Picture Definition and 417 Threads

  1. R

    Heisenberg vs schrodinger picture

    How does one work in the Heisenberg picture? Can you dequantize and solve the classical Hamilton's equations and somehow requantize this classical solution for the time evolution of the position and momentum operators (and more importantly the eigenvectors)? How would one go about doing that...
  2. T

    Picture Quality: Causes & Solutions

    What caused my picture to turn out the way it does. I really like it. If you would like I could upload a full res version to my server
  3. K

    Electromag. & Circuitcan't picture

    We just studied E.M. waves; May I assume that whenever we flip a switch, an E.M. wave is produced? -for example, flipping a light switch- If a wave is produced, how does it break off? We have a closed circuit. Does it break off & propogate near the Emf source? Ps. I am so so...
  4. S

    Is Saturn's Surface as Beautiful as it Looks in the Latest Cassini Image?

    Please check the latest Cassini image: http://ciclops.lpl.arizona.edu/media/ir/2004/574_1058_2.png Oh, my god, nature is beautiful.
  5. R

    Does the location of an electron in a hydrogen atom depend on temperature?

    If you looked at a picture of where an electron would be likely to be found in a hydrogen atom, would the electron picture look the same regardless of temperature? Edit: would the electron have a definite distance from the nucleus at 0 K and not just a likely place to be found?
  6. tony873004

    Stargazing Picture of Jupiter's moons without a telescope

    I took a picture of Jupiter's moons without a telescope. This is from my 300 mm zoom lens on my Canon Digital Rebel: http://orbitsimulator.com/orbiter/jupiter.jpg
  7. U

    Neutrinos back into the picture?

    Hey, guys! I have exciting news about neutrinos. Neutrinos are fundamental particles that are neutral in charge and approximately the size of an electron. They come in three favors, and these flavors are: electron neutrion, muon neutrino, and tau neutrino. There symbols are...
  8. Crumbles

    Digital Picture Orbs: Explaining Unusual White Objects

    Does anybody have a logical explanation to what those little white things on digital pictures are? I figured they can't be dust on the camera lens because they come out in a different place of the photo even if 2 photos are taken one after each other. Anybody, any ideas?
  9. M

    Tsunami Picture: Found on Web | FunnyJunk

    I found it on the web: http://www.funnyjunk.com/p/killer_dog-jpg.html So that's what your planing on doing.
  10. Ivan Seeking

    Have You Ever Seen the Green Flash?

  11. wolram

    How do the lava flows on Venus reach such incredible lengths?

    {incorrect link deleted by Phobos - - see Andre's link} fantastic picture of venus, showing lava flows.
  12. Mk

    What does liquid helium look like?

    He I need a picture of liquid helium itself for my project on superconductors. I've looked all over but I can't find anything
  13. B

    What Emotions Does This Image Evoke in You?

    http://www.frozenwinds.com/Portal/pic_display.asp?id=55 What do you think, when you see this picture ? What do you feel ? Sadness or do you want to sing a song about frogs :wink: ? Note: Hope I posted this in the right forum. Sry if it's the wrong one :smile:
  14. V

    What Does the Picture with Four E's and Arrows Mean on a Science Blackboard?

    there is this scientist in front of a black board. and there is this picture with four e's and a 4 arrows and a squiggly line. i would really appreciate it if some 1 helped me! thank you very much. i tried to draw that picture. it is in this web page . but it is in the "science question"...
  15. V

    Looking for a Picture with Einstein and 29 Scientists?

    i need to find a picture... HELP! people i need help. there is this picture i need to find it has 29 scientists and the only clue is it has einstein in it. i need to get where it was taken when and the link and the names of people. if you could help me i would really appreicieate it. please...
  16. marcus

    Your picture of universe's timeline

    Which is closest to how you are most apt to think of the universe's timeline: bounded interval with definite beginning and end? half-bounded, with a definite beginning but no end? or with a definite end but no beginning? infinite in both directions, no beginning and no end?
  17. marcus

    How you picture the expansion of space.

    Which of these comes closest to how you picture the expansion of space? As an explosion from a central point with galaxies flying away from the center of the explosion? As the 3D analog of the surface of a balloon? As the 3D analog of an infinite flat sheet of graph paper on which the...