Is it time for Random Thoughts - Part 4?

In summary: No, I'm not going to finish that.Some guy tried to sell me eh.. recreational tools today while I was getting groceries.I guess setting up a trashy website was too costly for him, so he just sold them in the frozen foods section at walmart.
  • #1,961
RonL said:
Hmm...I thought it was all year:)

I try not to even leave the house about 7 months out of the year here.
Physics news on
  • #1,962
zoobyshoe said:
For years I had no idea whatever that Buffalo Wings were called that because the recipe originated in Buffalo, N.Y. I thought it was because they tasted like Buffalo meat.

For years I had no idea either. Until just now when I read this.
  • #1,963
dkotschessaa said:
For years I had no idea either. Until just now when I read this.
I learned the weird truth from a food documentary on TV. Some little chicken restaurant in Buffalo was once invaded near the end of the day by a large group of customers, all demanding chicken. All they had left were the useless chicken wings. The chef whipped together some special spices that would make anything taste good, put it on the wings, and fed them to the crowd, claiming that this was the restaurant's specialty. That lie became the truth when the people came back for more and brought friends. Then other restaurants in Buffalo started copying the recipe, and the city of Buffalo became known for it's unique use of chicken wings. The wings became known as "Buffalo Wings." Nothing whatever to do with bison.
  • #1,964
zoobyshoe said:
I learned the weird truth from a food documentary on TV. Some little chicken restaurant in Buffalo was once invaded near the end of the day by a large group of customers, all demanding chicken. All they had left were the useless chicken wings. The chef whipped together some special spices that would make anything taste good, put it on the wings, and fed them to the crowd, claiming that this was the restaurant's specialty. That lie became the truth when the people came back for more and brought friends. Then other restaurants in Buffalo started copying the recipe, and the city of Buffalo became known for it's unique use of chicken wings. The wings became known as "Buffalo Wings." Nothing whatever to do with bison.
Awwww! I thought a Buffalo could really fly:L...:oops: oops! they roam:p
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  • #1,965
zoobyshoe said:
For years I had no idea whatever that Buffalo Wings were called that because the recipe originated in Buffalo, N.Y. I thought it was because they tasted like Buffalo meat.

It wasn't until a night at pub trivia not too terribly long ago that I put the two and two together in my mind. The question was something along the lines of "What food is thought to have been created by Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York?" I don't remember who on my team first questionably murmured "Buffalo wings?" but in that split moment the age old question was answered in my mind, at least. "Ah, the city!" No more imagining tiny wings on the backs of buffaloes after that.

A bit of uncertainty exists about the particular bar (Anchor Bar) being the exact origin, but Buffalo, as in the city, part of the name is pretty certain. Much greater uncertainty exists with the food name of "hot dog."

I remember there was a CSI episode* (a television series about crime scene investigation) that stated the food name hot dog was coined by a butcher at a baseball game at New York Polo Grounds. He would shout out "Get your dachshund sausages, they're red hot!"; other vendors were selling them too, but shortened the name to "hot dog."

The thing that struck me was that the hot dog name origin claim was stated so matter-of-factly. In truth, food historians don't know this for certain. It's a reasonable guess, yeah, but there's no solid evidence for it. Hot dog historians pretty much agree that the first commercial use of hot dog can be traced back to Coney Island, New York. But there isn't any agreement on the specific etymology of the term.

You would think that CSI, a show being all about the evidence, wouldn't have made such a non-evidentiary claim. I was rather disappointed.

*[Edit: CSI, season 6, epsiode 9: "Dog Eat Dog" originally aired on CBS, 11/24/2005]
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  • #1,966
Speaking of Buffalo, this is a complete and grammatically correct sentence:

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo"

Sometimes I can get my mind around it grammatically without hints, and other times I can't.

It can be understood "Buffalo buffalo (main clause subject) [that] Buffalo buffalo (subordinate clause subject) buffalo (subordinate clause verb) buffalo (main clause verb) Buffalo buffalo (main clause direct object)."
  • #1,967
Ah, avatar switch.
  • #1,968
collinsmark said:
It wasn't until a night at pub trivia not too terribly long ago that I put the two and two together in my mind...
For more food trivia, you'd do well to read up on the invention of the potato chip. Same thing: specific restaurant, funny reason.
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  • #1,969
zoobyshoe said:
For more food trivia, you'd do well to read up on the invention of the potato chip. Same thing: specific restaurant, funny reason.
Potato chip history is awesome! :w

Years ago (a decade and a half ago?) I used to get Tayto crisps (the original, flavored potato "chips") shipped over from Ireland. Yes, it's kind of over-the-top having potato crisp/chips shipped across ocean and continent, but Tayto's are so delicious. :)
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  • #1,970
collinsmark said:
Potato chip history is awesome! :w

Years ago (a decade and a half ago?) I used to get Tayto crisps (the original flavored potato "chips") shipped over from Ireland. Yes, it's kind of over-the-top having potato crisp/chips shipped across ocean and continent, but Tayto's are so delicious. :)
You ought to order a case of Irn-Bru from Scotland to go with.
  • #1,975
zoobyshoe said:
An extremely compelling story. It's the marriage everyone dreams of: lasts into old age with life ending for both at pretty much the same time.

I'm admittedly pretty attached to my wife (not in a weird clinging dependent way, but more in a "man we really have a lot of fun and don't like to be apart" kind of way) so I hope this is the case with us.
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Likes OmCheeto
  • #1,976
When I was a kid, I thought it would be cool to be able to read thoughts of other people.

No I have a facebook account, and I am glad it was just a fantasy.
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Likes dkotschessaa, lisab, DennisN and 2 others
  • #1,977
In the previous pharmacy company I worked for, people used a couple of lab results of one of the people I know. I hope he was the one that handed them his intellectual properties.
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  • #1,978
Borek said:
When I was a kid, I thought it would be cool to be able to read thoughts of other people.

No I have a facebook account, and I am glad it was just a fantasy.

"The day after the first telepathy implant was installed, the first telepathy implant spam filter was invented."
(From the SF novel I never wrote, and never will write)
  • #1,979
My first login here in more than 3 years...this site has changed lol
  • #1,980
I just attempted to post my first (homemade) homework problem.
I found my attempt, quite amusing.
  • #1,981
vincentm said:
My first login here in more than 3 years...this site has changed lol
Welcome back, yes, it has changed a lot.

I really don't need that bright orange bandana on my head every time I post. :(
  • #1,982
Evo said:
Welcome back, yes, it has changed a lot.
Thanks, i'll try to be more active on here its been a weird past few years lol
  • #1,983
vincentm said:
My first login here in more than 3 years...this site has changed lol

Twice in fact, but only very recently.
  • #1,984
Evo said:
I really don't need that bright orange bandana on my head every time I post.


As Random thoughts have already 100 pages we can start part four, question is - who will do it ;)
  • #1,985
She is goood :)
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Likes Evo
  • #1,986
Evo said:
Welcome back, yes, it has changed a lot.

I really don't need that bright orange bandana on my head every time I post. :(
I spent half an hour today trying to figure out what the hell that was.
All the googling in the world would not give me the answer.

ps. I got a new trophy today. After 7 years, I finally looked at the "Forum Rules".
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Likes lisab and Medicol
  • #1,987
I was invited to participate in a group art show at a cafe today. All the artists showed up and hung their stuff, but hardly any customers came. So, we all sat at a big table and started sketching. This turned out to be more fun than selling art.
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Likes OmCheeto
  • #1,988
Evo said:
Welcome back, yes, it has changed a lot.

I really don't need that bright orange bandana on my head every time I post. :(
So this is what you get when you start a new thread? oo)
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Likes RonL
  • #1,989
Borg said:
So this is what you get when you start a new thread? oo)
Yeah. :( I can see it helping some people if they forget who the OP is in a long homework thread or maybe some other important discussions where they need to know who started the thread without clicking on the first post to check, but in the lounge, it's not really needed. I mean, who jumps into the end of a long thread on a single topic about something important without checking out the OP and reading at least some of the posts first? (ok, a lot of people)
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  • #1,990
Evo said:
Yeah. :(

Just get over look fantastic in burnt orange:w:D
  • #1,991
RonL said:
Just get over look fantastic in burnt orange:w:D
It just bothers me every time I see it on someone's avatar, I'm sure I will get over it in a year or two. :)
  • #1,992
Evo said:
It just bothers me every time I see it on someone's avatar, I'm sure I will get over it in a year or two. :)
The only one that has had an affect on me is Monique's avatar, she has such a beautiful eye, (I just accept the thought that it is her real eye) the banner is just too close to the blue.
As for the banner, it is so much help, maybe something as simple as a big star.:)
  • #1,993
RonL said:
The only one that has had an affect on me is Monique's avatar, she has such a beautiful eye, (I just accept the thought that it is her real eye) the banner is just too close to the blue.
As for the banner, it is so much help, maybe something as simple as a big star.:)
I guess you didn't notice that her previous avatar had a green eye with green eye shadow surrounding it.
  • #1,994
Evo said:
I guess you didn't notice that her previous avatar had a green eye.
No, I guess that was during my hiatus from PF:)

PS. I'm the true definition of a hopeless romantic, Monique from Europe, Evo, how can I imagine anything less than absolute beauty ? :oops::) but then beauty is so much more than what the eye beholds.
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  • #1,995
Evo said:
Yeah. :( I can see it helping some people if they forget who the OP is in a long homework thread or maybe some other important discussions where they need to know who started the thread without clicking on the first post to check, but in the lounge, it's not really needed. I mean, who jumps into the end of a long thread on a single topic about something important without checking out the OP and reading at least some of the posts first? (ok, a lot of people)
Ah, I see now. I thought that it was permanent for all pages like some sort of Thread Starter badge. Thankfully, it's just for that thread. Our avatars are getting more and more crowded with green online status, post counts and now this covering them.

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