Latex Definition and 999 Threads

  1. A

    LaTeX Nonsequential Numbering of Subequations in LaTeX

    I am trying to get subequations numbered nonsequentially. I have \begin{subequations} \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} \end{subequations} which gives me (1a) ... (1b) ... Instead, I want (1c) instead of (1b). I have no clue whether...
  2. Fredrik

    LaTeX How to Adjust Size and Position of Multiplication Tables in LaTeX?

    I'd like to type a few tables similar to the one below into a LaTeX document. \begin{tabular}{c|cc} $\cdot$ & 1 & -1 \\ \hline 1 & 1 & -1 \\ -1 & -1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} It comes out much smaller than this in my LaTeX document. Is there an easy way to make it bigger? Also, it appears on...
  3. J

    LaTeX Latex Mods: Easily Copy and Paste on Forums

    Here is a little site with latex mod available. Hover over them, and at the bottom of the page there is an option for latex... Just copy that, and then back in the forum use [/tex] --- insert whatever you get from that box ---[/tex] (rermove the...
  4. S

    LaTeX Troubleshooting EPS Figure Conversion to PDF in LaTeX | Tips and Solutions

    Homework Statement i am trying to insert an eps figure into latex. The problem is: when i open the file as a dvi file, it works fine. but when i try to convert into a pdf file by clicking the dvi-to-pdf icon, i notice that a small part of the picture is missing (cut off on the side)...i...
  5. D H

    LaTeX Accessibility (alt tags) for LaTeX, graphviz

    Does anyone know of any LaTeX modules that makes the pdf output generated by pdflatex ADA/Section 508 compliant? Same question regarding graphviz plug-ins?
  6. M

    LaTeX LaTeX Question (formating section headings)

    I would like to divide the body of my document into two columns. In the left column go the section headings and in the right column go the section text. My attempt is to make a new command: \newdimen\sectionwidth \newdimen\resumewidth \sectionwidth=0.25 \textwidth \resumewidth=0.75...
  7. S

    LaTeX Im an Electric Engineer student, should i start learning latex?

    Im an Electric Engineer student, should i start learning latex?? Im an Electric Engineer student, should i start learning latex??
  8. L

    LaTeX Importing part of a PDF document into latex

    hi, there is a figure that i want to include in my latex document. The figure is in someones thesis and i want to have just that one figure in my latex document but I am not sure how to this. in power point i can just use the snap shop feature but how do i do it for latex where it requires a...
  9. S

    LaTeX Can't Preview Latex Equations - Newbie Needing Help

    I'm a newbie, please bear with me... I can't seem to be able to preview equations generated with the Latex buttons. The Latex code itself appears in the message composition box, but in the preview area all that appears is the ascii text, along with a lower-case greek "alpha" character in the...
  10. F

    LaTeX Latex Homework Ref: Get Help in Forums

    Homework Statement Can someone point me to a reference for Latex that can be used here in the forums? Thanks.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  11. W

    LaTeX Resolving Latex Bug on Forum with Flush Technique

    trying to flush out latex bug on the forum \sqrt{dog} \sqrt{dog} \sqrt{dog} \sqrt{dog} \sqrt{dog} \sqrt{dog} \sqrt{dog} [edit] ok that worked // there is a bug in the latex preview // it caches old, stale latex renders and reuses them inappropriately // to fix just enter lots of tex sections...
  12. K

    LaTeX Latex or other forms of compilers

    So I am looking for a program that can compile language similar to Latex, metlab, etc. I have tried the latex website, but there are many things to install and download and I am hoping there is something that doesn't require installing 4 different programs to get a compiler... Any help is...
  13. Mark44

    LaTeX What happened to the LaTeX button?

    There used to be a button on the advanced menu bar that showed LaTeX commands for a slew of different things. It seems to be gone. It used to be the last button on the right in the lower menu bar. The last five on the right now are X2, X2, an eyeball (for spoiler), a TV (for Youtube links), and...
  14. R

    LaTeX Latex editors that can treat fractions

    Is there a free LaTex editor where you can click on a fraction button, and the fraction bar appears along with two empty boxes on top of and below it, representing the numerator and denominator? The LaTex editors that I've seen, when you click on the fraction button, just produce this...
  15. E

    LaTeX Drawing Braid diagrams in Latex

    I hope this is the right forum to ask this question. I am looking for a Latex package that is able to draw Braid diagrams without too much trouble. See for example" (figure 2, page 3). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  16. M

    LaTeX Types of careers that use LaTeX?

    Hey everyone, I have a speech that I was assigned last night, informative in nature. I am thinking of possibly giving a speech on LaTeX use. It's a short speech, five to seven minutes in length. So I am planning to give some examples of what LaTeX can be used for. Here is the question...
  17. D

    LaTeX What is going on with my Latex posts?

    Perhaps someone can explain to me what is going on. I seem to be having extreme difficulty with posts involving LATex code. I am not LaTex expert, but this is ridiculous. There appears to be no resemblance between the Latex code that I enter and what appears when I attempt to preview...
  18. A

    LaTeX The persistence of error in LaTex

    Dear experts, I have had a couple of instances recently where I have attempted to reply to a post with some LaTex in the reply, made a mess of the LaTex, and then corrected my error, but the error persists in the Preview window. I've even logged off and logged back on, but no matter-- my...
  19. estro

    LaTeX Latex Struggles: Help and Resources

    I have hard time with latex so I attached all relevant info in that picture file.:redface: Thanks you in advance!
  20. N

    LaTeX LaTeX: nomencl and page numbers.

    I'm trying to disable the page numbers for the nomenclature (and only the nomenclature). Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Thanks
  21. n.karthick

    LaTeX Latex: Get Straight Integral Sign

    I am using Latex for typesetting technical document. The default \int command produces the integral sign in somewhat slanting style. But I need the integral sign which look straight as I get in Mathtype software. Even though one may feel, why can't I just accept the default style of integral...
  22. S

    LaTeX Typesetting a tricky matrix in LaTeX

    I am trying to typeset the attached partitioned 8x8 matrix in LaTeX. I have drawn it without the parentheses with the columns and rows numbered. Submatrices I, 0, A, B, C, and D are 2X2 matrices while T is a 4X4 matrix. The main trouble I have is getting T to span the rows and columns. Is there...
  23. A

    LaTeX Latex Fraction Help - Fix Subscript Issue

    Hello, I need write this equation and here's the code: \begin {displaymath} \[ \frac{\sum_{s_i \in S_{access}^{site}}{{e^{-\beta E(s_i)}}}}{Q} \] \end {displaymath} It is working well, the only problem being that the sum ''subscript'' is not directily underneath the sum symbol, but...
  24. E

    LaTeX Latex Preview Failing: Troubleshoot the Issue

    I think there's a problem with latex when previewing a post; it comes out all garbled.
  25. M

    LaTeX Struggling with LaTeX: Seeking Help With String Length & Mass

    Im afraid my use of LaTeX code, sucks. My apologies to anyone friendly enough to help! The problem: A string takes a path shown by the equation below: r(t)=(t,3t^2,6t^3) Where the RHS is a verticle vector (didnt know how to code this!) and 0 <= t <= 1 The mass per unit length...
  26. honestrosewater

    LaTeX Latex counters: modifying \numberwithin?

    I am writing up some formal proofs using the proof and align environments. Each line in the proof needs to be numbered and will contain a formula and a statement referring to earlier lines in the proof that were used to derive it. I want to reset this counter for each proof. It should look...
  27. S

    LaTeX Learn LaTeX: Getting Started Guide & Tips

    I'm looking to teach myself LaTeX and I'm having trouble finding a "getting started" guide. I've downloaded the MiKTeX package already. I guess I'm hoping someone can give me some tips on getting started or recommend a web guide or even a book.
  28. N

    LaTeX LaTeX: Tables and Columns and Units, oh my

    I'm trying to make a table in LaTeX in which all the entries of a column have the same units, without having to type them for each column. (Before you say it, yes, I know I could just put the units in the column heading, but I don't want to). I tried: \documentclass{article}...
  29. D

    LaTeX Latex Equation Help: Aligning "f(x)" & "0

    Just a quick latex question, does anyone know the command for equations like: f(x) = x if x < 1 0 if x >= 1 where the x and the 0 line up, and you'd have a large { spread over the options? Thanks for your help.
  30. S

    LaTeX Aligning and numbering equations in LaTeX

    I have not been able to find any help for the following problem. I have two equations of the type blahbli=0 j=1,2,..., S blahbla=0 k=1,2,..., T where I want the first and second equal signs on each line to line up vertically with the corresponding equal signs on the second line AND I...
  31. D

    LaTeX How do you insert a break using latex?

    How do you insert a break using latex? Homework Statement all my equations come out on one sinle line.. please help?? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  32. B

    LaTeX Troubleshooting LATEX in Physics Section

    I am trying to post a question in the physics section but the LATEX is misbehaving. It seems to be stuck on the equation for kinetic energy. Any LATEX command I put in always shows up as the kinetic energy equation. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have closed the web browser and opened it up...
  33. S

    LaTeX Using LaTeX for Math Mode on a Post

    Anyone know how I get LaTeX in Math Mode to work in a post. I tried putting the LaTeX commands between the "CODE" delimiters but to no avail. I used it once before on these forums but it was long ago and I forgot how to use it.
  34. D

    LaTeX Fix Latex Trouble w/ Duplicate Text - Physics Forums

    I just made a thread here and now whenever I try to use latex to create a new thread I get the same latex stuff from this thread I linked. Here for example lol a^2 \sup hi how are you and what I typed for each one is [.tex]lol[/tex]...
  35. G

    LaTeX How can I size the center bar in my LaTeX code for sets with constraints?

    When I write something in LaTeX, I always try to create shortcuts for things I use a lot, so my code looks has semantically meaningful constructions like \[\CountableUnion{U_n}{n}\] instead of complicated strings of symbols like \[\bigcup_{n=1}^{\infty}U_n\], for example. I have run into a...
  36. O

    LaTeX Troubleshooting LaTex Issue in Forum Post

    I hope you can help me with this problem. A few days ago, I began a post with a LaTex equation in it, but never completed the post (I got the answer I needed). I'm trying a new post today, and no matter how or what I enter as LaTex, when I preview the post I see the equation I tried to use a...
  37. D

    LaTeX LaTeX Troubleshooting: How to Display Work Out

    So, I just started using LaTeX but can't get it to display any of my work out. How do I do this? I downloaded LyX and TeXworks, there's a bunch of different downloads. I was a little confused on which one to pick. Thanks for your help.
  38. Q

    LaTeX LaTex - Force a document to fit into 3 pages?

    I think this command exists, but I can't remember what it is. Suppose I have a document that takes up maybe three and a half pages formatted normally, and I want LaTex to fit it into exactly three pages. I could just tweak the margins, line spacing, font size, etc. myself, but I'm fairly...
  39. Borek

    LaTeX LatEx reference in protected area of PF?

    I tried to check Tex reference when posting - I clicked already existing LaTeX image, clicked "LaTeX code reference" link - and I was aksed to enter user name and password to access protected area :bugeye: Seems like file is protected now for...
  40. N

    LaTeX How to Embed Latex Equations in HTML for Beginners

    Hi, Does anyone have any references on how to embed simple latex equations into HTML? And can it be done using javascript or does it have to be php? I've seen websites that allow you to link to their on-the-fly converters via <img src="link/latex"> but usually this comes with a cap limit...
  41. R

    LaTeX Tackling Table Problems in LaTeX

    Dear all, Is there a trick to tackle table problems in latex.. For example the code below give a table (see picture file attached) \begin{table}[b!] \caption{Numbering scheme.}\label{tab:sam} \vspace{3mm} \centering \begin{tabular}[width=1\textwidth]{l|p{59mm}|p{65mm}} \hline\hline Sample &...
  42. L

    LaTeX Finding a Good LaTeX Template for Dissertation Writing

    Hi, I'm writing a dissertation and would like to do it in Latex, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good template that will work in MikTex for this purpose? It's to be in the style of short report on a topic not a paper (i.e. no abstract, few references), just like an essay I guess...
  43. R

    LaTeX Help with using non-standard Windows fonts in Latex

    (Not sure if this is the right forum, but if the admins find a more appropriate one, please do move it over). Alright, fellow Scientists and Engineers. I have a Latex question here for you. I use TexWorks and Lyx when I want to work on Latex, the former when I have .tex templates that Lyx...
  44. N

    LaTeX LaTeX how do I write an equation

    Hey, how do I write an equation without the text looking all garbled up: \begin{equation} \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial w}{\partial z} = 0 with u = v_{x} and w = v_z \end{equation} I don't want to use $ $ since I want this eqn centered and numbered but with text...
  45. A

    LaTeX LaTeX multiline equation is not working

    Hi all, I am using LeD and texlive09 for latex editing. I want to render a multi-line equation and for that I am trying with "\\" - this operator. But it is not rendering. I have included "amsmath" package. I am clueless about why the problem happens. Please help me... Regards Sam
  46. A

    LaTeX How to Split a Long Equation with Square Roots for Multi-Line Latex Formatting?

    I have a long equation with square roots that need to be continued on the next line. Can you tell me how to split it up but continue the square root on the next line: \begin{equation} betaone=\dfrac{-2a(betaminusbeta)}{\alpha}-\frac{8a(betaminusbeta)^2}{3\alpha^2}...
  47. R

    LaTeX Table Error in LaTeX: Troubleshooting Solutions

    dear all.. I use the following code to generate a my eyes i think no error..but still i get error.. \begin{table}[h] \caption{some fitting.}\label{tab:fit} \vspace{3mm} \centering \begin{tabular}[width=1\linewidth]{llll} \hline\hline Wavenumber & FWHM & Area &...
  48. N

    LaTeX LaTeX sometime the arrow is over the right

    $g(\vec t) $ sometime the arrow is over the right ), how do I fix it so its centered?
  49. DaveC426913

    LaTeX Why Is the LaTeX FAQ Hard to Find?

    Argh! I don't use LATEX often, so when I do I don't have the benefit of practice. I always screw it up so I have to go looking in the LATEX FAQ. And I can never find it! Didn't it used to hang out as a sticky in the General Physics Forum? I don't suppose it could be put in the menu under...
  50. S

    MATLAB Attach MATLAB Graphs to Latex File

    Homework Statement Is there a way i can attatch MATLAB graphs onto the Latex file? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I copied and pasted it onto paint then saved it as .jpg but i was wondering if there's a way i could attatch the original graph without copying and...