Cell Definition and 957 Threads

  1. M

    Experimenting with Double DNA Cells: Has Anyone Tried It?

    Has anyone experimented with this? Take 2 stem cells. Take the DNA portion out of the one cell and place it inside the second cell. using the same method that the cloning stuff does it. Or would this method basically just cause mitosis to separate the cells anyway. or would it just kill the...
  2. R

    How are Cell Adhesion and Detachment Different?

    Hello all, I am reading some primary literature in which they talk about cell adhesion and cell detachment. They describe different assays for each. My question is, how are these two different? It seems that high detachment is the same as low adhesion, but according to the article, for a...
  3. P

    The Structure of Cell Membrane: Theories to the Fluid Mosaic

    You are accostumating me bad. I never find good sites for what I am looking for and you always find. This time I am looking for the various theories about the structure of the cell membrane till the fluid mosaic. Thank you one more time. :biggrin:
  4. S

    Can You Cook an Egg with a Cell Phone?

    is it true or not its supposed to be an urban legend that you can cook an egg with your cellphone. the same way that a microwave cooks an egg but a lot slower because of the power difference, 1500 to 3 (watts). i was wondering if the cell phone frequency was even high enough to be caught by...
  5. B

    Schools UK Cell Biology Schools Ranked 5th-12th

    I want to do master research in UK abuot cell biology, which school rank between 5th~10th( to 12th is also ok) about cell biology in UK. thanks
  6. DocToxyn

    Medical JC#3: Temporally Specific Burst in Cell Proliferation Increases Hippocampal

    Neurogenesis in Protracted Abstinence from Alcohol. Nixon, K., Crews, F.T. Journal of Neuroscience 2004, 24(43):9714-9722 http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/full/24/43/9714 Here's article number 3. My testing shows that it should be available freely to all, let me know if you have...
  7. S

    Electric potential inside a living cell

    Question Electric potential inside a living cell is 0.075V lower than the electric potential ouside the cell. Thickness of membrane is 120nm. a) What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field within the cell membrane? Possible Ans: Is this just use the forumula E = -dV/ds =...
  8. T

    Fuel Cell Project: Resources and Info

    I got to learn this stuff for my fuel cell project. Anyone know any good websites on it?
  9. Mk

    28th Stem Cell Therapy Patient to be Healed of Heart Failure in Thailand

  10. T

    Fuel Cell System: ET1 & EST1 Designs

    Here are the descriptions of two of my designs. ET1: Turbine and Electrolysis System The Turbine: I have used the water vapour exhaust of a PEM fuel cell to run a turbine to make electricity. After the water vapour has passed through the turbine it goes to electrolysis system. The...
  11. G

    What is the difference between a fat cell and a lipid

    NEED HELP! what is the difference between a fat cell and a lipid?¿? lipids are said to be molecules! so why are they also called fat cells. cells are only cells when there is cytoplasm, a cell wall, one or more nuclei, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell...
  12. BobG

    Worst cell phone eitquette ever

    Cell phone etiquette has hit a new all-time low. Now people can't even stop talking on their cell phones long enough to rob you. Cell phone bandit
  13. H

    Which Mobile Phone Did You Buy? | Factors to Consider

    Which mobile do you have?? And And Which factors did you considered while buying your mobile phone like brand,look,size etc. etc.
  14. Mk

    Stem Cell Research: Pros and Cons

    What do you think? [edit:are you in favor of embryonic cell research or not?]
  15. Pengwuino

    Should Children Have Unmonitored Cell Phones?

    Ok so at what point do you draw the line when it comes to children having full blown full featured unmonitored cell phones? Personally, I'd make cell phones equivalent to alcohol. You'd need to be 21 to own one, excessive use in public would be an arrestable offense, and giving a cell phone to...
  16. P

    Finding Graphite Plates to Build a Fuel Cell

    How much are graphite plates? I need them to build my fuel cell.
  17. Artermis

    What Happens to Beet Root Pigments When Cells are Disrupted with Chloroform?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Artermis Hello Moonbear, I don't know if you know me but I'm a relatively new member but I know that you are very knowledgeable and helpful, hopefully you'll be willing to help me with this. Hi, I've seen you in the biology forum recently. Glad to have you...
  18. C

    Find Science Journals Online: Stem Cell Research

    Where can I find science journals online regarding Stem Cell Research??
  19. L

    Where Does a Cell Get Matter to Replicate Itself?

    When a cell replicates itself, where does it get the matter to do so? I mean, cells can't just makes copies out of nothing, right?
  20. N

    Cell Regeneration: Unlocking Immortality?

    People are trying to make us live a really really long amount of time by perfecting cell regeneration right? I was just wondering, thanks
  21. C

    Unraveling the Composition of Cell Membrane: A Comprehensive Guide

    cell membrane---please help me...--- :confused: What kind of molecules make up the majority of the cell's membrane? :confused: Can anyone help me?
  22. U

    How Do You Calculate the Electrical Properties of a Cell Membrane?

    The membrane of a cell is electrically equivalent to a parallel plate capacitor. A typical cell has a spherical shape with a radius 10 μm and it has a potential of −60 mV with respect to outside. The thickness of the membrane is about 0.01 μm, and it has a dielectric constant of 2. Find: (a)...
  23. Pengwuino

    Banning Cell Phones: I Hate Talking on the Phone - Presidental Campaign

    Don't you? After having a cell phone for about 3 years, I have realized that I am sick of them. I hate having to take calls and talking to people. If I'm not home, what makes people think I want to talk? All talking should happen in-home with a big handlebar up to your ear and a cord running...
  24. Y

    Driving while drunk is safer than driving while talking on a cell phon

    driving while drunk is safer than driving while talking on a cell phone, according to Mythbusters.
  25. E

    Ferrite beads block cell phone radiation?

    So how effective are these beads? Which dimensions would be optimal for radiation blockage? I'm understanding that the article assumes that radiation from the cellphone itself would appear to be reduced because the user has a headset and so the phone would be distant from the body. So the...
  26. V

    GSM Cell phone to Transmitter/Receiver

    Is it possible to modify a pair of GSM cell phones to work as Transmitter and Receiver without Service provider (Network)? If so how to do it??
  27. M

    How Can I Optimize a Power Supply for My Electrolytic Cell?

    I am working on trying to get a reliable power supply primarily for my Electrolytic Cell, and secondly for any other power supply needs that should come up. I have pretty much concluded that a computer power supply will suit me best. In the past, I hav been using a AT power supply, but I...
  28. M

    Which Electrode is the Cathode in an Electrochemical Cell?

    Hello everyone. I am having trouble with a question on electrochemical cells. I have to find the balanced REDOX reaction of the cell. All I am given is a diagram with the following information 1. Aluminum electrode submerged in 1 mol/L Aluminum Nitrate Al(NO3)3(aq) 2. Nickel electrode...
  29. G

    Cell Phone Booths: Hilarious Comments and Etiquette Tips

    I found a website with some amusing comments about cell phones: http://www.molly.com/2004/05/11/cell-phone-stupidity-part-1/ Here's more on the same subject: http://www.etiquetteexpert.com/news_article_june_03.htm http://www.etiquetteexpert.com/cnn_live.htm The two links to...
  30. E

    Sickle Cell Anaemia: Foetal Homozygous Recessive Not Affected

    i've been asked to explain the observation of sickle cell anaemia which is caused by a recessive point mutation in the beta chain of adult haemoglobin, but foetus homozygous recessive is not affected. why is that? i have been told that foetus has haemoglobin gamma not beta and therefore can't...
  31. N

    How to balance equations using the half cell method?

    SO32- +MnO4-1+H+1 <-> Mn2+ +SO42- +H20(l)
  32. G

    Solving Zinc Carbon Cell Equation: 2MnO2 + 3H2

    The hydrogen liberated at the cathode would coat the electrode so polarises the cell. And manganse (IV) oxide is used as a depolariser. I got an equation in my notes: 2MnO2 + 3H2 --> 2MHO(OH) + 2H2O. But evidently the oxygen doesn't balance. I tried looking on the internet but still no...
  33. B

    Calculate the voltage of a standard cell with the following half-cell reactions

    1. I have to calculate the voltage of a standard cell with the following half-cell reactions: Ni(s) ---> Ni2+ + 2e- 2e- + Cl2(g) ---> 2Cl- 2. By the electrolysis of water, 11.2L of oxygen at STP was prepared a) What charge was required? b) If a current of 0.5A was used, how long did it...
  34. P

    Understanding Chemical Cells: Questions & Answers

    I am trying to understand the chemistry cell thoroughly. 1.If there is only a copper wire connected to a multimeter, there should be no voltage, isn't it? 2. For the set up of a zinc electrode and a copper electrode, will I get a larger voltage by changing the electrode? Such as a more...
  35. wasteofo2

    What to eat to aid in red blood cell reproduction?

    I'm going to turn 17 soon, the legal age at which one can donate blood in my state, and I plan on donating blood soon thereafter. Being that I've never done it before, and I'm not tremendously active (thus don't have a particularly strong heart, thus figure that losing a relatively small amount...
  36. S

    Cell division and chromosome errors

    What changes would have to be made to a cell so that when it divides the genes in the daughter cells are exactly the same,in the same order and number on the chromosomes, as they were in the parent cell?
  37. A

    Cell Phone in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

    Hey guys For those who have seen HHGG, that sweet white Nokia cellphone that Arthur Dent has, does it exist? If so, does anyone know the model #? Thank you Aychamo
  38. S

    Kill Tumor Cells w/Osmosis: Active Transport Needed?

    Could a tumour cell be killed in a person by making the cell membrane too permeable to water and so causing tumour cells to swell and burst.Perhaps active transport of some kind would be needed to do this?
  39. S

    Cell Growth in Embryos: Is it Actively Inhibited?

    An embryo can increase its cell number without increasing its overall size.Is this because cell growth is actively inhibited?
  40. P

    Cell Phones & Cancer: Are We at Risk?

    I just wanted to start this thread about the risks of using cell phones. Today there was a new story in the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4432755.stm This can only make me laugh since the wavelength of the radiation can in no way affect the cells in the brain. What was this Swedish...
  41. M

    Cell Phone Harm: How & Why Wireless Devices Can Kill

    How and why do mobile phones and wireless devices cause harm?
  42. B

    Which Cell Types Have High Density of Cytoplasmic Intermediate Filaments?

    Which of the following types of cells would you expect to contain a high density of cytoplasmic intermediate filaments? A) Free living amoeba (the answer is no, but why? Is it because the amoeba has to move) B) Human skin epithelial cell C) smooth cell in the digestive tract of a...
  43. W

    Why is There No More Interference When on a Cell Phone Call?

    This is a 'why' question: When my phone (GSM, Tmobile in the US) is sitting next to my monitor, or by my radio in my room and is about to receive a call/msg, and while sending a call/msg I get a lot of interference on my radio and monitor. But as soon as the call is in progress, the...
  44. G

    Using Poly-A Sequences & Isogenic/Null Cell Lines for Reporter Genes

    • Why should some Poly-A sequences lay upstream of a reporter gene? • Isogenic cell lines? • Null cell lines? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
  45. cepheid

    Understanding Potential Difference in an Electrochemical Cell

    I have a problem that in my physics textbook, a source of EMF is just shown as a box having + and - terminals. The inner workings of that box need not be considered. They claim that although there is obviously an electrostatic force Fe due to this separation of charge, it is countered by a force...
  46. M

    Stem Cell Research: Benefits, Questions & Opinions

    This is something that I have been thinking about lately. :rolleyes: I wanted to address it from a biological view, not a political one. Stem cell research is very contraversial, not only in the political world, but the biological one as well. I was curious as to what everyone here had to say...
  47. R

    Cell is a Biochemical Computer: How Many Biologists Recognize It?

    How many biologists recognize that the cell is a biochemical computer with molecular memory? I don't mean it is similar to a computer or analogous to a computer. The cell is one design that might be chosen by someone building a molecular level self replicating computer, particularly for...
  48. S

    Cell Culture Q&A: Min. Cell Amount, Trypsin Inhib., pH & Osmolarity

    # How do I know the minimum of cells for a specific cell line that give a quick entry into log phase growth? #If medium with serum contains trypsin inhibitor. What should I use to dislodge my cells? #Should I always have HCO3- in the medium and what for? # Should pH always be between...