Variables Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, and in other disciplines involving formal languages, including mathematical logic and computer science, a free variable is a notation (symbol) that specifies places in an expression where substitution may take place and is not a parameter of this or any container expression. Some older books use the terms real variable and apparent variable for free variable and bound variable, respectively. The idea is related to a placeholder (a symbol that will later be replaced by some value), or a wildcard character that stands for an unspecified symbol.
In computer programming, the term free variable refers to variables used in a function that are neither local variables nor parameters of that function. The term non-local variable is often a synonym in this context.
A bound variable is a variable that was previously free, but has been bound to a specific value or set of values called domain of discourse or universe. For example, the variable x becomes a bound variable when we write:

For all x, (x + 1)2 = x2 + 2x + 1.

There exists x such that x2 = 2.
In either of these propositions, it does not matter logically whether x or some other letter is used. However, it could be confusing to use the same letter again elsewhere in some compound proposition. That is, free variables become bound, and then in a sense retire from being available as stand-in values for other values in the creation of formulae.
The term "dummy variable" is also sometimes used for a bound variable (more often in general mathematics than in computer science), but that use can create an ambiguity with the definition of dummy variables in regression analysis.

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  1. M

    Probability Density Functions: Transformation of Variables

    Hi, I have a question about probability transformations when the transformation function is a many-to-one function over the defined domain. Question: How do we transform the variables when the transformation function is not a one-to-one function over the domain defined? If we have ## p(x) =...
  2. N

    Median and mean when there are 2 variables

    Here's a list of six numbers written in order of size 4, 7, x, 10, y, y The numbers have a median of 9 a mean of 11 Find x and y? So I've gone to do: (4+7+x+10+2y)/2 = 11 I get x+2y = 45 What do I need to do from here?
  3. Arman777

    Adjusting the printing format for the given variables in R

    I have data like -418 -26066 -539 -33810 -763 -47745 207 12395 -701 14732 473 -8748 862 -19061 744 -16347 680 59377 -637 -53885 -720 35840 -486 23906 -147 3505 762 -20129 677 -53800 849 -67388 -690 42730 995 -63425 203 -4108 620 -11614 93 -6381 26 -1423...
  4. E

    Action variables for the Kepler problem

    Let's consider the Hamiltonian $$H = \frac{1}{2m} p_r^2 + \frac{1}{2mr^2} p_{\phi}^2 - \frac{k}{r}$$where the generalised momenta are here ##p_r = m\dot{r}## and ##p_{\phi} = mr^2 \dot{\phi}## conjugate to the coordinates ##r## and ##\phi##. Since ##p_{\phi}## does not depend on ##\phi## it can...
  5. binbagsss

    Maple Maple- simplifing an expression in terms of pre-defined variables?

    I have some dimensionless numbers commonly used in fluid mechanics and I want to express a certain expression in terms of these dimensionless numbes If I, after defining my dimensionless numbers, enter the command : simplify(*expression*) where the expression is a function of variables that...
  6. U

    MHB Verifying Solution for Exponentially Distributed Random Vars.

    Given two i.i.d. random variables $X,Y$, such that $X\sim \exp(1), Y \sim \exp(1)$. I am looking for the probability $\Phi$. However, the analytical solution that I have got does not match with my simulation. I am presenting it here with the hope that someone with rectifies my mistake. ...
  7. karush

    MHB 311.3.2.16 Find the determinant with variables a b c d e f g h i

    $\tiny{311.3.2.16}$ Find the determinants where: $\left|\begin{array}{rrr}a&b&c\\ d&e&f\\5g&5h&5i\end{array}\right| =a\left|\begin{array}{rrr}e&f \\5h&5i\end{array}\right| -b\left|\begin{array}{rrr}d&f \\5g&5i\end{array}\right| +c\left|\begin{array}{rrr}d&e\\5g&5h\end{array}\right|=$ ok before...
  8. J

    I Is completeness synonymous with hidden variables in QM?

    In one of the Insights. Either QM is incomplete (because we only have access to probabilities in conventional experiment) or there are Many Worlds. I want to pick incompleteness. But in Einstein context of it. Incompleteness means there were hidden variables. Is there another meaning of...
  9. cestlavie

    Magnetic flux given magnetic field and sides (using variables)

    I know the answer is ##ka^3/2##. I got ##ka^2## and I don't know how to get the right answer. I saw an explanation using integrals, but my class is algebra-based. My attempt: ##Flux=ABcos\theta##. I figure ##cos\theta## is 1 becuase the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the...
  10. L

    Separation of Variables: Find the potential b/w concentric hemispheres

    I'm having troubles setting up this problem. I know we are to use boundary conditions to determine An and Bn since in this case (a<r<b) neither can be set to 0. I don't know how the given potentials translate into boundary conditions, especially the V3 disk.
  11. anemone

    MHB Solve System of 2 Variables: $x^5+y^5=33,\,x+y=3$

    Solve the system $x^5+y^5=33,\,x+y=3$.
  12. archaic

    Linear combination of random variables

    a) Total weight ##W=W_1+W_2+...+W_{25}##.$$E[W]=E[W_1]+E[W_2]+...+E[W_{25}]=25\times76=1900\,kg$$$$\sigma_W=\sqrt{V(W_1)+V(W_2)+...+V(W_{25})}=\sqrt{25\times(16)^2}=80\,kg$$ b) Since ##W## is a linear combination of normal distributions, the reproductive property tells us that ##W## is also...
  13. no_drama_llama_77

    I Fourier Series and Cepheid Variables

    If given a set of data points for the magnitude of a cepheid variable at a certain time (JD), how can we use Fourier series to find the period of the cepheid variable? I'm trying to do a math investigation (IB math investigation) on finding the period of the cepheid variable M31_V1 from data...
  14. S

    Stating logarithm in variables

    Have tried to do that but getting no result. I know ##\log \sqrt{1000} = \frac {3}{2}## . I just want to know whether it is possible to state ##\log \sqrt{1000}## in terms of u and/or v without using "weird stuff", like ##\log \sqrt{1000} = \frac{3}{2} + u - u ## (this is what I did...) Thanks
  15. K

    I Geodesics using 2 Variables: Time & Radius from Mass

    *Moving this thread from 'General Math Forum' to 'General Relativity Forum' in order to generate more discussion.* Any object will move through spacetime along its geodesic. Since mass bends spacetime, an object initially at rest near the mass will move towards the mass along a geodesic. It...
  16. Z

    Boundary Value and Separation of Variables.

    If the boundary condition is not provided in the form of electric potential, how do we solve such problem? In this case, I want to use ##V = - \int \vec{E} \cdot{d\vec{l}}##, but I don't know how to choose an appropriate reference point.
  17. LCSphysicist

    How Does Changing Variables Affect Integrals in Calculus?

    Be ##x = x(u,v) y = y(u,v)##, if ##F = \int f(x,y,y')dx## and the Jacobian's determinant different of zero, ##v = v(u)## ##{\Large {J = \int F[x,y,y']dx ---> \int F[x(u,v),y(u,v),\frac{y_{u} + y_{v}v'}{x_{u} + x_{v}v'}](x_{u} + x_{v}v')du}}## The last term in the bracket is confusing me, how to...
  18. TheBigDig

    Sum of the Expected Values of Two Discrete Random Variables

    Apologies if this isn't the right forum for this. In my stats homework we have to prove that the expected value of aX and bY is aE[X]+bE[Y] where X and Y are random variables and a and b are constants. I have come across this proof but I'm a little rusty with summations. How is the jump from the...
  19. karush

    MHB -b.2.2.1 separate variables y'=\dfrac{x^2}{y}

    $\tiny{b.2.2.1 \quad 48}$ 320 solve $\quad y'=\dfrac{x^2}{y}$ $\begin{array}{lll} \textit{Rewrite as} &y\dfrac{dy}{dx}=x^2\implies y\ dy=x^2\ dx \\ \\ \textit{Integrate Thru} &\displaystyle\int y \, dy = \displaystyle\int x^2 \, dx\\ \\ &\dfrac{y^2}{2} = \dfrac{x^3}{3}+c\\ \\ \textit{thus}...
  20. C

    A GR State Variables: Exploring Analogies to EM

    Hi, does general relativity have state variables, analogous to current (I), charge (Q), voltage (V), and flux (Φ) in electromagnetism? Thanks.
  21. greg_rack

    Two variables in one equation....

    Now, I obviously started by equalling the two expressions, but ending up with a 2-variables equation which of course can't be solved... I cannot really understand from where could I take the second equation involving a and b to be able to put the two into a system of equations.
  22. T

    Integral of (xsin(t))....Two Variables in Single Variable Calc Integral

    I was told this problem could simply be solved with calc-1 techniques, so I'm tempted to say we could do d/dx(x∫(limits: 0,x) sin(t) dt. Then it's a simple product rule: d/dx (x) * ∫(0,x) sint dt + x * d/dx(∫ (0,x) sin (t) dt) = 1 - cos(x) + x*sin(x). However, I wonder if we have to allow that...
  23. Z

    B What is the notation for denoting constants in a function?

    I remember in grad school encountering the notation for what was referred to as either a parameter of a function or something like a constant variable. For example, typically we denote a function as f( x ), where x is the independent variable. If the function f( x ) = ax + b, then a and b are...
  24. D

    Three independent random variables having Normal distribution

    Let ##X_1 X_2 X_3 ## be three independent random variables having Normal(Gaussian ) distribution, all with mean ##\mu##=20 and variance ##\sigma^2##=9. Also let ##S=X_1+ X_2 +X_3## and let ##N## be the number of the ##X_i## assuming values greater than 25. ##E\left[N\right]##=? I did not...
  25. D

    Expected value of two uniformly distributed random variables

    ##X_1## and## X_2## are uniformly distributed random variables with parameters ##(0,1)## then: ##E \left[ min \left\{ X_1 , X_2 \right\} \right] = ## what should I do with that min?
  26. Mayhem

    I Separation of Variables and Integrating over an Interval

    I was solving the van't Hoff equation over an interval ##[T_1 , T_2]##: The van't Hoff equation ## \frac{\mathrm{d} \ln K}{\mathrm{d} T} = \frac{\Delta_r H^{\circ}}{RT^2} ## which can be solved with separation of variables: ## d \ln K = \frac{\Delta_rH^\circ}{RT^2}dT ## ##\Updownarrow##...
  27. S

    Mathematica Definite integral with some unknown variables

    I am trying to evaluate an integral with unknown variables ##a, b, c## in Mathematica, but I am not sure why it takes so long for it to give an output, so I just decided to cancel the running. The integral is given by, ##\int_0^1 dy \frac{ y^2 (1 - b^3 y^3)^{1/2} }{ (1 - a^4 c^2 y^4)^{1/2} }##
  28. Y

    Question about the efficiency of using an array or individual variables

    I have two questions here. In the program, I have two different boolean expressions, one using array A[10], the other just using individual variablesB(0..9). They both do the same thing as in the program. My question which one is faster in real life hardware? My guess is B(0..9) is faster even...
  29. cwill53

    I Chain Rule in Multiple Variables

    The following link leads to a question I asked on the mathematics Stack Exchange site. I want to understand how the chain rule...
  30. S

    Setting Free variables when finding eigenvectors

    upon finding the eigenvalues and setting up the equations for eigenvectors, I set up the following equations. So I took b as a free variable to solve the equation int he following way. But I also realized that it would be possible to take a as a free variable, so I tried taking a as a free...
  31. J

    Change of variables in a propagator

    I'm guessing that there must be some nuance that I do not quite understand in the difference between ##|p\rangle## and ##|E\rangle##? Like, later in the book even ##dk## is used as a variable of integration, where ##k = p/\hbar.## Surely this has effects on the value of the integral - wouldn't...
  32. DuckAmuck

    A Separation of variables possible in this problem?

    Is it possible to use separation of variables on this equation? au_{xx} + bu_{yy} + c u_{xy} = u + k Where u is a function of x and y, abck are constant. I tried the u(x,y) = X(x)Y(y) type of separation but I think something more clever is needed. Thank you.
  33. MathematicalPhysicist

    Change of variables in a simple integral

    So we have ##x=\beta(1/2 mv^2-\mu)##, i.e ##\sqrt{2(x/\beta+\mu)/m}=v##. ##dv= \sqrt{2/m}dx/\sqrt{2(x/\beta+\mu)/m}##. So should I get in the second integral ##(x+\beta \mu)^{1/2}##, since we have: $$v^2 dv = (2(x/\beta+\mu)/m)\sqrt{2/m} dx/\sqrt{2(x/\beta+\mu)/m}$$ So shouldn't it be a power...
  34. agnimusayoti

    Changing Variables and the Limits of Integration using the Jacobian

    From the equations, I can find Jacobians: $$J = \frac {1}{4(x^2 + y^2)} $$ But, I confuse with the limit of integration. How can I change it to u,v variables? Thanks...
  35. Y

    MHB Objective function of a linear program with multiple variables.

    Hello, Please I need help to find the objective function of a linear program (attachement : example). I tried to figure it out from the formula provided in (attachement : formula) but I couldn't understand it, it's written (MIN(lambda)wj) I think it's the key to resolve my question ! ( Full file...
  36. Y

    Objective function of a linear program with multiple variables

    Hello, Please I need help to find the objective function of a linear program (attachement : example). I tried to figure it out from the formula provided in (attachement : formula) but I couldn't understand it, it's written (MIN(lambda)wj) I think it's the key to my question ! ( Full file is...
  37. phys194

    EM: Separation of variables to find magnetic induction

    Consider the static field configuration shown in the image. There are three layers: 0 = vacuum, 1 = magneto-optic fluid and 2 = covering shell. Each of these layers have their own permittivity and permeability (ε_i,μ_i) (isotrope). A uniform electric field H_0 = H_0/sqrt(2) * (e_x + e_y) is...
  38. D

    Uniform distribution of two random variables

    i did not get how the professor came to such result. In particular: in order to evaluate P[x+y<=z] solved a double integral of the joint density. What i am not getting is did i choose the extreme of integration in order to get as result ##\frac {z^2} {2}##
  39. G

    MHB Can Multivariable Limits Be Simplified Easily?

    Good evening! Could anybody help me with this limit? I have a problem when there are two variables. The only thing I did was that: , but I don't know if it was helpful. Thank you!
  40. E

    B Tangents to a curve as functions of different variables

    Let's say we have a curve in 2D space that we can represent in both cartesian and polar coordinates, i.e. ##y = y(x)## and ##r = r(\theta)##. If you want the tangent at any point ##(x,y) = (a,b)## on the curve you can just do the first order Taylor expansion at that point $$y(x) = y'(a)x +...
  41. E

    B Confused about holding variables constant during integration

    For a double integral, we might treat the "inner integral" separately and be able to compute something like ##\int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(x,y) dx## by holding ##y## constant during the integration. The same technique is applied in other places too, like for solving exact differential equations. I haven't...
  42. J

    MHB Solve for X | Math Problem | Paul's Question

    Hi, my name is Paul and I'm new to this forum. I'm having a math problem that I'm unable to find a solution for it at all, i have tried many solutions but unable to find the x (0.149/(18 - 0.1x - 0.05n)^2) - (44.5/x^2) The task is to find the variable x Thanks a lot, your help will mean a lot to me.
  43. E

    B Difference between functions and variables

    This is probably a silly question, though it's confused me a little so I thought I'd ask. It is my understanding that a function is loosely defined as a mapping between two sets, whilst a variable can represent an element of either of those sets. I'll take the example of velocity, since it's...
  44. R

    I Change of variables for this derivative in a heat transfer equation

    Hello- In the attached screenshot from my textbook, I am trying to understand how they get from equation 6.5 to 6.5a. I have attached my attempt to solve it, but I am stuck evaluating the left side. I do not see how to get their result. Relevant information: k, T_w, T_inf, h and L are all...
  45. il postino

    Calculate the pressure using the Van der Waal equation on reduced variables

    Summary:: Find the pressure using the vdw equation in reduced variables Hi everyone! I have a doubt when I try to solve this exercise. The result was very high pressure. Calculate the pressure using the reduced variable vdW equation for a sample of 74.8 grams of ethane in a ##200 cm^3##...
  46. nomadreid

    I Conjugate variables: two descriptions (Link?)

    If I understand correctly (a big caveat), one shows that if one can get from one function to the other via a Fourier transform and multiplication by a constant, then the width of the corresponding Gaussian wave of one gets larger as that of the other gets smaller, and vice-versa, and by a bit...
  47. T

    A 11 coordinate system for separation of variables

    Good Morning I have a very vague memory of having read (about 40 years ago) that there are only 11 coordinate systems in which the field equations of physics can be separated. I can no longer be sure if my memory has failed me. But this issue has been in my head for all these years. (Gotta do...
  48. A

    I Changing variables in multiple integrals

    Suppose we have a region R in the x-y plane and divide the region into small rectangles of area dxdy. If the integrand or the limits of integration were to be simplified with the introduction of new variables u and v instead of x and y, how can I supply the area element in the u-v system in the...
  49. mgkii

    B Entanglement - lack of "symmetry" in no-hidden variables explanation

    Hi. Over the years I've read LOT of "popular science" (i.e. non-textbook) books on entanglement, and on the explanations / objections / arguments Einsten, Bohr, Bohm and others had that still remain today. There's one aspect which never seems to get covered in these books and I wondered if...