Inverse Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    Struggling to Find X(t) Using Inverse Laplace Transform

    Homework Statement Having found the laplace transform of a differential equation. I must now find X(t). All of my work is attached. The problem I am having is fitting my function of s to my table of transforms. I tried using partial fractions but it took me in a loop.The Attempt at a Solution...
  2. M

    Inverse Trig Functions as a (unique?) solution to a PDE

    Hi, I know from basic math courses that inverse trig functions are multi valued (e.g. arctan(c)=θ+n*2∏). Now, if I solve a partial differential equation and I get an inverse trig function as part of my solution, does that mean solutions to the pde are non-unique? For example, if...
  3. F

    Inverse Fourier, can't factor denominator, can't use partial frac.

    Homework Statement Inverse Fourier of: [ jω+2 ] / [ (jω)2 +5jω+9 ] where j = sqrt(-1) I tried using partial fractions but the denominator can't be factored...I tried completing the square on the denominator but I get a sum of squares. What can I try? I am sure I don't have to use the formal...
  4. srfriggen

    Solve for Inverse of f(x)=2x^3+3x+2 | Factor and Simplify

    Trying to find the inverse of f(x)=2x^3+3x+2 I've written it as x=2y^3+3y+2 and am trying to solve for y, but I can't seem to factor anything out correctly. Anyone see how this can be solved?
  5. D

    Procedure to compute a multiplicative inverse

    I think I found a procedure (other than the extended Euclidean algorithm) to compute the multiplicative inverse of a number; possibly a simpler method. It goes like this: ***EDIT: Ah, dang. I made a mistake. It will only work for a prime modulus. Suppose we need to find x satisfying ax \equiv...
  6. V

    Is A + 2A^(-1) Invertible If A Is Invertible?

    Hello Everyone :) I have been facing a little difficulty when encountering such kind of problems . i have also written down my line of thinking and approach which i take to solve them. So, please try to give me the correct line of thinking while solving such problems: 1. If A is invertible...
  7. A

    Prove that f is surjective iff f has a right inverse. (Axiom of choice)

    Homework Statement Suppose f: A → B is a function. Show that f is surjective if and only if there exists g: B→A such that fog=iB, where i is the identity function.The Attempt at a Solution Well, I believe for a rigorous proof we need to use the axiom of choice, but because I have never worked...
  8. D

    Magnetic Force Inverse Cubed Law?

    I was reading <crackpot link removed> and was wondering if the inverse cube law for magnetic force still applied for situations where the object being attracted isn't another magnet itself? E.g. if there is an electromagnet attracting an iron nut is the rule still inverse cube and not inverse...
  9. Y

    Derivative of the inverse of a function

    Homework Statement y=x+(1/x) at y=17/4 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution y^-1: x=y+(1/y) differentiate: 1=y'+ln(y)y' 1=y'(1+ln(y)) y'=1/(1+ln(y)) put that over 1: 1+ln(y) plug in y: 1+ln(17/4) =approximately 2.447
  10. B

    Does the Definition of an Inverse Depend on Injectivity and Surjectivity?

    Consider a function f(x) and its inverse g(x). Then (f \circ g)(x) = x and (g \circ f)(x) = x Are both these statements separate requirements in order for the inverse to be defined? Is it possible that one of the above statements is true but not the other? If so, could I see an...
  11. P

    How can I find all possible angles for a given sine value?

    Homework Statement This is from a physics problem, but my question is more mathematically oriented. After working through the problem, I arrive at the last step. Sin(x)=.967 The question says that there are two possible angles for x. The Attempt at a Solution arcsin(.967)...
  12. B

    Function must be a bijection for its inverse to exist?

    My analysis text defines inverse functions only for bijections. But y = e^{x} is not bijective, so according to my book it's inverse ( ln x ) wouldn't be defined? Am I missing something or is my textbook just plain wrong? I use the text by Bartle and Sherbert. Thanks! BiP
  13. T

    Finding Inverse of a Transformation

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution Suppose we take an arbitrary polynomial in P_2 (R), call this a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 T(a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2) = (a_0, a_0 + a_1 + a_2, a_0 - a_1 + a_2) Now, I was under the impression that I could construct a matrix for T by showing what...
  14. T

    Inverse Laplace Transform: How to Manipulate Fractions for Completing the Square

    Homework Statement Find the inverse laplace transform of \frac{3s + 7}{s^{2} - 2s + 10}Homework Equations completing the square. e^{at}sin(bt) = \frac{b}{(s-a)^{2} + b^{2}} e^{at}cos(bt) = \frac{s-a}{(s-a)^{2} + b^{2}} The Attempt at a Solution F(s)= \frac{3s + 7}{s^{2} - 2s + 10} F(s) =...
  15. B

    What is the Derivative of Inverse Secant?

    Homework Statement Find the derivative of sec^{-1}(\frac{\sqrt{1+x^{2}}}{x}) Homework Equations sec^{-1}=\frac{U'}{U\sqrt{U^{2}-1}} The Attempt at a Solution U'=-\frac{1}{x^{2}\sqrt{1+x^{2}}} U\sqrt{U^{2}-1}= \frac{\sqrt{1+x^{2}}}{x^{2}} Therefore the derivative is...
  16. B

    Derivative of inverse tangent function

    Homework Statement Find derivative of tan^{-1}(\frac{3sinx}{4+5cosx}) Homework Equations deriviative of tan^{-1}=\frac{U'}{1+U^{2}} The Attempt at a Solution I found U'= \frac{12cosx+15}{(4+5cosx)^{2}} 1+U^{2}=1+\frac{9sin^{2}x}{(4+5cosx)^{2}} I think my components are correct but my...
  17. B

    Derivative involving inverse trigonometric functions

    Homework Statement Find the derivative of: sqrt(x^2-4)-2tan^-1{.5*sqrt(x^2-4)} Homework Equations U'/1+U^2 U'=x/2sqrt(x^2-4) 1+U^2=x^2 The Attempt at a Solution I combined the above components but my answer is incorrect. I feel that I might have the wrong answer for...
  18. K

    Finding the inverse of this matrix.

    Homework Statement Hi there I'm trying to solve this question: Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I figured i should just multiply them together and show that you get the identity matrix, but I'm having trouble cancelling out some of the terms. I'm not sure if I...
  19. A

    How Do You Perform an Inverse Laplace Transform on 1/(s^2+s+1)?

    Using the laplace transform, find the solution to the differential equation: y'' + y' + y = 0 , y(0)=0, y'(0)=1 Using the laplace transform and its properties I end up with: f(s) = 1/(s2+s+1) How can I find the inverse of this/ does anyone know the inverse of it? Setting y=eax I got a...
  20. M

    A question about restrictions of inverse functions

    Homework Statement Hi. I found in the answears that the inverse of function f(x)=3-\sqrt{x-2} is f^{-1}(x)=(3-x)^{2}+2 only if we restrict it to {x:x\leq3}. I understand that the restriction is needed because the found inverse is a parabola (and thus not one-to-one function). My general...
  21. F

    Derivative of inverse function at x=0

    Derivative of inverse function at x=0 [SOLVED] Homework Statement Let f(x) = x + Ln(x+1), x > -1 Find \frac{d}{dx} f^{-1} |_{x=0}; Note that f(0) = 0 Homework Equations (f^{-1})'(x) = \frac{1}{f^{'}(f^{-1}(x))} (or) \frac{dx}{dy} = 1/\frac{dy}{dx} The Attempt at a Solution...
  22. alexmahone

    MHB What is the Inverse Laplace Transform of 2s+7-e^-2s/(s+1)^2?

    Find the inverse Laplace transform of $\displaystyle \frac{2s+7-e^{-2s}}{(s+1)^2}$.
  23. alexmahone

    MHB F(x) coincides with its inverse function

    Suppose that $\displaystyle f(x)=\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$. What conditions on $\displaystyle a,\ b,\ c,\ d$ are necessary and sufficient in order that $\displaystyle f(x)$ coincide with its inverse function. My attempt: $\displaystyle...
  24. T

    Eigenvalues of Inverse Transformations

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution So I observed: T(B) = λB T-1(B) = λ'B Also, T-1(T(B)) = λ'λB = B This implies, λ'λ = 1 And so, there should be a relation λ = \frac{1}{λ'}. Is that right?
  25. T

    Finding the inverse of two functions

    Homework Statement How do I find the inverse of these functions step by step? y= e^-x^3 y= sin(1/x) I know the solutions but I don't know how to work with these two functions. Does anyone know the steps to finding the inverse of these?
  26. G

    Inverse laplace transform for unique diffusion type problem

    Hi all I have been working on some unique solutions to advection-diffusion type problems. One inverse Laplace transform that I seem to continue to encounter is the following: Inverse Laplace[F(s)] where F(s)=[(1/(((s-α)^2)+β)*exp(-x*sqrt(s/D))] In their classic 1959 text, Carslaw...
  27. P

    MHB Application for Derivative of Inverse Functions?

    Why are derivatives of inverse functions important? My students are giving me questions like: When would using the theorem be useful? Can't you just find the inverse function and take its derivative? I'm sure many of you know the type of question: "Who cares?" My answers are that the theorem...
  28. Z

    Inverse of a Matrix with det=0

    Homework Statement What is the inverse of matrix A? A= (1) (2) (1) (2) (-1) (2) (1) (2) (1) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The determinant works out to be 0 The inverse is 1/determinant x adj(A) Therefore the inverse is 1/0 x adj(A) So is the...
  29. T

    Prove the inverse image is a subspace.

    Let T: V-->W be a surjective linear transformation and let X be a subspace of W. Assume tat Ker(T) and X are finite dimensonal. Prove that T^-1 (X) = {v | T(v) is in X} is a subspace of V. Ok I absolutely suck at showing things are a subspace of something...I don't even know where to...
  30. S

    Mathematica Mathematica: Multiplicative Inverse of an integer using modulo

    Hello everyone, I've been trying to figure out how to obtain the multiplicative inverse of an integer in Zn in Mathematica but I haven't found a way. Is there a way to do this anyone can help me with?
  31. B

    Integration of inverse trig functions

    Homework Statement This is an integration of an inverse trig function. I don't see how they go from 1/2 to 1/4. I understand how they get the 1/2, du = 2dx, divide both sides by 2, but where does the 1/4 come from?
  32. T

    How can I use IFT to find the inverse of a function?

    How does one use IFT to find the inverse of a function? I thought it was something like \int \frac{dx}{df(x)}dx. But that doesn't work with f(x)=x^2:\int \frac{dx}{2x}=\frac{1}{2} \log{x} \neq f^{-1}(x).
  33. S

    Monitor building inner defect with inverse heat transfer

    Assume that there is a original wall which does not have any defect inside. After an excitation of heat at one side of the wall, Ti is 37°C and To is 30° C. Thermal capacitance is assume 1. So the heat transfer is 7. For another condition, i want to find out if the wall has air pocket inside...
  34. V

    Why Does This Inverse Trigonometry Problem Have Four Solutions?

    Homework Statement tan-1[2x/(1-x2)]+cot-1[(1-x2)/2x]=2π/3 2. The attempt at a solution tan-1[2x/(1-x2)]+cot-1[(1-x2)/2x]=2π/3 tan-1[2x/(1-x2)]=2π/6 take tan on both sides 2x/(1-x2) =sqrt(3) quadratic equation so it should have 2 solutions(sqrt(3) and sqrt(1/3)).But this question...
  35. J

    Inverse Trig Graphs: Domain and Range

    Hey everyone. Sorry to post another topic, but i thought this would be easy to find on google, to help me with , but i can't find it. All I am really lookin for is someone to let me know if my answers are right, and if not, then how i can fix them :) Anyways, i was asked to graph...
  36. C

    Challenge question to the community - - Determine the inverse function of

    f(x) \ = \ \dfrac{1 - \sqrt{x}}{1 + \sqrt{x}}Edit: \ \ I \ sent \ a \ PM \ to \ a \ mentor.
  37. J

    IVP Laplace Transform Problem - Tricky Inverse Laplace Transform

    IVP Laplace Transform Problem -- Tricky Inverse Laplace Transform Homework Statement Solve x"+x'+x=1, given x(0)=x'(0)=0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Plugged in transforms: s2*Y(s)-s*y(0)-y'(0)+s*Y(s)-y(0)+Y(s)=1/s Plugged in initial value points, simplified...
  38. S

    Strategies for Solving Inverse Laplace Transform Problems with Complex Roots

    Homework Statement Hello all, Having difficulty with this one question that involves complex roots. Here it is: F(s)=\frac{s+3}{s^3+3s^2+6s+4} I tried two different ways to tackle it. First method I divided it right away: F(s)=\frac{s+3}{s^3+3s^2+6s+4}\rightarrow{s^2+6-\frac{14}{s+3}} Is there...
  39. R

    Exploring Inverse Square Laws in Newton's and Coulomb's Laws of Force

    Why are Newtons law of universal gravitation, F=G\frac{m_{1}m_{2}}{r^{2}} and Coulombs law, F = K_{e}\frac{q_{1}q_{2}}{r^{2}} inverse square laws? I understand why they are inverse because the force decreases with distance but why is the distance, r, squared? Thanks AL
  40. E

    Inverse of an operator does not exist, can't see why

    I feel kind of lame, but here's my situation: We start with the operator g_{\mu \nu} \Box - \partial_{\mu}\partial_{\nu} and convert to momentum space to get -g_{\mu \nu} k^{2} - k_{\mu}k_{\nu}. Apparently it's easy to see that this has no inverse? I'm told that if it *did* it would be...
  41. T

    Question about Proof of Inverse Function

    I am reading the proof of the Inverse Function Theorem in baby Rudin and I have a question about it. How does associating a function phi(x) (equation 48) with each point y tell us anything about if f(x) is one-to-one? I'll show the proof below. Also, if f'(a) = A, and f(x)=x2, what would A-1 be?
  42. C

    Inverse Trig Function: Find Derivative of the Function

    Homework Statement find the derivative of the function f(x)=arcsec(4x) Homework Equations I think this is a Relevant equations. d/dx[arcsecu]=u'/(|u|(√u2-1) The Attempt at a Solution f'(x)=4/(|4|(√42-1) =1/√15 I keep getting wrong in my online homework why? :confused:
  43. C

    Inverse Trigonometric Problem Solve equation for x

    Homework Statement arctan(8x-8)=-1 Homework Equations I'm sure what this part wants. The Attempt at a Solution tan[arctan(8x-8)]=tan(-1) 8x-8=tan(-1) x=(1/8)(tan(-1)+8) x=(1/8)(-(tan(1)+8) x= I am stuck on the last part since the homework says Simplify the above equation...
  44. S

    Derivative of the inverse of sin(1/x)

    Homework Statement Find the derivative of the compositional inverse of f(x) = sin(1/x) restricted to (1,∞). You may use without proof that sin(x) is differentiable with derivative cos(x). Homework Equations (f^{-1})'(y_0) = \frac{1}{f'(f^{-1}(y_0))} The Attempt at a Solution...
  45. J

    Find the inverse of the polynomial.

    Homework Statement Find (f^{-1})'(a) of: f(x)=\sqrt{x^{3}+x^{2}+x+22} ; a=5. Homework Equations (f^{-1})'(a)=\frac{1}{f'((f^{-1})(a))} The Attempt at a Solution Well, I know to find an inverse: I need to set the equation equal to y, solve for x, then swap x and y. But I don't...
  46. F

    Domain & Range of Inverse Function f-1: x≤0, y≤0

    Homework Statement The function f:x→ 4-x2 for the domain x≤0. Find the inverse of is denoted by f-1 and state the domain and range of f-1. Homework Equations Set equation to 0 and solve for x to find inverse. The D and R is going to be switched for the inverse..? The Attempt at a...
  47. S

    Inverse Fourier Transformation of a Fourier Transformation

    I am having problem with the inverse transformation of a Fourier transformed function which should give the function itself. Let f=f(x) and let f be Fourier transformable (whatever that implies) Let \tilde{f}(k)=∫^{\infty}_{-\infty}dx e^{-ikx}f(x) (1) then we should have...
  48. T

    Inverse Fourier Transform using complex variables

    Homework Statement For α > 0, determine u(x) by the inverse Fourier transform u(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\ \frac{e^{ikx}}{ik+\alpha}\ dk Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This seemed like a relatively simple residue problem. You just note that...
  49. D

    Integration of inverse trigonometric functions

    Homework Statement ∫ (x+2)dx/√(4x-x2) Homework Equations why was the -2 in -2(x-2) was ignored? The Attempt at a Solution so first i let u= 4x-x2 then, du=4-2x = -2(x-2) so to get (x+2) i equate it to (x-2)+4 so ... ∫ (x+2)dx/√(4x-x2) = ∫(x-2)+4dx/√(4x-x2) = ∫...
  50. R

    What is the correct method for calculating the co factor of a 3 x 3 matrix?

    This is insane, I am trying to revise the inverse of matrices and this one element is being really stubborn, please help. Here is the matrix 3 -1 7 2 0 1 5 -2 6 I have transposed it 3 2 5 -1 0 -2 7 1 6 Now as for replacing the element of...