Schools Definition and 479 Threads

  1. S

    Schools Summer REU programs - question about chances for people from small schools

    Hey guys. I'm a currently a junior physics major at a state school in the south. It's not known for physics in any way. My question is how difficult is it to get into a Physics/Materials Science REU program? My school does not have many research opportunities in physics, though the department...
  2. R

    Schools Which graduate schools do I have a chance at?

    Hi There, I am getting close to the end of my undergraduate life and am looking on to bigger and better things. Specifically, I want to attend graduate school but the program is not specified as of yet: physical chemistry, computational science, or engineering. It's all in the air at this...
  3. A

    Schools Do Graduate Schools Look at Extra Curiccular Involvement In Admissions?

    Do Graduate Schools Look at "Extra Curiccular Involvement" In Admissions? I'm a freshman in the honors college, and we were told to make a resume that we'd like to have in four years when we graduate. I wrote that I'd have a B.S. in aerospace engineering with a minor in nondestructive...
  4. E

    Schools Why do grad schools want to know where else you apply?

    I'm applying to Ph.D and M.S. programs in medical physics this year, and I've noticed on some applications there is an option to fill in what other graduate schools I am applying to. Why do grad schools want this information? Would it increase my chances if I provide that information? Could it...
  5. N

    Obama's education czar proposes longer school days for public schools

    I don't think allowing school kids to stay in school for a longer period of time would increase the quality of public education. I think we need to improved and/or completely changed the curriculum in most public schools by created a curriculum that will suit each student's individual interests...
  6. E

    Schools Michigan Schools: Physics Major, 2.7 GPA, 25 ACT

    Can anyone tell me the schools that I should be trying for. For a physics major in Michigan? I have a 2.7 GPA in high school and I got a 25 on the ACT. Any help is appreciated.
  7. B

    Schools Molecular Biophysics Graduate Schools For Studying Learning and Memory

    Question Based on my background and interests, what graduate schools and programs would be best for me as a PhD-seeking biophysics student intending to ultimately study learning and memory? Background I am a undergraduate in the USA that is preparing to receive four B.S. degrees by Summer...
  8. L

    Schools Non-ivy league schools for math, physics?

    Chances of entering a "prestigious" university are very slim. What are the best non-Ivy league, non-MIT, non-Caltech schools for math and physics? curriculum must be comparable to those schools
  9. M

    Schools Help with selecting graduate schools

    I am a senior at University of Buffalo and am getting ready to start applying for graduate school. I was hoping that I could get some advice on where I should be looking, because I am having difficulty in finding a good list of schools with information on there areas of research. My interests...
  10. A

    Schools Particle Astrophysics grad schools

    I'm a senior undergrad, so I'm currently in the process of researching grad schools to apply to. My primary area of interest is Experimental Particle Astrophysics, and I would just like any thoughts you might have about grad schools that would be a good match for that focus (both selective...
  11. M

    Find the Best Grad Schools for Math & Stats in the Spring Semester

    Does anyone know any math/stat/operations research grad schools accepting students for PhD in math/stat or MS in financial engr/operations research in the spring semester?
  12. Evo

    Obama's speech on education banned from schools

    I think this is just crazy. I really don't know what to say about the people that are accusing Obama of "brainwashing" their children by encouraging them to stay in school.
  13. S

    Schools Grad School Application Tips for Non-Physics Majors: Steps to Success

    like many of you I'm sure, I am at an academic career crossroads. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2008 with a bachelor's in economics (though in actuality I was pre-med just couldn't finish the major on time) After realizing med school was not for me, I have moved onto...
  14. D

    Schools Which Universities Offer Top Graduate Programs in Geophysics?

    I'm currently a junior majoring with physics (obviously), and I was wondering if anyone knew of a few good universities which offer a graduate degree in Geophysics (or Geological Science). Preferably, I'm looking for schools around Louisiana, Oklahoma, or Texas in the south, or New York or...
  15. F

    Schools Undergraduate Schools: Researching UMD & VT for Grad School

    I will be applying for undergraduate schools in a couple of weeks, and i only have 1 or 2 definite schools that i want to go to. Mainly University of Maryland College Park (-close to my house -cheaper then most state universities -solid math and physics programs -research opportunities) but i...
  16. D

    Schools Starting the grad school search: what schools for quantum gravity?

    Hi all, I just started signing up for my GREs, and when they started asking for institutions to which my scores should be sent, I froze up and realized that I hadn't really nailed down my grad school choices yet. Eek! Some amount of Google-time later, this forum seems like it would be a good...
  17. Z

    Schools Schools focused only on teaching mathematics?

    Is there any schools out there that is entirely focused into teaching mathematics, particularly those for preparing students to become research mathematicians? I found one so far which is Independent University of Moscow.
  18. L

    Schools Is Visiting Graduate Schools During the Application Process Beneficial?

    I will be applying to graduate schools in math this fall; is it a good idea to visit them during the application process? I have heard people give different answers to this question, and I would like some more opinions. I have in mind only the schools in the area, and I don't plan on going...
  19. S

    Schools Grad schools for Plasma Physics, specifically Fusion

    Hello All I've got two years left in my Physics undergrad degree at a university in Ontario, Canada. My ultimate career goal is to do research in fusion energy, and I've just started looking into what steps I should take to get there, starting with grad school. Naturally, I have some...
  20. D

    Schools How do grad schools treat math-physics double majors vs. physics majors?

    Hey, I'm about to be a sophomore, my gpa is lower than I'd want. I have a 3.5 Physics gpa and a 3.56 general gpa. The course material for Physics was actually pretty easy (and a lot of fun) but I skipped a lot of quizzes (I know, STUPID) which dropped me a letter grade to a B one semester so I...
  21. O

    Schools Transferring Schools: What Science Program Should I Choose?

    Hi, so I am going to be transferring to a new college in a year and I want to know some opinions on what I should do, I don't have much experience in this or much knowledge of the difference between science programs at these schools. I checked with some colleges and I could possibly get into...
  22. P

    Schools Can Americans with a Bachelor's Degree Pursue Graduate Studies in Europe?

    I recently obtained a Bachelors degree with majors in math and physics. My goal is to study mathematical physics in graduate school (a math or physics department). After doing some research, I discovered that my interests are more widely reflected in European graduate schools than in our...
  23. J

    Exploring Graduate Schools for Space Technology Research

    Hi, I am currently majoring in mechanical engineering and next year after I graduate I plan on going to graduate school to obtain my PhD. My interests are fluid mechanics, heat transfer and applied mathematics. I would really like to go to a school that will prepare me for a career in...
  24. N

    Schools Difference between good schools and others

    difference between "good" schools and others Hello, I always assumed that for undergraduate studies, schools typically use the same books. For example, it seems from these forums an awful lot of schools use Griffiths for E&M. Because of this I figured the knowledge one has when graduating...
  25. H

    Schools Best Physics Schools for College | Ranked

    I'm a junior in high school and looking around for what colleges I want to apply to. In college I want to go into a physics major and I was hoping that someone could tell me which schools had the best physics programs. Thank you.
  26. P

    Are Atheists Shaping UK School Curriculums?" NOTE: For the sake of easier posting, I'd like to loosely re-define the term "atheist" to include human secularists, agnostics and any other belief system or philosophy that doesn't conform to...
  27. Pengwuino

    Schools Comparing toughness of physics grad schools

    Comparing "toughness" of physics grad schools I was wondering if anyone knows any good ways of finding out how one's courses (specifically grad classes) stacks up against other universities? My undergrad courses were probably a 5 on a 1-10 scale of what i can imagine would be the typical...
  28. G

    Math Picking math grad schools and postdoc placement rates

    I need some help picking which math PhD program to attend. My interests are Differential Geometry/Riemannian Geometry, geometric analysis, General Relativity (or Lorentzian geometry in general) and Mathematical Physics. I have been fortunate enough to receive some nice offers from a few...
  29. U

    Schools What grad schools are within my reach?

    Sorry in advance, because I realize this is an incredibly broad question. I'm studying Chemical Engineering in the U.S(ohio) and I really would love to further my studies somewhere. I will most likely graduate with my B.S in ChemE with about a 3.5/4.0 GPA. I know there are a LOT of other...
  30. Wellesley

    Schools Is It Fair to Weigh GPAs Equally for AP and Honors Classes?

    At my school, they give an extra GPA bonus to those in AP or Honors classes. A=4.5, B=3.4, C=3.2. Does this seem fair that honors classes, a year behind Advanced Placement, get the same boost in GPA? It may be just me, but the workload, and the level of diffuculty in AP just doesn't compare to...
  31. E

    Schools Functional Analysis & Math PhD Programs: Advice & Recommendations

    Hi. I'm a junior math and physics major. I'm hoping to go to grad school for a Ph.D. in math, and I'm trying to figure out some good schools to apply to. I found the math subject I enjoyed the most was functional analysis. I did a basic course in it using a book called Introductory Functional...
  32. X

    Schools How much do grad schools care about your non-major GPA?

    Do grad schools care more about your overall GPA or your GPA in your major? If I do badly in classes that aren't at all related to my major does it really matter?
  33. T

    Schools Discover Top Summer Schools in Europe for Differential Geometry and Algebra

    Hello to everyone, I'm a physics engineer who has just started a PhD in applied maths. I'm looking for summer schools (preferably in Europe) where to learn differential geometry and algebra. Does anyone have any informations? The only one I was able to find on the internet after several hours...
  34. F

    Schools Top Canadian grad schools (pure math)?

    Most people on here are American and so usually most of the talk is about American grad schools, but since I'm Canadian I'm wondering what the best Canadian grad schools are for pure math? And how hard would it be to get into these programs compared to, let's say, the top 10 American Universities?
  35. A

    Schools Which Engineering Schools Match My GPA and Interests?

    Here's the breakdown of my GPAs for 2 semesters of each school year: Freshman: 4.0 and 4.0 -American Sign Langauge 1/2 -English Honors -P.E. -Wood Tech -Biology -Geometry Sophomore: 4.0 and 3.83 -Healthy&Safety/Career Pathways -Chemistry Honors -World History -Algebra II Honors...
  36. S

    Schools Schools that care much more for GRE than GPA

    Hello, I'm wondering if you can help me to search about schools that care only for the GRE score, or puts more emphasis on GRE than GPA (or at least considers them almost equally)L I think my google-ing wasn't very effective. I'm not a super fan of the GRE. But I do have a low GPA for...
  37. JasonJo

    Schools Applying to Canadian grad schools if you're American

    I want to apply to a Canadian grad school that is of particular interest to me. I did pretty well, I have a very high GPA (overall and math wise) on a 4.0 scale. Do I apply for PhD or do I apply for masters? What are my chances of receiving any aid in terms of a TA-ship? How exactly does grad...
  38. qntty

    Schools What Do Grad Schools Look for in Undergraduates?

    I'm not yet an undergrad, but I'm curious as to the difference between grad vs undergrad admissions (specifically for sciences; also, I'm not asking so that I can spend my time as an undergrad trying to impress grad schools, just out of curiosity). As an undergrad, you have a lot more access to...
  39. X

    Schools PGRE and application to grad schools

    I am going to take GRE physics next October (or November). From what someone should begin with? Are the 1st year textbooks (like Serway's) useful, or one should study all the stuff from the advanced undergraduate texts (Griffiths' e/m, Goldstein's classical mech., Shankar's quantum mech...
  40. mbrmbrg

    Schools Physics Grad Schools in Nashville, TN

    I think I'd like to go to grad school for theoretical physics, and I'll be in Nashville next year (and 1-4? years after that). Right now, I'm looking at" . Does anyone have any info about these schools? Also, I'm kind of surprised that I can't...
  41. C

    Schools Which engineering schools give scholarships to international students?

    I am an Indian national and am a freshman at the National Institue of Technology [Calicut],in India where I am studying Mechanical Engineering. However it has always been a dream of mine to study at top university in the U.S.I have a strong longing to write my SATS over the coming summer and...
  42. A

    Schools Help choosing Schools to Apply to

    Hello, I really have no idea which grad schools to apply too...I'm a junior interested in particle physics...any recommendations? I know Ohio State is a good program that seems reasonable, and UMich is a great program that I probably couldn't get into... About me: Physics GRE: haven't...
  43. C

    Schools Best grad schools for astronautics?

    hey guys, I'm an international student studying mechanical engineering in India for my undergrad. I wanted to graduate in astrophysics, but apparently I'll need a physics degree for that, and as I think its a bit to late to shift, I figure the closest thing would be graduation in astronautics...
  44. J

    Schools What are good enginnering schools?

    In thee US of course, which are easy but look very good to employers? I like engineering alot, and I am not doing it for the money but I don't want to be bummed down by many projects and assignments.
  45. X

    Schools What kind of grad schools can I realistically aim for?

    I am a college sophomore who has recently changed my major to physics and really fallen in love with it. My freshmen year I was a business major but found it to be really boring and didn't like my school so I transferred to a highly ranked liberal arts college with the intention of majoring in...
  46. mcknia07

    Schools Getting Advise on College: Should I Change Schools?

    I currently go to a community college in my home town and it seems I am taking classes that I don't need to really graduate. Should I try to go to another college to finish my schooling? Do I need to do something else? I need all the advise I can get. Please help!
  47. X

    Schools Which Grad Schools are Top Picks for Biophysics and Neuroscience Research?

    I'm applying to grad schools this semester. I think I want to go into biophysics and do neuroscience research. Does anyone have recommendations for schools that are good in these areas?
  48. Wellesley

    Schools Best Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Schools

    I'm curious about what people consider is the best ChemE school. What schools do employers like to see applicants come from? This list excludes MIT, Cal Tech and other premier schools that are already rather obvious. Thanks for all suggestions.
  49. G

    Schools Finding the Right Math Graduate School for GM

    Hi all. I posted this inquiry on sci.math, but I only got one response. I'm hoping the good folks here can be a bit more helpful. I apologize in advance for the length of this post; I saw no other way of explaining things. I'm having some trouble thinning the herd of graduate schools...
  50. W

    Schools Which schools in the US offer bachelors in mechatronic engineering

    Which schools offer a bachelors in mechatronic engineering? Any suggestions? I've read a source that claimed that there were 3. I know one is Southern Polytechnic State University in Georgia. What are the others?