As if anyone needed additional proof Fox News is a propaganda organization, here is a video of Fox News pundits demanding Julian Assange's assassination. Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, is called a "traitor" and "treasonous" and supposedly broke "every law of the United States."...
"News" for entertainment
Over the last few years, a number of discussions have brought the following to light. While it is no secret that many or most alleged news agencies have discovered that entertainment is far more profitable than good reporting, what I didn't realize is that, based on my...
Trying to get a link that works.
Qantas grounds A380s after engine blast
The Australian - Steve Creedy, Peter Alford - 1 hour ago
Firefighters surround the Qantas superjumbo after it made an emergency landing at Changi airport in Singapore following an...
Good news, No -- Bad news, Yes
I have some good news and some bad news, . Obviously it is good news that bad news is generally believed.
Obviously that makes it only one way...
Local "news"?
Sometimes I think all local news is for is telling us what the weather will be like and what's going on at elementary schools. So far I swear they went on for 5 minutes about how the air conditioning went off at an elementary school for 2 whole days! WHO CARES?!??! I'm just...
To all,
Yesterday mid morning my Mom had a heart attack at home in Grand Junction, Colorado. Fortunately her close neighbor was there to call 911 who responded immediately. Unfortunately it was so massive there was nothing that could have saved her. I have since spoken to the neighbor... I'm a bit of a computer nerd. I often fix/build/take apart computers on a regular basis. It always irritates me when some who knows nothing about PCs tells me how awesome their Dell computer is and how I'm...
Voyager 2 Hijacked!(on news)
How is this possible? is this real spacecraft -claims-expert.html
I need to write one for my first year Lab course. My current idea is to write about the future reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, and how it might affect things on earth. However, I've looked into some theoretical effects of the shift (mainly during the shift itself) and there doesn't seem...
I'm curious, what do you PF'ers prefer when it comes to staying up to date with science news?
I.e what websites and/or subscriptions do you recommend?
Currently I check physorg,, and sciencedaily.
Trying to get some background for a potential news article about engineering challenges for aircraft fluid (primarily fuel and avionics cooling) systems – focusing on contrasts between designing for UAVs vs. manned aircraft.
Engineers I already talked with have mentioned: designing...
Dateline March 31, 2010
Once again, the popular press serves up a pig's breakfast:
From Reuters:
CERN goes back to the beginning [headline]
Physicists smashed subatomic particles into each other with record energy yesterday, creating thousands of mini-Big Bangs like the primeval...
Catastrophic event" stopped growth of galaxy{ON News}
Growth of the galaxy stopped,it exploded does this may effect our galaxy
So, my company, has to downsize again. We had a meeting today, expecting to be given the option to take a voluntary layoff, which is a package that would include 6 months of pay and benefits, minimum, or stay and risk firing.
They told us that instead of offering us a lay off...
Dear all,
Unfortunately, we have just learned of the death of one of our members, negitron. Since he was a valuable contributor in this forum, I am posting this announcement for those who might not have seen it in the General Discussion forum.
Feel free to add your thoughts, if you wish...
Bad news: a young man gets a terrible lung disease.
Good news: he gets a lung transplant.
Bad news: the lungs he gets belonged to a heavy smoker and he dies a year later, of lung cancer.
The critical question here, which I can't find in the article: did the patient know the donor was a...
MTd2 spotted this one and called our attention to it:
The brief summary announcement he put at the n-Category Café group blog says:
This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 280)
Posted by John Baez
In week280 of This Week’s Finds...
Tomorrow, you may or may not be aware, is the date of Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project, which the Fox News host
Fox News clearly picks a side when it comes to debates. How do you consider this fair and balance?How can they claim they are they only non-corrupt network? What did Obama gave CNN? What sides of any issue has a CNN news caster picked?
If you are traveling away from Earth on a spaceship near the speed of light, it is well known that the moving clocks on the ship run slower relative to stationary clocks on earth.
I was wondering if while on the space ship, you could watch the news on TV and see events progress at a...
Well, President Obama has attacked an unnamed TV station for constantly attacking his administration. hmmm...i wonder which network it is:wink:
Futurama is coming back.
I told my wife that our youngest, Ben (That's him <== on my shoulders), is named after Benjamin Franklin.
It's actually so I can call him Bender.
More baby mammoth news
will be aired Sun 26 April.
Should be good for some discussion.
I joined this group to specifically comment on FoxNews.
I watch it here in New Zealand on my cable channel.
I watch it if for entertainment only. You can not watch that channel and seriously think you are getting an unbiased view of politics.
One gets the impressions that their hosts think...
On the CNN noon broadcast today, Rick Sanchez, who IMO is not a serious journalist, is quoting a friend of Poplawski, who allegedly directly links Poplawski's killing spree to recent right-wing conspiracy rhetoric. He mentioned both Fox and hate...
The children and relatives of politicians have been catching the news for years.
Billy Carter and drinking
Ferraro's son arrested for selling drugs
Bush's daughters drinking
Palin's daughter and pregnancy
Now it's Biden's daughter and snorting cocaine...
The thread title pretty much says it all. In most cases, the thread starter would post some of their favorites to get the thread started, but I don't know of any. And that's why I've come to you for some recommendations. So, post em up! :smile:
Here in Arizona we just had an 8 year old kid murder his dad and his dad's friend. I shouldn't say murder, allegedly murdered. This is one of the strangest cases ever. The police interviewed the boy and at first he says he came home and found them dead, but as the interview goes on he admits to...
As the news are flooded with bad things happening, I thought it was time to read of good news from the world. I'll start with this:
Passenger on Finnair's flight from Bangkok to Helsinki gave birth to a healthy child. The birth took place somewhere above Kazakhstan. Unfortunately I don't have...
Should the news be sent at night/late evening only?
The news are full of violence, war, killing and other misery. Should this be sent late at night to protect children from seing it?
This thread is not stupid, so please don't lock it.
This morning, I was reading some stuff about DNA Computing on wiki, arstechnica, and other places.. I found it quite interesting and want to know the latest happening in the same area. If any of you is working on this new technology then please let's discuss about it.
The CRAZIEST news story EVER?
You may think the title is sensationalist... and then you'll read the following...
Watch this video... its baffling. I tried to write a description but I just can't find the words... suffice to say 2 Swedish twins run into on-coming traffic on the freeway...
I'm not too familiar with gaming , this game is supposedly going to employ a grand new concept.
I've got a new job! I'm moving an office almost directly above the one I'm currently in. :biggrin: Contract isn't signed yet, but I have the verbal offer and permission to start moving into my new with a window finally! Actually, even better than a window, it's newly...
This article is about Martian ice. Why can't it be dry ice? Why are the scientists so sure that it is water ice?
i need some piece of news in the past month that contains something about a few chemical compounds.
i just can't seem to find anything good. nowadays its all about global warming and green house gases and stuff
can anyone help me find something other than anything having to do with global...