Picture Definition and 416 Threads

COBOL (; an acronym for "common business-oriented language") is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It is an imperative, procedural and, since 2002, object-oriented language. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. COBOL is still widely used in applications deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs. However, due to its declining popularity and the retirement of experienced COBOL programmers, programs are being migrated to new platforms, rewritten in modern languages or replaced with software packages. Most programming in COBOL is now purely to maintain existing applications; however, many large financial institutions were still developing new systems in COBOL as late as 2006 due to the mainframe processing speed.COBOL was designed in 1959 by CODASYL and was partly based on the programming language FLOW-MATIC designed by Grace Hopper. It was created as part of a US Department of Defense effort to create a portable programming language for data processing. It was originally seen as a stopgap, but the Department of Defense promptly forced computer manufacturers to provide it, resulting in its widespread adoption. It was standardized in 1968 and has since been revised four times. Expansions include support for structured and object-oriented programming. The current standard is ISO/IEC 1989:2014.COBOL statements have an English-like syntax, which was designed to be self-documenting and highly readable. However, it is verbose and uses over 300 reserved words. In contrast with modern, succinct syntax like y = x;, COBOL has a more English-like syntax (in this case, MOVE x TO y).
COBOL code is split into four divisions (identification, environment, data, and procedure) containing a rigid hierarchy of sections, paragraphs and sentences. Lacking a large standard library, the standard specifies 43 statements, 87 functions and just one class.
Academic computer scientists were generally uninterested in business applications when COBOL was created and were not involved in its design; it was (effectively) designed from the ground up as a computer language for business, with an emphasis on inputs and outputs, whose only data types were numbers and strings of text.
COBOL has been criticized throughout its life for its verbosity, design process, and poor support for structured programming. These weaknesses result in monolithic, verbose (intended to be English-like) programs that are not easily comprehensible.

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  1. L

    How does a mathematican picture what he's working on?

    In mathematics, what the expert sees and does with an image is not what the novice sees, even with the same diagrams. What the teacher sees is not what the students see. What one student sees is not what their neighbor sees. All of these differences impact our classroom work with diagrams and...
  2. P

    Picture attatched. help find tension?

    Homework Statement What is the tension T in the string? Homework Equations Is their an equation for tension. not in my book? The Attempt at a Solution im soo lost.
  3. L

    How to form a picture in mind of coherent state?

    Dear all: I knew the coherent state is the eigenstate of annihilation operator with a complex eigenvalue, which seriously disturbed me of thinking it. Can anyone give me a simple and understandable picture of what is it, thanks a lot in advance.
  4. hxtasy

    If you wear glasses please look at this picture optical illusion?

    While drawing a computer chassis I'm designing, i came across a really weird optical illusion. it only seems to work with my glasses on. i put sun glasses on and could see it move a little, but with classes if you stare at the hexagons and move your head while looking at them, everything shifts...
  5. B

    XRy: x has drawn a picture of y | what relations apply?

    Homework Statement The relation xRy is defined as "x has drawn a picture of y". R is on the set of all people. Is this relation: reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric, transitive ? Homework Equations What confuses me about this problem is that there is uncertainty...
  6. H

    Free Electricity Generation (A serious question over a funny picture)

    [PLAIN]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/313028_10150383340891940_666206939_8328916_99129355_n.jpg Would this system work, if the air-water isolation problem (water leakage into the air tank) is solved? If it would work, where does the input energy comes from? We obtain...
  7. I

    Vertical Component of this Picture?

    A ball of mass 0.6 kg, initially at rest, is kicked directly toward a fence from a point 20 m away, as shown below. The velocity of the ball as it leaves the kicker’s foot is 17 m/s at angle of 52◦ above the horizontal. The top of the fence is 7 m high. The ball hits nothing while in flight and...
  8. B

    Question about the Heisenberg Picture

    Homework Statement I've seen this example for using the Heisenberg equation of motion to solve the Simple Hamonic Oscillator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heisenberg_picture#Commutator_relations" However, if you were only interested in one variable, let's say position, on how the the...
  9. H

    How Does a Charge Distribution with Zero Total Charge Exist?

    Need a physical picture! The electric potential of some charge configuration is given by V(r) = A*e^(-λr) / r Its Electric field is E = A*[(λr+1)/(r^2)]*e^(-λr) \hat{r} And its charge density is ρ = 4*pi*A*ε0*δ(r) - [(ε0*(λ^2)*A*e^-λr) / r] , where δ(r) is delta function. The thing that...
  10. U

    Relative motion problem (with picture)

    Homework Statement http://imgur.com/EcjIaHomework Equations I already got the first part (v_b/a) i need to find r dot and theta dotThe Attempt at a Solution well i got v_b/a. for r I was thinking of using sqrt(y^2 +x^2) at the r and taking derivatives of that. i don't quite understand polar...
  11. P

    1) If we charge a stacked capacitor like the one in the picture and

    1) If we charge a stacked capacitor like the one in the picture and then remove the leads (red and blue) what will be the voltage between bottom and top plate? Is it going to be 5 times (the number of stages) the original voltage or what? [PLAIN]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4742/capr.png...
  12. J

    Slightly confused about embedding picture and imagining spacetime

    I'm slightly confused as to how we can use the picture of a 2D surface embedded in 3D space as an analogue to understand (maybe not picture!) 4D spacetime. My initial thinking was that trying to imagine a 4D spacetime isn't really possible, it's just a mathematical concept which one should not...
  13. B

    Geology Subduction Zones question based of picture

    Homework Statement (Picture is attached) a. Based on island arc-trench geometry in Fig 2.17, what factors determine the width of the arc-trench gap, and explain your answer? Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution 1. I think it is the subducting plate and the...
  14. P

    Picture Identification: How to Tell a Chamfer From Rounded Corners

    I attached the problem, how can you tell? nvm , i think it's a chamfer because the corners aren't rounded
  15. N

    Heisenberg picture describes emission, Schroedinger picture does not

    Am I right in thinking that the Heisenberg matrix interpretation describes emission, while the Schroedinger interpretation does not?
  16. C

    Interaction Picture: Explaining H = H_o + H_int

    So this concept of H = H_o + H_int has been extremely confusing to me. Wikipedia offers the best explanation, but there a couple things that still confuses me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction_picture Why is the state vector in the Interacting picture defined as |\psi_{I}(t)> = e^{i...
  17. M

    Question about Quantum dot (picture)

    Hi all! Can anyone tell me What this picture of a quantum dot means?? The signifigance of what this exact picture stands for. What does it prove??
  18. C

    Help a Girl Out: Graphing Calculator Picture Project

    Homework Statement we have to create a picture in the graphing calculater, rules to the project 1window must be set at X[-20.7,24.7] and Y[-13,17] 2picture must be centered in this window 3no fewer then 20 program lines. horizontal and vertical lines don't count in the 20 4no programs within...
  19. Drakkith

    What is the difference between the left and right pictures of a Quasar Core?

    So I was looking some stuff up on Quasars on Wikipedia and noticed this picture. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/2003-03-b-web.jpg It says that this is a Quasar Core. What exactly is the difference between the left and right pictures here? Did they block out the light...
  20. V

    Particle picture is misleading. True?

    Do you agree that the development of Quantum field theory has totally outdated the concepts of particles? How come we still talk about particle wave duality? If you use this concept to explain the double slit experiment. Endless debates arise as to whether the electron pass thru the left or...
  21. S

    Can Operators Be Divided in the Schrodinger Equation Derivation?

    I had a math question about the following steps. The Shroedinger's equation can be written as follows. \LARGE i\hbar \frac{d}{dt}U(t) |\psi(0)> = HU(t)|\psi(0)> Where H is the hamiltonian and U is the time evolution operator. So U satisfies the schrodinger equation. \LARGE...
  22. A

    How does friction affect the stopping distance of a moving crate?

    Homework Statement A crate is carried in a truck traveling horizontally at 15m/s. If the coeff of static friction between the crate and the truck is 0.40, determine the min. stopping distance for the truck such that the crate will not slide on the truck. Homework Equations Newton's Laws...
  23. O

    What is the Engineer's Magic Box?

    I figured this is the best place for asking this question. My apologies for those that find it inappropriate. I am looking for an image of the engineer's magic box for a powerpoint :(. If it has a proper name, please tell me. See the attachment for my MS Paint representation.
  24. S

    Can someone draw this diagram for me because I must be getting the wrong picture

    Determine the maximum horizontal distance that a projectile will have at a height of 60 m above its origin if it is fired at an angle at 70degrees from the horizontal with a velocity of 50m/s
  25. K

    Some confusions about interaction picture, in peskin

    In peskin chap 4 on interaction field theory, he first introduced some basics about interaction picture(mostly in pg. 83~87) , it seems he assumed the Hamiltonians H=H_0+H_int in Schrodinger picture are all time-independent, because he used quite a lot of notations like exp(iHt), exp(iH_0t) and...
  26. 1

    Simple electric force problem with point masses includes picture

    Simple electric force problem with point masses... includes picture! Homework Statement Four point charges of +/- q are arranged on the corners of a square of side L as illustrated in the figure. What is the net electric force that these charges exert on a point charge q placed at the center...
  27. P

    A descriptive picture of radar simultaneity

    I'm sure someone else must have come up with this (the description in the third paragraph), but I haven't seen it. Briefly, for those not familiar with it, radar simultaneity generalizes Einstein's simultaneity convention directly to arbitrarility accelerating observer. Dalsepam has posted a...
  28. L

    Looking for a picture of black body radiation from an oven

    Hello, looking for a picture of black body radiation from an oven Years ago I had found a nice illustration. An opened hot oven was shown. The pottery inside could hardly be seen. This illustrated what I believe is one of most important aspect of a black body. If is specially useful...
  29. S

    Taking picture of stars from weather balloon

    I'm a high school physics teacher and my students are building a science payload to launch on a weather balloon. You can look http://www.donorschoose.org/donors/proposal.html?id=458390&challengeid=39361" to see some project details and even donate a couple bucks to help make the project a...
  30. B

    Circular motion with unknowns and picture

    Homework Statement An ice cube slides on a frictionless sphere. It is placed at the top at of the sphere with radius (R), and given an instantaneous push at speed (S). At what angle(x) from vertical does the ice cube leave the surface of the sphere? Radius = R Speed/Velocity = v angle = x...
  31. G

    Distance of particle travels from origin, and maximum speed, picture included

    Homework Statement A 3.2 kg particle moves along the direction under the influence of a force described by the potential energy function U = a k~xk, where a = 5.48 J/m and x is the position of the particle in meters measured from the origin as in Figure. The total energy of the particle...
  32. G

    Length along ramp from end of spring, picture included

    Homework Statement A(n) 2300 g block is pushed by an external force against a spring (with a 14 N/cm spring constant) until the spring is compressed by 19 cm from its uncompressed length. The compressed spring and block rests at the bot- tom of an incline of 33◦ . The acceleration of...
  33. G

    Hat height from the ground will the child become airborne? picture included

    Homework Statement A poorly designed playground slide begins with a straight section and ends with a circular arc as shown in the figure below. [PLAIN]http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/8381/25746193.jpg A child starts at point P and slides down both sections of the slide. At some point on...
  34. pellman

    Time derivative in the Heisenberg picture?

    On the Wikipedia page for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heisenberg_picture#Mathematical_details" we find this relation \frac{d}{dt}A(t)=\frac{i}{\hbar}[H,A(t)]+\left(\frac{\partial A}{\partial t}\right) I don't understand what the distinction between \frac{d}{dt}A(t) and...
  35. nukeman

    Define/explain this gravity calculation (picture)

    Hey guys, Im trying to write something up, and I want a more detailed explanation of this calculation (image below) - Can anyone give it a go? Thanks in advance I am trying to find a graphic/image that best suits calculations that have to do with acceleration and gravity, so if...
  36. G

    Crate pulled up incline, kinetic energy and speed; picture included

    Homework Statement A crate is pulled by a force (parallel to the incline) up a rough incline. The crate has an initial speed shown in the figure below. The crate is pulled a distance of 5.94 m on the incline by a 150 N force. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 ...
  37. G

    Angle between Fz and S, picture included

    Homework Statement Hint: W = ~S · ~F . Consider a force ~F with components Fx =28 N, Fy = 57 N, and Fz = 99 N, as illustrated in the figure below. Work is done when a particle moves up the vertical z-axis a distance of 4 m. [PLAIN]http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/5594/problem4e.jpg What...
  38. J

    GRT: Wrong Picture of Basic Cosmology?

    Hello, I hope you can help me. I thought I have an idea about GRT but I found this about about the basic cosmology. It is a link to a video from Stanford Univerisity. In short words: Susskind seems to confuse coordinates with distance. I can't understand that he seems to talk about defined...
  39. A

    Refrigeration - Explain the picture please

    Can someone please explain the picture attached below ? It has been taken from a lab where the supervisor actually failed to tell what is the remote sensing bulb doing attached to a condenser. I would like to know that why is it there and is the wire that is sticking out a capillary tube? If not...
  40. marcus

    Hartle Hawking offer probabilities for observations (eternal inflation picture)

    Hartle Hawking suggest probabilities for observations (eternal inflation picture) http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.2525 Eternal inflation without metaphysics James Hartle, S.W. Hawking, Thomas Hertog 4 pages (Submitted on 13 Sep 2010) "In the usual account of eternal inflation the universe is...
  41. bcrowell

    Conservation laws in GR: a messy picture?

    I've been trying to organize my thoughts about conservation laws in GR, and so far I'm not having as much success as I'd like in bringing order to the whole topic. Maybe this is just the way GR is -- conservation laws don't play their usual central role, and their behavior varies on a...
  42. hagopbul

    Picture Algorithm: Finding Unique Differences

    hello guys i need to know about an algorithm that can understand unique differences in a contenuse change photo [picture not a film ] where should i start looking ... what word shoould i use in the google / duckduckgo ,..etc
  43. S

    Question on Picture: Can You Help?

    can anyone pls answer the question on the pic... thx...
  44. N

    Applying Heisenberg Picture Confusion

    I was trying to follow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCua1R9VIiQ&p=EFD655A9E0B979B7&playnext=1&index=54" lecture at the 4:15 mark but am having a little difficulty. In particular, why doesn't he have to take the commutator of all four of the terms you get when you square (p-eA). Is he using...
  45. J

    What Am I Doing Wrong with My Picture Combinations Calculation?

    I would like do estimate the total number of different pictures I can represent by choosing a specific resolution and color depth, the number I'm getting seems somewhat low, so I'm wondering what am I doing wrong ? Let the picture size be 45x45pixels with a color depth of 8 bits (2^8 = 256...
  46. T

    Picture of the day: smallest primate

  47. N

    Heisenberg vs Schrodinger Picture

    Please tell me where my understanding of the Heisenberg and/or the Schrodinger picture falls apart. -Schrodinger says the state vector of a system changes with time according to a unitary operator that doesn't change with time. -Hesienberg says the state vector of a system doesn't change...
  48. M

    No Picture on the CRT Television

    All of a sudden the picture on my Panasonic CRT television disappeared, but the sound remained. The most common cause of the picture disappearing is a faulty tube and the warning sign of this can be seen for some while. So it can't be the tube. There was a funny burning type smell from the...
  49. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    Hello every body : i am very new to programming ,i am trying to write a programme that will work on the LSB of each byte in a 24 bit picture. now my question is how to treat a .bmp file ,i mean can i consider it as an array of integers with leth (for example)800x600. and start to changing the...
  50. D

    Equation of motion and operators in the interaction picture.

    Homework Statement I have a question that says: What is the equation of motion for a general operator in the interaction picture. I.e. how does the time derivative of the operators behaves ? Show this. And then I have to find the time development for the annihilation and creation operator...