Picture Definition and 417 Threads

  1. M

    Producing X-Rays from a Television Picture Tube

    Can X rays be produced by a television picture tube? My attempt It is possible that X-rays can be produced by a television picture tube or a Cathode Ray tube because by altering the CRT X- rays may be produced. I have no idea if that is true but i think so.
  2. F

    Can someone help me code this picture for a Paint.NET skin?

    First and foremost, I read CSS & HTML & a bit of XHTML before I asked this question. I read them in 2 sites, DaveSite.com & W3Schools.org Can somebody help me whether how to code this picture? I would really appreciate it, thanks!:approve: ( I am trying to make a Skin for Paint.NET for the...
  3. Monique

    What's Off in This Google Earth Image of Mid-Town NYC?

    Google Earth image of mid-town NYC http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2357/whatswronghereuy0.jpg Rockefeller center is in the middle of the picture.
  4. P

    What is a Rank 3 Tensor and Why Does It Matter?

    Hello Gals, I know what a scalar is. I know what a vector is. I know what a linear transformation is. But what in the name of sweet aunt petunia is a rank 3 tensor? Love, Plx Mny
  5. A

    How is the conjugate momentum defined in the Schrödinger picture of QFT?

    Hi, I have been wondering why we can consider d(phi)/dt when we are in Schrödinger picture (phi is just the usual scalar field here). Isn't this 0 as operators do not depend on time in this picture? However then how does it make sense to talk about the conjugate momentum in this picture which...
  6. D

    How did this happen? Weird picture

    How did this happen!? Weird picture! So yeah... I was at the bowling alley and someone took this picture: http://a37.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/38/l_81ee85d7d2e5ca216a96f823bb524cfc.jpg" This is NOT photoshopped. I could see an explanation if it were blurred, but the edges of...
  7. T

    Problem with nod voltage analysis se the picture

    Please watch the picture http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/8170/problem1yf5.jpg I am very thankfull toward any help given :)
  8. S

    Help What's wrong with this picture?

    Help! What's wrong with the dmv publication?:cry: http://www.theusefulblog.com/47331.jpg
  9. P

    Why is it difficult to visualize the structure of an atom and its components?

    I think I heard from a Nobel Laurete in Physics that from the Electron microscope we were able to see the picture of a real atom for the first time in the 70s. But my chemistry textbook written in 2000 said that no one has actually seen an atom. What is going on?
  10. wolram

    Web cam with good picture and audio quality

    Help please, is there such a thing as a wireless web cam that i can just use with out any mods or additions to my desk top? I need one with good picture and audio quality, and i need it to work 4yrds from the desk top. If there is no such thing can some one recommend a standard one for up to £50?
  11. ZapperZ

    What are the finalists for the worst picture in this contest?

    As expected, it was difficult to vote in this one. Just what criteria does one use? The best bad picture? The worst looking picture? Whatever it was, here are the finalists in this contest. Good luck! 1. turbo-1 http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/33/badcu4.jpg 2. larkspur...
  12. ZapperZ

    Which Photo Best Captures the Essence of a Photographic Mishap?

    This is the second group for this contest. Please vote for the picture that best reflects our theme for this contest: a bad picture in terms of mistakes in picture taking. You have one vote for each group. 1. Chi Meson 2. ZapperZ 3. 0TheSwerve0 4. Moonbear...
  13. ZapperZ

    Which photo best captures the theme of bad pictures in this contest?

    The photos for this contest range from the psychedelic to the disgusting! :) Please vote for the picture that best reflects our theme for this contest: a bad picture in terms of mistakes in picture taking. You have one vote for each group. 1. turbo-1...
  14. ZapperZ

    What is Historically Inaccurate About Enrico Fermi's Famous Photo?

    OK, if you've read this in Physics Today or some other publications, you should disqualify yourself. This is one of the most famous picture of Enrico Fermi. Yet, this picture has been a constant 'debate' among many physicists and science historians. Can you spot what is the issue with this...
  15. ZapperZ

    Photo Contest - Bad Picture (10/4-10/10)

    Bad Picture! This time, the theme is pictures that did not turn out, technically, as well as it should. Overexposed, underexposed, too dark, blurry, finger-in-picture, etc. all qualify. Note: such accidents should not be done deliberately just to qualify for this contest! So go through your...
  16. marcus

    Spin network euristic for pre-quantum picture

    spin network heuristic for pre-quantum picture this is about Smolin's two most recent http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0605052 Generic predictions of quantum theories of gravity Lee Smolin For inclusion in "Approaches to Quantum Gravity - toward a new understanding of space, time, and matter"...
  17. zoobyshoe

    Photo Contest - Crop This Picture

    This is an old snapshot I found at the swap meet: All it says on the back is "summer 1948". I am thinking of doing a drawing of it, and just using that scrawled note as the title of the drawing, Summer 1948, but it feels like it needs cropping to improve the composition. I've tried...
  18. N

    Can anyone tell me what this is a picture of?

    http://gabeiscool.com/other/25k/cisforcookie.jpg I'm not sure if it is related to math, sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
  19. P

    VCP(Video cassette player) picture problem

    Hey guys, I hope i posted this in the right forum...Im sorry if I am wrong because i could not find another appropriate forum... Anyway here is the thing...I have this video cassette player that i bought 5 years ago and it seems to have a piture display problem. This started last year...
  20. F

    Displaying a picture in a dialog box

    Hi everyone. I want to display a picture (a jpeg if that make any difference) inside a dialog box, how do I do it?
  21. ZapperZ

    VOTE - You Animal Picture Contest Group 3

    1. Integral http://home.comcast.net/~integral50/keiko.jpg 2. dav2008 http://home.comcast.net/~cubz2008/squirreldav2008.jpg 3. matthyaouw 4. ZapperZ http://img336.imageshack.us/img336/7935/vacation20021443yu.jpg 5. larkspur http://home.comcast.net/~larkspur2020/Boobird.jpg...
  22. ZapperZ

    VOTE - You Animal Picture Contest Group 2

    1. J77 http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/2572/gorillas15wi.jpg 2. ToxicBug http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/515/shushu10sj.jpg 3. turbo-1 http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/7493/jugboy4uc.jpg 4. PRodQuanta http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/5192/photo0711050024za.jpg 5...
  23. ZapperZ

    VOTE - You Animal Picture Contest Group 1

    We had a lot of submission with terrific pictures. I pity everyone who has to vote. It's an impossible choice! The submissions are in 3 different voting groups. You can vote once in each group. 1. Evo 2. Moonbear http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/6836/ribbit9vs.jpg 3. Ivan...
  24. J

    Is the Cloud in the Soldier Photo an Explosion or Something Else?

    This is kind of random, but I am wondering if this picture of US soldiers standing ready to receive the bodies of 5 American casualties in the GWOT (I'm not sure OIF or OEF) shows an explosion in the background. My question is "Is that cloud on the right side of the horizon an explosion (like...
  25. A

    MATLAB View 10GB .bin picture (in Matlab?)

    So I downloaded a NASA Blue Marble topografical image of Earth (2.4GB when I downed it, I decompressed and... wtf, 10GB+). Now I have no idea how to view the resulting .bin picture. I tried to somehow import the data to Matlab, because I heard that program can somehow do the trick, but it went...
  26. N

    Finding Length of Lines in Picture

    Could someone help me find the length in cm of the lines between the points in the picture attached. The 3 angles around point 6 are 120 degrees each. This is also the case for point 8 which is linked to point 2, 3 and 7. Now the 3 angles formed by the lines leaving point 7 are also 120...
  27. L

    What is wronge with this picture?

    So, the thermal radiation power off a surface is P=\sigma AT^4. Here I have two cylinders of equal height but different radius. They are stacked on top of each other inside of two cones stacked on top of each other. The idea is that the thermal radiation off of one cyclinder is reflected into...
  28. W

    Medical Linear thinking Vs. Picture thinking

    Can you elaborate on linear and picture thinking process. Linear as being a step-by-step process, and picture thinking processes multiples "pictures" simultaniously. Which thinking procecss might make the person smarter, successful?
  29. H

    Mathematics - seing the big picture, how it all comes together.

    For everything I do I want to see the big picture. How the pieces of puzzle come together. For math I have trouble picturing it. From my view Physics are well structured. If I were to picture Physics as a tree, I would imagine it having 6 big branches. 1. Classical...
  30. S

    Medical Find Retinal Image Picture Examples: Possible?

    Does anyone know where i can find a picture example of an image that is similar to the one projected unto the retina? The whole inverted, curved, non constant coloured dealy. Do such examples even exist, is it even possible to construct them? Thanks
  31. S

    Is It Normal for Professors to Take Pictures of Their Students?

    I have had two professors over the course of my academic career take a picture of each student to get know each of us, match a face to a name I guess. But both of these professors were kind of odd to begin with and both were male and math teachers. The whole prospect kind of creeps me out...
  32. R

    Finding center of mass of a picture

    hey everyone, I am stumped as to finding the x and y coords of the center of mass of this picture. it is supposed to be a uniform sheet of steel in increments of 6. please help, i have an exam tomorrow.
  33. J

    Picture a small mass orbiting around a large mass

    Picture a small mass orbiting around a large mass. Now picture both masses at rest, but the large one is spinning. They are both the same system but viewed from different frames, Newtonian gravity says nothing about the angular momentum of the larger mass, so in the second referance frame it...
  34. N

    Ok, this picture is a bit harder to understand.

    Hi again :biggrin: , here's another one of my find picture questions. In the following picture I had a guy on one hand. Now, it says the ground reaction force is 1000 N and I have to resolve this force into it's vertical and horizontal components. One hand position My questions are...
  35. N

    Visualizing equations in a row picture.

    I don't understand how one visualizes in row pictures of equations. There is an example in the book: With A=I(the identity matrix) 1x+0y+0z= 2 0x+1y+0z= 3 0x+0y+1z= 4 They drew these in the xyz plane. I don't know how they did this, can someone explain me that?
  36. B

    Finding expectation value using Heisenberg picture

    We have a particle in a harmonic oscillator potential. The eigenstates are denoted {|0>,|1>,...,|n>,...}. Initially the particle is in the state |s> = exp(-ipa)|0>, where p is the momentum operator. I need to find <x> as a function of time using the Heisenberg picture. The problem is, how do...
  37. F

    Cartoon picture of Hawking Radiation-is it accurate?

    Cartoon picture of Hawking Radiation--is it accurate? Hello everyone, The 'cartoon' picture of Hawking Radiation that I keep hearing is that you have a black hole and and particle-anti-particle pair production near the event horizon. One of the particles escapes, while the other is eaten by...
  38. P

    Simplifying a Math Problem with Picture Explanation | Paul-Martin

    Math problem (picture) (second problem added) Can anyone explain this simplification? http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/1786/maproblem1bm.jpg Kindly Paul-MArtin
  39. S

    Can't get original format of a picture

    Help! Its URGENT! I'm using u.are.u 4000 fingerprint sensor to link with my vb.net application via the USB port. I can't get the original format of the picture captured via that device. The original format of the captured picture should be bmp format, 500 width and 550 height, 700 resolution...
  40. B

    What is wrong with this picture?

    http://img132.echo.cx/my.php?image=puzzle6gc.png What is wrong with this picture?
  41. hitssquad

    What's Wrong with This Police Photo?

  42. T

    Why Does a Photon Have E and B Fields Without Charge or Mass?

    Someone please tell me why if the photon has no charge or mass, it is modeled as having an E and B field component?... An Electric or Magnetic field is created by a moving charge, obviously if the photon has no charge this makes no sense. Look up the definitions of electric field and...
  43. F

    Wanted to have this picture photoshopped

    Hi...I needed some help and I didnt really know where to put this...its not Biology but I was still hoping somebody could help me with this...I wanted to have this picture photoshopped...could somebody do it? I'd be really thankful if they did. I just wanted to see what the person in the...
  44. B

    Can you solve this picture puzzle and fill in the black areas?

    Fill in the black areas: http://img74.echo.cx/my.php?image=puzzle2yj.png
  45. M

    Picture Puzzles: E or Not, SHUNSHUNSHUN & GI GI GI

    1. E or not. 2. SHUN SHUNSHUNSHUN SHUNgoodSHUN SHUNSHUNSHUN SHUN 3. GI GI GI GI GI GI GI GI --------------------- C C C C C C C C C C C Feel free to post more like these in here. I love these kind of word puzzles.
  46. P

    Help with Physics Homework: Investigating 'Ghosting' of a TV Picture

    HI, I'm new in this forum. I really need help with my physics homework. Would you guys please help me with this question: " Explain,in terms of the properties of electromagnetic waves, what causes 'ghosting' of a TV picture?" What i can say at the moment is that 'ghosting' of a TV picture...
  47. SOS2008

    What's wrong with this picture, and is it just me?

    In my office several people smoke. I use to smoke socially, but now have asthma, so longer do so, but nonetheless am therefore not "anti-smoker." However, since beginning my job with the company I now work at, I've noticed a few inconsistencies. First, one employee with emphazima was a smoker...
  48. M

    Uncertainty principle and tv picture tube

    hey, I am really confused with this problem, i have tried to solve it for a while now but i can't seem to get it, i really don't even know where to start with it. In a TV picture tube the accelerating voltage is V, and the electron beam passes through an aperture with a diameter of Delta_y...