Is it Time to Rethink US State Names?

  • Thread starter motai
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In summary, most Americans have a difficult time even remembering the chronological sequence of U.S. Presidents, and many don't even know who Fillmore, Arthur, or Garfield was. Also, state numbering should be restructured to be more box-like, following the role of Wyoming and Colorado. Lastly, Alaska should be ceded to Canada.
  • #71
Janus said:
The only way that we'll take Alberta is if we can shift it down to fill in that ugly gap made by giving up New Mexico!
Maybe we should have thought out New Mexico better. Perhaps we could have just renamed it so that we didn't have to give it away?
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  • #72
Evo said:
Maybe we should have thought out New Mexico better. Perhaps we could have just renamed it so that we didn't have to give it away?
We could've just called it Mexico and forced the "actual" Mexico to change its name.

I guess I got here kinda late, so what I say now won't really get back our presently ceeded territory, but the same thing could've been done with all of New England. Call the states York and Hampshire, and call the region England. See if the "actual" England wants to start anything up. I guess it's too late now though.
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  • #73
Moonbear said:
So, what does this mean for my citizenship status? I was born in New Jersey (now British territory), but currently live in Easterny. :eek:

Oh that's simple! For anyone born in any former part of the US while it was still part of the US and now lives within the new US border all they need to be re-naturalized is:
Produce your original birth certificate, and 5 affidavits, signed and notarized, stating that you are of good character.
Have a fingerprint and background check done.
Fill in all 100 pages of form 32938403-B in triplicate.
Find a US citizen willing to sponser you.
And wear a scarlet "A" (for alien) on your forehead for the five year Probation period.

This is of course if you moved from the former US territory before the change was made. If you moved afterward, it is quite a bit more complicated.
  • #74
Evo said:
Maybe we should have thought out New Mexico better. Perhaps we could have just renamed it so that we didn't have to give it away?

I think at this point we'll just have to broker a deal. We'll take Alberta, but cede it to Mexico in trade for the former state of New Mexico, but with the provision that we get to keep the use of the name. We then re-name the Re-acquired land "Alberta" and merge it into Mountainia.
  • #75
Janus said:
I think at this point we'll just have to broker a deal. We'll take Alberta, but cede it to Mexico in trade for the former state of New Mexico, but with the provision that we get to keep the use of the name. We then re-name the Re-acquired land "Alberta" and merge it into Mountainia.
So what does this mean for me, living in New Mexico? I am now a citizen, or do I have to do something similar?
  • #76
You know, after looking at the current 4 state map, it seems to me that those huge states might be hard to govern.

Perhaps we should look into dividing the states up into smaller sections, so as to make them more managable? Or maybe we should just institute regional dictatorships instead of worrying about how to represent such huge areas fairly.
  • #77
Janus said:
I think at this point we'll just have to broker a deal. We'll take Alberta, but cede it to Mexico in trade for the former state of New Mexico, but with the provision that we get to keep the use of the name. We then re-name the Re-acquired land "Alberta" and merge it into Mountainia.
  • #78
Janus said:
I think at this point we'll just have to broker a deal. We'll take Alberta, but cede it to Mexico in trade for the former state of New Mexico, but with the provision that we get to keep the use of the name. We then re-name the Re-acquired land "Alberta" and merge it into Mountainia.

:biggrin: :biggrin:

mattmns: Since the new trade, you are still a U.S. Citizen. But instead of living in New Mexico, the land that you now live on is "Alberta."
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  • #79
:smile: I like that you named Alaska "Eh?" :smile:

Glad I moved before the changes took place; I wouldn't want to have to go through an even more complicated process of renaturalization! :eek:

I think Canada needs more reorganization too. They're messing up the whole plan. Just divide Ontario between Manitoba and Quebec so we can put the border in line with the border between Easterny and Centralis. (I always laugh at the territory named "Nunavut"...I always read it "None of it." :smile:)
  • #80
motai said:
:biggrin: :biggrin:
mattmns: Since the new trade, you are still a U.S. Citizen. But instead of living in New Mexico, the land that you now live on is "Alberta."
Oh dear, oh my! I'm choking! :smile:

That's BRILLIANT! :biggrin:

Motai, you're a gem, and Janus too. :approve:
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  • #81
Moonbear said:
:smile: I like that you named Alaska "Eh?" :smile:

Glad I moved before the changes took place; I wouldn't want to have to go through an even more complicated process of renaturalization! :eek:

I think Canada needs more reorganization too. They're messing up the whole plan. Just divide Ontario between Manitoba and Quebec so we can put the border in line with the border between Easterny and Centralis. (I always laugh at the territory named "Nunavut"...I always read it "None of it." :smile:)

Done :biggrin:.

Oh, since the province of "British Columbia" obviously didn't fit well with Canada, it is now administered by the United Kingdom. I also cut off a slight amount of Canada and gave it to Centralis to maintain the 49th parallel.
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  • #82
I wonder how the UK feels about bordering Mexico?
  • #83
Unacceptable. I don't want to be british.
  • #84
Smurf said:
Unacceptable. I don't want to be british.

But you live in British Columbia. Therefore, you are British. :-p
  • #85
Smurf said:
Unacceptable. I don't want to be british.
Look on the bright're not Mexican. :biggrin:

(not that's there is anything wrong with being Mexican) El Smurfo
  • #86
Evo said:
(not that's there is anything wrong with being Mexican)
It might be a problem if you don't speak Spanish. :rolleyes: Hey, Smurf, would you rather be British or American? :biggrin:
  • #87

-British Columbia ceded from Britain and renamed.
-Prairies clumped together
-Territories clumped together
-Maritimes clumped together
-A province of Ontario carved out of Prairies and Quebec so the English speakers don't have to be governed by a French Majority Tyrrany.
-Greenland renamed more appropriately
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  • #88
Oh, now I'll go for that, it looks nice.

Autonomous Collective of Eastern Canada...aka SMURFLAND?
  • #89
Smurf said:
-British Columbia ceded from Britain and renamed.
-Prairies clumped together
-Territories clumped together
-Maritimes clumped together
-A province of Ontario carved out of Prairies and Quebec so the English speakers don't have to be governed by a French Majority Tyrrany.
-Greenland renamed more appropriately
Yeah, but now you've got a North Easterny and a South Easterny. Besides the fact that they look more like an East Easterny and West Easterny, we started all this to get rid of those pesky North/South states. We'll just have to merge all of Easterny together and make it part of the US (we've already given enough away, we're claiming something back now).
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  • #90
WHOSE IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE ME BRITISH? I hate TEA! Actually the better word would be I DETEST tea, can't stand it. I am going to start a revolution! I will make the State of Din! muhahahahahaha:devil:
  • #91
You know what, while we're at it let's just Merge all of Latin America and give it back to spain. Simplifies things nicely. In exchange we'll get spain to declare war on the UK so we can take back those eastern states you carelessly gave away and join them with Easterny.

edit: Hey I just realized Canada doesn't have any good ports on either of the oceans.
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  • #92
Can the U.S. just annex Chihuahua and rename the whole Chihuahua/Alberta region Chihuahua? That'd be much cooler...
  • #93
I'm confused. How many presidents of the U.S. do we have now?
  • #94
Smurf said:
-British Columbia ceded from Britain and renamed.

Unfortunately, this newly formed country didn't last long, as their name led them to believe that they were on the East coast and they ended up grounding their Navy on the Mexican border and drowning their army when they marched them into the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to expand their borders.
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  • #95
Janus said:
Unfortunately, this newly formed country didn't last long, as their name led them to believe that they were on the East coast and they ended up grounding their Navy on the Mexican border and drowning their army when they marched them into the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to expand their borders.
:smile: :smile: I didn't even catch that he called it "Eastern." He should have just stuck with Smurfland. Well, I guess that's why those tiny blue dictators haven't managed to take over much more than mushroom patches. :smile:
  • #96
I knew I missed something... I'll fix it after class
  • #97
Smurf said:
Hey guys, while we're at it can Canada cede Alberta to you, in exchange for Alaska of course.
Wait just one second here!

Janus said:
The only way that we'll take Alberta is if we can shift it down to fill in that ugly gap made by giving up New Mexico!
Are you nuts?! Then when BC falls into the ocean along with California, Saskatchewan will be our west coast!

Janus said:
Produce your original birth certificate, and 5 affidavits, signed and notarized, stating that you are of good character.
Of course, pretending to be of good character would preclude her from ever visiting PF again.

Math Is Hard said:
How many presidents of the U.S. do we have now?
None, just like before we started this nonsense. :-p
  • #98
Danger said:
Of course, pretending to be of good character would preclude her from ever visiting PF again.
:smile: Nah, I just need to make five new friends and get them to sign that before they realize my true character. :devil:
  • #99
If you can stay off of here long enough to make any...
  • #100
To continue from where we left off...

After the debacle of the former British Columbia's attempt at self-government, Something else had to be done, the two choices were to rejoin the UK or be absorbed into Mexico. That is until clever PR program by the country Columbia, pointing out that it was called British Columbia swayed the populace to Vote to join this Country (remember, these were the same people that thought East was West). All that is except Vancouver Island which decided to return to UK rule.

Also, the French sector of Canada decided to go all the way and just become a part of France

In a surprise move, Russia invoked, a little known "buy back" clause in the original purchase Contract. After a brief battle int he international courts, the ceding of Alaska to Canade was voided and Alaska reverted to Russia.

The Four States of the US found it too hard to govern such large areas, so it was decided to break them back up, this time along the lines of a latitude.
certain states kept the time Zone Names, while the others adpted new ones.

some reasonings behind the new names:
The Northwest corner state encompassed what used to be the Oregon Territory, so it was decided to go back to this. However, tired of everyone else pronouncing the name wrong (or-a-gone), they decided on a more phonetic spelling.

Arakis was the Desert planet from Dune.

Fridgeria was the Frozen Moon of Mongo from Flash Gordon.

Mordor was chosen so that they could rename the super volcano known as the Yellowstone Plateau as Mount Doom.

The former New England states, tired of being a political Football, (US, UK, US), broke off and formed a separate country, Yanksland.
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  • #101
:smile: I love it. Sorry Smurf, you're now a citizen of Columbia.

That is great Janus. I think that's about as perfect as it gets. I'm sure some one will be unhappy about being a South American, or French, Russian, etc...

They should have thought ahead and seen what was coming.
  • #102
I'm just waiting for some unfortunate person to stumble across one of these maps online and out of context and start revising the geography teaching. :smile:
  • #103
Oh, I just saw Disneyland. :-p
  • #104
Evo said:
Oh, I just saw Disneyland. :-p
Zz must have been involved in the naming. :biggrin:
  • #105
Janus said:
After the debacle of the former British Columbia's attempt at self-government, Something else had to be done, the two choices were to rejoin the UK or be absorbed into Mexico. That is until clever PR program by the country Columbia, pointing out that it was called British Columbia swayed the populace to Vote to join this Country (remember, these were the same people that thought East was West). All that is except Vancouver Island which decided to return to UK rule.

So is the province of Columbia actually owned by the South American country of Columbia? :confused:

edit: I guess so. Cool. Now we have a _somewhat_ logical North America now. The United States of America is definitely very orderly and logical due to the PF Think Tank. :biggrin:

Also, on another note, if Dixieland ever gets tired of calling itself "Dixieland", it can always be changed to "Disneyworld" to represent the other half of Disney's territory.
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