Picture Definition and 416 Threads

COBOL (; an acronym for "common business-oriented language") is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It is an imperative, procedural and, since 2002, object-oriented language. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. COBOL is still widely used in applications deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs. However, due to its declining popularity and the retirement of experienced COBOL programmers, programs are being migrated to new platforms, rewritten in modern languages or replaced with software packages. Most programming in COBOL is now purely to maintain existing applications; however, many large financial institutions were still developing new systems in COBOL as late as 2006 due to the mainframe processing speed.COBOL was designed in 1959 by CODASYL and was partly based on the programming language FLOW-MATIC designed by Grace Hopper. It was created as part of a US Department of Defense effort to create a portable programming language for data processing. It was originally seen as a stopgap, but the Department of Defense promptly forced computer manufacturers to provide it, resulting in its widespread adoption. It was standardized in 1968 and has since been revised four times. Expansions include support for structured and object-oriented programming. The current standard is ISO/IEC 1989:2014.COBOL statements have an English-like syntax, which was designed to be self-documenting and highly readable. However, it is verbose and uses over 300 reserved words. In contrast with modern, succinct syntax like y = x;, COBOL has a more English-like syntax (in this case, MOVE x TO y).
COBOL code is split into four divisions (identification, environment, data, and procedure) containing a rigid hierarchy of sections, paragraphs and sentences. Lacking a large standard library, the standard specifies 43 statements, 87 functions and just one class.
Academic computer scientists were generally uninterested in business applications when COBOL was created and were not involved in its design; it was (effectively) designed from the ground up as a computer language for business, with an emphasis on inputs and outputs, whose only data types were numbers and strings of text.
COBOL has been criticized throughout its life for its verbosity, design process, and poor support for structured programming. These weaknesses result in monolithic, verbose (intended to be English-like) programs that are not easily comprehensible.

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  1. F

    Interaction picture - time evolution operator

    Hey all, I got some question referring to the interaction picture. For example: I have the Hamiltonian ##H=sum_k w_k b_k^\dagger b_k + V(t)=H1+V(t)## When I would now have a time evolution operator: ##T exp(-i * int(H+V))##. (where T is the time ordering operator) How can I transform it...
  2. Nathanael

    Find the acceleration of the wedge (see picture)

    Homework Statement In the arrangement shown in fig 1.24, the masses of the bar, m, and of the wedge, M, and also the wedge angle, ##\alpha##, are known. The masses of the thread and pulley are negligible, and friction is absent. Find the acceleration of the wedge M. The Attempt at a...
  3. SSGD

    Convert Perspective picture to Ortho picture for CAD

    I want to take a picture of an object. Then import the image into cad. And trace it. The issue I am having is the picture from the camera is a 3D perspective image. So it is impossible for me to trace in CAD. Is there a way to convert an image from perspective to orthogonal? Or create a...
  4. R

    What causes the liquid to rise in this picture?

    This is a diagram of a pitot-static tube. My question is however not related to its applications but rather, what causes the liquid to rise up the static tube? The static tube is at right angles to the fluid flow. I understand that this is a very basic question but I can't seem to get my head...
  5. H

    I dare you to post the 3rd picture on your phone

  6. D

    Who Is That in Your Profile Picture?

    I find some people's choice of their profile picture bemusing. I can never figure out who it's supposed to be, so I figured I'd make a poll out of curiosity. This only applies to people who have as a profile picture a human face, obviously.
  7. K

    Picture of Bragg's diffraction sounds confusing

    This may be a little of a stupid question. But I was looking at a diagram describing Bragg's Law of Diffraction. and I was like...how can an interference happen if wave beam C and wave beam C' are hitting different points on the detector screen?! they are not hitting the same point on the...
  8. naima

    What is the equivalence to the free field in the interaction picture?

    I read in this http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.05658']paper[/PLAIN] "Unfortunately, the derivation of the Dyson series perturbation expansion relies on the use of the interaction picture, in which the interacting field is unitarily equivalent to the free field" It may be obvious but could you tell...
  9. H

    Exporting Pictures from Maxwell: Solutions & Tips

    hi everyone. I need to take a high quality picture of my design and its graphically results in maxwell but i couldn't find a proper solution. I would be really grateful if somebody help me.

    Explanation of wave-particle picture, light

    Sincé I am not a physicist, but study a lot of quantum physics of my own, I hope you excuse my incomplete knowledge. I have been thinking about the following: If a picture of a simultaneous wave-particle was taken, doesn´t that contradict the fact that waves actually don´t exist, they are...
  11. D

    Question about camera lens taking a picture

    Hey guys, Can someone give a basic explanation of why a camera can take a picture even if half of its lens is covered up? Thanks guys...
  12. J-dizzal

    What is the Magnitude of Betty's Force for Equilibrium?

    Homework Statement FC of magnitude 188 N. Note that the direction of FC is not given. What is the magnitude of Betty's force FB if Charles pulls in (a) the direction drawn in the picture or (b) the other possible direction for equilibrium Homework Equations ΣF=0[/B]The Attempt at a Solution...
  13. S

    Interpretation of the Heisenberg picture in QM

    I was always a bit puzzled by the Heisenberg picture (not mathematically, I'm fine with that, but conceptually) - if a "state" describes a system, how can it not be time-dependent, if the system changes? I just found an alternative way of looking at it which seems to make sense to me, but I'm...
  14. G

    Precession: A picture using only forces

    Hi, If the axis of a spinning top isn't vertical, it starts to precess. I'm perfectly familiar with the explanation using torque, angular velocity and momentum vectors, then the direction of the precession comes out just by taking a vector product. However, to me it's absolutely not intuitive...
  15. R

    Micro laser welding, the picture is a crack?

    Hi guys, My name is Rogelio H. Aguirre, a grad student from the University of Waterloo working on MEMS sensors. Currently, I am working with micro laser welding suppliers to fabricate the packaging of a pressure and a temperature sensor. I have some experience on weldings, but not in micro...
  16. D

    Harmonic oscillator in Heisenberg picture

    For the harmonic oscillator in 1-D we get the 2nd time derivative of the x Heisenberg operator = -ω2 x. When that is integrated it gives xH (t) = Acos(ω t) +Bsin (ω t) where A and B are time independent operators. My question is why are the constants A and B incorporated into the terms as a...
  17. evinda

    LaTeX Troubleshooting: Image Not Appearing - Tips for Inserting an Image in LATEX

    Hello! (Wave) I am writing something in LATEX and I want to insert an image. I wrote at the beginning this: \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{ {shm/} } shm is the folder where I saved the picture that I want to upload and then I wrote this: \item \includegraphics{ask2} (I...
  18. S

    A picture, a plane and the flat terrain. Please explain.

    A problem of photogrammetry How can be demonstrated that the terrain in front of the plane you see in the photo is flat and there is no slope going down there? First flight, 120 feet in 12 seconds, 10:35 a.m, December 17, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orville Wright at the controls. If...
  19. F

    Revolutionizing Vehicle Energy Efficiency with Regenerative Shock Absorbers

    I would love to hear your feedback on this picture guys. I'm not an engineer, but I drew this several years ago as part of an invention idea (hydraulic fluid used to spin a turbine, energy conversion). I've gone WAY past this in my invention, but, my partner and I revisited my sketch book for an...
  20. A

    Using Red Light to Reduce Effect of Ambient Light

    Hello, I have heard many times that red lighting is good for imaging applications where the effect of ambient light needs to be reduced to a minimum. What is the theory behind this? Why does red light (vs. other colors) reduce the effect of ambient light? Thank you.
  21. C

    Calculating Kp for gas mixture from picture

    Homework Statement A chemical reaction is described by the equation N2O4 <> 2NO2. The pressure equilibrium constant for the given reaction is equal to 8 Pa. Which picture describes the equilibrium? (Please, see the attached file!). [/B]Homework Equations N2O4 <> 2NO2[/B]The Attempt at a...
  22. C

    Interaction picture equation from Heisenberg equation

    The standard Heisenberg picture equation of motion is $$i\hbar\frac d{dt}A_H=[A_H,H],$$ assuming no explicit ##t##-dependence on the Heisenberg-picture operator ##A_H##. I've been trying to go directly from this equation to the corresponding interaction-picture equation, $$i\hbar\frac...
  23. S

    QM1: Book on Dirac Picture | Griffiths/Shankar Level

    I've taken a course in QM 1, based on the Schrodinger picture and QM 2 looks to be a continuation of this picture. Looking through Wikipedia, I found the article on the Dirac picture. Is there a good undergraduate (at the level of Griffiths or Shankar) textbook on this picture of QM? Since...
  24. arpon

    Find the Tension and Acceleration of Cable B in Picture 3

    [moderator's note: moved to homework forum so no template] In picture 3, A has touched the ground, so it has stopped. But B has a velocity upward. So in this situation, the cable is not straight. What will be the tension of the cable and what will be the accelertion of B in picture 3 ...
  25. L

    Notation for marking the voltage drop in this picture

    Homework Statement When we write the V_0 on the right of the diagram as show below, between which two points does the voltage drop refer to? There are two nodes on the top correct? I am assuming the voltage drop refers to the two rightmost nodes. I've tried to circle the nodes. See this...
  26. Breo

    Heisenberg Picture Formalism: Rewriting Operators in Covariance

    Why does Heisenberg picture formalism requires to rewrite operators in explicit covariance?
  27. L

    The Big Picture of Solar Research

    From a top-level view, what exactly are people working on in solar these days? Efficiency? Cost? Both? What are the parameters people really have to vary? Crystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous? Binary, ternary, quaternary compounds? Crystal structure (I have heard perovskites are a hot...
  28. P

    Relative positioning sensor question (With Picture)

    So I've been researching whatcould be the sensor/s that would do what the picture depicts: I have camera A behind camera B. What I'm trying to achieve is: to point the position of camera B when B passes on the field of view of A. When B pases in front of camera A the Screen of camera A will...
  29. D

    LaTeX Latex Picture Help: 2 Inputs, 2 Outputs

    I want to have a picture of a box that depicts a function F that takes 2 inputs and 2 outputs with arrows, like-->| F | <-- <--|__| --> Can I do it with latex code, or do I need to draw a picture?
  30. R

    Did James Clerk Maxwell Ever Draw a Picture of an Electromagnetic Wave?

    Did James Clerk Maxwell Ever Draw a Picture of an Electromagnetic Wave in any of his notebooks? Who was the first one to draw one? Would love to find the first picture representing it all! I am looking for the first example of a drawing looking like this showing the perpendicular sinusoidal...
  31. davenn

    Picture of a major storm approaching home

    hi guys and gals been a wild Monday and Tuesday here in the Sydney, Australia region 2 evenings of wild weather first on Monday was a large thunderstorm storm that came in from the west bringing intense lightning, rain and hail Tuesday nite saw an intense low form over the region. This brought...
  32. E

    Is it possible to take a picture of the radio-waves on earth?

    I was wondering If anyone knows if this is possible, or why it might be a silly idea.
  33. P

    Neurons and neurotransmitters. The bigger picture?

    I am trying to learn about neuroscience on my own but every book I have picked up goes so much into details for every single thing that I tend to miss the bigger picture. I have some questions that I can't seem to find answers on, mainly about how neurons work. Keep in mind that I have a...
  34. frazelle09

    What's wrong with this picture?

    We are working on an electronic solar hot water heater. We had it working but decided to change the way the aluminum tube was connected to the frame by running a 7" bolt through both the alum tube as well as the support (see photo 02, bolt at top). We thought that it was going to act as a...
  35. H

    Some questions about the heisenberg picture

    I have some questions regarding the Heisenberg picture of QM. 1. How does one calculate probabilities for measuring eigenvalues? Are the eigenvectors simply time dependant? 2.Does this mean for initial value problems, the initial data of the system is contained in the operators? (Or...
  36. Maxo

    Single slit interference picture

    I'm wondering something about illustrations of single slit interference. I've seen them being illustrated in different ways. One way is this: and another way is this: But I don't understand how these can show the same thing? In the first picture, we have light rays that are obviously NOT...
  37. Q

    Would this be a picture of pentene?

    Homework Statement Would this be a picture of pentene? I'm unsure because of the location of the double bond - does the location of the double bond factor into naming alkenes?
  38. D

    How does Weinberg's Quantum Theory of Fields develop QFT in Heisenberg picture?

    Hello, Can anyone recommend me a book that develops QFT in Heisenberg picture? I have found Källen - Quantum Electrodynamics. Thanks in advance for the answers.
  39. I

    Books that emphasize Heisenberg picture

    Hi fellas, one friends that is Mathematician asked me to recommend some textbook that emphasizes Heisenberg picture and where this picture is rigorously explained. If anyone knows some good book for this I would be grateful :) Regards, Ivan
  40. X

    Time Evolution operator in Interaction Picture (Harmonic Oscillator)

    Homework Statement Consider a time-dependent harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian \hat{H}(t)=\hat{H}_0+\hat{V}(t) \hat{H}_0=\hbar \omega \left( \hat{a}^{\dagger}\hat{a}+\frac{1}{2} \right) \hat{V}(t)=\lambda \left( e^{i\Omega t}\hat{a}^{\dagger}+e^{-i\Omega t}\hat{a} \right) (i)...
  41. D

    Chemical for cleaning printed picture on plastic material?

    Hi all, I'm david from indonesia. Sory for my english. Can you help me to found a chemical that I can use to cleaning printed picture on plastic material? This is for recycling, means in big volume... Thanks before
  42. J

    LaTeX Inserting a picture into a latex document

    I am trying to insert a picture into a document I am writing up but when I use pdftexify there seems to be a caption next to the image that I cannot remove. I am using winedt and am very new to Latex so bear that in mind. This is the operation I used: \includegraphics[scale=2]{riemann sphere.jpg}
  43. F

    MHB Solving Integral in Picture: Step-by-Step Guide

    Can somebody explain how to solve integral from the picture above?( solution is in the second line)
  44. 9

    Convergent limits for sequences: picture terms

    A limit of a sequence is definitely convergent if: If for any value of K there is an N sufficiently large that an > K for n > N, OR for any value of K there is an N sufficiently large that an<±K for n > N My only question is what exactly are K, N, an and n? What values are they? How would...
  45. Greg Bernhardt

    Hubble Picture Crushes Your Sense of Scale

    Hubble Sees Infant Galaxies at the Edge of the Universe http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/01/09/distant_galaxies_hubble_image_of_galaxies_at_the_universe_s_edge.html
  46. H

    Phase space and phase angles in a Quantum picture.

    Hi guys, I was hoping someone may be able to clear something up for me. I have been reading a paper on Quantum decoherence and was curious about what particular point (it could easily just be me misunderstanding) It is commonly noted that the superposition of waves represents all of the...
  47. Y

    Getting jpg file (picture) from video.

    My wife accidentally have the camera in video mode, she tried to take pictures but took a few seconds of video instead. is there any way to get picture out of it at the right moment. I understand the resolution will be bad, but those are important pictures, bad pictures are better than no...
  48. Q

    Equation of Motion in Heisenberg Picture

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m is in a harmonic oscillator potential with spring constant k. An observable quantity is given in the Schrodinger picture by the operator: Z = a^{\dagger}a a^{\dagger} a a) Determine the equation of motion of the operator in the Heisenberg...