Plot Definition and 717 Threads

  1. S

    Plot of greatest integer fuction

    I was given this homework today and without much explanation from the teacher , I can't find anything similar in my book, 1.- [[ x]] = [[y]] find outside domain/range , argue inclusion or exclusion 2.- compare and contrast (1) y=[[2x]] (2) y=2[[x]] (3) y= [[x/2]] 3.- state domain and...
  2. A

    Using nullclines to plot phase portraits

    I'm plotting phase portraits and have a question about determining the direction of nullclines. The systematic method that I'm using to plot phase portraits is: 1) find the nullclines 2) determine the direction of the arrows on the nullclines 3) find the eigenvalues 4)find the eigen...
  3. H

    Solving Inverse Plot 2log(y)=log2+log(x+1)

    Homework Statement what is the plot of 2log(y)=log2+log(x+1) Homework Equations is it the inverse of this Y^2=x+2 The Attempt at a Solution
  4. D

    Mathematica Mathematica Question: Wrapping Density Plot on Sphere

    I am new to Mathematica and I am trying to make models of white dwarf spherical harmonics similar to the ones on this site: So far the closest thing I have is this: SphericalPlot3D[3, {\[Theta], 0, \[Pi]}, {\[Phi], 0, 2 \[Pi]}, Mesh -> None...
  5. B

    Trying to plot de Broglie standing wave.

    Does anyone know how to plot the electron standing wave around a nucleus in Cartesian coordinates? I have tried adding a sine/cosine function to the circle equation but the image does not look correct and I also don’t know how to increase the wave count when n > 1.
  6. B

    Bode Phase plot of a second order system

    Hey guys. I need to know how to draw a Phase Bode plot of a Second order system. I understand and can draw the Gain(Magnitude) Bode plot, but I can't seem to get the grip of the Phase one. As far as I know there is an asymptote at 0^{o} at low frequencies and an asymptote at 180^{o} at...
  7. S

    What Does Plot Electric Potential as a Function of X Along the X-Axis Mean?

    what i really want to ask is, what is the problem asking: - do o find the potential difference between for each charge? which pairs? - do i plot the potentials on a graph? -what do they mean "as a function of x along the x-axis"? are they talking about the x-axis of the graph I'm supposed to...
  8. R

    Is there any software which can plot the graph of any function provide

    When the first derivative is 0, then those corresponding points represent the maxima or minima. Is it always true? What r points of inflexion? And why is the derivative 0 there? At which other points is the derivative 0? Is there any software which can plot the graph of any function...
  9. B

    Mathematica Plot X-axis Log & Y-Axis Linear with Mathematica LogPlot

    I am a new user of Mathematica software, and need to plot a quite complicate function using a semi-Log type plot. The function that the software provides is LogPlot however this function plots the Y axis in Log scale and the X in linear scale, but I need the exact opposite, to plot the X axis in...
  10. maverick280857

    MATLAB MATLAB help: determining the area under a plot (not a curve whose form is known)

    Hi For a project (described"), I have to do the following for N images: 1. plot the histogram of each image, using imhist(x) 2. plot a curvilinear approximation to the histogram, using plot(imhist(x)) 3. determine the area...
  11. B

    Finding Activation Energy From Arrhenius Plot

    Homework Statement For a lab, I need to find the activation energy of an experiment from plotting the Arrhenius plot. I have the half-life time of the reaction at various temperatures. Homework Equations -Temperature (K) 318 322 327 331 338 -ln k -6.17 -5.89 -5.65 -5.33...
  12. I

    How Does the Dalitz Plot Represent Particle Decay into Equal Mass Particles?

    Homework Statement Decay of particle A into three particles of equal mass, prove that the Dalitz plot is a equilateral triangle with height Q/2, inscribed within a triangle with height Q. Homework Equations Q = MassA - 3(MassB) The Attempt at a Solution For relativistic...
  13. F

    Drawing Bode Phase Plots: Real Poles & Zeros in RHP

    Well, it has been awhile... and I need to remember how to draw a Bode phase plot quickly. The problem I am having is, how do I deal with real poles and zeros in the right half plane? I can quickly draw bode phase plots for transfer functions like: H(s) =...
  14. C

    MATLAB Plot graph of different color for different points? Matlab

    I would like to plot a curve with each point with different color. For example x0=2; for i=1:1:200 x1=x0*cos(x0)+exp(x0); plot(i,x1) (THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE I WANT TO PUT DIFFERENT COLOR) x0=x1; end
  15. H

    Pole-Zero Plot and ROC for LTI System

    Consider a discrete-time LTI system with transfer function H(z) =(1-3z^-1) / ( 2-z^-1) (a) Sketch the pole-zero plot of H(z). (b) Suppose the system is stable. Determine all possible regions of convergence (ROC) for H(z) under this condition, or state that none exists. (c) Repeat part (b)...
  16. Y

    Mathematica Mathematica newby needs help with plot

    I picked up Mathematica 6.0 a couple days ago, so bear with me please. 1) Plot3D[{x^2 + y^2}, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}] returns a blank graph whereas when I set the boundaries from 0 to 2 it returns the actual graph! Why isn't it working?2) When typing equation f into the Plot3D function(...
  17. E

    Mathematica Mathematica plot of a function from [0,1] to the complex plane

    If I have a function from [0,1] to the complex plane, is there a way that I can plot it with Mathematica 6.0?
  18. Y

    Solving Stream Line Plot Homework: u=uo, v=vo(1-y/h)

    Homework Statement In addition to the customary horizontal velocity components of the air in the atmosphere, there often are vertical air currents cuased by buoyant effects due to uneven heating of the air. Problem: Assume that the velocity field in a certain region is approximated by...
  19. M

    Plot a point on Earth through the Universe

    Just a thought... Pick a spot/location on the surface of the Earth. Now, the Earth is rotating on its axis and also rotating around the Sun (and wobbling a bit too). The sun and our solar system is rotating around our galaxy and our glaxy is moving in the universe as a whole. Is there...
  20. D

    Simple loop script in Gnu Plot

    Simple loop script in "Gnu Plot" Ok, I have "n" data files containing coordinates on the form of (x,y) called: 1.dat 2.dat 3.dat . . . n.dat What I want is to program a simple script in gnu plot(Linux) which load them and convert them into *.gif files called: 1.gif 2.gif . ...
  21. H

    MATLAB MATLAB: 3D plots- How to plot 3D lines rather than surface?

    Hi all. I am using meshgrid and mesh to plot 3D graphs in MATLAB. Though my meshgrid is quite "discrete", MATLAB always try to generate surface for me. What I actually want is some discrete lines rather than the surface. Anyone can teach me how to obtain discrete lines?
  22. P

    MATLAB Surface Plot in Matlab (Cylindrical Coordinates)

    Hello Trying to plot in MATLAB the final solution equation u(r,z) of the steady state temperatures in the circular cylinder u(r,z) is defined in cylindrical coordinates and I'm confused trying to understand also how MATLAB plots a mesh. After some simplification The final solution looks...
  23. D

    Sketch Bode Plot for G(s)=10/s(1+ts)

    Homework Statement Sketch the Bode Plot for the following Transfer Function: G(s)=10/s(1+ts) where t=0.1sec The Attempt at a Solution G(jw)=10/jw(1+tjw) - frequency response... Gain = 20log(10) - 20log(tw^2+w) Does this mean that the Gain apporaches infinity as w approaches...
  24. T

    Mathematica Plot diagram in Mathematica question

    Can anyone help me how to plot the attached image of diagram in Mathematica 6? Thanks
  25. D

    Given a plot of f(x) how do I determine what a specific interval would look like

    Easy Question but can't seem to make head way on this one! For the Function shown in the link below find and plot f(2 -t/2)
  26. S

    A plot of acceleration versus time for a particle is shown

    Homework Statement A plot of acceleration versus time for a particle is shown. Whats the difference between its position at t=4s and t=0s if v(0)=-4m/s. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ive been working on this...
  27. E

    MATLAB Updating Plot "On the Fly" with MATLAB

    I am trying to write a function that will update a plot "on the fly". For instance, in the test function: function colorplot x = ones(100,100); for i = 1:100 for j = 1:100 x(i,j)=uint8(255^((i+j)/200)); image(x); colormap(gray) end end MATLAB will run the entire function...
  28. E

    Mathematica [Mathematica] Plotting a straight line in a 3D plot

    Is there any way, in Mathematica, I can plot a straight line in a 3D plot environment? For example: Plot3D[{{y = 1 - x, z = y - 1}}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}] plots two surfaces, not their intersection (which is a straight line). Thank you in advance.
  29. N

    How do I plot step functions in gnuplot?

    Among the demos at the gnuplot website, I saw this -, but it does not make much sense to me. :( Could someone tell me how to plot step functions from the command line, just like you would the usual functions? Specifically, I'd like to plot...
  30. S

    Solve Culomb's Law with Gnuplot: Plotting and Fitting for qQ and F*4*Pi*e0*r^2

    Homework Statement Okay here is the deal, I have made a experiment, and now I have some probs, getting the right stuff from gnuplot. If I isolate qQ in Culombs Law I get:qQ = F*4*Pi*e0*r^2: Here e0 is the permittivity of free space r is a constent, the distence between the charges. If I...
  31. W

    MATLAB Understanding Palm's MatLab 7 Plot Function

    I am looking at Palm's "Introduction to MatLab 7 for Engineers" page 511. The problem involves solving a Second Order Diff Equation. The solution to the diff equation is straight forward. What I am wondering is what Plam is doing in the plot function? \ddot{\Theta} + \frac {g} {l} sin...
  32. tandoorichicken

    Bode Plots: Plotting Homework Statement

    Homework Statement I have to plot some data for a lab writeup. It's based on the frequency response of fluid catheter-transducer systems. Part of this writeup includes making Bode plots for the gain and phase shift. I know how to plot my data; the problem that I am having is that I want to try...
  33. T

    MATLAB Plotting Systems in Matlab: x_1(t),x_2(t) w/ Complex Equations

    How would you plot x_1(t)=c_1e^{-t}+c_2*e^{3t} x_2(t)=-c_1e^{-t}+c_2*e^{3t} and similar systems in Matlab? For example if it was complex like: x_1(t)=5*e^{5t}(c_1 cos(4t)+c_2sin(4t)) x_2(t)=5*e^{5t}((2 c_1+4 c_2) cos(4t)+(4 c_1 - 2 c_2)sin(4t))
  34. Hootenanny

    Maple Maple plot piecewise function for a mark scheme

    I need to plot the following piecewise function for a mark scheme I'm writing, but I can't seem to get maple to plot it. I can define the function, but when I ask maple to plot it, it just hangs. Any help would be much appreciated. The function; f(\theta):= \left\{\begin{array}{lcr}...
  35. V

    Plot transistor characteristics Id vs. Vds

    Homework Statement Assume the circuit pictured below: The transistor follows these rules: I_D\,=\,0 if V_{GS}\,\le\,V_T I_D\,=\,g_m\,\left(V_{GS}\,-\,V_T\right)\,\left(\frac{V_{DS}}{V_{DS, SAT}}\right) if V_{GS}\,\ge\,V_T\, and...
  36. H

    Probability plot for Cauchy Distribution

    I have generated 2 columns of normal random variables, Z1 and Z2. Theorectically, Z1/Z2 will follow a Cauchy distribution. The question is, how do I construct a probability plot to show that indeed it is a Cauchy distribution? I tried the follow procedure: -Sort the Z1/Z2 -Rank them and...
  37. N

    Engineering Circuits: Bode Plot for Frequency vs. Voltage Gain | Homework Help Statement

    Homework Statement sketch a bode plot of frequency versus voltage gain (in decibels) for the following circuit: Homework Equations Voltage divider: V_X = V_S \frac{Z_X}{Z_T} Voltage gain: A_V = \frac{V_O}{V_I} log(A)+log(B) = log(A*B) The Attempt at a Solution This is the most...
  38. S

    Why Does Aviation Fuel Spoil Over Time?

    Number of weeks back I was reading in Wikipedia on plot holes in movies, one of the mentioned plot holes is in an awful movie I'm going to do my best to avoid: Battlefield Earth. But I digress. The plot hole, among others, is aviation fuel spoils after a few years, so it would be impossible to...
  39. B

    MATLAB Why Does My Z-Transform Bode Plot Show Incorrect Amplitude for a Sine Wave?

    Hi, I try to visualize a sine wave, z-transformed in a Bode plot. The frequency shows up correctly, but the amplitude is way off - why? Thanks for your comments. Bmalp function zdemo format compact syms w Ts n z phi t Ts = 1 w = 0.1 phi = 0 vz =...
  40. D

    Construct a semilogarithmic plot

    How do you solve the following problems? Thank you for any inputs. 1.Construct a semilogarithmic plot for Si doped with 2X10^15 donors/cm3 and having 4x10^14 EHP/cm^3 created uniformly at t=0. assume that tn = tp = 5us. 2.calcualte the recombination coefficient alphar for the low-level...
  41. K

    A really big stem and leaf plot?

    There are seven Mice. For every Mouse, there are seven Hippos. For every Hippo, there are seven Bats. For every Hippo, there are seven Hawks. For every Hawk, there are seventeen Kites. For every Kite, there are seven apples. Every thing has six bugs. Every Bug has seven Fleas. How many...
  42. S

    Using the equations Wilson’s, Margules’, and van Laar’s, plot the

    Using the equations Wilson’s, Margules’, and van Laar’s, plot the predicted VLE for this system at this temperature, with and without the use of fugacity coefficients. Anyone know how to do this or can explain to me how to do VLE. Or have a link for a worked example. Cheers.
  43. C

    Troubleshooting a Plot Problem in Mathematica

    HI, I've done the following but the plot that I get is not what it has to be at the big values of the frequency f. The graph should be smooth but isn't.. Does somebody know where the problem is?! The nb file is attached...
  44. Hootenanny

    Scatter Plot in Excel - Referencing Cells Merged or Not

    I am trying to do a scatter plot in Excel, and I am referencing points from a different sheet. However, excel won't let me reference more than eight cells. Some of the cells are merged, I don't know if that will affect it... Any help would be appreciated.
  45. M

    Is the Slope of an X vs T Plot Velocity or Acceleration?

    Slope of an x vs t plot question...Help please.. The slope of an x vs t plot is NOT acceleration right? The slope of a point on the x axes is just the velocity at that point in time, right? Thanks for any help you can give me.
  46. A

    MATLAB A simple plot animation in Matlab

    Hi, Can anyone plesae help me plot y(x,t)=\sin(x)\cdot e^{-t} on an XY axes system, and have the graph to propagate in time? I'm really new to Matlab, and the animation demos I found were too fancy, and I couldn't figure out how to do what I want. Thanks in advance.
  47. N

    What else can a browser do? Plot graphs

    What else can a browser do? ...Plot graphs! Check out this latest Firefox addon... It does have its share of problems, but it's a great start! :approve:
  48. S

    PSpice question: How do I plot equivalent impedance v. frequency?

    How do I plot equivalent impedance v. frequency? I'm already in AC mode so the frequency is taken care of, but I keep trying to manually write trace expressions for zeq and nothing is working. any tips? EDIT: What does the trace expression IP(some element) mean? I think its related. EDIT2...
  49. M

    Understanding the Bode Plot: Frequency vs. dB

    Is the x-axis of a Bode plot supposed to be angular frequency omega or just the frequency f? The y-axis is in dB. Thanks!