Resonance Definition and 657 Threads

Resonance describes the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force (or a Fourier component of it) is equal or close to a natural frequency of the system on which it acts. When an oscillating force is applied at a resonant frequency of a dynamic system, the system will oscillate at a higher amplitude than when the same force is applied at other, non-resonant frequencies.Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are also known as resonant frequencies or resonance frequencies of the system. Small periodic forces that are near a resonant frequency of the system have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations in the system due to the storage of vibrational energy.
Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency (e.g., musical instruments), or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies (e.g., filters).
The term resonance (from Latin resonantia, 'echo', from resonare, 'resound') originated from the field of acoustics, particularly the sympathetic resonance observed in musical instruments, e.g., when one string starts to vibrate and produce sound after a different one is struck.

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  1. T

    B Resonance relationship with glass shatter

    Just to check my understanding: -The glass will only break when the sound is at the resonant frequency of the glass. -This creates standing waves in the glass. -The glass will only shatter if the sound is at a high enough volume (amplitude) -Otherwise, at a lower volume at resonant frequency...
  2. T

    Relationship between standing wave and resonance?

    <Moderator's note: Template removed due to replacement in a technical forum.> In the textbook, it said that standing waves only occur at the resonant frequencies of the medium. I don't understand why. My understanding of standing waves is that it is when the medium length (slinky) is a...
  3. H

    Pressure variation during resonance?

    Consider a hypothetical pipe of length L and diameter d with both end closed. The pipe is filled with a some fluid. Let there be a ultrasound source of frequency f=v/2L at one end of the pipe and a sensor to measure pressure at the other end of the pipe, where v is the speed of ultrasound wave...
  4. D

    High frequency being transformed to a low frequency

    Hi Physics, I have an idea but before i start. I must know am I right. Is it possible? We have a small room with two objects. The first object is a producer of sound waves out of the human hearing range. This object sends ultra sound waves to the second object. The second object start to...
  5. learn.steadfast

    I Cyclotron resonance and Landau Levels

    I'm trying to understand cyclotron resonance measurements of electron effective mass in intrinsic silicon. I need to understand the theory used to make the computations of effective mass in non-parabolic bands. A basic introduction to the cyclotron technique is here, but only for parabolic...
  6. donaldparida

    How do I correctly move pi electrons towards a pi bond in resonance structures?

    In my chemistry study material a set of rules to draw resonance structures are given. They are: (1) Only electrons move. The nuclei of the atoms never move. (2) The only electrons that can move are pi electrons (electrons in pi bonds) and lone-pair electrons. (3) The total number of electrons...
  7. P

    Open Tube Resonance: Fundamental Frequency

    Homework Statement A long tube that is open at both ends is used to construct a musical instrument. The sound waves that enter the tube are generated by a taut wire with a tension of 600 N and a linear mass density of 0.031 kg/m. If the length of the tube is 2.4 m and a hole is cut in the side...
  8. M

    Connection Schumann resonance and Lightning events

    I just spent some time on Wikipedia, learning about Schumann resonance, and had a question: How does the Schumann resonance relate to thunderstorms? Is there a direct relationship between the Schumann resonance and the lightning activity; the number of lightning events per second for example...
  9. L

    Hobbyist engine tuner/automath wanting to design & create....

    Hi all! I was a member here 10+ years ago and tended to lurk in the shadows but not really post much, either feeling I didn't have too much to add and also tending to find the answers to questions I was looking for already - however for some reason I've been pruned and without being a member I...
  10. K

    A How Do External Satellites Influence Planetary Ring Dynamics?

    I'm working through a paper "Dynamics of Planetary Rings" by Goldreich and Tremaine ( I'm working through p.22 about expanding the potential of an external satellite as a double Fourier series. The external satellite is in...
  11. S

    Differential Equation Resonance

    Homework Statement I was reading a PDE book with a problem of resonance $$ y_{tt} (x,t) = y_{xx} (x,t) + A \sin( \omega t) $$ After some work it arrived to a problem of variation of parameters for each odd eigenvalue. To solve it, it uses $$ y''(t)+a^{2} y(t) = b \sin ( \omega t) \qquad y(0)=0...
  12. C

    Relating resonant frequency to electrical impedance

    If a self oscillating electrical (passive) system is excited at two nodes A and B by a sinusoidal current, and if this system has one degree of freedom, then the response of the system is maximal at the resonance frequency. Quantitatively, this means that the ratio of the exciting complex...
  13. esha

    Resonance condition of a cyclotron.

    the charged particle undergoes acceleration because of the presence of electric field between the two Dee. as a result the electric field needs to change it's direction according to the motion of the charged particle. since the time period of the charged particle does not depend upon the...
  14. A

    Resonant Frequency and Transfer Functions

    Suppose I have some sort of a filter, whose transfer function is given by H(w), where w is the angular frequency of the input signal in radians per second. I want to know the maximum value of the transfer function. If I solve for the resonant frequency w0, which from my understanding is the...
  15. Sveral

    I Can resonance be used to split a molecule of CO2?

    Hello, interested, if the posibility of splitting atoms by using resonance is possible, if so, wheather or not I can use it for something else, thanks in advance.
  16. Muaadh

    I Application of resonance in one end closed pipe in real life

    Hello, My name is muaadh. I had an experiment in Physic about resonance in one end closed pipe. Our homework is to find applications in real life about this experiment. This photo of our experiment.
  17. baldbrain

    Speed of Sound using a Resonant tube

    Homework Statement In the experiment for the determination of the speed of sound using a resonance tube, the diameter of the column tube is 4 cm. The frequency of the tuning fork is 512 Hz. The air temperature is 38° C in which the speed of sound is 336 m/s. The zero of the meter scale...
  18. T

    B Why does end correction in pipes change with radius

    This being WRT resonating pipes. Apparently the acoustical length of the pipe is different to the physical length due to the vibration of the sound particles moving the particles at the opening so that the physical length is no longer the length of resonance. I've found many sources on the...
  19. Andre Teixeira

    I How to obtain the resonance frequencies of a given material?

    The frequency of plasma already achieved ... in a study, is presented the resonance frequency in eV, how to obtain in Hz? Wo = 7eV
  20. T

    Resonance at low and high frequencies of 2 closed end tubes

    Homework Statement The figure (attached) shows two tubes that are identical except for their slightly different lengths. Both tubes have one open end and one closed end. A speaker connected to a variable frequency generator is placed in front of the tubes, as shown. Te speaker is set to produce...
  21. Poetria

    How Does Increasing Damping Impact Resonance in Forced Vibrations?

    Homework Statement x''+b*x'+k*x=k*y+b*y' y=cos(omega*t) k is fixed, b - damping constant slowly increases. How does increasing the damping constant b affect the resonance peak? 2. The attempt at a solution Well, I thought the answers: It significantly decreases the height of the...
  22. L

    Resonance box with tuning fork, standing wave

    Homework Statement There is a resonance box with one end cloesd and the other end open. The box reinforces the sound of the tuning fork. That sound has frequency of 440 Hz sound velocity is 340 m/s a.) What is the basis of the phenomenon in question? b.) define the shortest possible length of...
  23. D

    Testing for Harmonic Resonance in pole structures

    Not sure if this is the best place to ask this question but forums on this seem to be limited, can anybody explain how one would discover if a steel pole lighting structure is being effected by harmonic resonance? I do not know what tools and methods would be used, if anyone can provide some...
  24. arpon

    I Why Must ##\mu_1, \mu_2## = ##\mu_1^*, \mu_2^*##? Parametric Resonance

    Why ##\mu_1, \mu_2## must be the same as ##\mu_1^*, \mu_2^*## ? What I thought is : If ##\mu_1\mu_2 = \mu_1^*\mu_2^*## and ##\mu_1+\mu_2 = \mu_1^*+\mu_2^*##, then ##\mu_1, \mu_2## are the same as ##\mu_1^*, \mu_2^*## It can be shown by taking the complex conjugate of (27.5) that $$\mu_1\mu_2 =...
  25. Vavi Ask

    Which Among These Species Does Not Exhibit Resonance?

    Among the following species, which one does not exhibit resonance? 1. CH2=CH-CΘH2 (the 3rd carbon has a -ve charge) 2. CH2=CHCl 3. 1,4-Cyclohexadiene 4. CH3-NO2 Please, can anyone tell me which one and how did you get it?
  26. Marcus95

    Number of Different resonances in a closed Box

    Homework Statement Show that the possible resonance frequencies in a 3D box with side a are constant multiples of ##(l^2+m^2+n^2)^{1/2}##, where l, m and n are integers. Assume that the box with sides a is filled with a gas in which the speed of sound is constant. Hence show that the number of...
  27. A

    A Resonance in Feynman lectures v1 ch23

    I couldn't understand the physical meaning of this equation.Could anyone please tell me?(the last equation)
  28. Marcus95

    Width of Resonance in RLC-circuit

    Homework Statement In an undriven RLC-circuit, the characteristic time of the capacitor, ie the time taken for the amplitude of the capacitor voltage ## V_c ## to drop by a factor e, is ## T = 2L/R ##. We now have a RLC-circuit which is driven by a AC voltage of variable frequency ## \omega ##...
  29. runningman19

    Diazomethane Resonance: Lewis Structure Soln

    Homework Statement Which is an acceptable Lewis structure for Diazomethane? Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution The answer cannot be C or D, as both of these resonance structures are incorrect. I thought the answer was A, given that nitrogen is more electronegative than carbon...
  30. G

    (RLC in series) What is the R Voltage when at resonance?

    We made a RLC circuit in the lab and took some values of R and LC Voltage while we changed the frequency. So the experimental data seem to suggest that at resonance (VLC=18 mV : min) the Voltage of the resistor is 834 mV. But the initial voltage given was measured 1.426 V (All Values rms)...
  31. G

    Resonance in forced oscillations

    Homework Statement Consider the differential equation: mx'' + cx' + kx = F(t) Assume that F(t) = F_0 cos(ωt). Find the possible choices of m, c, k, F_0, ω so that resonance is possible. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know how to deal with such problem when there is no damping...
  32. L

    Parallel Resonance in Power System

    Hi, imagine we have the following circuit shown in the figure below. There are installed a passive filter to filter the 5th harmonic. Now, after installation this creates a parallel path with a generator connected, let's say that this parallel circuit has a resonance frequency at the 7th...
  33. Cloud Wolf

    A Determining molecular resonance frequencies

    I have been searching for ways to calculate resonance frequencies of complex molecules. I know that doing so is extremely complex, especially if that molecule contains many elements, but perhaps it could be feasible to target a specific component of a large molecule, such as a nucleus in a cell...
  34. Gh. Soleimani

    Newton's Law of Cooling and Resonance Phenomena

    Can we find the natural frequency of water's molecules by using of Newton's law of cooling and resonance phenomena?
  35. resurgance2001

    B Resonance of air between two loudspeakers

    A student I am working with showed me a problem they have been working on. In the first part of the question there are two loudspeaker facing each other. The student has been told that they can treat this situation as an closed tube. The frequency of the note is such that its wavelength is...
  36. RedDelicious

    I Help Understanding Electron Spin Resonance

    Hello, I am learning about electron spin resonance and I just want to see if my understanding is correct. From what I gathered, if you place a paramagnetic material in a magnetic field, the electron energy levels split, and when you then apply EM radiation (generally microwave frequency) that...
  37. T

    Resonance of a Stretched String

    Homework Statement This is actually a lab experiment which includes a stretched string which is clamped to one end with a G-clamp and the other end with a pulley and some masses hung from it. There's a bar magnet placed underneath the string near the pulley and a movable bridge to alter the...
  38. Mohamed_Wael

    Air Resonance Frequency: Effects of Excitation

    I wonder of the air has resonance frequency or not, if yes what would happen if we excite it at this frequency
  39. S

    How to Interpret Multiple Peaks in a Bode Plot?

    I think that first peak of the graph represent a resonance frequeny but i don`t know some peaks which are located after first peak. Is it a just noise? or some other?
  40. Karan Punjabi

    B HNO2 Resonance: Liquid Phase Impact?

    Guys, consider a molecule of HNO2, in this molecule there will be resonance for its stability. But i want to ask that do states of matter makes a difference in Resonance or not? Because I think in liquid phase there will be no resonance in HNO2 ? Please help.
  41. H

    Is there some sort of heat conductive wave?

    Hello, i am new at the forum and i hope i can help and get helped so we can move forward in our projects/jobs/studies. I also ask please to correct any gramatical or vocabulary mistake, since i am still learning english. Now to the actual problem. I am already building some kind of epoxy resin...
  42. T

    Is aeroelastic flutter a type of resonance?

    Sorry if this aint undergrad its hard to tell what is and what isnt. I wanted to know if these two things linked or are they completely different? I am looking at the causes of the narrows bridge collapse... it would seem that the flutter has to do with vibrations but not exactly with resonance...
  43. S

    Resonance Effect in Nonplanar Molecules

    Does resonance effect occur in non planar molecules also? like in PhSO3H etc.
  44. M

    Does the presence of a sound box affect the duration of a tuning fork's sound?

    Homework Statement I was doing a question about resonance of sound box connecting to a tuning fork. It asks why the sound lasts for a shorter time with sound box than if the tuning fork is struck identically without the sound box. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Is it because the...
  45. S

    Engineering Eigenfunctions of the vector Helmholtz equation

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a reference book that treats the theory behind the eigenfunctions solution of the so called vector Helmholtz equation and its Neumann and Dirichlet problems. I've already found a theory inside the last chapter of Morse & Feshbach's Methods of theoretical physics...
  46. Abd El Rahman

    What Topics Should I Study for Mastering Wireless Power Transfer?

    Hello , I am doing my M.Sc in wireless power transfer using resonant inductive coupling.I want to know what topics i should read and understand to master this research.
  47. H

    Resonance Propulsion: Using EM Waves to Induce Movement

    Here's a weird idea: solid materials each have an inherent, but potentially modifiable mechanical resonance frequency. Step 1- energize the material mechanically by inducing vibration (ie. increasing the amplitude of occillations). Step 2- strike the material intermittently with an intense...
  48. Nile Anderson

    Determining the Wavelength of Sound using Resonance Tube

    Homework Statement [/B]Homework Equations I honestly do not know any relevant equations for this relationship. Well except f=v/2l. The Attempt at a Solution The only thing I could assume that it was was some sort of error , but I cannot find much material on the topic , so I was hoping to get...
  49. K

    B How Many Layers of Aluminum Foil Are Needed for a Resonant Cavity?

    I want to build a Resonant Cavity to play with frequencies around 100-700 mhz. I'd like to try different shapes, so I was thinking in using a cheap malleable material like aluminum foil. Questions: - I think one layer of aluminum foil might be too thin.. If I paste a couple of layers will do...
  50. G

    Second order derivatives and resonance

    Homework Statement 2. Consider an electric circuit consisting of an inductor with inductance L Henrys, a resistor with resistance R Ohms and a capacitor with capacitance C Farads, connected in series with a voltage source of V Volts. The charge q(t) Coulombs on the capacitor at time t ≥ 0...