Spring Definition and 999 Threads

SPRING is a freeware GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. It has Windows and Linux versions and provides a comprehensive set of functions, including tools for Satellite Image Processing, Digital Terrain Modeling, Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics, Spatial Statistics, Spatial Databases and Map Management.
SPRING is a product of Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), who is developing SPRING since 1992, and has required over 200 man-years of development and
includes extensive documentation, tutorials and examples. More than 70,000 users from 60 countries have downloaded the software, as of January 2007.

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  1. S

    How Does Fluid Viscosity Affect Spring Oscillation Period?

    So there is this ball held on a spring. It's radius R = 0.015m , and density ρ=7800kg/m^3. It's oscillation period in air is 1.256 seconds and in the fluid it changes to 1.57 seconds. Find the viscosity of the fluid considering that the drag force obeys Stokes law. I first found the spring...
  2. B

    Statics Tension, Spring, and, DownWard Force

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I am Stuck getting Theta out of the last step of equation. I have found that theta is 35 by trial and error.( i wrote an excel program)[/B]The Attempt at a Solution
  3. R

    Applying first law of thermo to a closed spring piston

    Homework Statement A cylinder having a piston restrained by a linear spring (of spring constant 15 kN/m) contains 0.5 kg of saturated vapor water at 120ºC. Heat is transferred to the water causing piston to rise. If the piston’s cross sectional area is 0.05 m2 and the pressure varies linearly...
  4. L

    Pulley + spring balance problem.

    Homework Statement A light spring passing over a smooth pulley carries a spring balance of mass 1 kg and two weights of masses 1 kg and 2 kg. the reading on the balance will be Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] to my knowledge whatever the tension above the spring balance...
  5. A

    Can Heun's Method Accurately Predict Small Oscillations of a Nitrogen Atom?

    Homework Statement Use the Heun method to compute the period of small oscillations about the equilibrium position of a nitrogen atom. xi = 1.1 Um = 7.37 x0 = 1.2 alpha = 2.287 m = 2.325e-26 Homework Equations [/B] U(x) = Um((1-e^(-alpha(x-x0)))^2 - 1) The Attempt at a Solution I was told to...
  6. Titan97

    Thermodynamics problem involving piston and spring

    Homework Statement [/B] Homework Equations $$W=P\Delta V$$ $$\Delta U=nC_v\Delta T$$ The Attempt at a Solution . [/B] The gas is slowly heated. The temperature increases and the pressure increases as well. But since volume increases, the increases in pressure is nullified. The process is...
  7. kostoglotov

    Dynamic Damping in a simple spring system

    Homework Statement imgur link: http://i.imgur.com/Bv3qtPm.png Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution From the FBD it is apparent that there is a constraint -k_1x_1 + k_2(x_2-x_1) + 5\cos{10t} = 0 If you combine this with {x}''_1 = -(k_1+k_2)x_1 + k_2x_2 + 5\cos{10t} and m{x}''_2...
  8. Ben Reade

    Calculating the force in suspension as a car hits the brakes

    Hello, Firstly thank you for reading my post. This is an interesting question I was wondering if anyone here could teach me how to work out. Say if you had a large go-kart (FSAE/Formula Student if anyone knows of that) and you were driving at 120kph and hit the brakes and stopped in 3 seconds...
  9. SDewan

    Work Energy Theorem in Spring Block System

    Just got confused that while applying the Work - Energy Theorem in a vertical Spring-Block system performing SHM (considering no other external forces other than gravity), when I apply the theorem from equilibrium position, do I consider the work done by gravity?
  10. S

    Can a Phase Constant Be Determined from Given Oscillation Data?

    Homework Statement A 3kg object is attached to a spring and oscillates with an amplitude of 10 cm and frequency f = 2 Hz a.) What is the force constant k of the spring? b.) what is the total energy of this motion? c.) Write an equation for x(t) describing the position of this object relative...
  11. A

    Can I Modify My Leaf Springs for Increased Truck Payload Capacity?

    Hi. If I am going to increase pay load on a truck (within front and rear axle capacity). It is supposed to modify or add leafs in semi-elliptical leaf spring. I want to know what should be the max considerations for doing so? Just adding some leafs in suspension can fulfill the requirement? or...
  12. R

    Displacement of a spring within a piston

    Homework Statement The force generated by a spring is given by F=kx where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement of the spring. The spring in the below figure has a constant of 8 kN/cm. The pressures are P1=5000 kPa, P2=10,000 kPa, and P3=1000 kPa. The piston diameters are D1=8cm...
  13. HBurch614

    Spring constant of each spring when compressed

    Homework Statement A car with a mass of 1,500 kg sits on a suspension system that has four springs. When the mass of the car was originally placed on the springs, they compressed by 10 cm. What is the spring constant for each spring? Homework Equations k = F/x or k = mg/x The Attempt at a...
  14. C

    Centrifugal force and elastic deformation

    Homework Statement Consider a spring of natural length L_0 with constant k which rests on a horizontal frictionless surface. The spring is attached at one end to a fixed post and at the other end to a mass m. Suppose the spring is rotating around the post in a circle with angular velocity w...
  15. K

    Is Momentum Conserved When a Spring Unloads Between Two Masses?

    Let's say there are two masses, attached together by a string, and there's a compressed spring in between them. When the string in between is cut off, the spring unloads, pushing both masses in opposite directions. My thinking: 1. Their momentums will be equal to each other. Their momentum...
  16. C

    Rod rotating about pivot with spring

    Homework Statement Consider the following classic problem: we have a rod in the vertical position with a pivot at its midpoint and a spring attached to the bottom of the rod, perpendicular to the rod. The is rotated through a small angle theta to the vertical, and released. Find the period of...
  17. N

    How to evaluate the work done by spring without applying calculus

    In my textbook, the formula used to evaluate the value of work done by horizontally placed spring has been evaluated by applying the rules of integration. I want to evaluate it with another simple way except calculas. I want to learn the simplest way to evaluate it in such a way that even a boy...
  18. Eva001

    Max Spring Compression and Object Velocity on Frictionless Ramp

    Homework Statement An object of mass m = 2kg is relesed from a height h=5m and left to slide on a frictionless curved ramp. Once it reaches the bottom it slides horizontally from point A to point B, covering a distance L=6m on a surface with kinetic friction coefficient...
  19. A

    How Do You Apply Laplace Transforms to Vehicle Suspension Analysis?

    Homework Statement Diagram for a vehicle suspension is given. Displacement of wheel is given by 'x' and and displacement of body is 'y'. Spring constant, k = (7*10^4) Nm Damping coefficient, c = (3*10^3) N/m/s mass,m = 250kg a) Make a Laplace Transform of system and utilize it to predict 'y'...
  20. S

    Is a Vertically Hung Spring Mass System SHM?

    In an SHM, the only force that should be acting, that is the net force should be the restoring force F, by definition... F = -kx For example there is a massless spring of spring constant k attached to the ceiling and there is a body of mass m hung at it and avoiding all kinds of friction...
  21. S

    Spring Constant in Hooke's Law

    How does one arrive at the following equation to approximate spring constant for solids... using Hooke's Law F ∝-x ⇒ F = -kx and strain∝stress ? k = (m/a2) × (K/ρ)½ where k≡spring constant m ≡ mass of a single atom a ≡ atomic spacing K ≡ bulk modulus ρ ≡ density
  22. V

    Non-Zero Potential Energy in SHM: Is Spring Stretched in Mean Position?

    in shm,if minimum potential energy of an shm is not zero,does that mean that in mean position ,spring is stretched. eg mass attached to a vertical spring.
  23. RJLiberator

    What Is the Frequency of Oscillation When a Mass Suspends from a Spring?

    Homework Statement A massless spring with no mass attached to it hangs from the ceiling. Its length is 0.2 meter. A mass M is now hung on the lower end of the spring. Imagine supporting the mass with your hand so that the spring remains relaxed (that is, not expanded or compressed), then...
  24. RJLiberator

    Static measurement of Spring constant with error value

    Homework Statement It's been a little while since I did one of these. My question is: We have to use http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/mass-spring-lab/mass-spring-lab_en.html to find the measurement of k, the spring factor using two different methods. For the method I am looking at, is the static...
  25. R

    Friction Hinge Design using spring pins

    Hi As described in my previous post I am looking to make a foldable mechanism of an arm hinge. I have changed my design into the one shown in attached image. I plan to use spring split or coil pin to constrain radial movement in the hinge (yellow and red). Adding a bolt through the hinge...
  26. P

    Pendulum with a spring attached

    Homework Statement Mass = 0.2 kg Length of pendulum = 0.2 m Force constant 3 n/m Homework Equations T = 2pi rad(m/k) Sum of Torque The Attempt at a Solution I am really confused on where to start. I know you simply cannot plug it into the first equation listed above since all the mass isn't...
  27. U

    Good source homework problems for beam spring structures?

    Hello there, In this semester I'm studying the vibrations course. In this course we get questions like calculating the total stiffness, set up differential equations and so on. The book that we use (Theory of Vibrations) has not been very useful, our exams give beam spring structures related...
  28. R

    Justification for spring in series/parallel

    Homework Statement Find the frequency of oscillation of mass m suspended by two springs having constants k1 and k2, in each of the configurations shown. my question isn't on how to solve the problem but rather why the constants add with reciprocal action for parallel. I was able to figure this...

    Classical mechanics:effective spring const

    Homework Statement [/B] What is the effective spring constant for the system of the two springs, perfect pulley, and string shown on the left for it to be modeled by just one spring (constant keff) as shown on the right? Use only the variables k1 and k2 in your answer. The Attempt at a...
  30. Klas

    Lagrangian of two masses connected by a spring in semicircle

    Homework Statement Two masses are connected by a weightless spring in a friction-less semicircular well (Picture included). Derive the equations of motion with help of lagrange Homework Equations L = T - U = kinetic energy - potential energy The Attempt at a Solution ##L =...
  31. N

    You can use LaTeX to format your equations. It is supported on PF.

    went through all the similar questions in the forum and failed to find a similar one to mine. Question: On a frictionless table there are two masses , one of size m with velocity V0 (I'll call it the small mass) and one with mass M that is currently resting (the "big" mass). We connect a spring...
  32. H

    Has Anyone Heard Back About SULI DOE Spring 2016?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has heard back from the DOE regarding the SULI applications. I applied to the following labs: - Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (astronomy, plasma physics) - Los Alamos national lab (astronomy, condensed matter) In the key dates it says that all offers...
  33. B

    Amplitude vs Location when KE=PE?

    Homework Statement A 0.50-kg object is attached to an ideal massless spring of spring constant 20 N/m along a horizontal, frictionless surface. The object oscillates in simple harmonic motion and has a speed of 1.5 m/s at the equilibrium position. (a) What is the amplitude of vibration? (b) At...
  34. B

    Amplitude and Period of Oscillation from Collision

    Homework Statement A 2.00-kg object is attached to an ideal massless horizontal spring of spring constant 100.0 N/m and is at rest on a frictionless horizontal table. The spring is aligned along the x-axis and is fixed to a peg in the table. Suddenly this mass is struck by another 2.00-kg...
  35. A

    Determining the Spring Constant for a Pendulum with a Spring-Loaded Launcher

    Homework Statement A pendulum, initially at equilibrium, is set into motion by a spring-loaded launcher (compressed a distance of 0.0150 m) which fires horizontally. If the mass of the pendulum bob is 0.340 kg and it rises to a maximum height 0.120 m (relative to equilibrium), what is the...
  36. D

    Schools Is Spring admission for Graduate School common?

    Hi it's too late for me to apply for Fall admission since it's already December and I haven't started my applications. Can I apply for Spring admission since I don't want to wait a whole other year to apply for graduate schools and get in again.
  37. T

    Two Blocks & Spring: Max Extension 30 cm

    Homework Statement Two blocks of mass 3 kg and 6kg are placed on a smooth horizontal surface.They are connected by a light spring of force constant k=200N/m. Initially the spring is unstretched. The block of mass 3 kg is imparted a velocity of 1m/s and the block of mass 6 kg is imparted 2...
  38. D

    Constant torque spring - damping question

    Hi all, I have a constant torque spring that rotates the drive wheel of a Geneva mechanism. I am facing the following problem. I would like a very slow rotation of the drive wheel whenever the drive wheel is not driving the Geneva wheel of the Geneva mechanism (which is 270 degrees of a...
  39. N

    Kinetic/Potential energy of spring mass system

    Homework Statement Question: Does the force F(t) acting on mass m1 affect the equations for kinetic and potential energy of the system? Homework Equations F(t) is known V(q) is potential energy | T(q) is kinetic energy The Attempt at a Solution I think PE is not affected. I think KE...
  40. Charlotte Myall

    Can anyone me with this spring question?

    I am not looking for an answer, just a method that gives me a result close to 1871.88. I have tried this for hours and when I entered that value it says it is wrong but by a small amount. Please, can someone help me as soon as possible, the assignment is due at 9pm tonight. 1. Homework...
  41. CMATT

    Spring Force and kinetic energy

    A novelty clock has a 0.0109 kg mass object bouncing on a spring that has a force constant of 1.34 N/m. How many joules of kinetic energy does the object have at its maximum velocity if the object bounces 3.49 cm above and below its equilibrium position?
  42. M

    Spring force due to Axial and Torque load?

    Homework Statement The first theory shows a spring under an axial load where the Torque is given as WRcos(a) The second theory shows a spring under axial Torque. T is given as Wsin(a) Homework Equations Given in links The Attempt at a Solution A torque T would be at full strength along...
  43. S

    Work Done by Spring on a Body Sliding down a rod

    1. The Question Unable to find the work done by spring on the object sliding down the rod as shown below: Homework Equations Work Done by Spring Force : -1/2 * KΔx2 --(1) where k = Spring Constant Δx = Change in Spring Length[/B] 3. Where the problem occurred While seeing the solution...
  44. Q

    Spring constant of object in simple harmonic motion

    Homework Statement A 15.0-N object is oscillating in simple harmonic motion at the end of an ideal vertical spring. Its vertical position y as a function of time t is given by y(t)=4.50 cos[(19.5s−1)t−π/8] in centimeters. What is the spring constant of the spring? Homework Equations y...
  45. W

    Deriving relationship between LVDT and mass spring damper

    Homework Statement [/B] I have this system below. It is the schematic of a linear accelerometer moving horizontally, where m is the total mass of the slide, b denotes the viscous damping, and k represents the spring constant. The relative position between the moving mass and the case is...
  46. A

    Simple harmonic motion: mass on a spring is hit by a bullet

    Homework Statement A 4.0kg block is suspended from a spring with force constant of 500N/m. A 50g bullet is fired into the block from directly below with a speed of 150m/s and is imbedded in the block. Find the amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion. Homework Equations F=-kx...
  47. B

    How Is the Spring Constant Calculated from Work Done?

    Homework Statement It requires 49 J of work to stretch an ideal very light spring from a length of 1.4 m to a length of 2.9 m. What is the value of the spring constant of this spring? Homework Equations u=0.5kΔx2 The Attempt at a Solution u=\frac{1}{2}k\Delta x^2\\ k=\frac{2u}{\Delta x^2}\\...
  48. L

    Can the spring constant k be used for crumple? (not spring)

    A question on my lab is find the amount of "stopping force" required to stop the egg, by determining the size of the "crumple zone" A brief description of the lab: Build a container that will keep an egg from breaking as it is dropped from the third floor of the school, your container must...
  49. MMVS

    Hooke's Law Elevator Spring Question

    Homework Statement Elevator initially at rest. Equilibrium length L0=40.0cm 60-kg person stands on spring L1= 32.0cm The elevator than speeds upwards at 2.50 m/s2 What is the new length (L2) Homework Equations Fnet=ma Fsp=-kdeltaX FG=mg The Attempt at a Solution Taking down as positive y hat...
  50. X

    Collision with projectile and block attached to spring

    Homework Statement A projectile of mass m = 50g traveling at v0 = 20m/s hits a block of mass M = 450g. The block rests on a frictionless horizontal surface and is attached to a spring of force constant k = 2000N/m. The projectile ricochets backward off the block with speed v’ = 0.6v0. The...