Inverse Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, an inverse function (or anti-function) is a function that "reverses" another function: if the function f applied to an input x gives a result of y, then applying its inverse function g to y gives the result x, i.e., g(y) = x if and only if f(x) = y. The inverse function of f is also denoted as



{\displaystyle f^{-1}}
.As an example, consider the real-valued function of a real variable given by f(x) = 5x − 7. Thinking of this as a step-by-step procedure (namely, take a number x, multiply it by 5, then subtract 7 from the result), to reverse this and get x back from some output value, say y, we would undo each step in reverse order. In this case, it means to add 7 to y, and then divide the result by 5. In functional notation, this inverse function would be given by,





{\displaystyle g(y)={\frac {y+7}{5}}.}
With y = 5x − 7 we have that f(x) = y and g(y) = x.
Not all functions have inverse functions. Those that do are called invertible. For a function f: X → Y to have an inverse, it must have the property that for every y in Y, there is exactly one x in X such that f(x) = y. This property ensures that a function g: Y → X exists with the necessary relationship with f.

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  1. A

    What is the Inverse Fourier Transform of (3jw+9)/((jw)^2+6jw+8)?

    Homework Statement (part of a problem) Find the inverse Fourier of F(w) = (3jw+9)/((jw)^2+6jw+8) where w is the angular frequency, w=2pi * f = 2*pi/T Homework Equations The fourier transfrom and its properties i guess. Also the exponential FT common pair exp(-at)u(t) <-> 1/(jw+a) where...
  2. A

    What's the inverse Laplace transform of this?

    Homework Statement L^{-1}\{\frac{1}{(s^2+4)^2}\} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea how to solve this. Any idea to being solving the problem would be appreciated.
  3. T

    Solve Inverse Trig Function with Domain [-π/2, π/2] | Step-by-Step Guide

    Homework Statement My problem is as follows: find the inverse of 3x+1+\sin(x) with the domain [-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution for this would I just try to solve as normal by setting y=f(x) then using the fact that \arcsin(x) = y or is...
  4. C

    Solving Sinusoidal Equations involving Cosine Inverse

    Suppose that a spaceship is fired into orbit from Cae Canerveral. Ten minutes after it leaves Cape, it reaches its farthest distance north of the equator, 4000 kilometers. Half a cycle later it reaches its farthest distance south of the equator (on the other side of the Earth, of course!), also...
  5. T

    Inverse of a logarithmic function

    Homework Statement Greetings everyone! I am having problems getting started with this question, which asks: Find the inverse of y = \frac{3-4e^x}{6-10e^x} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm usually pretty good with these kinds of problems, but for some reason I seem to be...
  6. C

    Inverse Laplacetransform, can't find fitting formula

    Homework Statement Inverse Laplacetransform (3s+7)/(s^2+2s-2) Homework Equations (3s+7)/(s^2+2s-2) The Attempt at a Solution Split into 3s/(s^2+2s-2) and 7/(s^2+2s-2). I can't find a fitting transformpair(I use tables/formulas).
  7. G

    RLC inverse Laplace transform question

    The link below shows a circuit and the s-domain equation for I1(s) that I have derived; My question is on the portion of the equation containing the "(s+a)" terms. I am trying to arrive at the time-domain equation for I1(s) but instead of arriving at the Laplace transform pair shown in the...
  8. A

    Inverse linear algebra problem for stereo triangulation

    Hello everyone, I have been using the well-known Cal Tech camera calibration toolbox built by Jean-Yves Bouguet for stereo triangulation. Part of the toolbox's utility is that it's able to give 3D world coordinates from 2D coordinates in stereo image pairs, given a set of camera...
  9. G

    Inverse coefficients of dt & dr in Schwarzschild

    Awhile back A.T. & PeterDonis helped me through several basic confusions on my way to an intuitive understanding of geodesics in curved spacetime. I looked at
  10. H

    Finding the Inverse Laplace Transform for Solving Fractional Equations

    Homework Statement Compute the inverse Laplace transform of Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried using partial fraction but no luck.
  11. L

    Use of Dirac delta to define an inverse

    I was wondering which are the properties of functions defined in such a way that ∫dx f(y-x) g(x-z) = δ(y-z) where δ is Dirac delta and therefore g is a kind of inverse function of f (I see this integral as the continuous limit of the product of a matrix by its inverse, in which case the...
  12. E

    Integration of exponential of inverse tangent

    Hi all, i need help with integration of exponential of inverse tangent, could not find it in table of integrals the whole equation is I=∫A/[w(a+z^2)^1/2]*exp(zb)*exp[(-i*arctan(z/(a)^1/2)] -am trying to integrate by parts but stuck at the arctan part Thank you.
  13. P

    Question about integration with inverse trigonometric functions

    I'm self-studying Calculus and would like to ask some doubts about the following question: Homework Statement If, in t seconds, s is the oriented distance of the particle from the origin and v is the velocity of the particle, then a differential equation for harmonic simple motion is...
  14. M

    Why Are All Singularities of the Laplace Transform Left of the Line Re(s)=c?

    f(t)=\int^{c+i\infty}_{c-i\infty}F(s)e^{st}ds Why we suppose that all singularities are left from line Re(s)=c?
  15. E

    Calculating the Inverse Discrete time Fourier transform

    Homework Statement Let the DTFT (Discrete time Fourier transform) of a signal beY(f)= {1 0≤lfl< \frac{fs}{8} {0 OtherwiseCalc y(k) Homework Equations y(k)=\frac{1}{f_{s}}\int Y(f) e^{jk2\pi fT}df lkl≥0 The Attempt at a Solution So what I understand from this is that my Y(f) is basically 1...
  16. R

    Understanding the Inverse Laplace Transform of Fractional Expressions

    Homework Statement I'm attempting to find the inverse laplace transform of (5/((2x+3)(4+x^2))) The Attempt at a Solution Here's the solution: There's 3 terms in the solution and 2 are...
  17. J

    Solving an Inverse FT: ω0 = ∏/4, y(t) = p_4(t)sin(πt/4)?

    Hi, quick question regarding my solution of this Inv. FT: Y(\omega) = \frac{1}{j}[sinc(\frac{2\omega}{\pi} - \frac{1}{2}) - sinc(\frac{2\omega}{\pi} + \frac{1}{2})] Recognizing that that this looks a lot like this property of the FT: x(t)sin(\omega_{0}t) \leftrightarrow \frac{j}{2}[X(\omega +...
  18. D

    Fraction of Elements in a group mapped to own inverse by automorphism

    Q: Given a fraction A/B when does there exist a finite group G and an automorphism f s.t. exactly A/B elements of G are mapped to their own inverses (f(a) = a-1? If so how can we find the group? Does anything change if we allow infinite groups? I have a friend who was preparing for an intro...
  19. D

    Inverse Muon Decay differential cross section

    Why is it that the differential cross section for processes like Inverse Muon Decay (IMD) are always given in the CM frame? Every paper I have seen that discusses Inverse Muon Decay gives the differential cross section in CM frame. Is it very hard to calculate the differential cross section in...
  20. B

    How do I find the inverse of x^3/x^2+1?

    Hello, I have been working on this problem for a while now and can't seem to get it into a forum which would isolate x, which would then allow me to sub y and find the inverse. The problem is x^3/x^2+1 Can anyone help me with this? I am utterly stuck I have dealt with a similar...
  21. E

    Inverse Z transform with residue method

    Homework Statement X(z)=z/(z-.7)^2 Use the residue method to calculate x(k) Hello, I have this exercise that I am trying to complete. I am not really familiar with the residue method and am having a hard time finding a good example on line. The section in my book does not describe it...
  22. A

    Linear transformaton and inverse

    Homework Statement If T : V → W is an injective linear transformation, then T^-1: V →W is a linear transformation. The Attempt at a Solution Let w1, w2 in W. If w1=T(v1) and w2=T(v2), v1=/=v2 in V. Thus, T^-1: V →W is a function. Then, v1+v2=T^-1(w1) + T^-1(w2) and for a in F...
  23. Z

    Is the Function f(x) = -sin(-x) Invertible on the Interval -π to π?

    Homework Statement Determine if the following function is invertible. If it is, find the inverse function. f (x) = -sin(-x) -∏ < x < ∏ The Attempt at a Solution f(x) = -sin(-x) y = -sin(-x) -(sin y)^-1 = -x (sin y)^-1 = x when x = -∏, y = 0 when x = ∏, y = 0 f^-1(x)...
  24. T

    Inverse Power Method and Eigenvectors

    Homework Statement The Markov matrix A = [.9 .3; .1 .7] has eigenvalues 1 and .6, and the power method uk=Aku0 converges to [.75 .25]T. Find the eigenvectors of A-1. What does the inverse power method u-k=A-1u0 converge to (after you multiply by .6k)? Homework Equations The...
  25. R

    Continuity of the inverse function

    I'm having a little trouble with something so I am wondering, If f is a continuous 1-1 mapping from an open set (a,b) into ℝ then is its inverse function g continuous at all points of the image of f? My argument is that g(y) is in (a,b) for all y in the image of f, and g(y)=x for some x in...
  26. A

    Finding intersection between exponential and inverse function

    Homework Statement Given the exponential function and its inverse, where a > 0 Exponential Function: f(x)=a^x Inverse function: f^{-1}(x)=log_ax a) For what values of a do the graphs of f(x)=a^x and f^(-1)(x) intersect?The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea how to start this question. Off...
  27. Z

    Inverse Function - algebra problem

    Homework Statement I'm trying to find the inverse function of the following. f(x) = [x^2 - 9]^0.5 x <= -3 The Attempt at a Solution In the book I'm using it gives the inverse function as; y = -(x^2 + 9)^0.5 [0, +∞) Is this correct, as I'm getting an inverse...
  28. K

    How Do You Apply Shifting in Inverse Laplace Transforms?

    Hello everyone, I'm currently enrolled in Control Theory at my University, and part of the coursework requires differential equations; which wouldn't be a problem, if not for the fact it's been 2 years since I've taken D.E. Anyway, over the course of the problem I ran into this little function...
  29. K

    How Do You Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of (1/6)/((s+2)^2)?

    Hello everyone, I'm currently enrolled in Control Theory at my University, and part of the coursework requires differential equations; which wouldn't be a problem, if not for the fact it's been 2 years since I've taken D.E. Anyway, over the course of the problem I ran into this little function...
  30. T

    Proving an equivalence relation using inverse functions

    Homework Statement Let f : A → B be a function and let Γ ⊂ B × B be an equivalence relation on B. Prove that the set (f × f)^-1 (Γ) ⊂ A × A (this can be described as {(a, a′) ∈ A × A|(f(a), f(a′)) ∈ Γ}) is an equivalence relation on A.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Let...
  31. DryRun

    Find all solutions of inverse sine (-1/2)

    Homework Statement Find all solutions of inverse sine (-1/2). Angles lie between 0 and 2∏. The attempt at a solution I know it sounds very simple, but i must be having some of the basics wrong, as i can't figure out the second solution. I used the calculator (in radian mode) to find inverse...
  32. M

    Find the inverse laplace transform of this function

    Homework Statement F(s) = 3/(s(s^2 +2s + 5)) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have used partial fraction using coefficients. F(s) = (3/5)s - (3/5) ((s+2)/(s^2 +2s + 5)) and reduce s^2 +2s +5 by completing the square F(s) = (3/5)s - (3/5) ((s+2)/((s+1)^2 + 4))...
  33. E

    How is green's function a right inverse to the operator L?

    the definition of a green's function is: LG(x,s)=δ(x-s) the definition of a right inverse of a function f is: h(y)=x,f(x)=y→f°h=y how does it add up?
  34. P

    Is this inverse function continuity proof consistent?

    I am self-studying Calculus and tried to solve the following question: Homework Statement Suppose that the function f is continuous and increasing in the closed interval [a, b]. Then (i) f has an inverse f-1, which is defined in [f(a), f(b)]; (ii) f-1 is increasing in [f(a), f(b)]; (iii) f-1...
  35. M

    Finding the Inverse Fourier Transform for a Complex Function

    How do find the inverse Fourier Transform for the following using the transform pairs and properties? X(jw) = 1 / (2 - w^2 + j3w) Thanks!
  36. N

    Finding the inverse of this function explicitly

    Homework Statement Find the inverse of this function f(x) = x^3+2x-1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm not able to state the function explicitly. f(x)=x^3+2x-1 y=x^3+2x-1 (switch all x's and y's to find inverse) x=y^3+2y-1 y^3+2y=x-1 y(y^2+1)=x-1...
  37. H

    How to Find E(1/(1 + e^Z)) for a Normally Distributed Z?

    Hi everyone, I am stuck with this problem. I am looking for E(1/(1 + e^Z)) where Z is a normally distributed random variable. I know that E(e^Z) and E(1/e^Z) follow lognormal and inverse lognormal distibution and the means of these distributions are standard results. Of course, is also...
  38. K

    Simplifying Inverse Laplace Transform of s/(s+4)^4

    Homework Statement the questions asks to determine inverse laplace transform of s/(s+4)^4 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution this can supposedly be done just using laplace transform tables so I am guessing i need to simplify that to something that's workable but i...
  39. U

    Integral of inverse trig or inverse hyperbolic

    Homework Statement ∫5/(4x√(9-16x2)dx Homework Equations I am pretty sure this is in the form of ∫du/(u√(a2-u2) The Attempt at a Solution setting u=4x a=3 and du=4dx so 1/4du=dx I get: -5/12 sech-1(4x/3) + C Is this right or am I using the wrong definition? Just trying to...
  40. P

    Relation spin hall and inverse spin hall

    I have a basic question about the spin hall effect and the inverse spin hall effect (SHE): Let's take a material like Pt, which has a high SHE. Typically the spin hall conductivity (spin current over electric field) = 300 ohm^-1 cm^-1. However, it is also used for measurements using the...
  41. P

    Inverse matrix with whole numbers

    Hello, how to find matrix 4x4 which only contains whole numbers and has inverse matrix with whole numbers only aswell? Is there algorithm to find such matrix of n*n? Thanks.
  42. Shackleford

    Analysis: Inverse Function Theorem

    My contention is that you cannot apply the Inverse Function Theorem to this problem because there is a point in the interval at which the derivative is zero. At x = pi/2, f ' = 0.
  43. P

    Inverse composite proof (wording of the proof)

    Homework Statement Let f:A->B and g:B->C be invertible mappings. Show (g o f)^-1 = f^-1 o g^-1. Homework Equations A mapping is invertible iff it is bijective The Attempt at a Solution I understand why these are equivalent statements; however, I can't figure out the wording of the...
  44. T

    Inverse functions and One to One

    Homework Statement For exercises 49 and 50 let f(x) = (ax + b)/(cx + d) 50. Determine the constants a, b, c, d for which f = f-1 Homework Equations I found in question 49 when they asked to find f-1 that: f-1 = (dx - b)/(a - cx) This was also the answer at the back of the book but...
  45. G

    The inverse of uniform random variable

    Hi all I'm looking for solving this problem to find the closed form solution if it is possible: Y=\frac{1}{X} Where X is uniform random variable > 0 I know the expected value for X which is \overline{X} is there a method to find the expected value of Y which is \overline{Y} in term of...
  46. S

    How Do You Inverse Laplace Transform an RLC Circuit Equation?

    Homework Statement Derive an equation to represent the current flowing in an RLC circuit where R=12 L=1.2 C=30microfrards with an impulse voltage input. Assume zero conditions when the switch is closed. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have used the voltage to equal...
  47. P

    Gauss elimination vs Solution with Inverse

    Homework Statement Using Octave or Matlab solve random binary matrices(with 1s and 0s) of size N and plot them together. Draw a conclusion. The Attempt at a Solution I was just wondering if this looks correct to you. I previously had...
  48. B

    Matrix Problem From Hell - Inverse of Linear Transformation

    Homework Statement Homework Equations See below. The Attempt at a SolutionI get all the way to the last step, but I'm not sure how to perform it.I get to the point where I have: [(T^-1)(ax^2+bx+c)]\alpha= [T^-1]\alpha\beta*[v]\beta= [ a/4...
  49. S

    Vector. Is there an inverse of dot and cross product?

    Given the following cross product equation: \vec{A}\times\vec{B}=\vec{C} How to express \vec{A} in term of \vec{B} and \vec{C} (or \vec{B} in term of \vec{A} and \vec{C} ). I think the question I want to ask can also be rephrased as if one was told that a known vector when cross product with...
  50. H

    Real Analysis: Worked Examples and Graphical Representations

    Does anyone know of a good resource for these types of problems? I took an Intro to Real Analysis class as an undergrad and didn't do so well in it, but now I am working back through the book, and it is making A LOT more sense than it did back then. However, I was looking for some worked...