Is it Time to Rethink US State Names?

  • Thread starter motai
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In summary, most Americans have a difficult time even remembering the chronological sequence of U.S. Presidents, and many don't even know who Fillmore, Arthur, or Garfield was. Also, state numbering should be restructured to be more box-like, following the role of Wyoming and Colorado. Lastly, Alaska should be ceded to Canada.
  • #106
Great job Janus, that is absolutely hilarious! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Physics news on
  • #107
After realising that their drug laws were completely unenforcable in the far off colony of Vancouver island (now conveniently located next to a Columbia Colony) the UK sells Vancouver Island to Columbia which, realising it's valuable supply of shrooms, buys it in exchange for 10,000 tons of cocaine.

Maritime rebels, disenchanted with being under the control of a European power that doesn't even speak their language, launch a civil war against the ill-equipped Quebecois (now administered by France) Government. After several weeks of fighting they manage to liberate most of the old maritime territory from French control and join Yankland.
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  • #108
motai said:
Also, on another note, if Dixieland ever gets tired of calling itself "Dixieland", it can always be changed to "Disneyworld" to represent the other half of Disney's territory.
Motai, can you make that change, Zz would be thrilled!
  • #109
Evo said:
Motai, can you make that change, Zz would be thrilled!

Done :approve:. It isn't as polished, but it is a fast GIMP job.

Now we have both Disneyland and Disneyworld :biggrin:.
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  • #110
So is the province of Columbia actually owned by the South American country of Columbia?

After realising that their drug laws were completely unenforcable in the far off colony of Vancouver island (now conveniently located next to a Columbia Colony) the UK sells Vancouver Island to Columbia which, realising it's valuable supply of shrooms, buys it in exchange for 10,000 tons of cocaine.

There is no South American country named 'Columbia'. There is however a nation called 'Colombia'.

So Vancouver is a Colombian colony? I would have thought the indigenous folk would have first rights to reclaim old land.

There are probably more Irish in Massachusetts and New York than all of Ireland, and I don't particularly care for Yanksland.

How about changing the name to New Ireland, which would fit with Nova Scotia, or West Ireland, or even better - Guinness - and we could take in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. :biggrin:
  • #111
Astronuc said:
So Vancouver is a Colombian colony? I would have thought the indigenous folk would have first rights to reclaim old land.
You havn't met the IMF and World Bank yet, have you?
  • #112
Many Brits were caught unaware by the colombian invasion of B.C., despite numerous warnings which they casually dismissed as tabloid scaremongering, and happily continued panicking about bird flu, 'happy slapping' or whatever else the media decided was the new huge threat this week. They suddenly found themselves refugees, and vancouver Island cut off by the Coloumbian navy, and so marched north, taking the western half of Yukwestuvat territory. They encountered more resistance from Caribou than they did from people.
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  • #113
Revised edition:
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  • #114
motai said:
Done :approve:. It isn't as polished, but it is a fast GIMP job.
Now we have both Disneyland and Disneyworld :biggrin:.

I considered naming the that section Disneyworld, but didn't for a couple of reasons:

It seems inappropiate to call a state Disneyworld, as no other nation or state uses that suffix.
We already have a state of Disneyland, and it would be redundant to have both. (It is too much like having both a North and South Dakota or a Washington State and Washington DC. Eliminating such duplicate naming was the initial point of this exercise.)
  • #115
Janus said:
I considered naming the that section Disneyworld, but didn't for a couple of reasons:
It seems inappropiate to call a state Disneyworld, as no other nation or state uses that suffix.
We already have a state of Disneyland, and it would be redundant to have both. (It is too much like having both a North and South Dakota or a Washington State and Washington DC. Eliminating such duplicate naming was the initial point of this exercise.)

Hmm, good point. To ease costs, Disney Corporation could take over Disneyland, relieving the U.S. Government's burden on having to finance state costs. Perhaps do the same with Texaco... :rolleyes:

And while we're at it, rename Columbia to Colombia and make the former province of British Columbia into another territory of Colombia. Then the South/Latin American countries would be better represented in North America. :-p
  • #116

Following the UK refugee movement into Yukwestuvat.
Border tensions with russia were high, as they were already confused and paranoid as to why they had been given Alaska, no strings attached.
  • #117
Isn't it a little outdated to show Russia in pink?
  • #118
Mother russia in pink? Outdated? I dunno, Alaska/I'll ask her.
bud-a-bum Tishhh!
(Worst pun of the year '05)
  • #119
matthyaouw said:
Mother russia in pink? Outdated? I dunno, Alaska/I'll ask her.
bud-a-bum Tishhh!
(Worst pun of the year '05)

Old joke. THere was a whole song, from the 40's I think, that was all
"What did Delaware, boys, what did Delaware? (etc.)
"She wore a brand New Jersey, (etc etc)"

"Why did Cali phon-ya? (blah blah blah )I don't know Alaska."
"What did Missi sip, boys, what (blaaaaargh, hurl), She sipped a Minni-soda...(yaak yaaaaaK).

Hem. I guess we need to fix that song with the new names now.
  • #120
Stop Giving The Charlotte Islands To Alaska! They're Part Of Bc!
  • #121
motai said:
I thought that it just didn't make sense that the small portion of Michigan above one of the Great Lakes wasn't part of Wisconsin, so I added it to Wisconsin instead of Michigan. :devil:
Hey, if you take "da U.P." away from Michigan, you have to give back to Michigan the slice of northwest Ohio that includes Toledo. Otherwise Michigan might start another Toledo War. :eek:

[added] Ah, I now see that you all have gone way beyond this level... carry on!
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  • #122
Since the city of Toledo was not chartered until 1837 and since the fracas was not actually a war, the term "Toledo War" is ...
hmmm, not as interesting as I thought.
  • #123
Most Improved member Award Evo?
  • #124
Stop being a dink.
  • #125
what have you earned for not sucking up?
  • #126
Dignity, Self-respect, you know, all that crap. Oh, and I have immunity.
  • #127
Since when does a smurf have dignity and self-respect?
  • #128
Jesus, if anyone could see my first few posts I would totally massacre anybody in the "Most Improved Member" award. Wow, extremely embarrassing. Back then I didn't know anything about physics either!
  • #129
oooh! I like Yomamma's map!
Voting and counting ballots is really time consuming - can't we just give Yomamma all the prizes this year? It just seems like the most efficient thing to do.
  • #130
Janus said:
Does this mean we need to cede New York, New Jersey and New Hampshire back to England? Or do we bite the bullet and cede all the New England region?

What? After all the trouble to dump all that tea in the harbor? (it's never been the same since) Would our football team become the Expatriots? Would we replace the Kennedy monarchy with Wills and Charles?

How about we just get Old England to join the U.S. and just name it all England instead? We already share the some of the same accent quirks (dropped r's), the best colleges in the world, and the same U.N. agenda.

- New Phobos
  • #131
Phobos said:
We already share the some of the same accent quirks (dropped r's),
You've never been there, have you?
  • #132
Math Is Hard said:
oooh! I like Yomamma's map!
Voting and counting ballots is really time consuming - can't we just give Yomamma all the prizes this year? It just seems like the most efficient thing to do.
I'll give you a million dollars if you let ME count it, OR if you just throw away yomamma...

EDIT: MIH, do you realize that he gave you the least amount of land, AND ITS CRAPPY LAND!
  • #133
moose said:
I'll give you a million dollars if you let ME count it, OR if you just throw away yomamma...

EDIT: MIH, do you realize that he gave you the least amount of land, AND ITS CRAPPY LAND!
oh, no, baby, he gave me Dixieland - my land of hot sauce and collard greens. He knows right where my heart is! :approve:
  • #134
jtbell said:
Hey, if you take "da U.P." away from Michigan, you have to give back to Michigan the slice of northwest Ohio that includes Toledo. Otherwise Michigan might start another Toledo War. :eek:

[added] Ah, I now see that you all have gone way beyond this level... carry on!

:confused: What is "Michigan"? I have never heard such a state. All we know is that chunk of the U.S. is now known as "Fridiga" :biggrin:

If you need directions to Fridiga, try to find it between Canada and Colombia. :-p
  • #135
Math Is Hard said:
oooh! I like Yomamma's map!
Voting and counting ballots is really time consuming - can't we just give Yomamma all the prizes this year? It just seems like the most efficient thing to do.
Yeah, I'm leaning toward letting yomamma sweep the awards this year. Not that this new truckload of dark Belgian <chomp> chocolate <snarf> has anything to do with my decision. o:)
  • #136
Evo said:
Yeah, I'm leaning toward letting yomamma sweep the awards this year. Not that this new truckload of dark Belgian <chomp> chocolate <snarf> has anything to do with my decision. o:)

How many truckloads goes monthly to the PF sisterhood? I believe its seventeen? why not eighteen? (god, danger's credit card rules)
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  • #137
How'd you manage to morph it from a checkbook into a credit card?
  • #138
The PF sisterhood loans me all kinds of gadgets
  • #139
motai said:
:confused: What is "Michigan"? I have never heard such a state. All we know is that chunk of the U.S. is now known as "Fridiga" :biggrin:
If you need directions to Fridiga, try to find it between Canada and Colombia. :-p
and if you go straight South from Detroit what's the first different Country you come to?

that's right Canada. so it should be between Canada and Canada, not Colombia
  • #140
tribdog said:
and if you go straight South from Detroit what's the first different Country you come to?

I bet you win a lot of bets in bars/pubs with that one. :smile:

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