I have written a code which is something like that
X = input('Molefraction of Al in system:');
n=input('no of well:');
for j=1:(2*n+1)
width(j,:)=input('length of areas:');
for j=1:n...
I am working on a problem in which I first sample two unknown probabilities, p and q, from Beta distributions, and then I want to sample both of them at the same time from a multivariate Beta distribution.
This is the code that I have for sampling p and q individually from Beta...
If you can crack it, you will get a job as a European Spy!
That's the link to where you can attempt to crack the code. You get unlimited attempts!
P.S. If anyone gets the code, please feel free to post here, lol
Homework Statement
design an up down modulo-16 counter. use grey code state assignment, when x=1 the counter is to count up. when x=0 the counter is to count down. when the terminal cont of 15 is detected and the unit is counting up or when the terminal count of 0 is reached and the unit is...
I recently uploaded what I think is the most recent update to TexnicCenter. In the past, when I built a file, I could double-click on an error message in the output window and a green arrow would appear at the line number in the source code where the error occurred. That doesn't work...
I am trying to smooth a path defined in 2d by (x,y) which varies in time. I am using the Numerical Recipes 1d smoothing C code functions savgol() and convlv() to smooth x and y independently, which seem to do a pretty good job. However, while it seems to work, I was wondering if I should...
This isn't quite homework, it was just in my textbook as an illustration. Below is a function to return a list in reverse order.
Why does it work? My brother tried to explain it to me but failed to clarify. The only line I don't understand is the third and what process takes place because of...
small FORTRAN code for combinations. BUG!
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
INTEGER :: r=2,n=4,k=1
INTEGER,allocatable :: comb(:) !array to hold a set of combinations
CALL iterate(1,n-r+1,1)
Homework Statement
I am attempting to allow a user to enter a number and check to see if it is in a list of already generated prime numbers Here's my attempt
Where can I put the code to allow the number to be checked, the prime list generator works fine alonedef buildPrimeList ()...
I'm wondering if anyone has experience working with the triton depletion code for SCALE? I'm having some issues when I'm trying to calculate the activity in radioisotope targets surrounding my reactor core.
I thing I've got the hang of the basics of c++ and want to try and make some thing that actually has a function other than just making code to calculate something that I could already have done using a calculator.
Anyone got any ideas and then when I make I code post my code and see if any...
Homework Statement
The question is as follows:
Give the appearing weights of the generalized Hamming codes H(4) and H(5). Also give the amount of code words per weight.
Homework Equations
The generalized Hammingcode is defined code existing of all h \in F^{n}_{2} which satisfy h . v =...
This code calculates the internal temperatures of an insulated bar with left and right side boundary conditions of 350 K. The initial temperature of the bar is 250. This is not part of the assignment, but I want to get in the habit of optimizing my code. Is there any way to further improve the...
Im analyzing some data from a previous student I am trying to plot a line of best fit over the histogram and hense find the value of the coefficiants
the files had to be loaded as -ascii so this is the code i have typed so far
x=load('filename.mat','-ascii'); mean(x); hist(x,300)
Homework Statement
I am trying to create a program that will convert big endian to little endian notation and vice versa. I found a way to represent unsigned integers and display their binary value. Can I use this program somehow to accomplish my goals. I am going the right way?
About serval differential equations where A, B, D, g, \chi, c are functions of r
&-\frac{{\chi}'}{r}+\frac{c'}{c}\left(\frac{g'}{g} -{\chi}'\right)=\frac{e^{\chi}(q A B)^2}{r^2 g^2 c^2}& \\
&c c''+c c'\left(\frac{g'}{g}+\frac{2}{r} -\frac{{\chi}'}{2} \right)=-\frac{B'^2}{2...
I seem to be getting some arbitrary values from my Scilab code for a function. I have to generate a graph showing the dependence of the transmission on the air gap separating two higher refractive index materials i.e. I want to plot "T" as a function of "d".
T = \frac{1}{1 + \beta \sinh^2...
Homework Statement
As per the attached picture, we are basically trying to find out the time interval between the instants that the particle (black dot) is in the first region of interest and the instant that it is in the second region of interest.
i have a video in which the particle in...
Homework Statement
My computer crashed, so I can't check my code I wrote, and the school linux lab is full, so I really need some help.
I already wrote the code (ill post it below) so I can't compile it and check for some errors. Can anyone quickly glance it over and see any mistakes...
I got to thinking about code obfuscation. Current code obfuscators use ad hoc techniques like symbol renaming. But is it possible to have a cryptographically secure code obfuscator that outputs programs that work the same way as the originals, but provably no one can understand?
So here's...
You know that the MSB in each byte is always zero in ASCII code (e.g. text file).
If I cut the text file by byte, then there will be 0 (which is MSB) that might reveal some information... So, are there any stochastic rules that I make the strings random in ASCII code?
It will be...
Dear all,
Iam looking for a generic code that could express the following functions:
Subscript[mata, 1] = hl[[1]];
Subscript[mata, 2] = matg[[2]].hl[[1]] + hl[[2]];
Subscript[mata, 3] = matg[[3]].matg[[2]].hl[[1]]
+ matg[[3]].hl[[2]] + hl[[3]];
Subscript[mata, 4] =...
Homework Statement
Suppose n\leq2
Let C be the code consisting of all binary strings of length n in which the sum of the bits is even. Is C and MDS code? is C a cyclic code?
Homework Equations
An MDS code is one where the codewords are separated by a maximum number of bits d. MDS codes obey...
I recently deleted my Latex code for my dissertation and now I'm starting from scratch. In my last code I had a line of code at the beginning that does all of my auto fitting for brackets, fractions etc. without having to worry about using \Bigg etc. but I can't seem to remember what it is, I...
I'm about to start a module in C++ programming and I was just wondering if the code I learn in college (on P.C's) will be useable on macs Xcode. As in will I be able to EXACTLY the same code on both?
Once upon a time I could click on a LaTeX image and a new window with the code used to generate the image would pop up. This was super useful in learning LaTeX. This function gone?
mathematica not supporting graphs,,,code is as
Dear Fellow I was trying to make graph using mathematica but because of imaginary appearing mathematica is not supporting don't now how to evaluate the graph,,where code for mathematica is as
rho = 1.74*10^(3);
lambda = 9.4*10^(11);
mue =...
Homework Statement
I've been trying to get this code to work:
ode45(@(t,y) fallode(t,y,B), [0, tmax], [31330, 0])
Homework Equations
function dy = fallode(t, y, B)
% ODE function to model a fall over a large range of
% altitudes, reaching up to high subsonic Mach numbers.
% y(1) is...
Just want to discuss this development.
IMO, we are not prepared for this kind of revolution, unless we fully understand the implications and effect of engineering the genetic code without exactly knowing the outcome. I know this is...
Hi all,
I have written a paper which I wanted to put in arxiv classical physics section. I sent an endorsement request to an endorser in the relevant section and he agreed to endorse the paper in arxiv. He asked me to send him the 6 character alphanumeric endorsement code as suggested...
Hi all,
I have discretized my equations in a way that for example the velocity depends on the velocity of the previous neighboring element so:
h = number of elements
t = 0: 0.5 : 10
for j= 1 : length(t)
for i = 2: h
v(i,j) = v(i-1,j) + b
p(i,j) = p(i,j) +b
This is not my...
Hi everyone
I've been doing maths for quite a while now, but have never done any programming until recently. What I'm finding difficult is how you go from an initial value/boundary value problem on a bit of paper to a piece of code that will approximate the equation. I've done a bit of book...
Homework Statement
structure or behavior VHDL code of a 5-bits binary counter with a sync. load signal to preset the counter to a specific initial state. the output of the counter (Q0 to Q4) are connected to a binary decoder that shows the state of the counter.Homework Equations
The Attempt at...
having watched the film source code where they try and persuade that quantum physics allows for the brain to contain infinite parallel worlds i wondered if anyone made sense of it. As far as i could tell it was total rubbish from start to Finnish. Even down to the guy managing to send a text...
I have this mathematica code to solve a variation of the 2 Dimensional Poisson's equation using the finite difference method.
xo = .5; yo = .5; \[Sigma] = .05; q = 1;
Gen[x_, y_] := -q*E^-((((x - xo)^2) + ((y - yo)^2))/(2*\[Sigma]^2));
GridNum = 300; Hstep = N[1/(GridNum + 1)];
Sometimes when I try to debug my codes, VC++ brings me something I believe are assembly codes which I couldn't read at all. I want to know where I can learn these to better understand what is going on at low level. I am quite comfortable with high level programming, but I believe I really need...
I'm working on a DSP project that is using Matlab to improve the detection ratios of Computer aided Diagnosis (CAD). However the companies that are capable of doing this sort of CAD ensure that their code is not distributed.
If anyone has or knows how to get a piece of code like...
Dear Programmers
I am having text file having huge data.
From the text file i would like to map the two numbers that are present in the same brackets and the values should not considered if they are present in different numbers.
say for example I want to map number "4758 & 3895" that are in...
I had installed FileZilla FTP freeware on my computer.
Later, I was unable to edit my HTML file (pushed wrong button?) Whenever I tried to open or edit it using Word (my only editor which now seems to accept HTML), the webpage would appear, rather than the text code. I am using Windows 7 on...
What good sources are there to learn latex code? Because I'm finding it frustrating trying to post up homework problems and trying to use paint with my laptop is equally frustrating.
Hello. I am writing a 3D physics engine for use in a game engine I'm creating with some friends. This is the first time I've written a 3D physics engine and I am having some difficulty understanding some of the math behind it all.
The section I am currently struggling with is collision...
I realize HTML isn't strictly a 'coding language' or so I've heard.
I have a good friend who has a site he needs to prevent users from 'right clicking and copy'.
Its a guitar tab site and he has spent relentless hours transcribing a band whos songs are far from easy. So to prevent, to a certain...
Hi there,
I have altogether 17 formulations or expressions which are repetitive and have link from each other.
My question is that how to make these formulation or expressions in a simpler form. In another word, how to make the codes or syntax become shorter due to these repetitive...
To the EE Forum,
I am a new guy on this Physics Forum and this is my first post. I have downloaded a free software code, Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) solver (see http://www.femm.info/wiki/Download) but it doesn’t work because FEMM is limited to solving low frequency electromagnetic...
I am looking for an example of an ALE code for 1Dor 2D or 3D.It doesn't matter if it is in an FV, FD or FE code. I just need to see how the mesh velocity and the velocity of the fluid are dealt with in the code and how it works generally.
I looked at previous threads and saw the link...