Latex Definition and 999 Threads

  1. N

    LaTeX Why won't my LaTeX images show up in the PDF?

    Hi experts, I am having the following problems with LaTeX. Where can I quickly install these packages: \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{epstopdf} \usepackage{epsf} \usepackage{fancyhdr} I enable them but my images won't appear in the pdf. What's wrong? My...
  2. WolfOfTheSteps

    LaTeX What's wrong with LaTeX on Physics Forums?

    I can't get LaTeX to newline on these forums. The following code produces the LaTeX output shown below: This\ is\ the\ first\ line \\ This\ is\ the\ second\ line \\ This\ is\ the\ first\ line \\ This\ is\ the\ second\ line \\ Isn't "\\" the newline command? Why isn't it working?
  3. T

    LaTeX Learn How to Write Equations with Latex | Helpful Tips & Tricks

    I really need to know this, as its becoming difficult to write equations...
  4. T

    LaTeX Improved Latex Extension for Firefox & Windows - No More Crashing! It doesn't crash anymore :biggrin: Firefox & windows only, sorry. I have a few more features I hope I can get in today/tomorrow before I take it out of beta. As always, any suggestions would be appreciated - especially on the...
  5. -Job-

    LaTeX Latex Command Window for vBulletin

    As Latex gets to be more popular on web forums a nice feature would be able to display a list of the most common Latex commands in a window, for reference. I've been working on a plugin for vBulletin which adds this capability. I wanted it to have minimal impact on a forum, so that it's...
  6. D

    LaTeX Implementing LaTeX into a chatroom?

    I'm interested in finding out if it's relatively simple to integrate LaTeX into a chatroom. After spending a bit of time here in the homework help forums, as well as spending a considerable amount of time browsing the other forums, I realized that it would be an interesting experiment to...
  7. B

    LaTeX Inserting equations latex style in word

    how do I do this? i mean if you look at a wikipedia page, ie. this equation ( , how can i write my own in latex and put them in my word document? i need something that either makes it into an image i can paste or...
  8. C

    LaTeX Solving Latex makebst Numeration Problem - Clive

    Hi all, I have to change the bibliography style in an "article"-type tex document from [1] Author1, Author2, etc... [2] Author3, Author4, etc. ... to 1. Author1, Author2, etc. 2. Author3, Author4, etc. ... and I want to create my own .bst file using "latex makebst" command...
  9. Cyrus

    LaTeX Convert MS Word Equation Editor to LaTeX

    I wrote up some proofs in MS word using eqn. editor. Is there a way to conver that to tex so I can post it here? I don't want to post the word file using a flie share service because the link expires after about a month.
  10. murshid_islam

    LaTeX Troubleshooting LaTeX Graphics in PF Blogs

    does LaTex work in the blogs in PF? it is not working in my blog? i tried the following: e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 but it doesn't show on the blog. it says: "LaTex graphics is being generated. Reload this page in a moment." but it doesn't work even after i reload.
  11. C

    LaTeX LaTex in presentations (transparencies, etc)

    I was wondering if anyone knows a good (free) package to create overhead transparencies using LaTex. Currently, I'm using the "foils" documentclass, however it's got a few downpoints (the main one being that I can't change the font size of text, or make it bold etc, without switching to math...
  12. T

    LaTeX Preview option and LaTex images

    When I want to see how \LaTeX image displays by the preview option,the image can't be generated (no matter if I reload page or not). Why?
  13. S

    LaTeX Where to Post Latex Questions When Tutorial Thread is Locked

    So, I have a question about latex, but the thread in the tutorial section is locked. Is there another place I should post it? Anyway, the question is, is there a nice way to do commutative diagrams with latex? I'm talking about those pictures with sets and arrows between them representing...
  14. P

    LaTeX Which Version of LaTeX is Official? Exploring Its Use & Download Links

    There seem to be many versions of Latex avaliable for download for free. But which is the official version? Basically, how does it work? Which version does Physicsforums use? Could someone provide a link? Thanks
  15. N

    LaTeX Tips for Autowrapping Text and Setting Cell Sizes in LaTeX Tables

    Hi, wasn't sure where to put this. [1] how do you autowrap text(paragraphs) in a LaTeX tables without using multicol/multirow? [2] how do you set relative/absolute sizes for table cells in LaTeX like you would in MS Word? Thanks
  16. JasonJo

    LaTeX How do i go about learning LaTeX

    how do i go about learning LaTeX, i recently had to write up a mathematical paper for my analysis course, and it just took so long, not because i didnt get the mathematics behind the paper, but because it was a nightmare to type up. i heard LaTeX has a higher than average learning curve, but...
  17. T

    LaTeX Latex Extension (Beta): Firefox Only

    LaTeX extension (beta) Firefox only, sorry. It's supposed to help with doing latex. Some issues left. It crashes sometimes. I'm taking suggestions on anything, from adding a function to a UI overhaul. I haven't even settled on a...
  18. Schrodinger's Dog

    LaTeX Troubleshooting Latex Previewer: Copying and Pasting Code from Forums and PDFs

    The Latex previewer on the Latex thread? It doesn't appear to work properly, I'll admit that I don't know much at all about latex but even when I cut and paste text from say the pdf or the forum directly into the box it comes up with a load of compuspeak and no image? Is there a reason for this...
  19. L

    LaTeX Creating Matrices in LaTeX for Linear Algebra: Tips and Troubleshooting

    Hi there I am writing about linear algebra and therefore I need to type matrices. I thought I could do this. \newcommand{\metar}[16]{\left [ \begin{array}{cccc} #1 & #2 & #3 & #4 \\ #5 & #6 & #7 & #8 \\ #9 & #10 & #11 & #12 \\ #13 & #14 & #15 & #16 \end{array} \right ] } But I get errors...
  20. Fredrik

    LaTeX LaTeX Preview Not Working - What to Do?

    When I preview my posts, none of the math shows up. Instead I get a message that says "LaTex graphic is being generated. Reload this page in a moment." But reloading doesn't help at all. Is everyone having this problem or just me? Is there something I can do about it?
  21. L

    LaTeX How to type Optimization of a Parametric equation, in LaTeX?

    Hi there I was just wondering how to type Optimatiozion of a Parametric equation, in LaTeX?
  22. M

    LaTeX Using Latex Program on InvisonFree Forum: Tips and Tricks

    I am wondering how I can use the latex program on my forum. My forum is an InvisonFree forum ( . Since its not very advanced, I can't really installed mods just IPB and vB forums have. I was thinking about making a javascript program and stuff, but how do I get these...
  23. L

    LaTeX Creating Math Notations with LaTeX and Microsoft Word

    can you use microsoft word to generate mathematical notations using LaTex I've looked at laTex is written in a html format so I'm confused how you can print a LaTex doc?
  24. S

    LaTeX Latex Equation Troubleshooting: Fixing the Fraction

    Did I miss something up when I was writing this equation? The fracttion won't wrok Test: \frac {1}{2} EDIT:It now seems to be working...
  25. 6

    LaTeX Free WYSIWYG Latex Editor for Cofactor & Gauss-Jordan Elimination in Word Format

    Doing a "project" for a class that is requiring me to do cofactor, gauss-Jordan elimination, Cramer’s by steps in a word possessed format. Having trouble getting readable matrices into the word doc. Is there a latex editor out there that let's you export to jpg/bmp? That is also totally...
  26. L

    LaTeX Creating Tables and Schemes in LaTeX

    Hi I am in a rather hurry so a quick reply would be most appreciated. I have to make a table in which I put all the result that I have calculated, I just do not know how to make a such thing in LaTeX. I would like a table as in Word I just do not know how to make it in LaTeX!
  27. M

    LaTeX (Slightly OT) Multiple integrals in LaTeX

    How do you make the limits in a triple integral look okay? I need to write something like: \iiint_{x \geq 3, y \geq 4, z \geq 5, 2z - x \geq 5} f(x, y, z)\, dx\,dy\,dz but it looks kind of silly right now.
  28. L

    LaTeX How to Avoid Italian Formatting in LaTeX: Dealing with Math Symbols

    Hi I would like to 'math' something (put $ around it) but I would like to not to be italian as things get when you 'math' them. How to do so. $CH_3COOH$ An example.
  29. J

    LaTeX Particular environment LaTeX help

    Hey all! I'm trying to learn \LaTeX, and so far I'm doing fine. However, I would like to know if it is possible to be able to find out if a particular environment is in use at a certain point. Basically, I was wondering if something like: \isInUse{math} exists in LaTeX. Does anyone...
  30. L

    LaTeX Function and Interval Examples: Solving a LaTeX Problem

    Well, I would like to write first a function and then , an interval or a point. An example. y=1/x , x (diffrent from) 0
  31. L

    LaTeX How can I improve the appearance of my LaTeX documents?

    I am not quite satisfied with the look of my LaTeX documents. I think it has something to do with the stuff in the start (the packages, etc.). So therefore what do you include in that to make your LaTeX document look nice?
  32. R

    LaTeX Do the admins know that LaTeX ain't working?

    here's a test: \mbox{erf}(x) \equiv \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_0^x e^{-t^2} dt if this shows up in the "red letter edition", i hope the good folks making this forum happen can take notice. if the LaTeX math shows up okay, then the problem is very, very weird because a post of mine simply in...
  33. J

    LaTeX Finding a Good Free LaTeX Editor

    What's a good freeware latex editor? I've been trying to install LEd, but it's not going smoothly, so I don't want to waste anymore time if it's not worth it. Any suggestions?
  34. M

    LaTeX Creating a List of Figures in LaTeX: Solving the Referencing Problem

    I'm creating a large document in LaTeX, with several figures. Some of these figures have citations within the captions, which is causing problems since I am creating a list of figures, with captions, at the start of the document. A figure that appears midway through has a reference that should...
  35. L

    LaTeX How can I easily insert pictures into LaTeX?

    I am using LaTeX quite a lot and I think that it is awesome stuff. However there is one little problem and that is inserting pictures into LaTeX I consider it pretty difficult to do. But a program like LaTeX which so many people use most have got an 'easy' way to insert pictures.
  36. S

    LaTeX Efficiently Integrating LaTeX Formatting in Blog Posts: A Scientist's Guide

    Does anyone know of a blog or plug-in for a blog that can do this? Linking a pdf/ps/dvi attachment for each post in my blog that I make that has even the slightest bit of math in it seems silly. At the same time, I want the math to be legible.
  37. Norman

    LaTeX Can LaTeX Easily Generate Data Tables from Text Files?

    Hello Everyone, I have a question about publishing some data in Latex. I don't want to have to enter the data by hand into the latex document. Is there an easy way to take the data from a text file into latex and have it generate a table? Or would it be easier to just create a .eps file...
  38. G

    LaTeX Creating a horizontal space in LaTeX;

    How do I create a horizontal space between 8 turns and 6 seconds? \left(\frac{8 turns}{6 seconds}\right)
  39. B

    LaTeX Solving Latex Problem With Fedora4 and EPS Files

    I would like to read dvi file after I platex the tex file. I also need to change it into pdf also But the problem is I don't the command for dvi file use except kdvi and there seems tobe no such a command in my system. I am using latex and include an eps file in my tex file. When I pdflatex...
  40. K

    LaTeX REVTeX4, LaTeX (and MikTeX?) problem

    I'm having a problem with REVTeX4 and LaTeX. I have four figures in EPS format (although there may be some non-compliance with EPS specs). They are from different applications that claim to export EPS files. These figures sometimes display in the dvi or ps files and sometimes not. Depends...
  41. Jameson

    LaTeX Why does the Latex look different?

    I know that there is a change of the background it uses so it's more difficult to see now, but it seems to be of lesser quality. Why is this?
  42. DaveC426913

    LaTeX Find Latex Instructions FAQ Article Quickly

    Again, I ask (as I do every time I use it, because I can never remember): How do I find the FAQ article on instructions for using Latex? I don't want the PDF, I want the PF post. I don't want a link to it, I want instructions on how I can find it myself, say from the menu. Why is it so...
  43. R

    LaTeX LaTeX rendering in the S&GR forum

    has anyone else noticed that LaTeX rendering seems to be working in the other forums but not this one? i might have thought that something was wrong with my browser (Firefox) or OS (Mac OSX), but the other forums seem to be able to render LaTeX math just fine. anyone know what the deal is?
  44. B

    LaTeX LaTeX Posting Help: Wrapping Tags & Equations

    I'm sorry but I can't seem to figure out how to tag LATEX in my posts so that my equations in my posts come out in LATEX. What are the wrap tags for LaTeX on here. Is there a help section somewhere for these types of technical questions.
  45. Hootenanny

    LaTeX Adding Page Borders in Latex: A Simple Solution

    Does anyone know how to put a border around a page in Latex? I'm not looking for anything complicated, just a single or double line. -Hoot
  46. R

    LaTeX Effortless Equation Slides: Using LaTeX in OpenOffice Impress

    I'm mystified - what is the 'correct' proceedure for getting nice, LaTeX-typset equations into a slideshow (in this case, OpenOffice Impress)? This is what I've been doing: TeX --> DVI --> PS --> GIMP --> copy & paste --> ooffice (as bmp) It looks great, but I'm sure there's a way to save the...
  47. K

    LaTeX Online LaTeX Renderer - Test Expressions Easily

    Hello, everyone! I'm new to this site and just started using its LaTeX capabilities. I was wondering if anyone might happen to know of a way I can test LaTeX expressions without having to post anything to the site? Ideally I'd like to have a simple web based form where I can just type in...
  48. Z

    LaTeX Why Isn't \mathbb Working in My Latex Document?

    Hey I'm wanting to write up a small paper so I've installed various Latex things on my computer, I have the full Miktex package and I have TexnicCenter, I want to write something like: \text{For all x, y} \, \in \mathbb{N} But the mathbb bit doesn't seem to be working, I can get mathrm...