Spring Definition and 999 Threads

SPRING is a freeware GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment. It has Windows and Linux versions and provides a comprehensive set of functions, including tools for Satellite Image Processing, Digital Terrain Modeling, Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics, Spatial Statistics, Spatial Databases and Map Management.
SPRING is a product of Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), who is developing SPRING since 1992, and has required over 200 man-years of development and
includes extensive documentation, tutorials and examples. More than 70,000 users from 60 countries have downloaded the software, as of January 2007.

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  1. P

    Comparing Spring Compression in Two Trials with Different Release Heights

    Homework Statement Students in a physics class set up an experiment to examine the behavior of springs being compressed under various conditions. In the first trial of the experiment, students released a 1.5 kg block from rest at the top of a ramp. The block slid down the ramp, across a...
  2. Glenboro

    How High Will the Ball Bearing Rise When Released from a Compressed Spring?

    Homework Statement A ball bearing of mass m = 50.0 g, is sitting on a vertical spring whose force constant is 120.0 N/m. The initial position of the spring is at y = 0 m[/B] a) The spring is compressed downward a distance x = 0.200 m. From the compressed position, how high will the ball...
  3. K

    Spring Constant to Bring a Car to Rest

    Homework Statement What should be the spring constant k of a spring designed to bring a 1400 kg car to rest from a speed of 28 m/sec so that the occupants undergo a maximum acceleration of 5g’s? I have the solution manual and can see how they did this, but am curious as to why my attempt did...
  4. K

    Pendulum involving Spring and Rotating plank

    Homework Statement [/B] In the overhead view of the figure, a long uniform rod of mass m = 0.24 kg is free to rotate in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis through its center. A spring with force constant 240 N/m is connected horizontally between one end of the rod and a fixed wall. When...
  5. S

    Compressed Spring Between Two Boxes

    Homework Statement Two blocks of masses M and 2M are on a frictionless horizontal surface and are held in place with a compressed spring of negligible mass between them. If the blocks are then released and the block of mass 2M leaves the spring with a velocity v, the velocity of the center of...
  6. V

    Oscillation of a mass connected to a spring displaced

    Homework Statement A mass m hangs on a spring of constant k. In the position of static equilibrium the length of the spring is l. If the mass is drawn sideways and then released,the ensuing motion will be a combination of (a) pendulum swings and (b) extension and compression of the spring...
  7. AdityaDev

    How Does Acceleration Affect Spring Stretch in an Adiabatic Piston System?

    Homework Statement An adiabatic piston of mass m equally divides an insulated container of volume V0 and length l filled with Helium.The initial pressures on both sides of the piston is P0 and the piston is connected to a spring of constant k. The container starts moving with acceleration a...
  8. B

    Solve "Energy with Friction Homework

    Homework Statement A 1.20 kg object slides to the left on a surface having a coefficient of friction of 0.250. The object has a speed of v_i = 3.00 m/s when it makes contact with a light spring that has a force constant of 60.0 N/m. The object comes to rest (briefly) after the spring has been...
  9. M

    Graphing Oscillating Objects: Can You Find the Spring Constant?

    How could you graph a potential energy vs. time graph only knowing the position vs. time graph and the velocity vs time graph for a hanging object oscillating up and down on a string?
  10. L

    Need to sketch the potential energy of the spring system

    https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/11160576_1059930500703784_4106088481400641257_n.jpg?oh=2e1906c36fc3e407fc8e2b8eb544bbba&oe=55401DBB 1. Well the entirety of the question along with the variables is given within the picture ^.2. I can't figure out how to make the graph...
  11. A

    Optimizing ANSYS Spring Analysis Settings for Accurate Results

    How do you select the settings to analyse a spring? How do you let ANSYS know that this is a spring (not a normal piece of metal) that I want to analyse?
  12. goonking

    What Is the Oscillation Frequency of a Weight Hung on a Spring?

    Homework Statement If I attach a spring to the ceiling, then hang a weight on the spring, the spring extends by 1.19 meters, comes to rest for an instant, and then begins oscillating. The mass of the weight is 6.6 kg. What is the oscillation frequency of the block's oscillations. Homework...
  13. B

    Active force of spring on mass (D'alemberts)

    I am trying to understand the effect that eliminating the mass m1 (m1 = 0) has on the active forces (Fa). I have gone through a scenario where m1 is taken into consideration (refer to uploaded images). The active force on m1 is from the spring and does not have m1 in the expression (Fs1 =...
  14. S

    What Is the Speed of a Mass at Equilibrium in Simple Harmonic Motion?

    Homework Statement A 1.0 Kg mass is attached to the end of a vertical ideal spring with a force constant of 400 N/m. The mass is set in simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10 cm. The speed of the 1.0 kg mass at the equilibrium position is. A. 2 m/s B. 4 m/s C. 20 m/s D. 40 m/s E. 200...
  15. T

    A mass oscillating at the end of a spring

    1. A 250-g object hangs from a spring and oscillates with an amplitude of 5.42 cm. The spring constant is 4.80 N/m. a) What is the acceleration of the object when the displacement is 4.27 cm [down]? I put: m=0.25 kg d=0.0542 m k=48 N/m x=0.0427m Therefore: F=kx which leads to a=kx/m a=(48...
  16. M

    Spring with weight question / Potential energy of the spring

    Homework Statement The spring of a dynamo-meter grows 20cm when one suspends a 4N on weight. What is the potential energy of the spring when one suspends a weight of 12N? Homework Equations Ue = 1/2*k*r2 Ug= m*g*h The Attempt at a Solution so to find k I do this step. 1/2*k*0.22 = 4*0.2...
  17. F

    Amplitude of two carts attached by a spring

    Homework Statement #1. [Coupled Oscillators] A cart of mass m (car #1) and another cart of mass 2m (car #2) on a horizontal surface are connected by an ideal massless spring of spring constant k. The two carts are set into oscillation about their center-of-mass (CM) in Simple Harmonic...
  18. Satvik Pandey

    Maximum extension in spring connecting two masses.

    Homework Statement In the figure shown below all surfaces are friction-less. Find the maximum extension in the spring(in meters) , if the blocks are initially at rest and the spring is initially in its natural length. Details and Assumptions: F=30N k=700N/m m=5kgHomework EquationsThe Attempt...
  19. radiantvibe

    Two Blocks Inelastic Collision with Spring

    Homework Statement A solid block of mass m2 = 8.1 kg, at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface, is connected to a relaxed spring. The other end of the spring is fixed, and the spring constant is k = 230 N/m. Another solid block of mass m1 = 4.0 kg and speed v1 = 5.1 m/s collides with the...
  20. AlephNumbers

    Compressed spring between two particles

    Homework Statement Particle A and Particle B are held together with a compressed spring between them. When they are released, the spring pushes them apart, and they then fly off in opposite directions, free of the spring. The mass of A is 2.00 times the mass of B, and the energy stored in the...
  21. A

    Spring problem: compressed and pushed down with a velocity

    Homework Statement I'm trying to come up with a problem and solve it. As of right now, I have a vertical spring with an equilibrium length of .38 m hanging. A .61 kg mass is attached to the bottom, and the new equilibrium length is 1.05 m. If the spring is compressed .1 m upwards then pushed...
  22. A

    Hooke's Law: Find x (How much will the spring stretch)?

    Homework Statement | Mass 1: 2kg | -------- | Mass 2: 3kg | ----------> 15N 2 blocks are connected by a massless spring on a horizontal frictionless plane. The left block has a mass of 2kg and the right block has a mass of 3 kg. There is a force pulling Mass 2 to the right with a force of...
  23. C

    Radius of curvature along a spring

    Hello friends, I am working on a design project for my capstone course in my engineering curriculum. Part of the design involves a cord consisting of wires tightly wrapped helically (à la a spring) around a nylon rope core. An important specification of this design is the radius of curvature...
  24. pitbull

    Current on a spring to withstand a weight.

    Homework Statement You have a spring of length l, radius R, with N loops and n loops per unit length. If you consider it a solenoid, what current do you need to apply to withstand a mass m hanging from it, without stretching or shrinking the spring. Homework Equations Magnetic field inside a...
  25. M

    Block and spring on a weird track (roller coaster)

    Homework Statement A block of mass m = 1.5 kg is launched from point A with speed VA = 12 m / s, in the circuit shown in Figure 4. If we assume that there is no friction determine: a) the speed of the block when it reaches the point C; Drawing of the problem: http://i.imgur.com/TrcMJ5I.png...
  26. M

    Spring on inclined plane with a Block

    Homework Statement A block of mass m = 4 kg, is held at rest on a spring (point A), spring constant k = 500 N / m, compressed by a distance AB = .DELTA.L as shown in Figure 3. When the block is freed , it reaches the point B ( non-deformed position of the spring ) with a velocity of VB = 5 m /...
  27. W

    What Forms of Energy Change in a Two-Mass Spring System?

    Homework Statement Two identical 0.25kg blocks (labeled 1 and 2) are initially at rest on a nearly frictionless surface, connected by an unstretched spring, as shown in the upper diagram, where x2=0.059m. Then a constant force of 17N to the right is applied to block 2, and at a later time the...
  28. K

    Spring pendulum, Kinetic Energy

    In the included picture, I don't get how they get to the kinetic energy part. I would say, that the traveled distance is equal to (l + x(t))*θ. Then I would take the time derivative, resulting in dx(t)/dt * θ + (l + x(t))* dθ/dt. Then I would square this result and multiply that with 1/2 m. But...
  29. G

    SHM Spring System is Independent of Gravity?

    For a mass-spring system, Period, T = 2pi * root(m/k) So using hookes law, F = kx But if the spring is being stretched by a mass due to gravity, mg = kx So, k = mg/x But then this means, Period, T = 2pi * root(mx / mg) or, T = 2pi * root(x / g) Where have I gone wrong? I've been told...
  30. N

    Spring mass pulley system frequency equation

    Homework Statement A spring is attached to the ceiling, a pulley is attached to the other end of the spring, a string is suspended over the pulley, and a mass attached to the free end of this string. The system oscillates vertically. Can someone PLEASE help me derive this equation for natural...
  31. Calpalned

    Does spring continue to stretch?

    Homework Statement It was stated that the block separates from the compressed spring when the spring reached its equilibrium length of x=0. Explain why separation doesn't take place before (or after) this point. I understand how this works, intuitively. What I don't understand is my...
  32. Calpalned

    Neglecting the mass of a spring

    Homework Statement Homework Equations See above The Attempt at a Solution This is the textbook's explanation... 1) Why does it say ##k_{speed} = K_{mass} +##... and not ##k_{total} =##...? 2) If force isn't constant, then work requires an integral, which in turn means that kinetic...
  33. T

    Effect of a spring on equations of motion

    Homework Statement I am just wondering what effect a torsional spring, with constant K, would have on the equations (1) to (5), under the section "Force analysis and system equations". The torsional spring is located where the pendulum and cart are connected...
  34. B

    Maximizing Friction Incline Stability with Spring Release

    Homework Statement 80kg box is on a 20 degree incline against a spring and is released from rest. Coefficient of static friction is .25. Determine max and in values of the intial compression force in the spring so that block will not slip on release. Then calculate the magnitude and direction...
  35. K

    Calculating Energy Conservation in a Spring-Mass System on an Incline

    Homework Statement A 2kg block is pushed against a spring of force constant k=400 N/m, compressing it .22m. When the block is released, it moves along a frictionless, horizontal surface and then up a frictionless incline with a slope of 37 degrees. a.) what is the speed of the block as it...
  36. Futurestar33

    Given a harmonic oscillator with mass m, and spring constant

    Homework Statement Given a harmonic oscillator with mass m, and spring constant k, is subject to damping force F= cdx/dt and driven by an external force of the form F[ext]= FoSin(wt). A) Find the steady state solution. B) Find the amplitude and the phase. Homework Equations F=-kx the steady...
  37. A

    Double Valve Spring: Benefits & Reasons

    In some motorbike engines, I notice there are two springs (inner and outer) for a valve. Why do they have to make it two ? Thanks
  38. S

    Spring and mass problem, compression, avg force, displacemnt

    Homework Statement A 2kg box traveling at a velocity of 5 m/s hits a spring (k=100 N/cm). Find a. How much the spring will compress b. What is the average force on the spring c. If the surface has μs = 0.15 and μk = 0.12, how far will the box rebound from the spring d. If the surface is...
  39. L

    Block on a vertical spring, finding frequency

    Homework Statement A block of mass m is on a platform of mass M, supported by a vertical, massless spring with spring constant k. When the system is at rest, how much is the spring compressed? When the spring is pushed an extra distance x, what is the frequency of vertical oscillation...
  40. W

    Finding the maximum displacement of a vertical spring using energy conservation

    Homework Statement A mass of 0.36kg hangs motionless from a vertical spring whose length is 0.8m and whose unstretched length is 0.51m. Next, the mass is pulled down to where the spring has a length of 1.09m and given an initial speed upwards of...
  41. Calpalned

    How much work is required to stretch a spring by an additional 4.0 cm?

    Homework Statement If it requires 5.0 J of work to stretch a particular spring by 2.0 cm from its equilibrium length, how much more work will be required to stretch it an additioanl 4.0 cm? Homework Equations Force done on spring: ##F_P = kx ## Work: ##\frac {1}{2}kx^2 ## The Attempt at a...
  42. T

    A mass inside a horizontal spring

    Homework Statement We have a spring of length l0 tied to two vertical non moving sticks. We place a mass m at 0,45l0 and let it oscillate. If we measure the period of an oscillation, we can find the angular frequency and calculate k. The question is, how can I calculate k1 and k2, the constants...
  43. A

    How Do You Calculate Spring Constant in a Rotating System with a Broken Thread?

    Homework Statement (Sorry for my bad English) A slippery (frictionless), light horizontal bar rotates about a vertical axis with a constant angular velocity ω. A cylinder with mass m, is initially attatched to a thread with length a and to a spring, which from the beginning has its "natural"...
  44. S

    Initial Tension Of Parallel Spring System

    Homework Statement How to calculate initial tension or pretension in a system of two parallel springs. F=5.33213N K1+K2=53.0597 x=0.095 Individual springs have initial tension of 0.25N so I would expect an answer of 0.5N but I can't get there. Homework Equations F=(k1+k2)x The Attempt at a...
  45. A

    What is the magnitude of the spring force given M,K and X

    Homework Statement 1.In a game a .12kg disk is shot across a frictionless surface . The spring is compressed by 6cm. The spring constant is 230 N/m. What is the magnitude of the spring force? 2. A piece of plastic is attached to a spring. The spring is compressed 2cm and the released. If the...
  46. A

    Finding The Compression of a Spring

    Homework Statement "A coil spring has a force constant of k = 4.0 lb/in. When the spring's axis is inclined at an angle 30 degrees from the horizontal, a W = 2.0 oz ball is propelled to a height of 6.0 ft. By how much must the spring have been compressed initially? (1 lb = 16 oz) Homework...
  47. W

    Determine the compression of the spring

    Homework Statement Russian aviator Vsevolod Mikhailovich Abramovich invented the Abramovich Flyer based on the design of the Wright brothers' first plane. After this first success, Abramovich became obsessed with deep space travel designing a spring based launcher to fire a probe of mass 90kg...
  48. SherlockIsReal

    Comparing SHM of Two Identical Masses on Springs

    Homework Statement Compare the simple harmonic motion of two identical masses oscillating up and down on springs with different spring constants. Homework Equations F = -kxThe Attempt at a Solution Okay, so I understand that the higher the spring constant, the harder it is to compress the...
  49. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    Homework Statement In my physics 12 class, we were given a spring and had to launch it at an angle into a target (the object launched is the spring itself). The target was on the floor level but the spring was launched from above the floor level. I need to find out how far to pull the spring...
  50. K

    Spring loaded door pusher for Chamber

    Hello. I manufacture Parts Cleaning Machines. I have hit a small obstacle in designing a new machine in which I have to push the door of a chamber from front in order to obtain a perfect seal (for vacuum & to prevent leaks). Some research on the internet has led me to videos of similar...