Spring Definition and 999 Threads

SPRING is a freeware GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. It has Windows and Linux versions and provides a comprehensive set of functions, including tools for Satellite Image Processing, Digital Terrain Modeling, Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics, Spatial Statistics, Spatial Databases and Map Management.
SPRING is a product of Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), who is developing SPRING since 1992, and has required over 200 man-years of development and
includes extensive documentation, tutorials and examples. More than 70,000 users from 60 countries have downloaded the software, as of January 2007.

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  1. J

    Spring and Microphone (Doppler Effect...?)

    Homework Statement A microphone is suspended from a spring attached to the ceiling. Directly below, on the floor, is a source of sound that is emitting at f=440 Hz. The microphone vibrates vertically in simple harmonic motion (SHM) with a period of 2.0 seconds. The difference between the...
  2. CAT 2

    Maximum height of a spring toy launched at an angle

    Homework Statement A spring toy is launched from the ground at 2.3 m/s at an angle of 78° to the ground. What is the maximum height reached by the spring toy? Homework Equations Δt = 2(V1)Sinθ/(acceleration) ΔD = V1Δt + 1/2(acceleration)(Δt^2) The Attempt at a Solution First I solved for...
  3. I

    What Is the Non-Deformed Length of a Spring Between Two Linked Bodies?

    Homework Statement two linked are attached to each other with a spring. If the second body is placed on a fixed support, the length of the spring is 5 cm. If we fix the first body as in the picture, the length of the spring becomes 15cm. Determine the length of the spring in the non-deformed...
  4. F

    Energy Problem with Spring, Gravity, and Friction

    Homework Statement An elevator is traveling at 30 m/s just as it touches a cushioning spring. The safety clamps engage at that moment and provide 20,000N of frictional force. The mass of the elevator is 3000kg and the spring constant is 15000 N/m. How fast will the elevator be traveling after...
  5. AbigailG

    Finding Amplitude of spring oscillation after damping

    Homework Statement [/B] A spring with spring constant 10.5 N/m hangs from the ceiling. A 520 g ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down 6.20 cm and released. What is the time constant if the ball's amplitude has decreased to 2.70 cm after 60.0...
  6. V

    Two blocks of mass m1, m2 are attached to a spring

    Homework Statement Now these two blocks are pulled separately by x1 and x2 distance. Find the frequency of shm Homework Equations a = -w^2 x The Attempt at a Solution Now after m1 being pulled, it moves with acceleration a1=Force of spring/m1. acceleration of block 2 = a2=/force of...
  7. Alexanddros81

    Derive the expression for the work done by the friction force

    Homework Statement 14.6 The coefficient of kinetic friction between the slider and the rod is μ, and the free length of the spring is ##L_0 = b##. Derive the expression for the work done by the friction force on the slider as it moves from A to B. Neglect the weight of the slider. Homework...
  8. Alexanddros81

    Derive the expression for the work done by the ideal spring

    Homework Statement Derive the expression for the work done by the ideal spring on the slider when the slider moves from A to B. Assume that the free length of the spring is (a) ##L_0 = b##; and (b) ##L_0 = 0.75b## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Can you check if my solution...
  9. M

    Finding the speed of the block for one and two springs

    Homework Statement The spring in the figure (Figure 1) is compressed by length Δx. It launches the block across a frictionless surface with speed v0. The two springs in the figure (Figure 2) are identical to the spring of figure 1. They are compressed by the same length Δx and used to launch...
  10. B

    Spring Steel Metal Strip in Eyeglasses question

    Hello.. (see 3 colored pictures below to illustrate the question) I have a pair of eyeglasses with screwless spring hinges that uses spring steel metal strip (see full pictures below). I’d like to understand something about it. When the temples are fully opened.. the spring metal strip are in...
  11. RJLiberator

    QM: 1D Potential Well Spring - Energy Levels

    Homework Statement 1D Potential V(x) = mw^2x^2/2, part of a harmonic oscillator. Suppose that the spring can only be stretched, so that the potential becomes V=infinity for x<0. What are the energy levels of this system? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I argued my way though this...
  12. D

    Dynamics: Spring problem (Oscillation)

    Homework Statement The mass m = 4 kg and the spring constant k = 64 N/m. The spring is unstretched when x = 0. At t = 0, x = 0 and the mass has a velocity of 2 m/s down the inclined surface. What is the value of x at t = 0.8 s? The angle of incline is 20 degrees, and with the mass moving down...
  13. SirChris93

    Find the time when the spring force reaches max magnitude

    Homework Statement Show how you use calculus to find the time when the magnitude of the Spring Force reaches its maximum. Then, when you found that time show how you calculate the Spring force at that time as well. m = 1.125kg vi = .8 m/s k = 2250 N/m x = 0m Homework Equations Fs (t) = [-mvi...
  14. S

    Find the mass in static equilibrium problem involving a spring

    Homework Statement Consider a rigid 2.60-m-long beam (see figure) that is supported by a fixed 1.30-m-high post through its center and pivots on a frictionless bearing at its center atop the vertical 1.30-m-high post. One end of the beam is connected to the floor by a spring that has a force...
  15. B

    How a spiral torsion spring works

    How spiral torsion spring (used in mechanical watches to store energy) works? physics behind it ? ... I googled it but haven't got a clue. Where should I look for proper and detailed info.
  16. R

    Modes of Vibration of 3-DOF Spring Mass System

    Homework Statement Homework Equations a11 = a21 = a31 = a12 = a13 a22 = a32 = a23 $$ \begin{bmatrix} x_{1} \\ x_{2} \\ x_{3} \end{bmatrix} =ω^2m \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} \\ a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}...
  17. C

    Projectile Kinetic Energy and Recoil in Spring Gun Experiment

    Homework Statement A projectile of mass M1 is fired horizontally from a spring gun that is initially at rest on a frictionless surface. The combined mass of the gun and projectile is M2. If the kinetic energy of the projectile after firing is K, the gun will recoil with a kinetic energy equal...
  18. P

    Pushing spring from both sides - Find the spring constant

    Homework Statement A spring relaxed length is 0.5[m]. It is being pushed from both sides, and contracted to 0.4[m]. The force the spring is applying outwards is 3[N] on each side. What is the spring constant k? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I attempted drawing a force diagram...
  19. L

    Gravity and Spring + KE problem

    Homework Statement Homework Equations shown above KE = .5mv^2 KE = Total Work Total work = Work by block - work by spring The Attempt at a Solution Shown above. Did i do the problem correctly? I'm always unsure if I am doing the problem right
  20. L

    Did i do this problem right? (Work by Spring and KE)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations W= KE Wspring = .5kx^2 The Attempt at a Solution since W = .5mv^2 = Wspring = .5x^2 i solve for v and get that v = sqrt(kx^2/m) if i plug in multiply the x by 2, the 2 squares and i get 4. the square root of 4 is just 2 and it comes out as a constant ...
  21. G

    Fortran Simulating Contact Force in a Moving Dashpot System Using FORTRAN

    Hi there I am really new into programiing thing, and I am trying to make program of this problem usin FORTRAN I want the output to be Time,poisiton,velocity and contact force and i already know = amplitude U = velocity of the car d = rail distance and so far this is my program...
  22. A

    Elastic potential energy problem

    Homework Statement A 1.00kg mass and 2.00kg mass are set gently on a platform mounted on an ideal spring of force constant 40.0 N/m. The 2.00 kg mass is suddenly removed. How high above its starting position does the 1.00 kg mass reach? Related to it... An 87 g box is attached to a spring with...
  23. K

    Understanding the Longitudinal Wave Velocity of a Helical Spring

    v = [sqrt(D/m)] * L, where D is spring constant, m is mass of spring, L is length of the spring My lecturer give me this formula to find the longitudinal wave velocity on an helical spring. May i know how to derive this formula? < Mentor Note -- this is not technically a homework question, but...
  24. ReidMerrill

    2nd order ODE: modeling a spring

    Suppose a spring with spring constant 6N/m is horizontal and has one end attached to the wall and the other end attached to a 3 kg mass. Suppose the friction/damping constant is 1 N s/m Set up a differential equation that describes this system with x denoting displacement of the mass from...
  25. C

    Conservation of Energy: Spring pushing a block up an incline

    Homework Statement "Consider a 250 gram block on a 10 degree frictionless incline and in contact with a spring of constant 1.2 N/cm. If the block is launched from rest by the spring with an initial compression of 6cm, how fast is the block moving at the point of release from the spring? How...
  26. S

    Spring Question -- A mass falls onto a spring compressing it....

    Homework Statement An object with a mass of 6kg falls 1.8m onto a spring with a spring constant of 2x10^3 N/m. At that instant, the velocity of the object is 4m/s. What is the compression of the spring and the max displacements of the spring. m = 6kg v = 4m/s h = 1.8m k = 2x10^3N/m Homework...
  27. R

    Calculating Work Required to Stretch a Spring by Additional Distance

    Hey everyone, I'm really hoping somebody will be able to help me with this problem. I've searched all through my textbook, notes, and the Internet, but I keep getting the wrong answer. Here's the question: If it requires 6 J of work to stretch a particular spring by 2.0 cm from its...
  28. M

    Sizing of a damping - spring - mass system

    Hello All, I have come across a problem, which has troubled me for some time now. What needs to be done is the following: A mass on a rod 0.6m (mass less) has a mass of 1 kgr attached at the end of it. The rod needs to be rotated 60 degrees, within t=120 sec (see image). What I would like to...
  29. F

    Max Velocity of Damped/Undamped Spring

    Homework Statement A mass on the end of a spring is released from rest at position x0. The experiment is repeated, but now with the system immersed in a fluid that causes the motion to be critically damped. Show that the maximum speed of the mass in the first case is e times the maximum speed...
  30. A

    Minimum spring force required to keep a car level

    Homework Statement This is an attempt to solve a problem I asked about here https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/can-a-car-ever-sit-like-this.929453/ Homework Equations F = kx spring force The Attempt at a Solution using the largest angle down it can get with the front spring compressed all...
  31. C

    How Do Friction and Spring Constants Affect Block Velocities?

    Homework Statement A light spring of force constant 3.90 N/m is compressed by 8.00 cm and held between a 0.250 kg block on the left and a 0.530 kg block on the right. Both blocks are at rest on a horizontal surface. The blocks are released simultaneously so that the spring tends to push them...
  32. J

    I Gravity changes produced by a compressed and stretched spring

    If I compress a spring beyond its most relaxed point it will have more energy and thus by General Relativity produce a stronger gravitational field than the uncompressed spring will. But suppose instead I pull in the opposite direction and stretch the spring beyond its most relaxed point it is...
  33. R

    Conservation of energy -- Two charges separated by a spring

    1. Two identical charged particles which are point masses are fastened to the two ends of a spring of spring constant 100 N/m and the natural length 10cm.The system rests on a smooth horizontal table.The charge of each particle is 2*10^(-8)C.the extension of spring if the extension is small as...
  34. A

    Spring angles at static equilibrium on application of force

    Homework Statement Two linear springs with stiffness Kh, Kv are attached to a single mass m at right angle to each other, i.e; one of the spring(Kh) is in the horizontal direction(x-axis) and the other(Kv) is in the vertical direction(y-axis). A constant force F is being applied to the mass...
  35. C

    MHB Finding the final distance for the compressing in a spring system

    Dear Every one, Here is the question to the problem: As shown in the figure below, a box of mass m = 5.00 kg is sliding across a horizontal frictionless surface with an initial speed vi = 2.40 m/s when it encounters a spring of constant k = 2230 N/m. The box comes momentarily to rest after...
  36. J

    Understanding the Harmonic Motion of Two Masses Connected by a Spring

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution i) ##x_{cm} = \dfrac{m_1x_1 + m_2x_2}{m_1 + m_2}## At any time t , ##x_{cm} = v_0t## and ##x_1= v_0t - A(1-\cos{ωt})## From the above two , we get ##x_2 = v_0t + \dfrac{m_1}{m_2}A(1-\cos{wt})## I'm not clear what to do in...
  37. L

    Object on a vertical Ring with spring attached

    picture: https://ibb.co/k5P0GG Two objects slide without friction on a circular ring of radius R, oriented in a vertical plane. The heavier object (of mass 3m) is attached to a spring with an unstretched length of zero (admittedly an unphysical assumption) and spring constant k. The fixed end of...
  38. aatari

    Understanding Mass-Spring Behavior in Zero Gravity

    Hi Guys, So I am using the following simulation for this activity (Mass and Springs). The concept I need help with is to understand why when attaching a mass, the spring moves downward when the gravity is zero? If there is no gravity my limited understanding is that spring should not move...
  39. H

    Maximum height reached by object released from a vertical spring

    Mentor Note: thread moved, therefore no template A mass m is placed on a vertical spring and allowed to reach equilibrium, whose level is ##e_0## below the original level of the spring before placing the mass. It is then pushed downwards such that it is now a distance ##x_0## below the...
  40. E

    Work done by gravity and by a spring

    Homework Statement I have two objects that slide without friction on a circle of radius R, oriented in a vertical plane, as seen on the attached photo. The heavier object (mass = 3m) is attached to a spring with an unstretched length of zero and spring constant k. The fixed end of the spring...
  41. A

    Distance of box pushed up incline by spring

    Homework Statement A block of mass m=1.5kg is attached to a spring of constant k=590N/m. It is initially at rest on inclined plane of 21 degrees, and coefficient of kinetic friction between block and plane is MUk=.19. In initial position, where spring is compressed by d=.18m, mass is at lowest...
  42. J

    Calculating Amplitude and Acceleration in Harmonic Motion - Physics Homework

    Homework Statement A spring holds a weight of 800 g. The spring is set in a harmonious swing. The frequency f for the oscillation is 1.4 Hz. When the weight is 5 cm above the equilibrium position on the way upwards, a velocity of 1.1 m / s is noted a) Determine the amplitude of the movement. b)...
  43. E

    SHM Energy Conservation in a Spring

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Describe the energy conversions in a spring undergoing simple harmonic motion as it moves from the point of maximum compression to maximum stretch in a frictionless environment. Focus on points at which there will be maximum speed...
  44. Muthumanimaran

    Capacitor with dielectric as spring

    Homework Statement Two parallel plates of metal sandwich a dielectric pad of thickness d, forming an ideal capacitor of capacitance C. The dielectric pad is elastic, having a spring constant k. If an ideal battery of voltage V across its terminals is connected to the two plates of this...
  45. C

    Maximum extension of system with two blocks connected by a spring

    Homework Statement Two blocks of masses m, and m2 are connected by a spring of spring constant k. Suppose each of the blocks is pulled by a constant force F Find the maximum elongation spring will suffer and the distances moved by the two Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution the two...
  46. C

    Spring in Space: 3 Questions Answered

    I would like to ask some questions. I am in a spacecraft (I have grip on the floor) and at one end a spring is attached to the wall. I hold the spring and begin to walk backwards, extending the spring. 1) What will happen to the spacecraft as I walk backwards? 2) What will happen to the...
  47. R

    Determining energy from spring arrangements (parallel&series)

    I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the difference between applying different extremes in spring arraingement for tension applications parallel'd, series and mix of them.I have some springs which are about 18” long and stretch to 30”, so they stretch 12”. If 8 springs are available and the...
  48. T

    Quadratic equation for maximum compression of a spring

    Homework Statement A 1.2 kg block is dropped from a height of 0.5 m above an uncompressed spring. The spring has a spring constant k = 160 N/m and negligible mass. The block strikes the top end of the spring and sticks to it Find the compression of the spring when the speed of the block...
  49. H

    With which forces and why spring acts on two bodies

    Homework Statement Suppose we have spring which is between two bodies of different mass, with which force spring will act on every of them? Homework Equations Spring acts on a body with force kx The Attempt at a Solution A-/\/\/\/\/\/\/\-B Suppose body A has mass 2kg and body B has mass...
  50. B

    Choosing Axis of Rotation in Cylinder Oscillation Problem

    Homework Statement Here is a problem we worked in class. I already know the answer, just had a question on the method. Two cylinders are connected with by a small rod (with presumably negligent mass) through their centers. The cylinders can roll freely. A spring is attached to the small rod...