News Definition and 241 Threads

  1. S

    Medical Looking for medical news and informations sites

    I've been looking into a career in the medical field for a long time now. I'm wondering if some of you could recommend some good medical news sites or places where I can find up to date research data that is open to the public. Thank you!
  2. EnumaElish

    And the good news is, you'll get old Can this realization be part of the cure?
  3. M

    Sky News: Unexpected Discovery Revealed

    Just seen this on sky news, quite interesting. Unfortunately the article doesn't go into much detal.,,30200-1301940,00.html
  4. marcus

    Only two fundamental constants? (Matsas in Nature News) this just came out in Nature News, comment? To be sure, they are talking about how many DIMENSIONAL fundamental constants you need. The main bunch of constants that people always want to measure and to explain are the...
  5. edward

    News Ohio Voting Macines In The News Again

    It now appears that Ohio's voting machine count can be manipulated using only a PDA and a magnet.
  6. K

    News Flash: All-nighters may not improve grades;_ylt=AnBa56jhgEzfXKamRnuhDZis0NUE "A new survey says those who never study all night have slightly higher GPAs than those who do." Um, does anyone else feel like this is more a reflection of a students understanding of material...
  7. S

    More news from PI: UHECR are likely protons from AGN's

    Dr. A. Chou of the Auger Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray detector announced today that the last three years of partial information has been analysed to show at the 95% confidence level, UHECR's are caused by protons from Active Galactic Nuclei. Dr. Chou presented his data to the conference on...
  8. S

    News from P.I. workshop on experimental search for QG

    News from Claus Lammerzahl, from Bremen, on success yesterday 6 Nov. 07 of production of BEC in microgravity in a drop tower experiment: Yesterday the first BEC in free fall was produced by a team at Bremen University. A condensate of 10^4 to 10^5 atoms was created in a few milleseconds in a...
  9. marcus

    Several postings about solvable LQC-and other news

    Several postings about solvable LQC--and other news AFAICS cosmology is the main prospective proving ground for quantum gravity---cosmology and astrophysical observation generally. A LQG explanation for the dark energy effect (accelerating expansion as the cumulative result of quantum...
  10. F

    News FEMA under fire for fake news conference This is a new low! :smile: I'm still surprised Chertoff is going to do anything about it.
  11. H

    Out-of-body experience recreated [BBC News] Very interesting. Though at least one puzzle remains in explaining naturally occurring OBEs, which is to explain why people spontaneously experience shifts in visual perspective. In this experiment they create the perspective shift using cameras and...
  12. Y

    How Can New Stars Form from Chaos While Entropy Increases?

    According to the second law of TD, entropy is increasing in the whole universe. Then how could you explain the fact that from a chaotic state of dust and gas remnants of a supernova, gravity causes all them to gather together to form new stars which are less chaotic thus having less entropy...
  13. robphy

    In the news: Wikipedia and the Pro Wrestler story,2933,287194,00.html "Web Time Stamps Indicate Nancy Benoit's Death Reported on Web at Least 13 Hours Before Police Found Bodies in Her Home" near the bottom: "On June 28, reported that...
  14. N

    Is this the end of the Riemann Hypothesis?
  15. B

    Does Anyone Still Watch HIGNFY?

    does anyone watch this show? Its pretty hilarious to watch: (shows on UK)
  16. Ivan Seeking

    Great News: I paid > $3.00/gallon for gas today

    From what I have read and observed, 3 is the magic number. At this price people begin to change their habbits. At $3.00 per gallon for diesel, the local biodiesel is competitive; it sells for the same or less.
  17. K

    How Do We Honor Pets After They Pass?

    My dog Emma died this morning :cry: :frown: She took ill 3 days ago and apparently had a large tumour on her spleen that had ruptured and caused her to bleed internally. This is the only image i have on this PC. I was threatening...
  18. turbo

    CBS Evening News: Rick Kaplan Tries to Revive a Dull Market;_ylt=AgK7GneiC..eUtWEANwwqrDMWM0F CBS has hired Rick Kaplan to try to pull CBS news out of the cellar. The boys at the top mistakenly thought that Katie Couric could haul their news division out of the doldrums, and have discovered...
  19. T

    Medical How Does the New Bionic Eye Technology Restore Vision? Title : Better 'bionic eye' offers new hope of restored vision A tiny electronic pad is placed onto the retina of one eye, so that the electrodes are in direct contact with the ganglion cells. Each of the...
  20. A

    How Has the Twin Paradox Been Resolved?

    News Story: "Twin Paradox Solved" This makes me even sadder than the 0/0 story a few months ago: edit: mirror:
  21. Chronos

    GPB: Latest News and Research Results

    Here is the latest on GPB: A couple of interesting quotes: . . . In addition to analyzing the data, members of our team are now in the process of preparing scientific and engineering papers for publication in 2007, including the reporting of the first results...
  22. L

    News Breaking News: Explosives on Miami cruise ship and more

    A lot of news happenings today. First, the odd smell permeating New York City, now there were explosives found in a package on the Miami cruise ship and a chemical leak at plant in Sugar Land, TX. Is there any possibility that any of these are related to acts of terror? The Miami cruise...
  23. Ivan Seeking

    Where Can We Find Reliable News in Today's Media?

    Well, last night Katie Couric may have lost me for good with her ten minute interview with Karen James - wife of the climber found dead on Mt. Hood. I think it was Turbo1 who predicted that she would turn the news into the Today show, and it looks like he may have been correct. When I saw that...
  24. Q

    Uncovering the Truth: Flawed Statistics in Iraq War Coverage

    Just read", which conveys the message that the war in Iraq is going so badly, that the suicide rate has doubled. However, this is simply a Poisson distribution, and the values they list do not seem to indicate that the mean value has...
  25. Labguy

    Why Doesn't This Black Hole Emit X-rays? If this were the case as explained, wouldn't we be detecting in X-ray also?
  26. marcus

    Carl Brannen's Triumph in Hawaii: Japanese Physicist Koide Cites 2 Equations

    Carl Brannen is having a real triumph in Hawaii He and the famous Japanese physicist Koide are giving talks back to back today and their slides are on line. It seems like on about half his slides (many many anyway) Koide is referring to two equations of Brannen's which Koide has named "the...
  27. Astronuc

    Sandia Res. Reveals Impact of "Metallic Water" on Neptune & Physics

    News on “Metallic water” Phase diagram of water revised by Sandia researchers - Press Release Oct 3, Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque, NM “Metallic water” alters characteristics of Neptune and impacts other physics Very interesting work in both computational and experimental physics...
  28. Danger

    Sad Farewell: Putting an End to My Comedy Badge

    This will probably once and for all put an end to my comedy badge. You might have noticed that I was missing today, until the wee hours. We got a call at 11:30 last night. Our niece's son was born at 24 weeks, 2 weeks ago. Things looked semi-promising until last night. Nothing could really...
  29. edward

    News Clinton on Fox News interview with Chris Wallace Video

    This one surprized me. Clinton unloaded on Wallace, the Republicans, and Fox news. It was about time. This is a 15 minute video.,2933,215445,00.html
  30. F

    Walter "Maynard" Ferguson: Jazz Legend Passes Away For those who don't know him, Maynard was one of the best. He was, without a doubt, the most influential jazz trumpet player on the planet for many years. My jazz band had the opportunity to open for his big band on a couple of occasions when I was in school. I...
  31. K

    Ready for the Defense: A Look at Master's and PhD Thesis Presentations

    Alright! PF is back online. I've missed it a lot the last few days, not in the least because I have new to share : I've handed in my Master's thesis! After living like a hermit the last few weeks finishing it, I can finally step into the sun (or rain, as the Belgian weather would have it)...
  32. Math Is Hard

    Exit exam news: school board defies state

    but it doesn't really matter because the board has no authority!
  33. Mk

    [AP News] Hundreds of dolphins wash up in Zanzibar

    They always say its the U.S. Navy's fault for sonar throwing them off course. I don't know much about the subject but I think that is a bunch of BS. Why couldn't have had happen, and why could that be the cause? I personally think it might have to do with rapid changes in water temperature...
  34. D

    Where do you go for Science News?

    Are there any good web sites I should be using :confused:
  35. Astronuc

    News Can America Keep Up? US News & World Report Why so many smart folks fear that the United States is falling behind in the race for global economic leadership By Richard J. Newman - 3/27/06 The US still provides incredible educational opportunities, however the rest...
  36. Ivan Seeking

    What news channel does Dick Chenney prefer?

    As reported by Lou Dobbs on CNN, it is required that all TVs for the VP suite be programmed for Fox News only. :smile: Talk about a closed loop!
  37. Ivan Seeking

    Did this player break a record in just twenty minutes?
  38. F

    News Excellent news for Canadian free-traders

    after ~140 years of waiting, Americans will finally get to own the HBC! At last HBC agrees to get acquired! :biggrin: I highly doubt that our new conservative government led by the "free-trading" economist will try to...
  39. H

    Medical LSD: The Geek's Wonder Drug? [Wired News],70015-0.html
  40. S

    Science News: Get the Latest on

    It seems like PF needs a good constant news source. There is a really good website called" . -Scott
  41. L

    Is Spacetime a Fluid Like Ether in Black Hole Analogies?

    An ECHO of Black Holes Sound waves in a fluid behave uncannily like light waves in space. Black holes even have acoustic counterparts. Could spacetime literally be a kind of fluid, like the ether of pre-Einsteinian physics? By Theodore A. Jacobson and Renaud Parentani When Albert Einstein...
  42. C

    Understanding "Bumps & Teases" in News Programs

    I have to analyze a news program for a media technology class, and it asks me about the bumps and teases... I've searched google but I can't seem to come up with a definition of what these terms mean, could anyone help me out?
  43. Ivan Seeking

    The Battle of Los Angeles - *Audio of original news broadcast linked*

    "The Battle of Los Angeles" - *Audio of original news broadcast linked* Alternative interpretation [UFO] with newspaper accounts from the time.
  44. P

    News Is Diebold's Voting Machines One of the Greatest Threats to Democracy?

    Or still... (You probably know I think Diebold "helped" bush's vote tally.) Every month or so I google news: vote fraud diebold ... and I usually see a few articles, many several weeks old, etc. Today when I did that search I retrieved a larger than normal number of recent documents...
  45. R

    News China Wants Only 'Healthy' News on Web

    BEIJING - China said Sunday it is imposing new regulations to control content on its news Web sites and will allow the posting of only "healthy and civilized" news. The move is part of China's ongoing efforts to police the country's 100-million Internet population. Only the United States...
  46. T

    News Don't shoot me More ID in the news:

    I hesitated to do this (for about half a second) considering the last result but I found a good commentary on ID in the NYTimes entitled Show Me The Science. To 'wet your whistle: If you need me, I'll be hiding behind that rock over there ... I know ... Some of you just said, "Under it"...
  47. M

    News Is Air Cargo Safety a Concern for CNN in 2005?
  48. T

    News Why is Fox News so chaotic and unorganized?

    Fox News? President? Duh! So I flipped on Fox News and was watching an interview with the mother of one of the pople on the Space Shuttle a couple of hours after the flight landed ... It was a cutesy piece but then ... Fox News Alert! Rummy wants to talk ... so I start watching that and...
  49. ZapperZ

    Uh-oh. More Bubble Fusion News Strangely enough, while it looks similar, the experiment is actually different than the earlier Taleyarkhan experiment. Other than that, it is still equally controversial. Stay tune for more development in this saga... Zz.
  50. H

    News Horrific Attack in Iraq - Al Qaeda Denies Involvement A suicide car bomber attacked after waiting for a crowd of children to gather around an American humvee. The act was so heinous, that Al Qaeda preemptively denied any...