Inverse Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. J

    Inverse image of Lebesgue set and Borel set

    Homework Statement I need to prove that if ##f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}## then the following two statements are NOT equivalent: 1) For every ##E \subset \mathbb{R}## that is Lebesgue-measurable, ##f^{-1}(E)## is Lebesgue-measurable. 2) For every ##E \subset \mathbb{R}## that is...
  2. O

    I Evidence for Inverse Square Law at Extremely Large Distance?

    This is just an oddball question that's been rattling around in my head. What evidence do we have that the Coulomb force of, say, a spherical charge distribution Q, is actually nonzero at very large distances? I can easily imagine that the inverse square law is very accurate out to some...
  3. Geologist180

    What Is g'(2) for the Function G = (1/f^-1)?

    Homework Statement Suppose that f has an inverse and f(-4)=2, f '(-4)=2/5. If G= (1/f-1) what is g '(2) ? If it helps the answer is (-5/32) Homework Equations [/B] f-1'(b)=1/(f')(a) The Attempt at a Solution Im not really sure how to start this problem. I am familiar with how to use the...
  4. Alanay

    How do I calculate inverse trig functions?

    On the paper I'm reading the arctan of 35 over 65 is approx. 28.30degrees. When I use the Google calculator "arctan(35/65)" gives me 0.493941369 rad. What am I doing wrong?
  5. C

    MHB How Do You Find the Multiplicative Inverse in \( Z_{360}[x] \)?

    How would you find the multiplicative inverse of the following? Let $R=Z_{360}[x]$ Find the multiplicative inverse of $f(x)=30x^4+120x^2+240x+7$ in $R$. Do you have to solve it using the Euclidean Algorithm? If so, I'm not sure how to do that. This problem has me stumped. Any help is much...
  6. P

    MHB Emad's question via email about Inverse Laplace Transform

    The closest Inverse Laplace Transform from my table is $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \mathcal{L}^{-1}\,\left\{ \frac{2\,a\,s\,\omega}{\left( s^2 + \omega ^2 - a^2 \right) ^2 + 4\,a^2\,\omega ^2 } \right\} = \sin{ \left( \omega \, t \right) } \sinh{ \left( a \, t \right) } \end{align*}$ so we...
  7. J

    Does the Inverse cube law apply for magnetic repulsion?

    Was just wondering is it only possible for magnetic attraction? because the force increases exponentially with decreased distance, or can it be used for repulsion. It's blatantly obvious that magnetic repulsion is a lot weaker than attraction, by a 10% margin. hence why repulsion is weaker, but...
  8. G

    MHB Linearization of this equation / Inverse function

    Hello, I need to find the inverse function of the following equation y = a * ((exp(-b * x)) + (c * (1 - (exp(-b * x))))) Where a, b and c are constants. I have experimental points that fit to this equation and I want to use these values in the inverse funtion to linearize it. I have tried...
  9. Telemachus

    Find Inverse of Matrix Homework Statement

    Homework Statement I have to find the inverse for this generic matrix (the dimensions are not specified, but I assume its a square matrix, I don't know if that is necessary). ##A=\left [ \begin{matrix} 1 & -1 & -1 & -1 & \dots & -1 & -1 \\ 0 & 1 & -1 & -1 & \dots & -1 & -1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & -1...
  10. N

    Inverse Fourier Tranform of Transmission Lines Wave Equation

    Homework Statement From the derivation of v(x,t) and i(x,t) I am stuck on how the inverse Fourier transform of e^(-jwx/u) was calculated. I am trying to understand how the PDE was fully solved here: Equations Not...
  11. G

    MHB Define $f: \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}: f^{-1}(\left\{0,1,2\right\})$

    Define $f: \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$ via $f(n) = n^2$ for all $n \in \mathbb{Z}$. Why does $f^{-1}(\left\{0,1,2\right\}) = \left\{0,-1,1\right\}$? The definition I'm using is $f^{-1}{(T)} = \left\{a \in A: f(a) \in T \right\}$ so we have $f^{-1}({ \left\{0,1,2\right\} }) = \left\{n \in...
  12. P

    Finding the Inverse of a 2x2 Matrix using Gauss-Jordan Method

    Homework Statement $$ \begin{bmatrix} a &b \\ c&d \end{bmatrix}$$ I'm supposed to find the inverseHomework Equations Method of Gauss-Jordan The Attempt at a Solution So I tried putting zeros in this and I got the following : $$ \begin{bmatrix} ad-ac &0 &ad &ad-a \\ 0&bc-ad &c &-a...
  13. A

    Energy eigenvalue and mass inverse relation?

    So, after time-independent 1D Schrodinger equation is solved, this is obtained E = n2π2ħ2/(2mL2) This means that the mass of the 'particle' is inversely related to the energy eigenvalue. Does this mean that the actual energy of the particle is inversely related to its mass? Isn't this counter...
  14. RJLiberator

    Multiplicative Inverse of Polynomials with Integer Coeff.

    Homework Statement If ℤ[x] denotes the commutative ring consisting of all polynomials with integer coefficients, list all the elements in ℤ[x] that have a multiplicative inverse in ℤ[x]. Homework Equations Multiplicative inverse if rs = 1 where rs ∈ R (rs are elements of the ring)...
  15. RJLiberator

    Abstract Algebra: Ring Proof (Multiplicative Inverse)

    Homework Statement Suppose R is a commutative ring with only a finite number of elements and no zero divisors. Show that R is a field. Homework Equations Unit is an element in R which has a multiplicative inverse. If s∈R with r*s = 1. A zero divisor is an element r∈R such that there exists...
  16. M

    Proof of Invertibility: Linear Map's Surjectivity and Injectivity Condition

    I am trying to understand the following basic proposition about invertibility: a linear map is invertible if and only if it is injective and surjective. Now suppose ##T## is a linear map ##T:V\rightarrow W##. The book I read goes the following way in proving the proposition in the direction when...
  17. Eclair_de_XII

    Can you derive a trigonometric function from its inverse dx?

    Homework Statement Arbitrary derivative of inverse trigonometric function: (sin-1x) = 1/(√1 - x2) Homework Equations f-1(f(x)) = 1/f`(x) The Attempt at a Solution So basically I learned about derivatives of trigonometric functions in class, and I thought maybe this would work: deriving the...
  18. T

    Inverse image of a homomorphism

    The question: Let f: G -> H be a homomorphism of groups with ker(f) finite, the number of elements being n. Show that the inverse image is either empty or has exactly n elements. My work so far: Let h be eH (identity on H). Then the inverse image is ker(f) so has n elements, which makes it...
  19. J

    Inverse square law in gravitation

    Help! Has anybody made a case as to why the inverse square law should apply to gravitation, a case that is based on pure reasoning, instead of empirical evidence? I have been trying to find such arguments, but no luck so far. Janein
  20. N

    How to Prove an Inverse Function Using Equating Square Roots?

    if then to prove an inverse of this exists the following has been done to show that it is one to one what is the basis of equating the 2 square roots ?
  21. sinkersub

    Inverse Binomial Expansion within Laurent Series?

    Homework Statement Find the Laurent Series of f(z) = \frac{1}{z(z-2)^3} about the singularities z=0 and z=2 (separately). Verify z=0 is a pole of order 1, and z=2 is a pole of order 3. Find residue of f(z) at each pole. Homework Equations The solution starts by parentheses in the form (1 -...
  22. C

    Can the Nabla Operator Be Applied Before Inversion in Tensor Calculations?

    Dear All, I'm doing some tensor calculation on the divergence of gradient (of a vector) inverse. Am I allowed to first use the nabla operator on gradient and then inverse the whole product? In other words, I'm searching for the divergence of a 2nd order tensor which is itself inverse of...
  23. G

    MHB Inverse trigonometric functions

    What's $1. ~ \displaystyle \arccos(\cos\frac{4\pi}{3})?$ Is this correct? The range is $[0, \pi]$ so I need to write $\cos\frac{4\pi}{3}$ as $\cos{t}$ where $t$ is in $[0, \pi]$ $\cos(\frac{4\pi}{3}) = \cos(2\pi-\frac{3\pi}{3}) = \cos(\frac{2\pi}{3}) $ so the answer is $\frac{2\pi}{3}$
  24. Ryaners

    Finding inverse of a Sin function (problem from Mooculus)

    I'm working through the problems in the Mooculus textbook as revision for Calculus I & there seems to be something wrong with how I'm manipulating the function to find its inverse in the following example. Homework Statement The height in meters of a person off the ground as they ride a Ferris...
  25. G

    MHB How Is the Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent Derived from Its Definition?

    Show from the definition of arctanh as the inverse function of tanh that, for $x \in (-1, 1)$ $$\tanh^{-1}{x} = \frac{1}{2}\log\left(\frac{1+x}{1-x}\right)$$ The definition of hyperbolic tangent is $\displaystyle \tanh{h} = \frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^{x}+e^{-x}}$ Let $\displaystyle y =...
  26. S

    Propagator of inverse harmonic oscillator

    Hi i want to find propagator of inverse harmonic oscillator to find time dependent wave function, but I can't have any ideas about this. Is it possible to help me to find it Thanks
  27. iwantcalculus

    Implicit differentiation question with inverse trig

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Note: by real solution I mean the correct implicit derivative, not an actual real solution... Please help![/B]
  28. ognik

    MHB Can Series Expansion Prove the Relation Between Inverse Coth and ln(x+1)/(x-1)?

    Hi - my sometimes surprising set-book asks to show by series expansion, that $ \frac{1}{2}ln\frac{x+1}{x-1} =coth^{-1} (x) $ I get LHS = $ x+\frac{{x}^{3}}{3}+\frac{{x}^{5}}{5}+... $, which I think $= tanh^{-1} $ but I have found different expansions for the hyperbolic inverses, so I'd...
  29. D

    How is the inverse of a volume integral denoted?

    In 1-D the inverse of ∫ dx is dy/dx so how is the inverse of the volume integral ∫ d3x = ∫ dxdydz denoted ? Thanks
  30. Mark Brewer

    How can partial fractions be used to solve inverse Laplace transforms?

    Homework Statement L-1{(2s2+3)/(s2+3s-4)2} The Attempt at a Solution I factored the denominator f(t)=(2s2+3)/((s-1)(s+4))2 now I've tried partial fractions to get (2s2+3)/((s-1)(s+4))2 = A/(s-1)2 + B(s+4)2 (2s2+3)=A(s+4)2 + B(s-1)2 by substitution, s=1 and s=-4 5=A(25) A=1/5 35=B(25)...
  31. jdawg

    Understanding the Inverse Laplace Transform: Solving for 3/s√(π)

    Homework Statement L-1{3/s1/2} Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution 3L-1{1/s1/2} 3L-1{(1/sqrt(π))(sqrt(π)/(sqrt(s))} 3/(sqrt(π))L-1{(sqrt(π))/(sqrt(s))} 3/(sqrt(π))(1/(sqrt(t)) This is what I got from the solution for this problem. What tipped them off to multiply by sqrt(π)? And...
  32. ognik

    MHB Uniqueness of Inverse Matrices: Proof and Explanation

    I have an exercise which says to show that for vectors, $ A \cdot A^{-1} = A^{-1} \cdot A = I $ does NOT define $ A^{-1}$ uniquely. But, let's assume there are at least 2 of $ A^{-1} = B, C$ Then $ A \cdot B = I = A \cdot C , \therefore BAB = BAC, \therefore B=C$, therefore $ A^{-1}$ is...
  33. M

    Inverse Laplace : with Convolution

    Homework Statement Use the convolution property to obtain the inverse Laplace transform of F(s)= e-3s * ((3s+15)/s2+25) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution = (3*(s/s2+52) + 15*(1/s2+52)) *e-3s Using table of Laplace: 3*(s/s2+52) = 3*cos(5*t) = T7 15*(1/s2+52) = 15/5*sin(5*t) =T18 e-3s...
  34. E

    Inverse Fourier transform of ## \frac{1}{a+jw} ##

    Fourier transform is defined as $$F(jw)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(t)e^{-jwt}dt.$$ Inverse Fourier transform is defined as $$f(t)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}F(jw)e^{jwt}dw.$$ Let ##f(t)=e^{-at}h(t),a>0##, where ##h(t)## is heaviside function and ##a## is real constant. Fourier...
  35. J

    What would the laplace inverse of a laplace be?

    For example: If F(s) = L{t3e-16tcos(3t)sin2(t)} What would L-1{F(s)} be?
  36. G

    Solve Inverse Cubed Force: Find A & B in r(θ) for E & L

    Question: A body of mass m is moving in a repulsive inverse cubed force given by F = K/r^3 where K > 0 show the path r(θ) of the body given by 1/r = A cos[β(θ-θο)] Find the values of constants A and β in terms of E, L. Work done so far: we did a similar problem with inverse square so I am...
  37. H

    Integral arising from the inverse Fourier Transform

    Homework Statement [/B] I was using the Fourier transform to solve the following IVP: \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t \partial x} = \frac{\partial^3u}{\partial x^3} \\ u(x,0)=e^{-|x|} Homework Equations [/B] f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\hat{f}(\omega)e^{i\omega...
  38. S

    Simple showing inverse of matrix also upper triangular

    I'm trying to show that A be a 3 x 3 upper triangular matrix with non-zero determinant . Show by explicit computation that A^{-1}(inverse of A) is also upper triangular. Simple showing is enough for me. \begin{bmatrix}\color{blue}a & \color{blue}b & \color{blue}c \\0 & \color{blue}d &...
  39. terryds

    Inverse and composition of functions

    Homework Statement If ##f(2x-1)= 6x + 15## and ##g(3x+1)=\frac{2x-1}{3x-5}##, then what is ##f^{-1}\circ g^{-1}(3)## ? a) -2 b) -3 c) -4 d) -5 e) -6 The Attempt at a Solution I think the f inverse and g inverse is ##f^{-1}(6x+15)= 2x-1## ##g^{-1}(\frac{2x-1}{3x-5})=3x+1## and,##f^{-1}\circ...
  40. B

    Identifying Reverse Laplace Transforms

    Homework Statement Hello, I have just started studying Laplace transformations and I am struggling to identify reverse Laplace transforms. I understand how to perform the transform, but going the other way is really confusing me. i.e, given ##F(P)## find ##f(t)##. If I have that ##F(P) =...
  41. J

    Find inverse for f(x)= x/(1+x)

    Homework Statement Show that the functions f are one-to-one and calculate the inverse function. Homework Equations f(x)= x/(1+x) (It is the equation I am having trouble with) The Attempt at a Solution I know the solution is y= x/(1-x) But no idea how to solve it. My attempt: x(1+y)=y or...
  42. B

    Linearising an Inverse Square Law Graph for Gamma Radiation

    1. Homework Statement A piece of work I am doing for college (UK college that is) has me investigating the inverse square law for gamma radiation. I have collected data and the graph comes out looking right. I want to create a linearised graph of the data to investigate the results further. If...
  43. P

    3x3 matrix inverse unit vector

    Homework Statement Hi! I have the 3x3 matrix for L below, which I calculated. But now I need to figure out how the equation below actually means! Is it just the inverse of L (L^-1)? I cannot proceed if I don't know this step. Homework Equations See image The Attempt at a Solution I put in...
  44. H

    How to find the inverse of a given matrix?

    Homework Statement The problem is posted below. Homework Equations In part b,I think I can use E1E2...A=I this property. But I cannot find the answer. The Attempt at a Solution By using the property,I multiply the inverse giving with σ2and σ1. However,the answer is not correct! So how to get...
  45. A

    Inverse trigonometric function integration

    I'm struggling to solve the following integral ∫ x/(√27-6x-x2) my attempt is as follows: ∫x/(√36 - (x+3)2) = ∫1/ √(36 - (x+3)2) + ∫x+1/ √(36 - (x+3)2) = arcsin (x + 3)/6 + this is where I got stuck.
  46. RJLiberator

    Prove: The Additive Inverse of any vector is unique

    Homework Statement Let v, w, ∈ V. Prove that if v + w = 0, then w = -v. V is a complex vector space.Homework Equations Axioms of a vector space. The Attempt at a Solution So, this solution was pretty easy to come up with. My question is, have I proven that w = -v or have I simply proven...
  47. W

    What are the limitations and capabilities of pseudo inverses?

    Hi, I was wondering what the major advantages and disadvantages of a pseudo inverse as compared to a regular inverse are. In class, we're usually told to the number of equations have to match the number of unknowns to find a solution. I thought that the reason for that was so we can make a...
  48. P

    Inverse Kinematics: Understanding the Math Behind Building Virtual Arms and Legs

    Hey guys, So, I'm new here. And I'm of 13 years of age. I am a programmer in a platform called "ROBLOX". I wanted to create my own Animator within that platform, using Inverse Kinematics. However, searching through the web, everything is just so complicated to me. I don't seem to understand the...
  49. S

    MHB Find Inverse of f(x) = ln(x-1)

    find the inverse function of f(x)=ln(x-1), x>1