News Definition and 242 Threads

News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. News is sometimes called "hard news" to differentiate it from soft media.
Common topics for news reports include war, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, and entertainment, as well as athletic events, quirky or unusual events. Government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals, have been dubbed news since ancient times. Technological and social developments, often driven by government communication and espionage networks, have increased the speed with which news can spread, as well as influenced its content. The genre of news as we know it today is closely associated with the newspaper.

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  1. C

    And now for the latest news from Alpha Centauri

    A new analysis suggests that the orbit of the possible planet around Alpha Centauri B is oriented in such a way that the planet is only 1 to 3 times as massive as Earth. Link: Science.
  2. Astronuc

    News Bob Simon, CBS News Legend, Dies at 73 in NYC Car Accident

    Bob Simon of CBS News dead at 73 in New York City car crash What a loss! My condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
  3. L

    Did Ettore Majorana Choose to Disappear?

    Hi everyone, I was watching a TV programme the other day, where they talked about an Italian physicist, Ettore Majorana, who disappeared in 1938: Apparently they've recently found evidence that he lived in Venezuela in the 50's, and that his...
  4. Astronuc

    News Brian Williams, TV news anchor, and his mis-remembering

    Accusations mount against US anchor over war 'lie' By now, most folks in the US have probably heard about the scandal involving NBC news anchor, Brian Williams. He recently had to apologize for claiming that...
  5. MTd2

    Is there any news to Garrett Lisi theory?

    I know there is nothing around, that I could find. I checked his tweeter and page and found nothing. So, do any of you know of anything ?
  6. A

    Quantum teleportation in the news

    just read this: I'm curious: how does a pair of entangled particle possibly exist no matter how farther they're apart? does this mean they're connected through hyper-space or something like that?
  7. Ivan Seeking

    Is CNN's Strategy of Intensive Single-Story Coverage Effective?

    Anyone who tunes into CNN from to time as I do couldn't avoid noticing that they covered nothing but the downed flight 370 story all day, every day, for most of a month. I kept wondering what in the world they were doing. How much talk of pingers and pinger locators can a person really watch...
  8. G

    Medical [News] Frank Baker survives ''spontaneous combustion'' Frank Baker faced death while earning two Purple Hearts in Vietnam, but the scariest moment of his life came in June 1995. Baker was in his home in Vermont, when he suddenly burst into flames, an...
  9. C

    ScienceDaily News & Other Similar Physics Sources

    "ScienceDaily News" & Other Similar Physics Sources I'm retired and a little out of touch - no technical library. I subscribe to the free emails from ScienceDaily News on Quantum Physics News. It's an excellent source with links to advanced research especially in areas of photon...
  10. lisab

    Where Do You Get Your News? Exploring Diverse Sources for Unbiased Information

    I'm pretty sure we've had this topic before but it's been a while. I read BBC News, The Economist (my favorite, but it limits access :mad:), CNN, NBC, New York Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, Al-Jazeera, The Week. I used to look at my regional paper, The Seattle Times, but like so many...
  11. M

    Nuclear Fusion News from LLNL/NIF

    Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory used the NIF ( National Ignition Facility ) laser to reach encouraging progress toward ignition From "The Independent" newpaper serving Livermore:
  12. caffeinemachine

    MHB Breaking news about twin prime conjecture.

    I don't know if this has already been posted. This article is about a possible proof of the twin prime conjecture. This is a breakthrough in the field of Number Theory. First proof that infinitely many prime numbers come in pairs : Nature News & Comment
  13. T

    Is Dark Matter Finally Revealing Its Secrets?

    Interesting news on Dark Matter, I had no idea this experiment was being carried out:
  14. tsuwal

    Do you see the news? Do you think it is a waste of time?

    Now that I think about it, I haven't seen the news for like 6 months, they are just too boring. Before that, I only saw the news summary at the opening of the newscast. I wish there could be a place you could read the news of one month in half an hour or less, a super news summary..
  15. StevieTNZ

    News Who Is the Newly Elected Pope Francis I?

    White smoke has risen; awaiting to find out who the new Pope is.
  16. J

    Where do you get your physics news and publications?

    My knowledge of good physics news websites is lacking. As of now, I regularly check PF,, scientific american and NSF but that is it. What I am looking for is a website which basically sorts through publications for me and shows the most interesting physics/math publications...
  17. D

    BBC News: Manned Mars Misson for 2018
  18. K

    News Extradition of Abu Hamza - is it even a news story in the USA

    It is a news story that has been grumbling on for over a decade here in the UK, but as I write this, Abu Hamza is in the air, on his way to stand trial on terrorism charges in the USA. Are you aware of this particular bundle of malevolence in the USA? Has there been any mention at all in the...
  19. D

    Does New Research Disprove Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?

    BBC NEws Story "refuting" HUP I did a double take when I read this, can someone please explain what it's all about?
  20. G

    Cool Cracked article about people's ignorant responses to science news I found this accurate and amusing.
  21. Mordred

    Latest Higgs Boson Rumors Spark Excitement in Scientific Community been seeing several recent articles regarding this article this is one of the more recent ones thought you all would be intersted in it
  22. S

    Mirror neutrons all over the science news

    This paper is getting splashed all over the science news heres the arxiv version: heres the Physics world version: They seem to be claiming 5 sigma , any thoughts? Less prosaic explantions?
  23. Drakkith

    Breaking News: Wilting in Plants Caused by Internet Trolls

    Per wikipedia's article on wilting: :confused: Edited the article. The article before the revision can be found here:
  24. ZapperZ

    An Astoundingly BAD Physics News Report

    CNN has dropped to a new low in terms of very bad science news reporting. This news report is so bad, and has so many factual errors in it, one simply should not pay any attention to it completely. Note that even the topic is...
  25. quasar987

    Have You Heard of the State of Enlightenment?

    Have ye heard the good news? :) Out of curiosity, I am interested to know how many of you fine folks have heard about the existence of the state of Enlightenment (aka Self-Realization, aka One-Mind). I myself am 28 and I have heard of it only recently and I am amazed that it is not more common...
  26. M

    Dark Matter, any new news about it?

    I know that we don't know what dark matter is but according to observations, dark matter is there. I also knew that the reason why we know dark matter is there is because the universe is supposed to slowly become more compact, but the reality is that its doing the exact opposite, its expanding...
  27. C

    BREAKING NEWS: Error Undoes Faster-Than-Light Neutrino Results

    It appears that the faster-than-light neutrino results, announced last September by the OPERA collaboration in Italy, was due to a mistake after all. A bad connection between a GPS unit and a computer may be to blame...
  28. P

    US News Rankings: How Much Do They Matter for Graduate Programs?

    When choosing a graduate program, how much weight should be given to its US News ranking? I've been accepted to two schools which fall within the top 10 for general math, but for my particular subarea in math, one of them ranks about 15 spots ahead of the other. Do people actually care about...
  29. S

    News Stories of Possible Imminent Higgs Boson Discovery

    There seem to be a number of news stories coming out about the possibility of an imminent find of the Higgs Boson @ 125-126GeV: So what if the elusive Higgs Boson is finally found? Could this somehow enable us to conquer and manipulate...
  30. M

    Is this the lamest news article ever?

    Lamest News Article ever... Why do they suddenly seem so desperate for space-fillers?
  31. A

    New news about neutrinos moving faster than the spead of light?

    I don't think anyone can explain it, but does anyone know what is up with this news about neurtinos going faster than the spead of light? I can feal all of physics crumbling around me whenever I think about it!
  32. M

    LHC Experiments Challenge Speed of Light: 22nd Sept News

    "Speed-of-light experiments yield baffling result at LHC" - 22nd Sept News Article?! Came here to get some further information and I can't find a thread. If there already is one about this, sorry I should delete it. Very interesting...
  33. OmCheeto

    Old news as new news. Saturn 5 years ago.

    Don't remember seeing this. Does NASA do September fools jokes? I cannot imagine anything so CGI being for real.
  34. marcus

    Why would a Susy signal have been bad news for the Loop program?

    This may seem like a naive question to some people. I had always heard that Lqg can easily incorporate supersymmetry---that if there were any evidence of it, putting it into the theory would be straightforward. This goes way back, to papers I read in 2003-2005. Not sure exactly which, but it...
  35. tom.stoer

    Exploring the Progress and Challenges of Twistor Theory in Quantum Gravity

    Are there any news regarding twistor theory? The original ideas by Penrose to replace spacetime by its "dual lightcones" always fascinated me, but it seems the whole program is stuck. What are the reasons? Is there any progress and relation to recent progress in other QG approaches? Tom
  36. N

    What is Dark Energy? New Discoveries and Implications

    "Nothing new under the sun"? Dark Energy Is Driving Universe Apart: NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer Finds Dark Energy Repulsive (Purists can freak about dark energy being represented separately, and apparently flat, from spacetime in the accompanying diagram. )...
  37. cepheid

    News Article + Paper on Dark Energy

    Does anyone know what paper this news article is referring to? I'm thinking it must be this one, but what the paper is saying and the way the article is...
  38. rootX

    News BBC News: Icesave Saga - Is Repayment Fair? I am confused about this whole Icesave deal. They lost money and then carried out a referendum few months ago to decide if they should repay UK and Netherlands? I see their behavior irresponsible.
  39. nismaratwork

    News Fox News: Who Used Journalists as Human Shields in Libya? Adorable... you'd think that's the kind of detail even propogandists wouldn't overlook.
  40. Pengwuino

    Do news organizations proof read?

    Do news organizations proof read?? So I just noticed this article pop up on google for my city's news section. However, unless they change it by the time you read this thread, the headline currently says "County...
  41. T

    Searching for LHC News - Has Higgs Been Found?

    Is there any LHC News Well the LHC has been running at 7TeV for 6 months now and everything seems very quite, is it still too early to hear of discoveries? I have searched the LHC site and the web but there nothing out there. I presume that Higgs has not been found?
  42. E

    Bio in the news (journal articles)

    Guys, I need to write journal articles for a Bio course. But I need Bio science articles to write the journals on. Do you know any sites with good recent (2011) articles?
  43. A

    Is the Estimated Value of Precious Metals on Asteroid Accurate?

    Is this for real, no misunderstanding or misinterpreting what was actually said? Yes I know this was from 1999, but I'd still like to know if that huge dollar figure was accurate.
  44. K

    Medical People tend to think that reality is what they see/read in the news

    Sometime ago I read about a cognitive bias by which people tend to think that reality is what they see/read in the news. I don't remember the name of this bias and was wondering if anyone could help find it or a similar one. Thanks.
  45. C

    News Misinformation in the News (Science Says Fox News is Making You Dumb)

    EDIT: Sorry about breaking forum guidelines. I know that the title of this thread is a little misleading, but it seems like a good attention grabber. Some Notable Findings What do you guys think about all of this? It seems to kind of reinforce the stereotypes that we all have already. It's...
  46. B

    Exploring the Latest Developments and Topics in M Theory: A Comprehensive Guide

    does anyone know what are the most recent developments and breakthroughs on m theory...i don't seem to find anything big since holographic principle few years ago. if there haven't been any big breakthroughs than what are the topics that are being studied right now? does anyone know any...
  47. M

    News Fox News Pundits Call for Julian Assange's Assassination

    As if anyone needed additional proof Fox News is a propaganda organization, here is a video of Fox News pundits demanding Julian Assange's assassination. Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, is called a "traitor" and "treasonous" and supposedly broke "every law of the United States."...
  48. chemisttree

    NASA NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

    The LGM hunters have something to say!
  49. chemisttree

    NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

    Pay attention on Thursday at 2pm ET!