What is High school: Definition and 734 Discussions

A secondary school describes an institution that provides secondary education and also usually includes the building where this takes place. Some secondary schools provide both lower secondary education (age 12 to 15) and upper secondary education (age 15 to 18) i.e. levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED scale, but these can also be provided in separate schools, as in the American middle and high school system. In the UK, elite public schools typically admit pupils between the ages of 13 and 18. UK state schools accommodate pupils between the ages of 11 to 18.
Secondary schools follow on from primary schools and prepare for vocational or tertiary education. Attendance is usually compulsory for students until age 16. The organisations, buildings, and terminology are more or less unique in each country.

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  1. mishima

    High School Astronomy Class Text?

    I am a high school physics teacher looking to teach an astronomy class for juniors and seniors next year. I was wondering if there are any stand out texts for this. Thanks.
  2. T

    Schools What courses should I take in high school to get into top colleges?

    I'm a freshman in high school and I have to choose my classes for 10th grade very soon but I'm in somewhat of a predicament. I need to have one Art credit to graduate from high school and I have been in band since 5th grade so naturally I continued to do band into 9th grade. However, now that I...
  3. V

    Review My High School Physics Textbook: Chapter 1

    Hi guys, I am writing a 400 page high school theory physics textbook, it will be 100 pages per chapter, I have completed the first chapter so is it possible for me to send it to someone to give me some feedback? :) Please =3 If you are interested in having a look at it comment here and I will...
  4. A

    Calculating Thrust and Work for a Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket

    I am a high school teacher attempting to give my students a project for designing a rocket powered by the chemical reaction between acetic acid and baking soda to produce CO2 gas. I have done some simple calculations based on stoichiometric amounts of vinegar and acetic to produce a...
  5. P

    Schools Can a High School Dropout Successfully Navigate College Entry and Academia?

    Hello PF,I am Perceptron. A few months ago I had to drop out of my high school to support my family. I currently have two Jobs. One is Monday through Friday 8AM-4PM. The other is on Fridays and Saturdays 7PM-10PM. Basically, my only free day is on Sunday. I got depressed for some time...
  6. F

    Challenging High School Planetary Mechanics Problem

    Homework Statement A certain binary star system consists of two stars of masses m and 3m respectively separated by a distance of 1.5 * 10^12 m measured between their centres. These stars revolve in sync with each other around their common centre of mass. If the smaller star has a mass of 1.0 *...
  7. P

    Physics Lab Question - High School

    In my introductory physics class in high school we did a lab on specific heat. We heated metals and placed them into cool water and observed the temperature change to find the specific heat of the metal. One of the questions on the lab puzzled me. - Why was the cool water purposely...
  8. P

    Schools Can I Study Physics Without AP Physics or Calculus?

    I know this question will likely depend on the college that it is applied to, but... If I were to not have taken any sort of Calculas, only pre-calculas in High School along with not taking AP Physics of any sort in High School would you still be able to enter college and study Physics? If...
  9. G

    Open high school physics textbook?

    Is there any free (open) high school physics textbook available online? Thanks
  10. N

    Schools High school student doing college physics

    I am an high school student starting grade 11 this year . I have been interested in physics since class 6 and i have been studying advanced physics since then . IN grade 9 and 10 i have read and solved problems from Resnick,halliday and walker's book ( which i think is a undergrad book isn't...
  11. T

    Physics Benefits of Finishing Physics Degree for High School Teaching

    i'm currently 27 and still living at home. i'd like to start a career as soon as possible. it is extremely stressful living at home. after this spring term i will have the 30 credits i need to get state certified for teaching physics. does it pay to complete the physics degree in any way? i...
  12. B

    Schools Need guidance as to what to do next, high school student

    Hello I am a grade 12 student looking to be a physicist. the school course is hardly satisfactory so I did a hell of a lot of self study, I'm wondering in which direction i should head next. I did high school physics in grade 9, calculus in grade 10, first yr uni physics g11, and intro to real...
  13. L

    Questions for a High School Interview.

    I'm doing a report for my high school engineering class,and I need someone to answer a few questions. What were your duties as an aerospace engineer? What skills were required to complete your job? What are some projects you have done in the past? Do you have a lot of...
  14. J

    Summer jobs in Science for high school students

    I am not a scientist. I haven't even finished high school. However, this summer, my mother wants me to get some work experience. As I aspire to become a scientist (physicist) when I am older I thought it would be great to get a job doing something science-y. Are there such things as summer...
  15. H

    Schools What Are Math REUs Looking for in Essays and Statements of Intent?

    I'm a high school student who will be graduating this spring and I'm applying to the various Math REU's that accept pre-freshman undergrads. I'm confused about the essays and statements of intent. What exactly are they looking for in this component of the application? What constitutes a good...
  16. G

    High School POE Class Interview Questions

    Hello my name is Gordon and I really need an engineer to answer these questions for me. I really consider to advance in engineering and am currently taking POE. Someone who is an engineering in any field please answer these questions they mean a lot thanks. 1:Your Name 2:Your Specific Degree...
  17. T

    Schools High School Student Preparing for College

    Hello all! I am a 14 year old student attending an elite private school in North Texas and I aspire to someday become a theoretical physicist. I currently take mostly AP classes and am doing better than a good portion of my peers. I have knowledge of high school math (taught it all to myself...
  18. H

    Schools Preparing for college in high school.

    Currently I am a freshman in high school in the United States. I have been interested in physics for a while and have been studying on my own. Last summer I studied calculus using Calculus by James Stewart, which covered differentiation, integration, multivariable, and vector calculus. I have...
  19. A

    Passion for aviation, where to start? A high school student

    Hello everyone, I'm a high school 10th grader from Thailand studying at a rigorous private boarding school in the US. I have a passion for aviation and aeroplanes, and my dream is to be an aerospace engineer. The problem is though, I do not know where to start. Seeing my friends at school...
  20. B

    What resources can help me prepare for my high school mathematics end exam?

    Hello. Quick introduction, I'm 12th grade and in my country we have this end exam in mathematics which I have to pass with +85% so I can fulfill my passion(Computer Science and Engineering). I'm studying hardcore these two years but I missed out a lot from 7th to 10th grade cause I didn't have...
  21. S

    Schools How does high school maths compare to university maths?

    I am in my final year of high school, I am doing the highest level of maths available but I don't find it difficult at all, so I was wondering whether or not I should cover some university level mathematics before doing bachelor of science (Advanced) next year. For this BSc I am allowed to do...
  22. N

    Im in High School and I know nothing about physics

    :frown:hi folks I will be having a physics exam in next week and I am so noob don't know anything about physics :frown: what should I do please help me
  23. K

    Schools Supplementary Physics Programs/Internships for High School Students

    Hello, I am writing on behalf of two students of mine at Northside College Preparatory High School where I teach A.P. Physics to about 30 children every semester. Recently, I've had two very dedicated students approach me with questions of how to supplement their physics with options...
  24. A

    Schools High school physics and adv precalculus.

    I'm currently getting an 88 in my physics class. Precalculus not so well, I have a 77.5. I plan on majoring in physics next year but I'm afraid I'll be behind if I'm not I calculus nxt year. I want to improv my math grad but I don't know how to study math. How do you study math?
  25. J

    Schools Should I Graduate High School Early?

    Recently I have been entertaining the idea of graduating high school early. Currently I am in grade 10 and I can do it, if I wanted to. I am really bored in high school and I would love to graduate a year early. What are your thoughts on this? What benefits and/or risks are associated with this...
  26. S

    Trigonometry ( high school level )

    Cot A + Cot B + Cot C = under root 3 ABC is which type of triangle ? 1) isosceles 2) equilateral 3) right angled 4) none of these
  27. H

    Schools Can High School Students Study Complex Analysis Independently?

    I am currently a freshman in high school in the United States. I am very interested in mathematical and theoretical physics. For about the past year or two I have been studying on my own. Over the last summer I spent most of July and August reading Calculus by James Stewart and feel that I...
  28. A

    Catapult project junior year high school

    Hi, I have to do a high school project in physics regarding to build a catapult. The catapult must launch a tennis ball 12 meters from the launch line into the trash can. My friends and I are confused on what materials to use in this project and how to exactly make it so it can fit the...
  29. H

    Schools Advice for courses for physics in high school.

    I am currently a freshman in high school and was looking for advice on which courses to take. Over the past summer I spent most of July and August reading Calculus by James Stewart. I have also been reading other books more specifically for physics such as An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics...
  30. J

    Schools I am bored in high school. What should I do?

    Currently I am in Grade 10 (taking Physics and Math 11). I want to become a physicist but right now I am stuck. I love to learn and what we are learning is interesting but we are going at such a slow pace. To combat this boredom, I learned some Calculus by reading "Calculus for Dummies" as well...
  31. T

    Schools At what level should a high school graduate be at in terms of mathematics?

    I graduated from high school this year and took the three main sciences (biology, chemistry and physics) as well as math up to Calculus. I've decided to take a year away from school for a couple reasons. But that doesn't mean that I must stop learning. Recently I bought a book which gives...
  32. C

    Studying What Books Should I Read to Prepare for My High School Math and Physics Topics?

    Hey guys, I'm new to these forums but I've actually used these forums a lot in the past for research, etc. I decided to make an account because I'm just about to go through year 12 exams in an Australian high school doing Specialist Maths (Highest level maths), maths studies(High level)...
  33. R

    Help with senior high school physics problem please?

    http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s720x720/185062_10151033229627461_990741135_n.jpg You have these two springs hooked on to each other, hanging vertically from the ceiling, neither of them have any weight and both are hanging to the same object and we need somehow to come to the...
  34. J

    Schools High School Student Unable to Decide Between Math or Physics

    Hello, I am a junior in high school and I can't seem to decide between physics or mathematics. I have always had an affinity for the two subjects since preschool. This is a very difficult decision for me because I enjoy both subjects very much. My knowledge for both subjects are at a layman's...
  35. M

    High school physics teacher seeking slide rules

    Hiya folks, In an effort to get the students in my Advanced Physics class to rely less on calculators and to develop their math skills, I am going to give them the option of using slide rules this year. I am offering them a small bonus on tests if they use slide rules instead of calculators...
  36. B

    Math research ideas for high school student?

    So I've been accepted into a research program at my school, and I'm to come up with a research topic to work on over the school year. My mathematics is limited to geometry, though after this year will encompass trig and pre-calc. Anyway, I'm interested in pure mathematics, but obviously my...
  37. X

    Schools Is High School Physics Too Focused on Theory Over Mathematics?

    High School physics is too easy :( Why is it that the maths involved in High School physics very simple? I really don't like the way physics is structured in High School, it is full of theory and very little mathematics is involved. We even study the history of AC and DC and have to write an...
  38. S

    High School physics science project

    Does anybody have a good idea for an advanced physics project for a high school student (10th grade). not just models or the angle to throw a ball the farthest stuff but I still want to be able to do experiments. Thanks
  39. T

    Schools Low High school GPA, CC or India

    I have an extreemly low High school GPA (1.9) and I could be wrong but I do not think there is anyway they will accept me to a university with these grades even if I have pretty good SAT scores (720 math and 580 reading I belive). So how should I go about studing physics to eventually get my...
  40. S

    High school project in mathematics, original research

    I have been thinking about doing my 'high school project' in mathematics and I would like to do some original research. So my question is: Which areas of mathematics would be most suited for me? Having in mind that I'm still in high school, although I have taken some (fundamental) math...
  41. D

    Schools Applied mathematics vs. pure mathematics in high school?

    Applied mathematics vs. "pure" mathematics in high school? I've just started working through "Basic Mathematics" by Serge Lang. It immediately struck me, when I skimmed through the pages, that there is a large emphasize on proving things and manipulating expressions, and very little exercises...
  42. W

    Help Guide a High School Senior in Choosing a Career in Physics and Technology

    Hello everyone! Im a senior in high school doing the IB diploma program and i'd appreciate it if you could help guide me in choosing a career since my school doesn't seem to be of any help... Im extremely passionate about Physics (in particular astro and aerospace) and technology. i'd...
  43. L

    Schools High school mathematics compared to UK

    Hello, I'm thinking about going to school in the US (perhaps) and I'm curious on the things that top US high school students covers before heading to do a undergraduate degree in mathematics. Here is a list of topics i'll be covering, generally the harder stuff: -Hyperbolic functions (using...
  44. K

    Schools Comparing High School vs College: Questions Answered

    I am a recent high school graduate and was considering taking college classes at my local community college. I am hesitant about this in fear that college-level coursework might be overwhelmingly difficult and advanced. Here are my questions. *How many classes does a full-time college...
  45. D

    High School Student Text book question

    Anyone know of a good textbook that i can get off of amazon. I just want a good book to steer me in a good direction. Because i just study this a lot in my spare time and i don't have a decent source of information. Any textbook will do but i need something. The difficulty of the book does...
  46. A

    Schools Why is Trig Required in College but Not in High School?

    Why is that in high school, Trignometry is often not a course, but in college, it is? I remember in high school, after taking Geometry in Freshmen year, I took Algebra 2 in sophomore year. Then in junior year, i took Pre Cal, and then Calculus. I just took a placement test at a community...
  47. P

    Schools Taking an honors physics class at a local university while in high school.

    So I am participating in a program that allows me to take classes at a local university and the counselor suggested that because I plan to go into physics when I go off to college (I will be a high school senior next year) it would be a good idea to take the honors introductory course that is...
  48. P

    Maths textbooks for a high school graduate

    I recently graduated from high school, but I didn't study any Mathematics at all. I, however, want to teach myself Mathematics from scratch, even though I know basic operations, such as division, addition etc. So, I'm looking for one or more Maths textbooks that must cover these areas...
  49. P

    Bearings (compass headings) question high school

    A man walks 3 km due east and then 5 km northeast. Find his distance and bearing from his original position. ive drawn the triangle, but have no idea how to get an angle out of it, I've looked at the solution and they have somehow got the angle 135, though I understand their steps after they...
  50. G

    Schools Physics research experience high school

    How can a high school student, such as myself gain research experience? I'm not talking about anything overly impressive. I am just talking about possibly doing something along the lines of a research mentor-ship with a physicist from a local university or something. Am i already asking too...