Discussing Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

In summary: So there is no reason why we can't advance and find even more efficient and advanced ways to propel ourselves through the air. So in summation, I don't believe that UFOs are aliens.
  • #176
Hi there Grakhul and welcome to PF.com!

Originally posted by Grakhul
Most readily observed UFO's are probably prototype military aircraft as many of you have stated. But my curiosity is peeked when speculating about UFO's that do not appear to have their origin from earth. Though I lean heavilly towards the spiritual origin of the universe I try to keep an open mind about pretty much everything -which bring me to my point. If there were UFO's of extra terrestrial origin:
1. They would not try to contact us - any species able to construct spacecraft that can clear the vast distances of space would have no interest in our species.(we would be like insects to them with nothing to offer)

Well, of course you an entitled to your opinion, but I don't see the basis for the logic. Simply put, how can we know? Also, I am not sure that we know what ET means. We have a definition, but I often doubt that we use the correct one.

2. Extra terrestrial with spacecraft to travel the vast expanses of space would be so advanced that they would just come to this planet and exploit us.(Which is why I have a big problem with organizations wasting money broadcasting our coordinates widly though space for any rag tag alien species to pick up(Where over here guys!))(If they exist this is not wise)

Who actually claims to know what they might be doing? Even most alleged abducties don't claim to understand what's going on. As for transmitting signals, not only could this be dangerous if they were to accomplish anything, it is also futile. Plenty of RF radiates from this planet already. This is the biggest problem that I find in trying to sort through potential evidence - once a true believer, people tend to go off the deep end. I think this happens because no explanations lie within our range of experience, or of our sensibilities. Since we don't have well defined boundaries for this reality, all bets are off. Who knows or can know what is possible?

TO deviate from the above:
** Most UFO pics we taken back in the days. Why hasnt the number of UFO pics grown or why haven't we seen any new UFO pics - now that almost every body has a camera or a camcorder. You would think that someone somewhere would have taken some decent footage by now.
I have probably viewed over a thousand hours of good and recent video footage. Of course, if someone does get a good shot, all the skeptics cry FAKE! Here we find the rational that if its not obviously a fake, it must be a fake! Also, I have recently seen some fantastic film footage taken from the cockpit of a Russian Mig. The plane was chasing to intercept a cylinder [cylindrical UFO] which came well into clear and plain view. The cylinder then accelerates out of sight. This footage allegedly comes from recently recovered KGB files. It seems that much of the old Soviet is for sale; especially previously classified information. Much new information and evidence is coming from this. It will take some time to sort out the wheat from the chaff.

Which brings me to:
Can anyone point me to a website with Heaven's gate UFO/Comet pictures. I can't seem to find them anywhere.

I will contact the mother ship and get some pictures for you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #177
Originally posted by Grakhul
** Most UFO pics we taken back in the days. Why hasnt the number of UFO pics grown or why haven't we seen any new UFO pics - now that almost every body has a camera or a camcorder. You would think that someone somewhere would have taken some decent footage by now.

If you go to the video archieves, you will find some fairly recent files. Also, the most dramatic recent footage is often copyright protected and sold to The Sci Fi channel and such. If you don't follow the UFO news, it is hard to see the latest and greatest.

One interesting note. It is reported that The journal Nature has agreed in principle to published well penned UFO papers.
  • #179
Astronauts and cosmotologist sightings of UFO's?

Astronauts and cosmotologist sightings of UFO's? I would like to roof of these reports, so if anyone could help me I would be extremely greatful. I have heard that there were recordings of people (i think someone even mentioned buzz aldrin) that went into space and said things to the effect of "dam those things are huge" (referring to a UFO) or "i hope we don't fight them" or saying things to that effect. I heard this from a friend of mine that can, in my opinion, be declared a UFO expert. He has books, taped specials on the discovery channel and history channel,and does many searches ont eh internet. Unfortunately he did not have his stuff with him when he visited me (he lives on the other side of the country) So can anyone tell me if they have heard of it or tell me where I can find it?
  • #180

Originally posted by Shadow
Astronauts and cosmotologist sightings of UFO's? I would like to roof of these reports, so if anyone could help me I would be extremely greatful. I have heard that there were recordings of people (i think someone even mentioned buzz aldrin) that went into space and said things to the effect of "dam those things are huge" (referring to a UFO) or "i hope we don't fight them" or saying things to that effect. I heard this from a friend of mine that can, in my opinion, be declared a UFO expert. He has books, taped specials on the discovery channel and history channel,and does many searches ont eh internet. Unfortunately he did not have his stuff with him when he visited me (he lives on the other side of the country) So can anyone tell me if they have heard of it or tell me where I can find it?

Even though many astronauts including Buzz Aldrin believe in UFOs, any alleged transmissions of UFO discussions between mission control and space are suspect because we can't be sure they are authentic. Audio tapes are all too easy to fake; so unless they come directly from NASA, you might as well listen to fairy tales. You might follow some of the links in the UFO Napster. A number of them will lead you to these alleged transmissions. Then you may be able to confirm or disprove their authenticity by reviewing the public logs through NASA. I have never been able to confirm one of these discussions. I have never heard an astronaut confirm one of these either. Ham radio operators claim to intercept xmissions but I don't see how since if they were really so secret, they would be coded. The Hams claim that NASA just uses secret channels.
  • #181
Even though many astronauts including Buzz Aldrin believe in UFOs, any alleged transmissions of UFO discussions between mission control and space are suspect because we can't be sure they are authentic. Audio tapes are all too easy to fake; so unless they come directly from NASA, you might as well listen to fairy tales. You might follow some of the links in the UFO Napster. A number of them will lead you to these alleged transmissions. Then you may be able to confirm or disprove their authenticity by reviewing the public logs through NASA. I have never been able to confirm one of these discussions. I have never heard an astronaut confirm one of these either. Ham radio operators claim to intercept xmissions but I don't see how since if they were really so secret, they would be coded. The Hams claim that NASA just uses secret channels.

Thanks Ivan. I have a question. Should I make posts about ET in this thread? It ties directly in with UFO's but I can't make one post without another. It seems pretty stupid for me to start a new thread but it involves quite a few different things...although as I said it does tie in directly with UFO's.
  • #182
Originally posted by Shadow
Thanks Ivan. I have a question. Should I make posts about ET in this thread? It ties directly in with UFO's but I can't make one post without another. It seems pretty stupid for me to start a new thread but it involves quite a few different things...although as I said it does tie in directly with UFO's.

By all means. This thread is intended for all ET and UFO discussions. The napster is intended for links to credible news stories, government files and such. But PF made this sticky UFO thread for just such purposes. post away.
  • #184
Orion's Belt

I have heard (by person and television) that the great pyramids are out of line slightly (two smaller ones in line with the larger slightly out of line) and that this matched exactly to part of Orion's belt. I also heard that, although right now they are off, when built the pyramids faced exactly towards Orion's Belt. And being into astronomy, and having read Astronomy and Discover magazine and I am currently readind Complete Idiots Guide To Astronomy, I know enough about constellations and such that I know the closest galaxy to us (Andromeda) is in the Orions Belt constellation. Is this a coincidence? The Great Pyramids and cave drawings of UFO's were probably from around the same time... do you think that this is coincidence?
  • #185

Originally posted by Shadow
I have heard (by person and television) that the great pyramids are out of line slightly (two smaller ones in line with the larger slightly out of line) and that this matched exactly to part of Orion's belt. I also heard that, although right now they are off, when built the pyramids faced exactly towards Orion's Belt. And being into astronomy, and having read Astronomy and Discover magazine and I am currently readind Complete Idiots Guide To Astronomy, I know enough about constellations and such that I know the closest galaxy to us (Andromeda) is in the Orions Belt constellation. Is this a coincidence? The Great Pyramids and cave drawings of UFO's were probably from around the same time... do you think that this is coincidence?

IMO, these kinds of claim are way overstated. For example, it was long thought to be miraculous that the dimensions of the base of the great pyramid and others contain a common factor of pi. When we consider that a wheel was used to measure length, the implicit pi value is actually a requirement; unless they chose a fractional value or measured wrong of course.
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  • #186

I have not reviewed this but here you go.

"John certainly
had a lot of interesting tales told to him during his decade on
the mall circuit, and I’ve selected a few of them which will,
in their different ways, stretch you a little. Are any of these
stories true? Who knows? All we can say is that these folks
told them to John earnestly, and so, just maybe they are.
Welcome to the Timmerman Twilight Zone."
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  • #187
I heard...

..that the Eqyptians regarded the whole constellation of Orion as sacred or something become for them the figure traced out by the stars was the Supreme God, and God of the Underworld, Osirus. (I don't think I spelled that right.)
What does 'sticky' mean?
  • #188

Originally posted by Jonathan
..that the Eqyptians regarded the whole constellation of Orion as sacred or something become for them the figure traced out by the stars was the Supreme God, and God of the Underworld, Osirus. (I don't think I spelled that right.)
What does 'sticky' mean?

This potential history of this on the planet is a very interesting thing to consider. Can you imagine the implications?

Sticky just means that it stays at the top of the forum. It doesn't move down with other activity like a normal thread does.
  • #189

I don't understand, how does the Egyptians thinking of a constellation as sacred have huge historical implications?
  • #190
Filer’s Files #31 -- 2003


"The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space."

  • #191
..that the Eqyptians regarded the whole constellation of Orion as sacred or something become for them the figure traced out by the stars was the Supreme God, and God of the Underworld, Osirus. (I don't think I spelled that right.)

"Sticky" means the thread will be one of the top threads in this forum. Thus "sticking" to the top. Sorry, not to be mean or anything, butt I thought I would point out that Osirus was not the Egyptian God of the Underworld. Set was their God of Evil and Anubis was teh God of the Dead. They didnt exactly have a defined god of the underworld unlike the Greeks. (Hades was the Greek god of the underworld)
  • #192
I wasn't trying to be that specific. They had like ten thousand gods, who really cares which god they identified Orion to be?
  • #193
Re-posted from "Seek UFO Enlightenment"


I used to wonder a lot why the
media didn't discuss cattle
mutilations more often, rather
than, say mad cow disease.

After thinking about this a long
time what I came up with was that
people don't like to think too
long about something that has no
answer or conclusion (especially
if it's weird)

UFO's are much the same. You fol-
low the subject for a while and
find no real answers.Finally you
say to heck with it. Ignoring
UFO's has more to do with this
lack of answers than predjudice
about stuff outside the norm.

When Orson Wells presented an
invasion from Mars as fact on the
radio it was taken very seriously
by a lot of people without ques-

Even though there are many compel-
ling stories they defy sorting
and collating into a coherent


I agree. I have been through a UFO phase at least three times in my life. With each phase I learned more about the subject, but then what are we to do; sit and wait for ET to land? However, this is the main point for me: We could do more. I feel that whatever the explanation this is [should be] a subject of science. I know that some of the UFO stories are true. I just don't know if we can account for all of them in any reasonable way without invoking the name of ET. Note however my signature says "Be Challenged", not "Be Convinced".

If this is all true then I consider my efforts a consciousness raising activity. If it’s not true, then I am simply exploring a genuine mystery.
  • #194

If someone donated 80 billion
dollars to created the UFO Inves-
tigation Foundation, what would
they do that isn't already being

No one knows when the sightings
are going to take place or where.

In other words, how can it be
made a subject of science?

  • #195
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

If someone donated 80 billion
dollars to created the UFO Inves-
tigation Foundation, what would
they do that isn't already being

No one knows when the sightings
are going to take place or where.

In other words, how can it be
made a subject of science?


First, I would like to see the recognition that a mystery does exist. Due to all the hype and new age mysticism, a genuine mystery is lost in the fray. Most scientists that I have encounter - and bridged the subject with - know virtually nothing about the UFO phenomenon except for what they have seen in the grocery store papers. Also, investigating UFOs can ruin a career. Why do you think I remain anonymous here? Do you think I dare broach this subject with my customers? Heck no is the correct answer. I would be out of business. Does this sound like an objective attitude?

Then we have the issue of monitoring. I can think of a few things that could be done to better watch active areas. There are also active UFO areas that only require the effort to go and see for oneself; but how many do? Almost none. Is this objectivity? Next, we have materials that defy explanation. Is this information found in the science journals? How many UFO articles have you seen in the science lit? Have you checked the Napster? Many well penned articles can be found there. Recently, due to pressure from people like Prof Sturrock from Stanford, Nature has finally agreed in principle to publish well written UFO papers. This would be a first.

UFOs are pseudoscience by arbitrary definition only. Although I greatly appreciate this opportunity to post information and to make my arguments – I offer my most sincere thanks to Greg, Sting, and PF in general – I feel that UFOs should be a subject in the “real” science forum. However, considering the common attitude towards this subject, I am grateful for what I can get. :wink:
  • #196

What I percieve myself to be hear-
ing from you is that you would
first and formost like to have it
considered a respectable topic
of speculation among scientists.
Then you wouldn't feel you had to
be cautious about who you mention
it to.

I'm trying to imagine a group of
astronauts, airline pilots, mil-
itary pilots, and the like going
on TV discussing their encounters
such that everyone in the country
started taking it all very seriously. I think it would just
end up disturbing people, making
people uneasy.

Unless you have something definite
to tell people, conclusive things
it may just be a burden of distr-
action for them.

  • #197
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

What I percieve myself to be hear-
ing from you is that you would
first and formost like to have it
considered a respectable topic
of speculation among scientists.
Then you wouldn't feel you had to
be cautious about who you mention
it to.

I'm trying to imagine a group of
astronauts, airline pilots, mil-
itary pilots, and the like going
on TV discussing their encounters
such that everyone in the country
started taking it all very seriously. I think it would just
end up disturbing people, making
people uneasy.

Unless you have something definite
to tell people, conclusive things
it may just be a burden of distr-
action for them.


Let me ask you the question that I have long asked myself: If ET is here, are we better off not knowing what's really going on?

It has been suggested: If the gov knows about ET, perhaps it is denied for good reasons. The woman who authored the definitive book on the Bentwaters incident [England] recently and publicly claimed to have had a conversation with Margaret Thatcher. In regard to the subject of UFOs, she quotes Thatcher as saying: "You have to have the facts. The people cannot be told". If true, this is disturbing. Still, my take is [has been] that no one knows what's really going on. Personally, I want to know the truth no matter what it may be. If our hypothetical visitors wished us harm, they surely could have done so by now. So, I guess that my feeling is that I don't give the government permission to hide this information.

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  • #198
And the question is WHY don't they know? First off, it stands to reason assuming that the roswell crash did happen, and things progressed from there, that some element of it would have leaked out by now. Plus, we'd now have the technology to detect spacecraft more accurately, and certainly we would have gleened something of their technology by now.

I mean, other than an x-files scenario where we are being invaded, I don't see the need for keeping this a secret so long. The public could have been slowly brought to full awareness by now if this was the case.
  • #199
Originally posted by Zantra
And the question is WHY don't they know? First off, it stands to reason assuming that the roswell crash did happen, and things progressed from there, that some element of it would have leaked out by now. Plus, we'd now have the technology to detect spacecraft more accurately, and certainly we would have gleened something of their technology by now.

I mean, other than an x-files scenario where we are being invaded, I don't see the need for keeping this a secret so long. The public could have been slowly brought to full awareness by now if this was the case.

Go to the Napster video section and see the interview with Col. Corso. [I made a notation next to the link. See page 2 of the Napster]. I know that it has been established that Corso worked in intelligence. Not only his credentials, but also many pictures are found of him with the President; and with other high ranking officials. He tells quite a story. [I have not come to any conclusion on this point.] He implores the gov to come clean and tell the public. This tape was made just before his death. Since he knew he was dying, one might consider this death bed testimony.
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  • #200
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

What I percieve myself to be hear-
ing from you is that you would
first and formost like to have it
considered a respectable topic
of speculation among scientists.
Then you wouldn't feel you had to
be cautious about who you mention
it to.

I think the reason that my motives are not obvious is that you don't perceive this question [UFOs = ET?] as potentially true. If for one moment one ponders the significance of such a truth, then any arguments for self seeking satisfaction fail miserably. This would be perhaps the single greatest consciousness raising event in recorded history. The implications for religion, all sciences, and for our world view are no less than staggering in every imaginable way. To view this question as being any less significant is to betray a closed mind. :wink:
  • #201
One of the videos - a news report on UFOs- Dr Greer presents a plausible theory. If namely, a new source of energy that would make current fossil fuels obsolete, thereby impacting the economy at the multi-trillion dollar level. Also, it would stand to reason that initially it was kept secret for fear of other countries getting their hands on the technology.

I don't know it seems all too possible with so many credible witnesses-not just jim bob down on the idaho farm who claims he was abducted by elvis, but military personell, high ranking officials, and people who just wouldn't make this stuff up.

But even if they do exist, the government will not release the information any time in the near future. If the secret has been kept this long, there's no telling how long they could conceal it, barring them landing outside a burger king to "have it their way"
  • #202
Originally posted by Zantra
One of the videos - a news report on UFOs- Dr Greer presents a plausible theory. If namely, a new source of energy that would make current fossil fuels obsolete, thereby impacting the economy at the multi-trillion dollar level. Also, it would stand to reason that initially it was kept secret for fear of other countries getting their hands on the technology.

I don't know it seems all too possible with so many credible witnesses-not just jim bob down on the idaho farm who claims he was abducted by elvis, but military personell, high ranking officials, and people who just wouldn't make this stuff up.

But even if they do exist, the government will not release the information any time in the near future. If the secret has been kept this long, there's no telling how long they could conceal it, barring them landing outside a burger king to "have it their way"

Greer has done some big work. He has assembled a highly reputable group of compelling witnesses that go "on the record". They now pursue the legal argument that they are not bound by their privacy oaths [edit: I meant secrecy oaths] because the UFO information is controlled by an illegal entity of the government; therefore their oaths are null and void. Interesting.

However, Greer now scares me. I think he has become so embedded in the possibilities that he has completely lost perspective. Of course, it is possible that we lack perspective...
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  • #203
Well I've read the position of cseti- If everything they are alledging is accurate, he's not overstating it at all. I'll admit this has grabbed my attention. they're alleging that z-point engery is a reality. And this is something that the scientific community has already speculated on.

The only way to expose these things, if they are true, is an executive order from the president of full disclosure. I mean, If I were the president, and information was being witheld from me, I'd use every resource available to me to obtain that information. If the government as a whole were to take this seriously, it certainly could not resist exposure, but obviously that hasn't happened yet through half dozen presidents, so who knows?
  • #204
Originally posted by Zantra
Well I've read the position of cseti- If everything they are alledging is accurate, he's not overstating it at all. I'll admit this has grabbed my attention. they're alleging that z-point engery is a reality. And this is something that the scientific community has already speculated on.

The only way to expose these things, if they are true, is an executive order from the president of full disclosure. I mean, If I were the president, and information was being witheld from me, I'd use every resource available to me to obtain that information. If the government as a whole were to take this seriously, it certainly could not resist exposure, but obviously that hasn't happened yet through half dozen presidents, so who knows?

The basis for the legal argument is that US Presidents have been kept out of the loop.
  • #205
So you're telling me none of the successive presidents ever would have had the insight simply ask the right people "do these places exist?" or question it? I mean MJIC and other related info like area 57 are public knowledge. Surely he has the authority to simply say "take me to the base"? Or maybe not? I don't know...
  • #206

In response to this:

"I think the reason that my motives are not obvious is that you don't perceive this question [UFOs = ET?] as potentially true."

You are essentially correct. It is
true that I leave the door open a
small crack for the possibility
that beings from another planet
are behind all this, but for the most part I find that this particular explanation has it's
basis in fiction. That is: the
wide spread notion of life on
other planets has its origin in
H.G.Wells' The War Of The Worlds.
That book, in turn, was based on
the speculation about life on
Mars after the discovery of the
Martian "Canals". In other words:
the fiction came first and then
people started trying to fit the
host of inexplicable occurances
into the fictional model.
Before ET it was "The Wee Folk"
of the British Isles. Almost every
Native American tribe has lore
about a race of Liliputian peoples
who are generally invisible or live in small tunnels. The Mexi-
cans today still have the legend
of the Duendes- dwarfish beings
who prey upon people out alone in
isolated areas.
Now, if President Bush went on
TV tomorrow and announced that all
the coverups were at an end and
that the governent was !00% sure
earth was being visited by crafts
from another planet, but that we
didn't know why, where they were
from, or anything else about them,
I do not believe this would have
the exhilarating, mind expanding
effect on the general population
you think it would.
You have to detach from your own
reaction and think realistically
how this would effect people who
have totally different lives and
concerns than you. You cannot throw a monkey wrench into peoples
sence of reality without some very
bad consequences. Again, I remind
you of Orson Wells' mistake in this regard.
You, as one individual, may be
able to handle the truth, and want
it to be revealed to you, but the
governments job is to look after
the welfare of the greatest num-
  • #207
Well I think I've just been sucked in.

I've just finished watching the congressional hearing dubbed "project full disclosure", and I can say it's the most convincing evidence I've ever heard. I began watching the video with a 20 percent belief in this, and have come away with a 90 percent belief.

The testimony given by top military personnel, people attached to the government with documented proof, many of whom have top secret clearance and above. These are not like the stories I've seen, these are credible people. The main question is why isn't this being made more public? is it just being written off as more UFO "bunk?" Has the media bothered to investigate these allegations. I remember reading about carter being blocked from UFO info disclosure years ago. This isn't some bumpkin hayseed in a cornfield going "welp, dem's not from here", this is very convincing. It's virtually impossible to be skeptical in the face of such evidence. Has anyone else seen this video I'm talking about ? what is your take on it? Zero point energy? Mach 20? Faster than light speed? I mean, I'm skeptical by nature, but this doesn't seem so easy to explain away. And you can't just offhandedly discredit some of the people on that list.

Comon skeptics-watch the video and I would like to hear your view on it.
  • #208
Originally posted by Zantra
So you're telling me none of the successive presidents ever would have had the insight simply ask the right people "do these places exist?" or question it? I mean MJIC and other related info like area 57 are public knowledge. Surely he has the authority to simply say "take me to the base"? Or maybe not? I don't know...

Greer and his people [some of which were high ranking authorities themselves] claim that certain presidents are denied access - Carter and Clinton most recently. I guess that one can only ask for what is known to exist.
  • #209
Well the way it was presented by greer wasn't that they were told it doesn't exist-exclusive of UFO's, black budget projects do exist. They were simply told that they were not allowed access to it.

And if something doesn't exist, then you have nothing to hide, and nothing to deny access to. They are prepsing that Carter was going to reveal the truth the American people.
  • #210
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

In response to this:

"I think the reason that my motives are not obvious is that you don't perceive this question [UFOs = ET?] as potentially true."

You are essentially correct. It is
true that I leave the door open a
small crack for the possibility
that beings from another planet
are behind all this, but for the most part I find that this particular explanation has it's
basis in fiction. That is: the
wide spread notion of life on
other planets has its origin in
H.G.Wells' The War Of The Worlds.
That book, in turn, was based on
the speculation about life on
Mars after the discovery of the
Martian "Canals". In other words:
the fiction came first and then
people started trying to fit the
host of inexplicable occurances
into the fictional model.
Before ET it was "The Wee Folk"
of the British Isles. Almost every
Native American tribe has lore
about a race of Liliputian peoples
who are generally invisible or live in small tunnels. The Mexi-
cans today still have the legend
of the Duendes- dwarfish beings
who prey upon people out alone in
isolated areas.
Now, if President Bush went on
TV tomorrow and announced that all
the coverups were at an end and
that the governent was !00% sure
earth was being visited by crafts
from another planet, but that we
didn't know why, where they were
from, or anything else about them,
I do not believe this would have
the exhilarating, mind expanding
effect on the general population
you think it would.
You have to detach from your own
reaction and think realistically
how this would effect people who
have totally different lives and
concerns than you. You cannot throw a monkey wrench into peoples
sence of reality without some very
bad consequences. Again, I remind
you of Orson Wells' mistake in this regard.
You, as one individual, may be
able to handle the truth, and want
it to be revealed to you, but the
governments job is to look after
the welfare of the greatest num-

I think you make some good points; so let me beat you up a bit and then I will concede to another good point that you make. First, you need to understand that I don't believe ET is visiting - but I must admit that I think this is highly likely...even all but certain. I suspect that nearly anyone else in my shoes would be a complete believer by now. I desperately hold on to skepticism out of principle; I have to or I will just fade into the woodwork as another true believer.

I want the truth; not any particular answer. However, I really believe that if anyone reviews the links that I have posted in the Napster, in their entirety, and they then review the related links, they would be hard pressed to maintain a skeptical position. In my experience, with only a handful of exceptions, the only people who think this is all hogwash are those who have not seen a full accounting of the evidence. I can say this with a high degree of confidence since after 15 years of study; I can easily dismiss most objections without ever thinking hard. My personal opinion on all of this is based on the government docs posted in the Napster, and on other evidence that I find to be virtually indisputable. As a judge once commented after considering the evidence for ET: “If this were a murder trial there would have been a hanging long ago.”

As far as your historical example of the little people and such – this could just as easily be interpreted as cases of mistaken identity. The arguments that similar legends exist across cultures only serve to argue that ET has been here for a very long time.

As to whether or not this potential reality should be explored, this is more difficult for me to answer. I agree with you that this could be dangerous. I tend towards this position: First, I think you are wrong. The first time that we know as a planet that we are not alone, the human race will be changed forever…unless this knowledge is somehow [once again] lost. This point has been made before – by Carl Sagan for example. I can also argue this based on the influence that physics has had on religion, philosophy, and our world views in general. This however is another discussion entirely, so I will leave this there for now.

Next, what about ET could be worse than the concept of Satan and hell? How disturbing is it for a 10 year old to be told that he could end up burning in hell for all of eternity? What about ET could be worse than what we do to each other? I would rather be taken hostage by ET than hostile humans. Human beings do everything imaginable and the unimaginable to each other. I just don’t see what new aspect of fear ET would bring to the mix. Burglars can come into your home at night; I would take ET over a burglar any time. At least ET puts you back to bed when he’s done!

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