Discussing Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

In summary: So there is no reason why we can't advance and find even more efficient and advanced ways to propel ourselves through the air. So in summation, I don't believe that UFOs are aliens.
  • #211
Originally posted by Zantra
Well the way it was presented by greer wasn't that they were told it doesn't exist-exclusive of UFO's, black budget projects do exist. They were simply told that they were not allowed access to it.

And if something doesn't exist, then you have nothing to hide, and nothing to deny access to. They are prepsing that Carter was going to reveal the truth the American people.

Zantra, I buried the CSETI link a bit. Do you think I should highlight this link? This stuff is so direct that I thought that people may not give this a chance.

Also, if this got you worked up, read the rest of the Napster links. I don't know how much of this stuff you have seen before, but you have only touched the surface of what hooked me. Watch the video of Corso and Gordon Cooper. Cooper say point blank that he saw a UFO [disc] land at Edwards AFB. He says that aliens then get out and did something around the craft, and when jeeps approached with cameras rolling, the aliens got back into the craft and took off. Cooper was in charge of test flights at the time.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #212
Originally posted by Zantra
Comon skeptics-watch the video and I would like to hear your view on it.

Boy do I know how you feel...hence the Napster. Watch out though; your conviction will not translate to others. It will create walls...even with family members.
  • #213

I read it over three times and
couldn't find the concessions.

  • #214
Originally posted by zoobyshoe

I read it over three times and
couldn't find the concessions.


I was speaking to this idea:
You cannot throw a monkey wrench into peoples
sence of reality without some very
bad consequences.

I acknowledge your concerns here:

As to whether or not this potential reality should be explored, this is more difficult for me to answer. I agree with you that this could be dangerous

Then I present an alternative point of view for consideration.
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  • #215
Originally posted by zoobyshoe


A few other things to consider; an entire catalog of high ranking military officials, now retired, have gone public with personal knowledge of UFOs. Nearly all of the people who were allegedly closest to this phenomenon encourage public disclosure. What's more, Corso argues that this information is not in the best hands. Greer and his group pursue the legal argument that this issue, and the way that it has been managed, qualify as a failure of constitutional law.

Finally, it is claimed that something like 55-65% of all Americans already believe that UFOs = ET. I wonder what the real number is for physicists….
  • #216
Originally posted by Zantra
These are not like the stories I've seen, these are credible people.

The main question is why isn't this being made more public? is it just being written off as more UFO "bunk?"

Has the media bothered to investigate these allegations.[?]

This isn't some bumpkin hayseed in a cornfield going "welp, dem's not from here",

this is very convincing.

It's virtually impossible to be skeptical in the face of such evidence.

Has anyone else seen this video I'm talking about ? what is your take on it?

And you can't just offhandedly discredit some of the people on that list.

Comon skeptics-watch the video and I would like to hear your view on it.

frustrating isn't it.
  • #217
When you bring up high ranking military officers with long distinguished careers in the military, with above top secret clearance,and harvard lawyer, who actually have physical evidence.. I mean cmon people. You waiting for mr alien to bring over a pie and play some poker?

These are not "UFO hunters" or typical "conspiracy theorists". These are obviously highly intelligent people, some of whom are only recently retired from the military.

I mentioned this to my fiancee. And she's as skeptical as anyone. Then I made her watch the video. By the time she finished, she was practically convinced.

I think the problem is that people 1.are in denial- it would have such wide ramifications on religion, and our place in the universe, not to mention the social and economic implications, that many people would refuse to accept it if they landed and started talking to us.
2. Have been trained for so long to believe that aliens and ufo's are just a hoax, that they refuse to look at any evidence as credible because the government and "UFO wackos" have jaded everyone.
  • #218
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I think you make some good points; so let me beat you up a bit and then I will concede to another good point that you make."

I think you need to explain this.
It just makes you sound like
you're losing it.
  • #219
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I think you make some good points; so let me beat you up a bit and then I will concede to another good point that you make."

I think you need to explain this.
It just makes you sound like
you're losing it.

It sounds like you are reaching. I was simply telling you what I was about to do. "Beating up" is just a typical overstatement intended as mild humor. Are you having problems understanding me?
  • #220
What's with the sophistry? This
isn't you. What's up?
  • #221
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What's with the sophistry? This
isn't you. What's up?

If you are surprised then I may have misuderstood your posture. Why would you think I was losing it? I took this as a psychological dodge.
  • #222
And yet more?
  • #223
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
And yet more?

No. I was wondering about your comment. This is what seems to have created some confusion.

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