News Definition and 242 Threads

News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. News is sometimes called "hard news" to differentiate it from soft media.
Common topics for news reports include war, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, and entertainment, as well as athletic events, quirky or unusual events. Government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals, have been dubbed news since ancient times. Technological and social developments, often driven by government communication and espionage networks, have increased the speed with which news can spread, as well as influenced its content. The genre of news as we know it today is closely associated with the newspaper.

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  1. H

    News Horrific Attack in Iraq - Al Qaeda Denies Involvement A suicide car bomber attacked after waiting for a crowd of children to gather around an American humvee. The act was so heinous, that Al Qaeda preemptively denied any...
  2. Lisa!

    How to Give Bad News: Shock & Depression After Tragic News

    I was shocked and depressed for some days after I heard about the death of my friend's bf! :rolleyes: Because someone just told me about in a terrible way.She told me "Remember we talked a lot about *'s bf and how he looked like?He died last week!" :bugeye: :cry:
  3. Gokul43201

    Did the Meteorite Strike Earth? Latest News

    So, did it hit, or didn't it ? Any news yet ?
  4. Pengwuino

    Man uses solar panels to generate electricy, actually makes the news

    I'm amazed that i just saw, halfway through the year 2005, a news report on a guy who installed solar panels...nothing special, no special anything... he just installed solar panels and they are acting like this is some new technology that is just blowing the minds of people. I guess the reason...
  5. A

    News Did Japan Fail in Its Bid to Resume Commercial Whaling?

    A small victory for whales (and a slightly positive sign for the 'humaneness' of humanity): However, Link to the International Whaling Commission's Homepage:
  6. Astronuc

    Changing planet revealed in atlas (from BBC news)

    An atlas of environmental change compiled by the United Nations reveals some of the dramatic transformations that are occurring to our planet. It compares and contrasts satellite images taken over the past few decades with contemporary ones. These highlight in vivid detail the striking...
  7. Monique

    What is the Major Breakthrough in S. Korean Stem Cells Research?

    I heard the news and an article is published in Science, but what exactly is the major breakthrough? To me it seems that they have improved on their technique of nuclear transfer (cloning) for extracting stem cells, not that they have created a new way of creating stem cells (the news seems to...
  8. Loren Booda

    News Rather, Jennings, and Brokaw retirements - the demise of network news?

    Will traditional television network (CBS, ABC and NBC) news survive the near-simultaneous retirements of their accustomed anchors and the continued restructuring of the information industry?
  9. B

    News Manufacturing fake news is not easy work

    Manufacturing fake news is not easy work! Iraqis cry foul over 'hostage' mystery ((BAGHDAD (AFP) - Religious and civic leaders expressed fears of a conspiracy after a reported kidnapping siege in an Iraqi town ended without resistance and in the apparent absence of any hostages. For...
  10. B

    News Is Democracy Worth the Risk of Electing Terrorists?

    FOX NEWS: let's bomb a democracy back to the Stone Age I weas reading fox news and i found this article.. i actualy can't believe they talk like this... it's very disgusting. and very very scary... From the Frying Pan to the Fire? Thursday, March 10, 2005 By John Gibson The Lebanese...
  11. T

    News Pictures you won't see in the news

    Found this on another site. I'm glad to be back and being able to post again :)
  12. S

    News Ukraine - Yushchenko Reveals Why Israel Backed Him - BBC News

    Ukraine - Yushchenko Reveals Why Israel Backed Him Zionists Already Put In Charge Of Media And Defense. New Prime Minister Is Also A Zionist BBC News 2-5-5 The new President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, has appointed multi-millionaire "dual citizen" Yevgeny Chervonenko...
  13. wasteofo2

    News Hillary Clinton on Fox News in 9 minutes.

    Hillary Clinton is going on Greta Van Sustren's show at 10:00pm This should be good...
  14. P

    When will the Cosmos 1 solar sail spacecraft be launched?
  15. F

    Nature News: Surprising Findings in 2004 Well, I havn't been to these messageboards in . . . awhile, so maybe I don't know if everybody here has seen this. I guess I'm just posting it; comment if you'd like!
  16. Gokul43201

    News Fox & O'Reilly Face Off in Sexual Harassment Suit
  17. S

    UFO News Discussion: Peter Davenport

    Expert in finance and fish. And multilingual. Does that make him an expert on observations of optical efffects in the open air?
  18. Ivan Seeking

    Surprising Carbon Loss in Arctic Tundra: Study
  19. wasteofo2

    News Fox News to replay O'Reilly interview with Micheal Moore (it's awesome)

    Video of Bill O'reilly and Micheal Moore debating!,2933,127236,00.html BAM, just click the video option, follow the directions and voila, the best debate ever. No one concedes anything, nothing is changed and it rules.
  20. D

    The Big News, In Reverse UV Addiction

    The big news of the day, seems to be that tanning beds have addictive properties. Clients choose tanning beds that have some UV light to offer, because it gives them an "addictive", sense of well being. The real news is this. Due to scares regarding skin cancers, and due to the fact that...
  21. Ivan Seeking

    News G. Gordon Liddy: Still Making News After All These Years

    I can't believe this guy is still around. Tonight Tsu and I were watching a documentary about Watergate -Watergate: Legacy of Secrets - on Discovery Times. I saw this show once before but I had missed something that Liddy says during his interview. While head of...
  22. C

    News Was Kerry to Blame for 9/11?

    Yup, here's why. Kerry was informed of security lapses at Logan International Airport. Kerry immediately forwarded the information to the Bush administration, but he should have known that the Bush administration was incompetent and would not prevent an attack. Therefore it was Kerry's...
  23. MathematicalPhysicist

    The daily show- with jon stewart (a serious news programme)

    who watches jon stewart's daily show? wouldnt you agree that he puts the news in a mature way and with that also humoristic, anyway it's a great programme.
  24. Labguy

    What Happened to Spirit Rover on Mars?

    Today's Bad News? Bummer
  25. Labguy

    Colliding Galaxies; Hot Gas; New News

    Another "new" release from NASA. Just click to join and you'll get these every day. So, I won't post these anymore. This subject has been discussed here on PF before, but this release should answer some of the questions asked...
  26. Descartes

    Efficient Aggregation of Science News: A Quest for the Ultimate RSS Feed

    I check quite a number of science-related sites for updates, and I'd love to be able to aggregate their news to expedite my checking process. Is anyone familiar of RSS feeds out there that already aggregate all this information? How do you keep up-to-date on all the science news? If what...
  27. Les Sleeth

    News Flash Materialists Caught in Denial

    In a recent article just published (here) scientific materialists are shown to be in major denial about something that affects the very heart of their theory that the origin of life, and all on-going life processes now, can be accounted for by chemistry and physical processes alone (what I will...
  28. Ivan Seeking

    UFO News: Japan's Extraterrestrial Activity

    As with the Ghost Stories thread, I am posting a UFO news thread to which I or anyone else can add the latest UFO stories, events, or other news items. This is not intended to limit new threads; please feel free post one as you see fit. I just think this helps to reduce clutter on the board...
  29. Ivan Seeking

    News ABC News Confirms Warren Commission on JFK Assassination
  30. R

    News What Role Does Fox News Play in the Spread of Misinformation?

    hahahaha (on Fox News) Fact-Free News By Harold Meyerson Wednesday, October 15, 2003; Page A23 Ever worry that millions of your fellow Americans are walking around knowing things that you don't? That your prospects...
  31. Ivan Seeking

    Ghost Tales of Shakespeare: Legends & Lore

    Rather than create a new thread for each news report on ghosts, I will post the newest links here on a semi-regular basis. Please feel free to add any interesting stories. Much ado about ghost stories in Shakespeare:
  32. Ivan Seeking

    More Believe In God Than Heaven: Fox News,2933,99945,00.html
  33. Ivan Seeking

    Infant Cereal Linked To Diabetes: CBS News
  34. Ivan Seeking

    Physicists build world's smallest motor Berkeley News

    "It's the smallest synthetic motor that's ever been made," said Alex Zettl, professor of physics at UC Berkeley and faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. "Nature is still a little bit ahead of us - there are biological motors that are equal or slightly smaller in size - but...
  35. E

    Why are the Brewers the laughing stock of the Central Division?

    It's kind of embarrassing for Wisconsin this year... our baseball team sucks. Why can't the Brewers get a decent pitcher? Why did they get rid of Leskanic? Why did they achieve a record number of strike-outs this season? Why are we Wisconsin tax-payers still paying for a goddamn...
  36. Ivan Seeking

    Theorems in Wheat Fields: Science News

    I am just posting FYI. I will say it one more time: Crop circles are real. They were studied by meteorologists as early as the 1940s. There clearly is a some kind of genuine phenomenon involved, but I think it is limited to simple circles, and it is purely terrestrial. I think the rest -the...
  37. Ivan Seeking

    'Bigfoot' spotted in China: BBC News

    "They also say that they found a three metre long patch of "foul smelling urine-like liquid" on the road. "
  38. G

    News Can the Star-Telegram be trusted as a reliable source of news?

    And we all know what a bastion of truth the Star-Telegram represents... I mean, its my home paper, and the stories they have published concerning myself or my colleagues have been so absolutely 100% inaccurate I have become accustomed on sunday morning to this : " Bring me coffee! Bring...
  39. N

    News How Did American Democracy Respond to the Dixie Chicks' Critique?

    The Saudi newspaper Arab News had an article about the limites of American democracy. The writer even had something to say about the Dixie Chicks. I thought it was fun: "During this crisis patriotism as practiced in the United States reached alarming levels of intolerance and violence. The...
  40. D

    News Is Fox News Winning Against Whistle-Blowing Reporter?

    In a charming bit of irony, Fox won an appeal against a whistle-blowing reporter who threatened to report pressure from Fox to air what she knew to be false information. Fox's argument? "There is no hard, fast, and written rule against deliberate distortion of the news... the FCC position...
  41. A

    News What's On the News? US Administration Perception & Global News Coverage

    From what people say here and elsewhere, it seems to me that in the USA, the news does not show anything which might reflect badly upon the US administration. It seems the news companies here and there are very selective in what they show people. So I am curious, what are they showing you in...