabatic & isothermal process

    Can we define specific heat capacity for an adiabatic process ?? Would it always be zero since dQ is 0 for an adiabatic process? Also, can we define specific heat capacity for isothermal processes ? Would it be infinity in all cases? Just want to verify if I am thinking along the...
  41. F

    Rearranging equation for heat capacity

    1. To determine whether a shiny gold rock is actually gold, a student decides to measure its heat capacity. She first weighs the rock and finds it has a mass of 4.7g. She then finds that upon absorbtion of 57.2 J of heat, the temperature of the rock rises from 25 degree Celsius to 57 degree...
  42. M

    Liquids, internal energy and specific heat capacity

    A liquid contained in an adiabatic container is shaked vigorously so that it its temp. Increases. The heat capacity for the liquid is given, the rise in temp. Is given. According to the first law of thermo, dQ=dW + dU here dQ is 0. Asked, is to find the work done on the system, i.e...
  43. N

    Is heat capacity dependant on volume or pressure?

    hi. When you're given molar heat capacity for a substance, is it when under constant pressure or when under constant volume? Like water's heat a capacity when gaseous is 75kJ/mol - is this under constant volume? For an ideal gas, the formula for heat capacity under constant pressure is: Cp =...
  44. E

    Specific heat capacity of brass

    Homework Statement i getting the wrong the answer i am trying to find the specific heat capacity of brass using copper calorimeter Data : mass of brass bob= 32.5gm mass of calorimeter = 39.7 gm mass of water + calorimeter = 93.9gm mass of water = 93.9 - 39.7 = 54.2g specific...
  45. M

    Specific heat capacity and final temperature

    Homework Statement A 2.8 kg sample of a metal with a specific heat of 0.43KJ/KgC is heated to 100.0C then placed in a 50.0 g sample of water at 30.0C.* What is the final temperature of the metal and the water? Homework Equations heat loss by the metal = heat gain by the water The...
  46. M

    Specific Heat Capacity of aluminum rivets

    Homework Statement Some aluminum rivets of total mass 170 g at 100°C are emptied into a hole in a large block of ice at 0°C' a. What will be the final temperature of the rivets? b. How much ice will melt? Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution Please help me answer...
  47. M

    Specific Heat Capacity of Tantalum

    I got a problem with this one, please help me, Tantalum is an element that is used in aircraft parts. Tantalum has a specific heat capacity of about 140 J/kg K. The aircraft part has a mass of 0.23 kg and is cooled from a temperature of 1200 K by being placed in water. If 30000 J of heat is...
  48. S

    Heat capacity of gas at zero K

    Hello All, I have been trying to find an established expression cp = cp(T) for a gas asymptotically close to zero K, as well as showing how does the function grow/behave in the low-temperature regions. This can be an idealized mono/diatomic gas Do you know a reference I can read about...
  49. A

    Buffer solution capacity determination

    I have 3 buffer solutions with 3 components each and 3 buffer solutions with 2 components. I want to compare the capacities. But first I want to understand what exactlycapacity is and how can I calculate it! I have this page...
  50. N

    Automotive How to calculate suspended weight capacity of trailer springs

    Hello I am using an rubber suspension component from Rosta, and want to calculate the deflection over a range of weights acting on a lever attached to the rubber suspension units. HOw do I convert static weight to Nm of force for determining the deflection of the units? thanks here's...