I hope this is not a stupid question as I am not a physicist. But I was curious about how contenders for the so-called Theory of Everything view the shape of the elementary particles. I know that the basic idea of string theory is related to the shape of elementary particles as one...
Homework Statement
So I am self-studying the book of Peskin&Schroeder, and there is something I don't understand on page 616.
In eq. 18.80, there is a numerical factor of ½ and going from e2 to α will introduce a factor 4π when proceeding to eq. 18.84. But then there should be a numerical...
I'm reading Srednicki's Quantum Field Theory. I 'm trying to read Srednicki's presentation of Feynman Diagrams in the chapter Path Integral for the Interacting Field Theory. Link to the book:
The path integral for the phi-cubed theory is equation 9.11 in the book. Please read that.
I get the...
Hi everyone,
I'm approaching the study of EFT but I'm facing some problems. While in QFT usually we want renormalizable theories, in EFT we don't want this costraint anymore and this opens up space for a lot more terms in the Lagrangian.
My problem is that when we want to calculate amplitudes...
I know the positive field operator E+ is actually an annihilation operator a while the negative field E- is a creation operator a+.
I also learned that the absorption process can be represented as E-E+, which should be the number of photons n accroding to the principle of ladder operator. Also...
I'm trying to learn some QFT at the moment, and I'm trying to understand how interactions/nonlinearities are handled with perturbation theory. I started by constructing a classical mechanical analogue, where I have a set of three coupled oscillators with a small nonlinearity added. The...
Homework Statement
I'm working through Zee for some self study and I'm trying to do all the problems, which is understandably challenging. Problem 1.3.1 is where I'm currently stuck: Verify that D(x) decays exponentially for spacelike separation.
Homework Equations
The propagator in question...
I know that the nth order tadpole equations give you the value of constant field configurations for which the first derivative of the nth order effective potential is 0, but what does this have to do with the tadpole graphs?
Homework Statement
I want to diagonalize the quadratic form
$$ m_0((m_u+m_d)\pi^3\pi^3+\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}(m_u-m_d)\pi^3\pi^8+\frac{1}{3}(m_u+m_d+4m_s)\pi^8\pi^8)$$
which can be found under equation 5.47, in order to get the mass of the η and ##\pi^0## pions. This quadratic form is produced by...
I have just finished working through Jackson's Electrodynamics and Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics and was wondering if this was sufficient background for me to start studying qft. Also, would Weinberg's Books be a good place to dive in given my background or is there are a more suitable...
Consider the following extract taken from page 60 of Matthew Schwartz's 'Introduction to Quantum Field Theory':We usually calculate ##S##-matrix elements perturbatively. In a free theory, where there are no interactions, the ##S##-matrix is simply the identity matrix ##\mathbb{1}##. We can...
I have a simple question about Lewkowycz and Maldacena's paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.4926v2'][/PLAIN]
In section 2, they consider the scalar field in BTZ background ground and require boundary condition of the scalar field,
$\phi \sim e^{i\tau}$ . This...
If A and B are fermionic operators, and T the time-ordering operator, then the standard definition is
T(AB) = AB, if B precedes A
= - BA, if A precedes B.
Why is there a negative sign? If A and B are space-like separated then it makes sense to assume that A and B anticommute. But...
I want to learn about the mathematics of General Relativity, about Topology and Differential Geometry in general. I am looking for a book that has applications in physics. But, most importantly, i want a book that offers geometrical intuition(graphs and illustrations are a huge plus) but...
In quantum field theory (QFT) from what I've read locality is the condition that the Lagrangian density ##\mathscr{L}## is a functional of a field (or fields) and a finite number of its (their) spatial and temporal derivatives evaluated at a single spacetime point ##x^{\mu}=(t,\mathbf{x})##...
I understand that the ansatz to $$(\Box +m^{2})\phi(\mathbf{x},t)=0$$ (where ##\Box\equiv\partial^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}=\eta^{\mu\nu}\partial_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}##) is of the form ##\phi(\mathbf{x},t)=e^{(iE_{\mathbf{k}}t-\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{x})}##, where...
In Peskin and Schroeder problem 10.1 is about showing that superficially divergent diagrams that would destroy gauge invariance converge or vanish. We are supposed to prove it for the 1-photon, 3-photon, and 4-photon vertex diagrams. Does this change for scalar QED?
My question is, how does one get a wave function for a 'combined' spin-1 and a spin-0 field? How is this possible? I have only been able to find combined states for equal spin identical particles.
If you don't understand my question, I'll be glad to reword it.
Author: T. Padmanabhan
Title: Quantum Field Theory: The Why, What and How
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/3319281712/?tag=pfamazon01-20
Springerlink (Previews of chapters): http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-28173-5
In the srednicki notes he goes from
$$H = \int d^{3}x a^{\dagger}(x)\left( \frac{- \nabla^{2}}{2m}\right) a(x) $$ to
$$H = \int d^{3}p\frac{1}{2m}P^{2}\tilde{a}^{\dagger}(p)\tilde{a}(p) $$
Where $$\tilde{a}(p) = \int \frac{d^{3}x}{(2\pi)^{\frac{3}{2}}}e^{-ipx}a(x)$$
Is this as simple as...
Derive Vacuum permittivity and permeability using Quantum Field theory or String theory!
If QFT or String theory is real fundamental theory, it can be derived the permittivity and permeability
of vacuum.
<< Moderator's note: personal contact details deleted>>
I'm not sure if I posted this in the right category, it's something that came up just after the quantum mechanics section so I just chose this one.
I've come across something that I simply can not find an answer for on my own. I'm taking Modern Physics course and the last chapter is some...
Given a Yukawa coupling as a function of scale and a vev, how can I compute the corresponding pole mas?
Understandably most paper explain how from a measured pole mass one can compute the running mass, for example, Eq. 19 here. However I want to compute the pole mass from the running mass. In...
For the Gordon identity
$$2m \bar{u}_{s'}(\textbf{p}')\gamma^{\mu}u_{s}(\textbf{p}) = \bar{u}_{s'}(\textbf{p}')[(p'+p)^{\mu} -2iS^{\mu\nu} (p'-p)_{\nu}]u_{s}(\textbf{p}) $$
If I plug in $\mu$=5, what exactly does the corresponding $(p'+p)^{5}$ represent?
4 vectors can only have 4 components so...
The Gordon identity allows us to solve using
$$2m \bar{u}_{s'}(\textbf{p}')\gamma^{\mu}u_{s}(\textbf{p}) = \bar{u}_{s'}(\textbf{p}')[(p'+p)^{\mu} -2iS^{\mu\nu} (p'-p)_{\nu}]u_{s}(\textbf{p}) $$
But how would we solve for
$$2m \bar{u}_{s'}(\textbf{p}')\gamma^{\mu}v_{s}(\textbf{p}) $$
Would a...
Are spacetime and the gravitational quantum field (still hypothetical) separate entities? Would the gravitational field be more fundamental, one of the various entities from which spacetime as a whole is composed?
Gravitons, which are believed to transmit the force of gravity, would surely be...
In this thread, I want to discuss the implications of quantum field theory for the interpretation of quantum mechanics. To set the stage I'll import in the next few posts a number of posts from other threads. The latest of these is the following:
Only if it is the sole particle in the whole...
Great youtube introduction video about Quantum Field Theory (QFT) from a couple of days ago by Dr Don Lincoln @fermilab. The video and description of a particle being a disturbance in a field and flying through the air at 3:25 is especially compelling.
In QFT particles are described by fields, but AFAIK these fields are mathematical since we don't measure values of fields at a particular spacetime. So what does it mean to say a higgs field exist!
I mean it is one thing to say Higgs particle exists (in LHC), but I have not seen anybody measure...
On page 164-165 of srednicki's printed version (chapter 27) on other renormalization schemes, he arrives at the equation $$m_{ph}^{2} = m^2 \left [1 \left ( +\frac{5}{12}\alpha(ln \frac{\mu^2}{m^2}) +c' \right ) + O(\alpha^2)\right]$$
But after taking a log and dividing by 2 he arrives at...
As I understand it, the 2-point fnuction is for 1 particle incoming, 1 particle outgoing. The 4-point function is for 2 particles incoming, 2 particles outgoing. Is this correct? So an N-point function describes N/2 incoming particles and N/2 outgoing particles?
For quartic scalar field theory these are some of the lowest order diagrams (taken from the solutions to 9.2 srednicki). I'm wondering if someone can give me an intuition of how to actually calculate them.
What I'm thinking is that vertices are $$\int \frac{d^{4}x}{(2\pi)^{4}}$$ and for the...
Could someone please tell me the difference between tree diagrams and loop diagrams? If I'm thinking correctly tree diagrams are before contracting? Also how do vacuum diagrams fit into the picture?
On page 60 of srednicki (72 for online version) for the $$\phi^{3}$$ interaction for scalar fields he defines
$$Z_{1}(J) \propto exp\left[\frac{i}{6}Z_{g}g\int d^{4}x(\frac{1}{i}\frac{\delta}{\delta J})^{3}\right]Z_0(J)$$
Where does this come from? I.e for the quartic interaction does this...
I asked this question to PhysicsStackExchange too but to no avail so far.
I'm trying to understand the way that the Higgs Mechanism is applied in the context of a U(1) symmetry breaking scenario, meaning that I have a Higgs complex field \phi=e^{i\xi}\frac{\left(\rho+v\right)}{\sqrt{2}}
Dear All
I am currently taking " Introduction to Quantum field theory", And I have to do a project by the end of the course. I have searched and i find : QFT in curved space, QFT for higher spins... But i need other suggestion of topics I can do as a project. Thank you
When we observe an electron it is always a localized excitation in the electron field. But when it's not being observed, does the excitation begin to spread through space and become a delocalized excitation?
I will start with a summary of my confusion: I came across seemingly contradictory transformation rules for left and right chiral spinor in 2 books, and am unable to understand what part is Physics and what part is convention. Or is it that one of the two books incorrectly writes the...
Let's take a quantum state ##\Psi_p##, which is an eigenstate of momentum, i.e. ##\hat{P}^{\mu} \Psi_p = p^{\mu} \Psi_p##.
Now, Weinberg states that if ##L(p')^{\mu}\,_{\nu}\, p^{\nu} = p'##, then ##\Psi_{p'} = N(p') U(L(p')) \Psi_{p}##, where ##N(p')## is a normalisation constant. How to...
Hello everyone,
I'm a senior undergraduate and I'm planing to do a Monograph related to Quantum effects in Gravity (Hawking radiation or something similar(?)) or even some QFT in curved space-time (maybe ambitious since I know this is VERY HARD and I don't have much time), the thing is I can't...
In 'an introduction to quantum field theory' by peskin, he writes: To analyze the photon one-point function, note that the external photon must be attached to a QED vertex. Neglecting the external photon propagator, this amplitude is therefore:
I really cannot justify this equation. Can...
I wanting to do an introductory Quantum Field theory course in my spare time. And although there are a couple available, they are not very beneficial without solutions to the problem sets.
I am also looking at the course on the MIT open courseware website: "8.323: Relativistic Quantum Field...
In quantum field theory, a fundamental particle is an excitation in the underlying field, but what does that mean? Do fundamental particles have any physical existence according to QFT?
Hi all
I am studying quantum field theory and i want to just to check something. We have said that the problem with klein gordon equation for real field is that is predict positive and negative energies in addition to the negative probability density. For the complex klein gordon field we have...