Latex Definition and 999 Threads

  1. L

    LaTeX Symbol creation in LaTeX (Question)

    Hi, Does anyone know how to create the following symbol (in LaTeX): An exclamation mark directly above an equal sign. Thanks!
  2. M

    LaTeX Latex roman numeral for pages ONLY on Table of Contents page

    Does anyone know how to have latex do roman numerals on only certain pages - I want the table of contents to have roman numerals and the rest of the document to have numbers. But when I try to change the Table of contents page it changes it for all the pages. Thanks for any help you can give...
  3. L

    LaTeX Writing Matrices on One Row & Labeling - LaTeX

    Hello! I know how to do a matrice in latex like this: \[ \begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \end{bmatrix} \] How do I write severell matrices on one row like : "matrix_A times another matrix_B = answer " And how can I label the matrices so I can refer to...
  4. Matterwave

    LaTeX Is there a problem with the latex?

    A lot of threads I've been looking at doesn't display the Latex code. It just says: Latex code: blahblahblah. All underlined. What's wrong?
  5. A

    LaTeX How to Create an nxn Matrix with Opposite Diagonal Elements in LaTeX?

    Help Making A Matrix in Latex?? Hi, I need to make an nxn square matrix using Latex with 1's starting in the bottom left all the way up to the top right on that sort of opposite diagonal. I can't figure out to do it. Can anyone help? Thank you.
  6. L

    LaTeX LaTeX Question - How do you make a Lowercase Script L?

    Hi, Does anyone know how to make the script lowercase L in LaTeX (i.e. looks like the breast cancer symbol). Thanks! (Hopefully I put this in the appropriate forum)
  7. P

    LaTeX Troubleshooting LaTeX: Cannot Open PDF or View Changes - Expert Tips

    I'm not sure where to have put this question I hope it is in the right place. I have big problem with LaTeX.. I have been writing a document for a while and recently when I click the build and view button it shows this error [DocOpen(%bm.pdf")][FileOPen(%bm.pdf)] Cannot execute the...
  8. K

    LaTeX Software Recommendations for LaTeX Diagrams on Linux Ubuntu

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum but I think that mathematicians often work with LaTex and should be able to answer. Could you please recommend me any kind of software for creating diagrams (plotting functions, drawing vectors, writing down matrices, etc) and then converting these...
  9. P

    LaTeX Problem with LaTeX generating pdf?

    I'm not sure where to have put this question I hope it is in the right place. I have big problem with LaTeX.. I have been writing a document for a while and recently when I click the build and view button it shows this error [DocOpen(%bm.pdf")][FileOPen(%bm.pdf)] Cannot execute the...
  10. X

    LaTeX Solving PSFRAG for PDFs in LaTeX

    Hi, Let me preface my question by saying, I'm not sure if this is the right section but it seemed to be the most fitting. If it isn't, please move it, and I apologize for the inconvenience. So the issue is that the professor that I am working with and I are getting ready to publish a...
  11. D

    LaTeX How to download LATEX software

    Please can anyone tell me how to download free LATEX software. please i need it for practice. i have tried some but it is not working on my p.c(window vista).
  12. T

    LaTeX Create Math Diagrams in LaTeX: Does TeX Have Diagram Package?

    Does the TeX install here have a diagram package? For diagrams like commutative diagrams. It would be nice.
  13. S

    LaTeX Latex: How to Remove Date from Page

    Homework Statement I'm typing my coursework o Latex and when i open the file that i typed, the date automatically comes on the top part of the page. How do I remove the date? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  14. S

    LaTeX Drawing Vectors on Latex: A Simple Guide

    Homework Statement I have drawn a graph on latex, i have an x axis, y axis, and a line coming out of the origin with a point at the end of that line. Now at that point, i want to draw two vectors coming out: a vector normal to that point and a vector perpendicular to that point. I don't...
  15. S

    LaTeX Error Launching Console Application LaTeX

    Homework Statement I am trying to type my assignment using latex but I am having problem. i first installed the WinEdt 5.6 and i tried typing into it and everything works except, when i press the Latex button at the top (in order to see my document whether its right or wrong) it gives an...
  16. Saladsamurai

    LaTeX Is LaTex Compatible with Blogging Platforms?

    Maybe I am just stupid, but I am getting weird stuff back when I try to post latex in my blog. Here is a screenshot of my preview after entering some very simple code:
  17. D

    LaTeX How to Get Proper Font for Quantum Numbers in LaTeX

    I have been using LaTex lately for my Quantum assignments. I am not too good with it yet. I was wondering if anyone knows how to get the proper font for the quantum numbers I want the lowercase loopy L that is almost always used for angular momentum, but I can't figure out how to type it...
  18. Y

    LaTeX Learn LaTeX for Math Notes: Great Online Resources

    Hey Everyone, I was wondering if anyone could post some good online resources which teach one how to use LaTeX to write up notes for a math class. Thanks.
  19. B

    LaTeX Proving P(A|B) with Latex: Seeking Help

    Hi All, I'm using the following Latex Pakages \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} I need to prove P(A|B >= 1- ((1 - r) / s) I was wondering if anyone has or knows of a good Latex template to display the < > = proofs...
  20. A

    LaTeX LaTeX: finding a script font a la Griffiths' QM and Electrodynamics

    This may sound a bit neurotic, but after trying the calligra and frcursive packages, I feel I'm still missing out on a good, general-purpose script font for math. I'm looking for something like the script "r" on page 9 of Introduction to Electrodynamics and the script "S" and "s" on page 121 of...
  21. B

    LaTeX Why Can't I Preview LaTeX Math Notation on Forum Posts?

    Dear Sir or Madam I'm a novice here thus I'm probably going to ask a silly question (in a bad English, moreover). Please, can you explain the reason why I can't get the mathematical notation ( \alpha , as an example) displayed clicking on "Preview post" button ? I have been looking...
  22. D

    LaTeX LaTeX Fonts for Epsilon (Backwards 3)

    LaTeX fonts for "epsilon" There are two "epsilons", one that looks like the set membership, and the other that looks like a backwards 3. I want the second one, but my latex software only outputs the first one. How do I change that?
  23. djeitnstine

    LaTeX How can I use LaTex for math on my computer?

    Hey guys I've seen a few stuff out there on LaTex and just wanted to know how do I get a program that can use that format on my computer? Kind of like a word document thing where I can type it or something to that effect...thanks
  24. N

    LaTeX Saving a LateX drawing as an eps file

    I have an annoying problem. I have a paper to submit to a physics journal which requires that the figures be in eps format. The problem is that I am generating the figure I need using LaTeX commands (using a certain package for drawing quantum algorithms). The figure comes out exactly as I want...
  25. N

    LaTeX How to include contraction symbols in LaTeX

    I apologize, I know this is not a QM question per se but I think I am more likely to find someone who could answer this here. I'd like to know (or rather, be reminded of) how to draw contraction symbols in LaTeX (or TeX). I mean the symbol we use to show how two fields are "paired up" when...
  26. Saladsamurai

    LaTeX How do I insert an image on a LaTex doc?

    I googled this, but all articles assume previous knowledge of Latex. I am brand new to Latex. I am using TeXshop on my Mac. I have a template open and I want to insert a jpg in the document. I clicked on the "Graphics Template" and then pasted the the name of my picture in there like...
  27. N

    LaTeX LaTeX list of figures organised by chapter

    Does anyone know how to do this? I want my list of figures page to be organised by chapters, with the chapter heading.
  28. D

    LaTeX How to Include EPS Figures in Latex?

    I want to include a graph in eps file format in a Latex paper and I'm having some trouble. I have read a few online tutorials, but I can't seem to make any headway. I started by putting the eps file to be included in the same folder that my latex document is saved to. Then I included...
  29. DrGreg

    LaTeX Fixing Latex Bugs in Private Messages: Tips and Tricks

    Having read about some of the Latex bugs reported in this forum, I've seen similar symptoms (images from my personal cache instead of the correct ones) when reading private messages from others. I can get the correct image to show by composing a reply to the message then doing a preview message...
  30. JasonJo

    LaTeX Best program to make graphics for LaTeX?

    Best program to make graphics for LaTeX?? I need to make some decent looking graphics for a LaTeX document. I want to make near textbook style graphics if possible. I mean pictures of surfaces, tangent vectors, intervals, cantor sets, directed graphs, etc. I have heard of two programs, IPE...
  31. L

    LaTeX Having Trouble Including Images in LaTex?

    Hi I am trying to include pictures in my physics course work but come up with these errors . I am using MikTex and writing in WinEdit. Thanks David
  32. Vanadium 50

    LaTeX LaTeX Strange Behavior - Image Offset on PhysicsForums

    If you check out", you'll see some LaTeX strangeness. Specifically, not all the images appear, and the ones that do appear seem not to match the LaTeX source. It's almost as if the images are offset: i.e. the n-th bit of source ends up...
  33. N

    LaTeX Drawing electrical circuit diagrams with LaTeX

    Hi all. I've searched the WWW, and it doesn't seem that there is an easy way of doing this. Do you have any experience with this? Thanks in advance. Niles.
  34. D

    LaTeX LaTeX and Mac OS X's Grapher (advice)

    LaTeX and Mac OS X's "Grapher" (advice) Hello everyone. I recently stumbled upon something that I consider incredibly useful (and poor practice, I realize). I figured I'd post it here in the hopes of helping someone to discover this themselves. Using Grapher to create LaTeX expressions for PF...
  35. G01

    LaTeX Making Slide Presentations in LaTeX

    Anyone know where I can find a working download for "Prosper" the LaTeX package that allows you to make Powerpoint-like slides using LaTeX. The prosper page on sourceforge is no longer working and I can't seem to find another site with a download. Just to be safe: Prosper is free, so I'm not...
  36. S

    LaTeX Master LaTeX Without Errors: Top Alternatives to PDFs for Adobe vs. Vista Users

    I have vista and when ever I try to open one of the pdf's in the topic on how to use LaTeX it gives me errors. Is there any alternatives to learning LaTeX than pdf's?
  37. N

    LaTeX Putting Brackets around fractions LATEX

    I can't seem to make the brackets cover the full fraction when stating a differential, namely \begin{equation} (\frac{df}{dt}) \end{equation} Any tips?
  38. Math Jeans

    LaTeX Troubleshooting a Weird LaTex Bug

    I'm getting this weird LaTex bug that is really messing with my posts. Sometimes when I use the tex tags, I get this weird problem that no matter what I put inside them, the post will always display the a certain equation inside of the tags. For example: I am trying to edit my signature...
  39. N

    LaTeX How to Create a New Paragraph with Indentation in LaTeX?

    This may seem a simple question but how do you finish a paragraph and begin a new one which has kipped a line and the first line is indented. namely (I just used some text off the main page of wiki...) The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami is a particular church of the Roman Catholic Church...
  40. T

    LaTeX LaTeX frustration - defining commands with arguments

    Hi all, I'm a beginner to typesetting using LaTeX. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask (the stickied LaTeX thread in Tutorials seemed to be devoted to TeX for the forums) Homework Statement I'm attempting to define a command \mlegendre{x}{y} which returns the legendre symbol $x...
  41. N

    LaTeX Mastering LaTex: How to Create Side-by-Side Figures and Equations

    Hi all, How could I get a small figure and a set of equations to appear side by side? Thanks
  42. D

    LaTeX Make Latex background transparent?

    Hi guys. I have a small problem with viewing Latex symbols here. Formerly the white background of the Latex symbols enabled here would be transparent which makes the Latex display slightly better. However, due to a period of inactivity lasting slightly over 2 weeks it seems to me that either...
  43. N

    LaTeX Word count in Latex using Winedt

    hey does anyone know how to do a word count in PDF or Winedt?
  44. N

    LaTeX How to Put a Box Around a Numbered Equation?

    How do you put a box around a numbered equation?
  45. G

    LaTeX Get the Perfect .bst Files for APL Submission: Expert Tips and Tools

    Hi all, Had a GOOD look around for a .sty or .bst files for submission of a LateX article to Applied Physics Letters. There have been a few posts elsewhere with no joy, but they are dated now. Has anyone got a resonable match for this journal? Or can anyone giude me as to how to go...
  46. T

    LaTeX Running Beamer in LaTeX: Troubleshooting Installation Issues

    How to view the file as when I do it, it says something needs to be installed. Is it a matter of typing a package that needs to be opened at the start of the file?
  47. B

    LaTeX OOoLatex: Installing LaTeX in Open Office

    OOoLatex Extension for Open Office The extension can be installed in Open Office by way of Tools -> Extension Manager -> Add. You will also need the following dependencies to carry out the behind the scenes LaTeX makery. Dependencies: MikText Ghostscript MinSYS It is probably best to...
  48. F

    LaTeX A good latex editor for windows?

    I was hoping someone could recommend a nice GUI for equation editing that can output Latex... so I can copy and paste into my future posts, rather than struggling to use the inline Latex Reference thing provided (though it is still pretty cool). Thanks!
  49. Jonathan Scott

    LaTeX LaTeX showing old images in preview

    I've been trying to use LaTeX in a response, but the preview keeps showing images of different LaTeX expressions which I used in previous responses. This happens even for the most trivial case such as just a single letter X, both in ITEX and TEX tags. Is there something I need to do to reset...
  50. K

    LaTeX Learn Latex Codes for Grad School

    Does anyone know a good way to learn Latex codes? I heard it was good to know for grad school.